I am using hacker rank and I do not understand why my ruby code only works for one test case out of like 20. Here is the question:
John Watson knows of an operation called a right circular rotation on
an array of integers. One rotation operation moves the last array
element to the first position and shifts all remaining elements right
one. To test Sherlock's abilities, Watson provides Sherlock with an
array of integers. Sherlock is to perform the rotation operation a
number of times then determine the value of the element at a given
For each array, perform a number of right circular rotations and
return the values of the elements at the given indices.
Function Description
Complete the circularArrayRotation function in the editor below.
circularArrayRotation has the following parameter(s):
int a[n]: the array to rotate
int k: the rotation count
int queries[1]: the indices to report
int[q]: the values in the rotated a as requested in m
Input Format
The first line contains 3 space-separated integers, n, k, and q, the number of elements in the integer array, the rotation count and the number of queries. The second line contains n space-separated integers,
where each integer i describes array element a[i] (where 0 <= i < n). Each of the q subsequent lines contains a single integer, queries[i], an index of an element
in a to return.
Sample Input 0
3 2 3
1 2 3
Sample Output 0
Here is my code :
def circularArrayRotation(a, k, queries)
q = []
while k >= 1
m = a.pop()
a.unshift m
k = k - 1
for i in queries do
v = a[queries[i]]
q.push v
return q
It only works for the sample text case but I can't figure out why. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Haven't ran any benchmarks, but this seems like a job for the aptly named Array.rotate() method:
def index_at_rotation (array, num_rotations, queries)
array = array.rotate(-num_rotations)
queries.map {|q| array[q]}
a = [1, 2, 3]
k = 2
q = [0,1, 2]
index_at_rotation(a, k, q)
#=> [2, 3, 1]
Handles negative rotation values and nil results as well:
a = [1, 6, 9, 11]
k = -1
q = (1..4).to_a
index_at_rotation(a, k, q)
#=> [9, 11, 1, nil]
I don't see any errors in your code, but I would like to suggest a more efficient way of making the calculation.
First observe that after q rotations the element at index i will at index (i+q) % n.
For example, suppose
n = 3
a = [1,2,3]
q = 5
Then after q rotations the array will be as follows.
arr = Array.new(3)
arr[(0+5) % 3] = a[0] #=> arr[2] = 1
arr[(1+5) % 3] = a[1] #=> arr[0] = 2
arr[(2+5) % 3] = a[2] #=> arr[1] = 3
arr #=> [2,3,1]
We therefore can write
def doit(n,a,q,queries)
n.times.with_object(Array.new(n)) do |i,arr|
arr[(i+q) % n] = a[i]
#=> [2,3,1]
#=> [1, 3]
#=> [2, 3, 1]
p doit(3,[1,2,3],0,[0,1,2])
#=> [1,2,3]
#=> [14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
# 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15]
Alternatively, we may observe that after q rotations the element at index j was initially at index (j-q) % n.
For the earlier example, after q rotations the array will be
[a[(0-5) % 3], a[(1-5) % 3], a[(2-5) % 3]]
#=> [a[1], a[2], a[0]]
#=> [2,3,1]
We therefore could instead write
def doit(n,a,q,queries)
n.times.map { |j| a[(j-q) % n] }.values_at(*queries)
I use rand to reach random three element from a and add this m values to array but I want them to be unique. So, array can't be like this: array = [1,1,2]. How can I check when two elements are equal and how to prevent this other than sample method? I was thinking about this: Let's assume m=1 when times method runs the first time. If m =1 at the second time, I want to skip this value and reach a different one. Is there any code explanation for this ? Or maybe more different way?
a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
array = []
3.times do
m = a[rand(a.size)]
array << m
Use shuffle and slice 3 elements:
a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
shuffled = a.shuffle[0..2]
As I understand you wish to write a method similar to Array#sample, that returns a pseudo-random sample of a given size without replacement. I suggest the following, which I believe would be relatively efficient, particularly when the sample size is small or large relative to the size of array.
def sample(arr, sample_size)
n = arr.size
raise ArgumentError if n < sample_size
a = arr.dup
m = (sample_size < n/2) ? sample_size : n - sample_size
m.times do
i = rand(n)
n -= 1
a[i], a[n] = a[n], a[i]
n = arr.size
(sample_size < n/2) ? a[n-sample_size..] : a[0, sample_size]
a = [7, 5, 7, 1, 9, 6, 2, 0, 6, 7]
Notice that if sample_size >= arr.size/2 I sample arr.size - sample_size elements and return the unsampled elements.
