Debugging OS 1053 The service did not respond to start or control in a timely fashion - database

During Oracle 21c database creation with DBCA OS 1053(sreenshot below) "OracleService{SID}" occurs. Tried adjusting ServicesPipeTimeout registry but it seems to take no effect as timeout occurs instantly. What could be checked to gain more insight into this problem? Couldn't find anything regarding the error in dbca log.
I had to go for "set up software only" in oracle installer because of "INS-30014: Unable to check whether the location specified is on CFS". Some people reported that disabling network helps with this issue but I am working on a remote VM so it doesn't seem to be an option for me.
System: Windows Server 2016 Standard

Seems that too long DNS name was causing the issue(above 15 chars). After making it shorter, managed to perform installation and services work correctly.


Msmdpump.dll OLAP data pump is throwing a 500 error

How do I resolve this issue with requests to msmdpump.dll for connections to SQL Server Analysis Services? I am receiving a 500 Error from the IsapiModule.
On a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine, with IIS 8.5, I have setup the OLAP data pump (msmdpump.dll), using the following instructions:
The application pool is configured for .NET CLR v4.0, with Classic Managed pipeline mode. The identity is set to a local service account. (I have also tried a domain account, and I have tried making the local user an Administrator).
I've created an application under the Default Web Site, called OLAP, with an IsapiModule, as per the MSDN article.
As far as I can tell (and I've double and triple checked), everything is configured as laid out in the MSDN article. Also, compared to another server where I have this setup (on a different network), it is essentially the same.
When I request http://localhost/OLAP/msmdpump.dll in a browser on that machine, I receive a 500 Internal Server Error. The error indicates that it is trying to use the OLAP handler that I created. This is not the same error that I would normally expect when doing a GET request to msmdpump.dll. The normal error for a straight GET, when everything is working correctly, is sent back in a SOAP envelope. In my case, the request does not appear to ever be processed by msmdpump.dll.
500 Internal Server Error via browser:
(see below for full screenshot)
Module IsapiModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler OLAP
Error Code 0x8007007e
Requested URL http://localhost:80/OLAP/msmdpump.dll
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\OLAP\msmdpump.dll
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
500 Internal Server Error via SSMS connection:
I also receive an error when trying to connect to the data pump via SQL Server Management Studio:
Screenshot of the 500 error in the browser:
One appreciable difference between the machine I'm setting up, and the server where the data pump already works, is that there are a few more roles setup on the new server.
The problem server includes:
.NET Extensibility 4.5
While the other machine (where the data pump works), does not include those roles. Would the presence of ASP.NET 4.5 or .NET Extensibility 4.5 cause an issue with IIS serving requests for this IsapiModule?
Quick answer
In my case installing KB3138367 ( resolved the issue.
Longer answer
There are a few debugging steps that can be useful.
Configure IIS tracing
For full instructions see:
However, you can ignore the parts where it tells you to delete your existing content - they're going a little overboard there to ensure you get the same results in the tutorial. Just add the failed request tracing to your existing site, catching "500" status codes.
In my case, that led me to the result:
ModuleName IsapiModule
HttpStatus 500
HttpReason Internal Server Error
HttpSubStatus 0
ErrorCode The specified module could not be found. (0x8007007e)
I confirmed that my handler mappings had the correct path to msmdpump.dll, but still got the error. So time for the next debugging step:
Use Sysinternal Process Monitor to check w3wp.exe
Process monitor is a free tool from Microsoft:
Use Process Monitor to log file system access (filter on the "w3wp.exe" process to avoid being overwhelmed)
Look for NAME NOT FOUND and PROCESS NOT FOUND results. There will be a number of these as the system attempts to e.g. locate various dlls, so it is normal to see some NOT FOUND results followed by SUCCESS results for the same filename. You are looking for NOT FOUND results that do not have any corresponding SUCCESS results.
In my case, this highlighted two dlls:
These turn out to be part of the “Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable” package (
However, "Add/Remove Programs" showed that the package was already installed. Running "repair" on the package did not resolve the issue.
Locating the dlls
In my case, the OLAP pump is installed an a web server separate from Analysis Services.
Running these powershell commands:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\' -Recurse -File -Filter 'msvcr120.dll' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty DirectoryName
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\' -Recurse -File -Filter 'msvcp120.dll' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty DirectoryName
yielded some interesting results. On the web server, the dlls only showed in C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
However, on the server where Analysis Services was installed, the dlls were present in both C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (as well as a few other sql server paths)
(as an aside, SysWOW64 contains 32 bit dlls, and System32 may contain 64 bit dlls. So simply copying from SysWOW64 to System32 is likely to cause you problems. See
I could see from the Process Monitor logs on the web server that one of the search paths was C:\Windows\System32. A little more searching led to KB3138367 (Installing both Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable packages (x86 & x64) at the same time)
The actual KB text ( describes the issue:
When you install an updated redistributable package, binaries for
non-target architectures are removed. For example, after you install
an update for an x86-based application, the x64 Visual C++ 2013
runtime libraries are missing. This fix makes sure that both versions
of the Visual C++ redistributable are visible when you add or remove
programs after installation of the update.
You should probably disable Anonymous Authentication on IIS
This is the perfect article, as expected to see on stackoverflow! I even thought that this case is also mine, but thorough checks shown my problem was crushing msmdpump.dll, and that crash was an exception, caught internally by msmdpump.dll. The only visible clue was a message in Windows Application log stating "an internal error happened" (or smth. alike). Googling alot didn't bring any valuable results, but suddenly this article gave me an idea to check for the LATEST MSQL cumulative update from here, and, after installing it and re-coping msmdpump.dll the crash was gone and cubes finally shown up as expected in SSMS interface. Needless to say that all issues with IIS Identity Pool, double-hop and other security-related stuff was rechecked many times with no success... Realizing that exception is inside the dll itself take some time to come...

