How to add missing images as per warning in "styleimagemissing" event in azure maps? And how to find out which images/icons are missing? - azure-maps

I'm adding a number of icons created from imageSprite.createFromTemplate() method however sometimes I'm receiving the following error . How to resolve it using "styleimagemissing" event? How to find out which image is missing to add in the callback ?. And the symbol layer created using the icons sometimes overlaps over the bubble layer(cluster layer) too in some clusters. I don't know if that is caused due to missing images. Thanks in advance.
atlas.min.js:55 Image "Scaffold Builder_Inactive_Icon" could not be loaded. Please make sure you have added the image with map.addImage() or a "sprite" property in your style. You can provide missing images by listening for the "styleimagemissing" map event.

The styleimagemissing event will tell you the ID of the image that is missing. It won't tell you which symbol layer is trying to use that image however as a single image may be used by multiple layers.
Here is an example of how to use this event:
var iconLoaded = {};
//Add an event to handle the situation when an image is missing from the sprite.'styleimagemissing', function (id) {
//Check to see if the image is has been or is being loaded. Don't try and load the image multiple times.
if (!iconLoaded[id]) {
iconLoaded[id] = true;
//Load the custom image icon into the map resources.
map.imageSprite.add(id, '../Common/images/icons/showers.png').then();
A complete sample is available here:


Angularjs - Charts.js: Same chart element doesn't redraw on other view

I am new to angularjs, trying to create my first directive. I am creating a directive to load Charts.js2.0(beta) into my application.
I have 2 views managed by angular-route, both html view has ng-included a html page that contains only charts-element.
The problem is the first page properly draws the chart, when i go to other view the charts div is loaded but charts is not re-drawn. And now if i go back to first view its blank.
Link to Plunker
What i am doing wrong? Is there any issue with my directive?
Thanks in advance.
There appears to be an issue with the Charts library modifying the existing object on the root scope, and thereby ignoring it forever afterward. I can't really trace down what is doing it, but here's a fix for you:
Here is what you had
scope.$watch('config', function(newVal) {
if(angular.isDefined(newVal)) {
if(charts) {
var ctx = element[0].getContext("2d");
charts = new Chart(ctx, scope.config);
//scope.$emit('create', charts);
Above, you can see that you're passing scope.config directly into the charts method. That appears to be modifying the data somehow, and since that's passed by reference, you're actually modifying $rootScope.sales.charts. If you copy that object and use it locally like below, you don't have that problem.
Here's how I fixed it.
scope.$watch('config', function(newVal) {
var config = angular.copy(scope.config);
if(angular.isDefined(newVal)) {
if(charts) {
var ctx = element[0].getContext("2d");
charts = new Chart(ctx, config);
//scope.$emit('create', charts);
You can see that instead of passing that object directly in, we use angular to make a copy (angular.copy()), and that's the object we pass in.
I think it has relation with the id of the canvas where you are drawing. I've had this problem too amd it was because i was using the same id for the canvas of two graphs in different views. Be sure that those ids are different and that the javasrcipt of each graph is in the controller of each view or in each view itself.
Taking a look at your pluker I see that you are using the same html for the graph and I guess that when angular moves from one of your views to the other thinks that the graph is already drawn. Differentiating two graphs will solve the problem. I don't know of there is any other approach that allows using the same html for the canvas of the graph.
Hope it helps you solve it

