Property "children" is missing when retrieving synced block - reactjs

Notion API has supported synced_block. I am using the Notion API with Next.js. According to the docs and the changelog, the output should contain such properties.
This is an example of an "original" synced_block. Note that all of the blocks available to be synced in another synced_block are captured in the children property.
"type": "synced_block",
"synced_block": {
"synced_from": null,
"children": [
"callout": {
"text": [
"type": "text",
"text": {
"content": "Callout in synced block"
So far, I can get the block_id of the original synced block from the reference synced block.
However, the children property is missing for the original synced block. I cannot get the content of the synced_block that I created.
Only the synced_from property can be retrieved.
"synced_block": {
"synced_from": null
Tried with Postman and get the same result.

After reaching for the support from Notion, I found that I misunderstood the API documentation.
Briefly, instead of retrieving a block, I will need another api call to retrieve the block children.
If you need to retrieve the children of the synced block you can use the "Retrieve block children" endpoint here in the documentation. This will return information on the content inside the synced block.
To retrieve children of a block using #notionhq/client:
const response = await notion.blocks.children.list({
block_id: blockId,


Best way to handle big dynamic form with stages in React?

I want to make an app where the admins can create "global" forms that other users can fill in. So I need these global forms to be dynamically rendered, and they are kind of big (30+ fields) and are divided in stages (e.g. stage 1 is for personal info, stage 2 is for job skills, etc).
I thought of receiving these "global" forms via JSON, something like this:
"name":"Personal information",
"placeholder":"John Smith",
"name":"Job profile",
"label":"Starting date",
"label":"Ending date",
So I created a component called MasterForm that first gets the empty form in componentDidMount(), like a blueprint. Then, once it is fetched, it tries to get the data entered by the user and put it in the form as the value property. After that, it passes the form down to the Stage component which renders every field as an Input component. That way, MasterForm controls the current stage, and allows the user to navigate among stages, and also fetches the data and fills the form. With all the checks and stuff, my MasterForm component got very big (around 700 lines), and every time I update the value of a field in the form, I update the whole form object in the state, so I think that might be slow. Also, to fill in the form with the user's data, I have to copy every nested object and array inside the form object, to avoid mutating the state, and that's also very messy (a lot of const updatedFields = { ...this.state.form.stage.fields } and stuff).
Are there better ways to do this (preferably without Redux)? How could I decouple this huge MasterForm component? Is there a better way to update the form values (other than updating the whole form every time)? or maybe React is smart and doesn't update the whole state, but just the bit that changed... I'm not sure, I'm new to React.
Look into formik and Yup
Here they are coupled together

How to iterate through a JSON array and display specific information based on an API response value in React?

I'm building a ReactJS web application, I have a JSON array:
"2149166938": {
"name": "Classical-42",
"icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/e6885dab15cafeaf0dbf80f1ff9b5eb8.jpg"
"2149166939": {
"name": "Countess SA/2",
"icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/de8906743db9fce201b33802c8498943.jpg"
"2154059444": {
"name": "The Long Goodbye",
"icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/fe07633a2ee87f0c00d5b0c0f3838a7d.jpg"
When I make a call to an API I am returned a value of lets say 2154059444 which is the same value as the last object in my JSON file.
How would I iterate through the JSON file to find the object which has a value of 2154059444 and then access and render it's child values like name or icon?
you can do something like this. Your array is not proper please edit.
Create filtered data :
//here i am addding single dummy point you can make your function
et filteredData = [].concat( => {
return test["2154059444"]
and simply render it app like this .
{ => <div>{}</div>)}
Here is live link
This is simple. JSON is equivalent to Javascript object. So you can do something like result[0]["2154059444"]. You might want to use JSON.parse for converting the JSON string to Javascript object.

AngularJS - Calling values in response with Spring GET

New here so my description might be bad but I'm trying to access the values on the second level of my JSON but I can't seem to get it. It only brings the values of the top level.
My JSON body looks like the following:
"services": [
"nameLevel1": "Example1",
"secondServices": [
"id": 1,
"namelevel2": "Example2",
And when I call it, I only can get the nameLevel1 and that is it. My GET method is this:
$scope.retrieveServices = function (id) {
"collection": "user",
"resource": id
function (response) { // Success Function
$scope.userServices =;
$scope.recievedValues = true;
Now I originally thought all I would have to do is:
$scope.userServices =;
But I'm getting an undefined issue. So my query is how do I access all of them? My JSON body when doing a log output does show everything, but for some reason I can't seem to get it to show everything in my table. Only the nameLevel1 values.
Any help would be appreciate, and I hope my description is okay. Edits would be get as well since not too sure if I have labelled this correctly. Thank you!

Custom data unwrapping in ampersand.js model

I have a model - Configuration:
var Configuration = Model.extend({
props: {
name: 'string'
In the database, configuration model / table has 3 columns -> id, name and fields. The latter stores site config as a serialized array. When retrieving the entry from the database, I unserialize it and then pass it to the front end, so the front end receives this:
"id": 1,
"name": 'global',
"fields": {
"enabled": true,
"site_name": "Test"
What I want to do is to set whatever is inside fields object as properties on my model, or maybe session so that things get triggered throughout the site when they are updated. To visualize it, I want to achieve something like this:
var Configuration = Model.extend({
props: {
enabled: 'boolean',
site_name: 'string'
So basically, is there are a way to 'unwrap' stuff in fields object somehow?
The parse method is what you're looking for in this case. See It allows you to transform incoming props.

Trouble with updating object properties in AngularJs

I am building my first app in AngularJs.
Here is the plunkr with what I've done so far. The user should be able to add new websites and group them in groups. Groups are also made by the user. Any time the new group is created it is available for new websites. What app should also do is to update group objects with newly assigned websites... and this is where I fail.
Here is how json should look like:
"sites": [
"url": "http://sfdg",
"id": 0,
"groups": [
"name": "adsf",
"id": 0
"groups": [
"name": "adsf",
"id": 0,
"sites": [//sites assigned
In the plunkr code I used push but that just adds new group...
Could you please direct me to the right way of achieving this.
To prevent circular references (a website object refers to a group object that refers to the website object, etc...), I would store id's to the relevant objects instead.
First, when creating a new group, add an empty sites array to it:
function createGroup(newGroup) {
newGroup.sites = []; // <-- add empty array of sites
$scope.groups.push(newGroup); = groupIdSeq;
groupMap[] = newGroup;
return newGroup;
Then, when you create a new site, update each group to which the site is added:
function createSite(newSite, groups) {
$scope.sites.push(newSite); = siteIdSeq;
sitesMap[] = newSite;
// instead of storing the groups array, only store their id:
newSite.groups = { return });
// and add this new sites id to the groups' sites array.
groups.forEach(function(group) {
return newSite;
(updated plunker here)