Mirroring in SQL Server 2008

I'm trying to set up mirroring between two sql 2008 databases on different servers in my internal network, as a test run before doing the same thing with two live servers in different locations.
When I actually try and switch the mirroring on the target DB (with
ALTER DATABASE testdb SET PARTNER = N'TCP://myNetworkAddress:5022') I'm getting an error telling me that the server network address can not be reached or does not exist. A little research suggests this is a fairly unhelpful message that pops up due to a number of possible causes, some of which are not directly related to the server existing or otherwise.
So far I've checked and tried the following to solve this problem:
On the target server, I've verified that in SQL Configuration Manager that "Protocols for SQLEXPRESS" (my local installation is labelled SQLEXPRESS for some reason, even though querying SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') reveals that it's 64-bit Enterprise), and Client Protocols for SQL Native Client 10 all have TCP/IP enabled
I'm using a utility program called CurrPorts to verify that there is a TCP/IP port with the same number specified by the mirroring setup (5022) is open and listening on my machine. Netstat verifies that both machines are listening on this port.
I've run SELECT type_desc, port FROM sys.tcp_endpoints; and
SELECT state_desc, role FROM sys.database_mirroring_endpoints to ensure that everything is set up as it should be. The only thing that confused me was the "role" returns 1 .. not entirely sure what that means.
I've tried to prepare the DB correctly. I've taken backups of the database and the log file from the master DB and restored them on the target database with NORESTORE. I've tried turning mirroring on both while leaving them in the NORESTORE state and running an empty RESTORE ... neither seems to make much difference. Just as a test I also tried to mirror an inactive, nearly empty database that I created but that didn't work either.
I've verified that neither server is behind a firewall (they're both on the same network, although on different machines)
I've no idea where to turn next. I've seen these two troubleshooting help pages:
And as far as I can tell I've run through all the points to no avail.
One other thing I'm unsure of is the service accounts box in the wizard. For both databases I've been putting in our high-level access account name which should have full admin permissions on the database - I assumed this was the right thing to do.
I'm not sure where to turn next to try and troubleshoot this problem. Suggestions gratefully received.
I think that SQL Express can only act as a witness server with this SQL feature, you might get better mileage on ServerFault though.
Your network settings might be OK. We got quite non-informative error messages in MS SQL - the problem might be an authorization issue and the server still will be saying "network address can not be reached".
By the way, how the authentication is performed? A MSSQL service (on server1) itself must be runned as a valid db user (on server2, and vice versa) in order to make the mirroring work.

Problem running scripts against SQL Server

We have some scripts that we run as part of our unit tests.
This worked fine until today.
We have tried running scripts with both windows and sql authentication.
We have no problems logging in using sql manager
Anybody have any ideas why we get the following error:
Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe.
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Communication link failure.
Thanks for the replys. The actual appears to be a password problem, which used up all the connections. The process was not listening because there were no available connections.
Look in SQL Server Configuration Manager and make sure the protocols you are using to connect to it are setup correctly. I suggest you enable "Shared Memory" and "TCP/IP".
Ask around, try and determine what was changed on your environment--by who, and how--that caused a working process to stop working. If succesful, you will (a) have a strong lead on discovering the details of what's going wrong, and (b) be in a position to ensure it doesn't recur. (Just solving the tech side might not prevent it from happening again...)