Drive Time and Distance from Leaflet Routing Machine

I’m building embedded content for a CRM using JQuery Datatables, Leaflet with OSM tiles, and Leaflet Routing Machine. Markers on the map and the rows of the table are based on the SAME JSON data, and I’m building interactions (using SHARED JavaScript functions) between the two libraries. For example, when a Datatable row is clicked, the row is highlighted, a popup is opened over the corresponding map marker, and a route is calculated using LRM which places the route line on the map. Conversely, when a map marker is clicked, all the same events happen because I'm calling the SAME function.
By default, the Itinerary LRM creates is hidden on the map, but I would like to parse out the Drive Time and Distance, and insert them in the popup opened by the shared function. I have spent four days pouring over the API documentation and searching the internet looking for clear instructions or code samples on how to access these values from the Itinerary object, but with no success. I have inspected every object I can figure out how to log to the console, but the data I need is in properties that come up ‘undefined’ when I try to access them.
Please, from start to finish, how do I access the Itinerary Summary?
When I init the map, I also init the Routing Control with null waypoints:
ctrl = L.Routing.control({
waypoints: null,
units: 'imperial',
show: false,
createMarker: function() { return null; }
When a marker/row is clicked, I call this function:
function clickEffects(id, latlon) {
// set waypoints for routing control
ctrl.setWaypoints([ ctr, latlon])
// scroll the table to the row for the clicked marker
var idx = table.row("#" + id).index()
// create and open a popup
var popup = L.popup()
.setContent("Dan was here!!!")
Figured it out:
Declared popup in global scope
Bound default "Loading..." content when creating marker
In shared function, set div's with target id's in new popup content
(in addition to freshly retrieved ajax content.
In "routesfound" event listener, used JQuery to insert formatted
drive time and distance on target divs.
Works like a charm. Just need to expand on ajax data now...

how to load Image in apex.execute

Wants some information about the image loading while my process is happening.
Actually I m calling a callout on Button click , for that I have used
var url = parent.location.href;
But the result comes in after 4-5 secoonds . So I want to show a loading image in the mean time.
Can someone suggest me how to do that.
Before you call the sforce.apex.execute, use javascript to show an image.
I would suggest to use a javascript library like jQuery.
Then you can do something like this:
var url = parent.location.href;
$('the id of the element you want to change').html('<img src="image_url_here" />');
If you use the element that is going to be updated by sforce.apex.execute it will disappear when that gets updated.
But for a full answer you would have to post some more code (especially the html)

Image crop with AngularJS

I want to let the user crop an image, I found this JQuery plugin -
I tried to use it with Angular-ui's Jquery passthrough option, adding the ui-jq=Jcrop directive to the <img>
The problem is that If I use ng-src to dynamically change the image it doesn't work and nothing is seen. If I change it to src and put a static url I can see the image and Jcrop.
how can I fix that ?
also, how can I listen to Jcrop's callbacks to know what is the user's selection ?
is there a better / simpler way to add image cropping functionality to AngularJS ?
Here is my solution:
I've written a directive that create img element and apply plugin on it. When src is changed, this img is removed and content that was created by plugin is also destroyed and then re-created new img with new src and again applied plugin on it.
Also provided 'selected' callback to be able to get coordinated that were selected (wrapped in $apply so you can modify your scope values in it).
Check my solution at Plunker
I've built a demo using AngularJS and Jcrop here:
On Github:
You can leverage ui-event to create an event definition object with the keys being the event names and the values being the callbacks. Or you can simply pass these events as options to Jcrop (according to the documentation)
Finally, there is a new update coming to ui-jq that lets you add ui-refresh which is an expression to be watched to re-trigger the plugin.
Theoretically you should be able to do
<img ui-jq="Jcrop"
ng-src="imgSrc" />
Note: this simply re-fires the passthrough again, and doesn't automatically mean this will fix the problem or that the plugin will behave properly when re-initialized
We're still working on a good way to allow you to trigger different events at different times.

Toggle KML overlay for Google Maps API v3 using checkbox

Does anyone have some sample code for toggling a KML overlay layer with a checkbox? I can get a kml layer on my map to toggle off when I uncheck the checkbox, but I can't get it to toggle back on. I've viewed all sorts of sample sites and code, but can't get this thing to work. The site in question is at
1) Your problem is that map var is not defined -
you defined var map inside a one function but trying to call it from other one. Define it outside of the function
var map;
var todayLayer;
var todayShown = 1;
var todayWdgt;
2) minor error. todayWdgt is NULL. Its just that you try to assign something that doesn't exist yet.
You should run this code after the document is ready.
todayWdgt = document.getElementById("todayBtn");
todayWdgt.checked = true;
Try using firebug.