I'm working to update the SVG::Graph gem, and have made many improvements to my version, but have found a bottleneck with multiple array sorting.
There is a "sort_multiple" function built in, which keeps an array of arrays (all of equal size) sorted by the first array in the group.
The issue I have is that this sort works well on truly random data, and really badly on sorted, or almost sorted data:
def sort_multiple( arrys, lo=0, hi=arrys[0].length-1 )
if lo < hi
p = partition(arrys,lo,hi)
sort_multiple(arrys, lo, p-1)
sort_multiple(arrys, p+1, hi)
def partition( arrys, lo, hi )
p = arrys[0][lo]
l = lo
z = lo+1
while z <= hi
if arrys[0][z] < p
l += 1
arrys.each { |arry| arry[z], arry[l] = arry[l], arry[z] }
z += 1
arrys.each { |arry| arry[lo], arry[l] = arry[l], arry[lo] }
this routine appears to use a variant of the Lomuto partition scheme from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort#Lomuto_partition_scheme
I have an array of 5000+ numbers, which is previously sorted, and this function adds about 1/2 second per chart.
I have modified the "sort_multiple" routine with the following:
def sort_multiple( arrys, lo=0, hi=arrys[0].length-1 )
first = arrys.first
return arrys if first == first.sort
if lo < hi
which has "fixed" the problem with sorted data, but I was wondering if there is any way to utilise the better sort functions built into ruby to get this sort to work much quicker. e.g. do you think I could utilise a Tsort to speed this up? https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.6.1/libdoc/tsort/rdoc/TSort.html
looking at my benchmarking, the completely random first group appears to be very fast.
Current benchmarking:
def sort_multiple( arrys, lo=0, hi=arrys[0].length-1 )
if lo < hi
p = partition(arrys,lo,hi)
sort_multiple(arrys, lo, p-1)
sort_multiple(arrys, p+1, hi)
def partition( arrys, lo, hi )
p = arrys[0][lo]
l = lo
z = lo+1
while z <= hi
if arrys[0][z] < p
l += 1
arrys.each { |arry| arry[z], arry[l] = arry[l], arry[z] }
z += 1
arrys.each { |arry| arry[lo], arry[l] = arry[l], arry[lo] }
first = (1..5400).map { rand }
second = (1..5400).map { rand }
unsorted_arrys = [first.dup, second.dup, Array.new(5400), Array.new(5400), Array.new(5400)]
sorted_arrys = [first.sort, second.dup, Array.new(5400), Array.new(5400), Array.new(5400)]
require 'benchmark'
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
x.report("unsorted") { sort_multiple( unsorted_arrys.map(&:dup) ) }
x.report("sorted") { sort_multiple( sorted_arrys.map(&:dup) ) }
Rehearsal --------------------------------------------
unsorted 0.070699 0.000008 0.070707 ( 0.070710)
sorted 0.731734 0.000000 0.731734 ( 0.731742)
----------------------------------- total: 0.802441sec
user system total real
unsorted 0.051636 0.000000 0.051636 ( 0.051636)
sorted 0.715730 0.000000 0.715730 ( 0.715733)
Final accepted solution:
def sort( *arrys )
new_arrys = arrys.transpose.sort_by(&:first).transpose
new_arrys.each_index { |k| arrys[k].replace(new_arrys[k]) }
I have an array of 5000+ numbers, which is previously sorted, and this function adds about 1/2 second per chart.
