troubleshooting steps when React.memo() not working? - reactjs

I have a component with some tabs. Each tab selector loads its own datagrid. After a tab has been selected and its datagrid has been loaded, the datagrid should be essentially cached so that toggling away and back to the tab should simply write out the previous datagrid that was loaded/cached. The datagrid entity that gets loaded for each tab/entity essentially looks like this:
<MyDataGrid entity={entity} />
I've wrapped the datagrid component definition with the memo() function like this:
const MyDataGrid = memo((props: IncludeListProps): React.ReactElement => {
However, the debugger breakpoint is getting hit within the component every time. What is the sequence of steps that you would use to go about troubleshooting something like this?
Providing some additional info based on comments below. A tab strip on top refreshes the display div underneath. So yes the props of MyDataGrid change (eg
But what I need to do is figure out the best way to cache/memoize each MyDataGrid created per tab. I'm thinking maybe a div collection where each div will be reserved to hold MyDataGrid for a specific tab. Then divs will display inline/none based on the current tab selection. Does this seem like the most straightforward approach?


Access a component inside a Tab component

I'm new using Codename One. I'm doing an app which have a Form, that has a Tab component with 14 tabs inside, every tab has a gridlayout with 42 buttons, and I want to change a property in one button.
The problem is that I don't know how to reach that button.
tabG is the tab component, and I can reach the tab that I need, but after that I don't know how to reach the button index I want to change.
I tried
But even can't compile this code.
I'll apprecciate any help.
When you create the tab you need to prepare information to find the component later. E.g. if all tabs derive from the same class then just do something like:
MyBaseContainer cnt = (MyBaseContainer)tabs.getTabComponentAt(index);
Button theButtonINeed cnt.getMyImportantButton();
If this is more complicated you can use setName() or putClientProperty to prepare hints for you during form construction.

How to expand/collapse row details?

How can I implement row details and expanding/collapsing of custom details component using react-data-grid?
I have table of users and I want to be able to see user details after click/double click on the user row. Something like this: . It is possible using this component?
There is an example for React similar to the jquery version of the Kendo grid. The idea is that you can now use React Components for the Details. For example you may place a another grid into the template Grid to get hierarchy.
class DetailComponent extends GridDetailRow {
render() {
return (
<Grid data={this.props.dataItem.details}>
// ...
// ...
this is one of the maintainers of react-data-grid.
We consider the Kendo example to represent 2 different features:-
the ability to nest data in an expandable tree view
the ability to render any component (e.g. a sub-grid) as that child view
At the moment, we only have support for the former (see
Nested Grids is something that is requested often, but unfortunately for now we do not currently support it. However, this may change in future.
There are many ways to do, but the simplest maybe you can set the state of the component with the key of the cell clicked, and creating the component in a function, pass the value if should be collapsed or not, and return the collapsed or not component of that cell and render it.

Is it possible to have class or ids on the grid drop down filter?

Can you have HTML ids or classes for the drop down filter/sort widget in extjs Grids?
What I mean is this component :
It's needed for test automation purposes. However we can probably live with it if its not possible, using some fancy CSS selectors instead.
Grid column menu can be quite tricky to test. The main problem that I see is that its html markup does not exist before you click on the column menu button (down arrow). When you click it the main menu with sort, columns and optionally filters is rendered (html markup is created), however, columns submenu html still does not exist. It is created when you move mouse over Columns item of main menu when the submenu is rendered and shown.
From that point on it exists for all columns because only one menu is use for all.
Thus, for testing, you would either need to simulate mouse clicks/moves or manually render the menu/submenu.
You can find out CSS classes involved (after the menu is rendered) by using developer tools to inspect the html markup.