SQL server 2005 Connection Error: Cannot generate SSPI context

Provide Used: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. Can anyone help me with this..
I was trying to connect with LLBLgen
This MSDN blog page has some useful on this...
In my case, I found the account was locked.
Reason was I previously, on another machine more than 3 times tried to login.
It did not recognise me - and tthen finally it locked my account.
Reopening account made all work fine.
The error you get is almost always caused by a problem with using Windows Authentication. Please try switching to a SQL server login (username/password), or make sure your current Windows login has access to the SQL server and database you're trying to connect to.
I fixed this by mapping a drive to the server running MSSQL. This seemed to generate some kind of trust that allows MSSQL to connect without this error even after a reboot.
I used to get this error sometimes when connecting to my local SQL Server with Windows Authentication. I never fixed it unfortunately - it went away when I reinstalled windows.
I think a reboot used to fix it - have you tried that? Not exactly the best solution, I know :P
Try to synchronize your date and time with the your domain's. The SSPI issue may be related to Active Directory authentication problems, some of them related to date and time changes. This is very simple to check and fix. Try it out!
There is a Microsoft KB article that addresses many of the reasons for this area (KB811889) at the following URL:
A lot of Googling shows that one of the diagnostic steps helped most people who encountered the issue.
I recently had this exact issue where I'd get this error only when authenticating with certain accounts, but not others. Ultimately what was causing my problem was not mentioned in any KB or article I found on the net, but through trial and error I discovered that when the account used through SSPI authentication to SQL Server (2k8) happened to be in a large number of groups (in my case over 250) you would get the "Cannot Generate SSPI context" error. I suspect it has something to do with overflowing the security token that Kerberos uses and have seen similar strange authentication problems for user accounts in a large number of groups.
I get the problem when I have the time set differently on my client machine than either the server or the AD machine ( I was trying to test into the future).
Short Answer: Have you recently change the user the service is running as? Was there a system crash?
Long Answer:
I know this is old, but I want to post my experience that I just had.
We had spent hours Googling and found nothing that worked.
Eventually we ran across a set of actions that could cause this:
If you change the user that the Sql Server runs as (e.g. from Local System to a domain usr) and do certain updates and the server doesn't safely reboot -- you get this.
So, we set things back to Local System and bam it worked. Swapped it to the domain user, no worky worky. Ok. Swapped it to Local System, rebooted, swapped it to domain user, rebooted, bam -- worky worky. All was good in our world. Later that morning it crapped out again... still working on that now but the priority is changing and I'm not sure we're going to continue work on this problem so I wanted to post something in case this happens to someone else.
What caused ours was we did an update and, apparently, we learned that it's bad practice to let Sql Server run as Local System so we changed it to a domain user. We never rebooted, but restart the service. A month later, we do updates. We don't reboot. A month goes by and a power strip fries causing the server to have an unexpected shutdown. Yet another month later we find out problem because we rarely connect to this particular database (Interestingly, Sql Server 2008 worked fine... it was only 2005). Or... at least this is the best we've come across.
Our admin guy doesn't like Vista and likes to blame everything on Vista (refuses to let us test Windows 7)... so he Googled "sspi vista" or something like (I know it had sspi and vista, but it might have had another one... in case you need to Google it was well) that and ran across an article that pretty explained our scenario after we had a meeting we all remember these pieces and placed this picture together.
In my case, the time synchronization issue in the Windows 2003 domain environment was actually the issue.
This was quite easy to overlook as the two had been on two different time zones, whilst showing the same times on their clocks; which in effect was about 1 hour apart.
So other than the time on their watches, check the time zones as well.

Why do I get this error "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error" with ASP pages

Occasionally, on a ASP (classic) site users will get this error:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error.
Seems to be random and not connected to any particular page. The SQL server is separated from the web server and my guess is that every once and a while the "link" goes down between the two. Router/switch issue... or has someone else ran into this problem before?
Using the same setup as yours (ie separate web and database server), I've seen it from time to time and it has always been a connection problem between the servers - typically when the database server is being rebooted but sometimes when there's a comms problem somewhere in the system. I've not seen it triggered by any problems with the ASP code itself, which is why you're seeing it apparently at random and not connected to a particular page.
I'd seen this error many times. It could be caused by many things including network errors too :).
But one of the reason could be built-in feature of MS-SQL.
The feature detects DoS attacks -- in this case too many request from web server :).
But I have no idea how we fixed it :(.
SQL server configuration Manager
Disable TCP/IP , Enable Shared Memory & Named Pipes
Good Luck !
Not a solution exactly and not the same environment. However I get this error in a VBA/Excel program, and the problem is I have a hanging transaction which has not been submitted in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). After closing SSMS, everything works. So the lesson is a hanging transaction can block sprocs from proceeding (obvious fact, I know!). Hope this help someone here.
open command prompt - Run as administrator and type following command on the client side
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
FWIW, I had this error from Excel, which would hang on an EXEC which worked fine within SSMS. I've seen queries with problems before, which were also OK within SSMS, due to 'parameter sniffing' and unsuitable cached query plans. Making a minor edit to the SP cured the problem, and it worked OK afterwards in its orginal form. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has encountered this scenario too. Try the good old OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN) :)