Unfortunately, algorithms implemented in Ruby can become quite slow. It's often much faster to delegate the work to the built-in methods that are implemented in C, even if it comes with an overhead.
To sort a nested array, you could transpose it, then sort_by its first element, and transpose again afterwards:
It works like this:
arrays #=> [[3, 1, 2], [:c, :a, :b]]
.transpose #=> [[3, :c], [1, :a], [2, :b]]
.sort_by(&:first) #=> [[1, :a], [2, :b], [3, :c]]
.transpose #=> [[1, 2, 3], [:a, :b, :c]]
And although it creates several temporary arrays along the way, the result seems to be an order of magnitude faster than the "unsorted" variant:
unsorted 0.035297 0.000106 0.035403 ( 0.035458)
sorted 0.474134 0.003065 0.477199 ( 0.480667)
transpose 0.001572 0.000082 0.001654 ( 0.001655)
In the long run, you could try to implement your algorithm as a C extension.
I confess I don't fully understand the question and don't have the time to study the code at the link, but it seems that you have one sorted array that you are repeatedly mutating only slightly, and with each change you may mutate several other arrays, each a little or a lot. After each set of mutations you re-sort the first array and then rearrage each of the other arrays consistent with the changes in indices of elements in the first array.
If, for example, the first array were
arr = [2,4,6,8,10]
and the change to arr were to replace the element at index 1 (4) with 9 and the element at index 3 (8) with 3, arr would become [2,9,6,3,10], which, after re-sorting, would be [2,3,6,9,10]. We could do that as follows:
new_arr, indices = [2,9,6,3,10].each_with_index.sort.transpose
#=> [[2, 3, 6, 9, 10], [0, 3, 2, 1, 4]]
#=> [2, 3, 6, 9, 10]
#=> [0, 3, 2, 1, 4]
the intermediate calculation being
#=> [[2, 0], [3, 3], [6, 2], [9, 1], [10, 4]]
Considering that
new_array == [2,9,6,3,10].values_at(*indices)
#=> true
we see that each of the other arrays, after having been mutated, can be sorted to conform with the sorting of indices in the first array with the following method, which is quite fast.
def sort_like_first(a, indices)
For example,
a = [5,4,3,1,2]
a.replace(sort_like_first a, indices)
a #=> [5, 1, 3, 4, 2]
a = %w|dog cat cow pig owl|
a.replace(sort_like_first a, indices)
a #=> ["dog", "pig", "cow", "cat", "owl"]
In fact, it's not necessary to sort each of the other arrays until they are required in the calculations.
I would now like to consider a special case, namely, when only a single element in the first array is to be changed.
Suppose (as before)
arr = [2,4,6,8,10]
and the element at index 3 (8) is to be replaced with 5, resulting in [2,4,6,5,10]. A fast sort can be done with the following method, which employs a binary search.
def new_indices(arr, replace_idx, replace_val)
new_loc = arr.bsearch_index { |n| n >= replace_val } || arr.size
indices = (0..arr.size-1).to_a
index_removed = indices.delete_at(replace_idx)
new_loc -= 1 if new_loc > replace_idx
indices.insert(new_loc, index_removed)
arr.bsearch_index { |n| n >= replace_val } returns nil if n >= replace_val #=> false for all n. It is for that reason I have tacked on || arr.size.
See Array#bsearch_index, Array#delete_at and Array#insert.
Let's try it. If
arr = [2,4,6,8,10]
replace_idx = 3
replace_val = 5
indices = new_indices(arr, replace_idx, replace_val)
#=> [0, 1, 3, 2, 4]
Only now can we replace the element of arr at index replace_idx.
arr[replace_idx] = replace_val
#=> [2, 4, 6, 5, 10]
We see that the re-sorted array is as follows.