Implementation of menu buttons in WPF/MVVM/Prism

I have a Region in the top left of the WPF application which I want to be my global button bar where the user chooses which screen they want to view, and the appropriate content will then be displayed in the main region. THere will also be a sub navigation region in the top right with sub-menu options within that screen, eg if the user clicked "Maintenance" from the main menu, the sub menu would show options for New, Update, Delete, Edit etc.
What I want to have is a way to create a custom menu bar by simply specifying a list of Text button names, and ICommand/Parameter pairs for the action to invoke on button click. The natural way to do this would be have a MenuButtonViewModel class with dependency properties Title, Command and CommandParameter. One more would also be needed, IsSelected, so there is some visual way for the user to see which screen you are currently on, so it needs to behave like a toggle button, but where only one button in the group can be selected at a time. I can then have a UserControl where the content of the bar binds to an ObservableCollection and uses data templates to render the button bar.
I have tried a few ways of doing this so far but cannot figure out a way that gives me the visual behaviour I want. These are my requirements
1) Button to change background to a different Brush OnMouseOver
2) When button is selected, a different Brush is displayed as the background until a new button in the group is selected, like a togglebutton IsSelected behaviour
3) Only one button in the group can be selected at a time
The ways I have tried to do this so far are
1) Extending RadioButton with my own class, adding dependency properties for command and commandparameter. Setting all controls to have the same group Id. Data template to override display of radio button to make it look like a visual button with triggers for mouseover and isselected.
This works fine, except for one thing. Once you select a radio button in a group, there is no way to deselect all options in the radio button group. So if you navigate to "maintenance" and then click the sub menu for "Countries" for example, then you are displayed the country maintenance screen. If you then go to a different area of the app and select "Deal Entry" from the main menu, you are taken to the deal entry screen. If you then click "Maintenance", it displays the generic "maintenance" content and brings back the sub menu control for maintenance, where "Country" is selected in the radio button group, but this is undesirable. When you navigate back to Maintenance, it should deselect all sub menu options, display the generic maintenance landing page content and let you select a sub menu option before displaying that screens content. The first time you load Maintenance, nothing is selected, but once you have chosen an option, then there is no way to have nothing selected again when you reload the maintenance screen.
2) I then tried extending a ListBox, styling it with a horizontal stackpanel for the content, each listboxitem is a menubuttonViewModel. This allows me to only select a single option at a time and to clear the selection when you navigate away from the page. It also lets me change the background when you mouse over each listboxitem.
The bit I can't get working with the listbox is to have the background different on the IsSelected trigger. There seems to be some trigger on the default ListBoxItem template that overrides anything you specify in CSS so no matter what trigger I put on the listboxitem or menubuttonviewmodel style, the background simply does not change. I think I need to redefine the data and content template for listboxitem, but only have it apply for this listbox, so it can't be a global template change to all listboxitems - as I want to be able to use listboxes elsewhere in the app without inheriting this behaviour.
Can anyone give their thoughts on these two approaches and how to perhaps solve the issues I'm having to make one of them work in the way I want, particularly if you can advise how I can override the content/data template for the listboxitems in my style so they do not use the default triggers, and I can get the IsSelected trigger working for me?
If I understood correctly, you would want to clear the selection on the RadioButtons from the Sub-Menu each time you navigate back from another Main Menu option.
In order to solve this, you could have every Radio Button "unchecked" by manually setting the RadioButton´s IsChecked property value to false. A possible solution could be the following:
If you want to clear any checked option from the Sub-Menu everytime you navigate to a different section of the Main Menu, you could first notify to the Sub-Menu´s ViewModel by publishing an event using the EventAggregator after selecting and clicking a different MainMenu button, from the SelectionChangedEventHandler method of the Main Menu´s ViewModel.
Therefore, the Sub-Menu EventHandler of the published event would update each RadioButton´s IsChecked property value to false, which it could be accomplished by using a "Two-Way" Binding between each IsChecked property defined on the View, and each boolean "RadioButton1IsChecked" property implemented on the ViewModel.
I hope this helped you.

How to show a Page inside MainWindow?

In my MainWindow.xaml, I have a DockPanel that contains Menu, Page and Status Bar. I want to show this Page when an option is clicked from the Menu. The Page should appear as centered to the parent, MainWindow. This Page will be acting as a center place to show different Forms, i.e, User Controls, Content etc..
I am not following how to add a reference in the Code-Behind .cs file of the MainWindow to show this Page.
For most things that I want to Disappear/Reappear, I set the visibililty. If you are using the codebehind for this, ensure that the page has a name:
<Page x:Name="MyPage"/>
Then you should be able to do something like:
This.MyPage.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
Unless your page is a resource, If that is the case, just:
Out of curiosity, why do you want to use a page? I have never had cause to use one and would like to know what one needs it for.
