I have a problem of wordpress theme and elementor - elementor

Why does this happen?
Why does this happen?
#elementor_theme_builder #hello-elementor

Go to settings en check "Hide titel"
Click left icon for settings


ReacTabs anchor elements should have href defined to allow open in new tab

I would like to right click the navigation tab and then open a new tab which transfers the components.
Can you help me to define href in anchor elements to allow open in new tab ?
You can do that with React Portals. Also there is amazing article for that.

How to use customized icon for Firefox omnibox search suggestion

I want to my Firefox extension could use Firefox omnibox and return user some suggestions when input changed.
At current stage, the omnibox could give me some suggestions, but the icon of the suggestion is still default instead of icon of the website. I already set my extension icon in manifest.json and size of icon is 16px by 16px and 32px by 32px with 7kb.
Should I set suggestion icon somewhere else?
I follow the example from this: https://github.com/mdn/webextensions-examples/tree/master/firefox-code-search

Ckeditor Slideshow icon not displayed

I work with drupal 4.4.7 and ckeditor, I want to use slideshow, plugin of ckeditor.I have installed ckeditor and ckfinder correctly, also i have installed slideshow and turn on this plugin on configuration page, but there is no icon in CKeditor settings "SHOWEDITOR APPEARANCE" tab.
Can anybody help me?
I had the same problem and found a solution!
In "sites\all\modules\ckeditor\plugins\slideshow\plugin.js" I added the path to the icon image (line 91):
// Create a toolbar button that executes the above command.
editor.ui.addButton('Slideshow', {
// The text part of the button (if available) and tooptip.
label: lang.insertSlideShow,
command: 'slideshow',
// The button placement in the toolbar (toolbar group name).
toolbar: 'insert',
icon: this.path + 'icons/slideshow.png'
The button now appears in the configuration CKEditor :)

onsenui adding a custom image in the navigation title

Would like to know how to set an image in the navigation bar instead of the title. I would still require the left hamburger menu icon though.
Can this be easily achieved?
This was done part of their documentation of "ons-toolbar-button"
See it here: 'http://codepen.io/onsen/pen/aHmGL'
Click on the Images selection under "Toolbar Variants" to see how it looks.
[1]: http://codepen.io/onsen/pen/aHmGL

Unable to set button icon with ImageDownloadService (EncodedImage)

I have an issue with ImageDownloadService. Below is my code. If I use a label, I can display the image downloaded from a server. But if I use a button, nothing is displayed. I have set the placeholder as the initial icon of the button. Please what am i doing wrong?
EncodedImage eImg = EncodedImage.findButton(f).getIcon();
Image i = URLImage.createToStorage(eImg, "MyStoredImage.jpg", "http://ImgURL.png", URLImage.RESIZE_SCALE);
//now set the ad image to downloaded image
If I used findLabel(f).getIcon() instead and findLabel(f).setIcon(i), the code would work but for Button it does not. Why is this?
Thanks in advance.
See the discussion in the Codename One forum here https://groups.google.com/d/msg/codenameone-discussions/05dLV771OV8/x-pEYngCrsEJ