#=> [2, 4, 5, 6, 10]
The other arrays are sorted as before, using sort_like_first:
a = [5,4,3,1,2]
a.replace(sort_like_first(a, indices))
#=> [5, 4, 1, 3, 2]
a = %w|dog cat cow pig owl|
a.replace(sort_like_first(a, indices))
#=> ["dog", "cat", "pig", "cow", "owl"]
Here's a second example.
arr = [2,4,6,8,10]
replace_idx = 3
replace_val = 12
indices = new_indices(arr, replace_idx, replace_val)
#=> [0, 1, 2, 4, 3]
arr[replace_idx] = replace_val
#=> [2, 4, 6, 12, 10]
The first array sorted is therefore
#=> [2, 4, 6, 10, 12]
The other arrays are sorted as follows.
a = [5,4,3,1,2]
a.replace(sort_like_first a, indices)
a #=> [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
a = %w|dog cat cow pig owl|
a.replace(sort_like_first a, indices)
a #=> ["dog", "cat", "cow", "owl", "pig"]
Let's say I have an array A = [3, 6, 7, 5, 3, 5, 6, 2, 9, 1] and B = [2, 7, 0, 9, 3, 6, 0, 6, 2, 6]
Rearrange elements of array A so that when we do comparison element-wise like 3 with 2 and 6 with 7 and so on, we have maximum wins (combinations where A[i] > B[i] are maximum (0<=i<len(A))).
I tried below approach:
def optimal_reorder(A,B,N):
tagged_A = [('d',i) for i in A]
tagged_B = [('a',i) for i in B]
merged = tagged_A + tagged_B
merged = sorted(merged,key=lambda x: x[1])
max_wins = 0
for i in range(len(merged)-1):
print (i)
if set((merged[i][0],merged[i+1][0])) == {'a','d'}:
if (merged[i][0] == 'a') and (merged[i+1][0] == 'd'):
if (merged[i][1] < merged[i+1][1]):
print (merged[i][1],merged[i+1][1])
max_wins += 1
return max_wins
as referenced from
but this approach doesn't seem to give correct answer for given A and B i,e if A = [3, 6, 7, 5, 3, 5, 6, 2, 9, 1] and B = [2, 7, 0, 9, 3, 6, 0, 6, 2, 6] then maximum wins is 7 but my algorithm is giving 5.
is there something I am missing here.
revised solution as suggested by #chqrlie
def optimal_reorder2(A,B):
arrA = A.copy()
C = [None] * len(B)
for i in range(len(B)):
k = i + 1
all_ele = []
while (k < len(arrA)):
if arrA[k] > B[i]:
k += 1
if all_ele:
e = min(all_ele)
e = min(arrA)
C[i] = e
return C
How about this algorithm:
start with an empty array C.
for each index i in range(len(B)).
if at least one of the remaining elements of A is larger than B[i], choose e as the smallest of these elements, otherwise choose e as the smallest element of A.
set C[i] = e and remove e from A.
C should be a reordering of A that maximises the number of true comparisons C[i] > B[i].
There’s probably a much better algorithm than this, but you can think of this as a maximum bipartite matching problem. Think of the arrays as the two groups of nodes in the bipartite graph, then add an edge from A[i] to B[j] if A[i] > B[j]. Then any matching tells you how to pair elements of A with elements of B such that the A element “wins” against the B element, and a maximum matching tells you how to do this to maximize the number of wins.
I’m sure there’s a better way to do this, and I’m excited to see what other folks come up with. But this at least shows you can solve this in polynomial time.
For example, we have such array arr = [1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7] and we have given number 8, we need to find any n number of elements in this array that will be the sum of the given number. In this case, it should be [1, 3, 4] or [1, 7] or [3, 5]. What is the easiest way to do it in Ruby?
Like #Stefan and #Jorg said in comments there is no easy way to do it. If this was a question to myself, I would probably write down something like this.
arr = [1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7]
number = 8
result = []
for i in 0..(arr.length) do
arr.combination(i).each do |combination|
result.push(combination) if combination.sum == number
print result.uniq
Depending on the magnitude of the given number, it may be faster to use dynamic programming. If tot is the given number and arr is the array of possible summands, the method given below has a computational complexity of O(tot*arr.size).
def find_summands(arr, tot)
return [] if tot.zero?
arr.each_with_object([{tot=>nil}]) do |n,a|
h = a.last.each_key.with_object({}) do |t,h|
return soln(arr,a.drop(1),n) if t==n
h[t] = 0
h[t-n] = n
a << h
def soln(arr,a,n)
t = n
a.reverse.each_with_object([n]) do |h,b|
m = h[t]
b << m
t += m
end.reverse.tap { |a| (arr.size-a.size).times { a << 0 } }
arr = [1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7]
find_summands(arr, 8)
#=> [1, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0]
find_summands(arr, 11)
#=> [1, 1, 0, 4, 5, 0]
find_summands(arr, 21)
#=> [1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7]
find_summands(arr, 22)
#=> nil
find_summands([1, -2, 3, 4, 5, 7], 6)
#=> [1, -2, 3, 4, 0, 0]
Each zero in the array returned indicates that the corresponding element in arr is not used in the summation.
arr = [4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1]
tot = 13
find_summands(arr, tot)
#=> [4, 0, 6, 3, 0, 0]
When a solution is obtained soln is called to put it into a more useful form:
soln(arr, a.drop(1), n)
Here, arr is as above and
n #=> 3
a #=> [
{13=>nil}, # for tot
{13=>0, 9=>4}, # for arr[0] => 4
{13=>0, 11=>2, 9=>0, 7=>2}, # for arr[1] => 2
{13=>0, 7=>0, 11=>0, 5=>6, 9=>0, 3=>6, 1=>6} # for arr[2] => 6
n equals the value of the last summand used from arr, left to right.
When considering arr[0] #=> 4 the remaining amount to be summed is 13, the key of a[0] #=> {13=>nil}. There are two possibilities, 4 is a summand or it is not. This gives rise to the hash
#=> {13-0=>0, 13-4=>4}
# { 13=>0, 9=>4}
where the keys are the remaining amount to be summed and the value is 4 if 4 is a summand and is zero if it is not.
Now consider arr[1] #=> 2. We look to the keys of a[1] to see what the possible remaining amounts might be after 4 is used or not. (13 and 9). For each of these we consider using or not using 2. That gives rise to the hash
#=> {13-0=>0, 13-2=>2, 9-0=>0, 9-2=>2}
# { 13=>0, 11=>2, 9=>0, 7=>2}
7=>2 can be read, if 2 (the value) is a summand, there is a choice of using arr[0] or not that results in the remaining amount to be summed after 2 is included being 7.
Next consider arr[2] #=> 6. We look to the keys of a[2] to see what the possible remaining amounts might be after 4 and 6 are used or not. (13, 11, 9 and 7). For each of these we consider using or not using 6. We therefore now create the hash
#=> {13-0=>0, 13-6=>6, 11-0=>0, 11-6=>6, 9-0=>0, 9-6=>6, 7-0=>0, 7-6=>6}
# { 13=>0, 7=>6, 11=>0, 5=>6, 9=>0, 3=>6, 7=>0, 1=>6}
# { 13=>0, 11=>0, 5=>6, 9=>0, 3=>6, 7=>0, 1=>6}
The pair 11=>0 can be read, "if 6 is not a summand, there is a choice of using or not using arr[0] #=> 4 and arr[2] #=> 2 that results in the remaining amount to be summed after 6 is excluded being 11".
Note that the key-value pair 7=>6 was overwritten with 7=>0 when not using 6 was considered with a remaining amount of 7. We are only looking for one solution, so it doesn't matter how we get to a remaining amount of 7 after the first three elements of arr are considered. These collisions tend to increase as we move left-to-right in arr, so the number of states we need to keep track of is greatly reduced because we are able to "throw away" so many of them.
Lastly (as it turns out), we consider arr[3] #=> 3. We look to the keys of a[3] to see what the possible remaining amounts might be after 4, 2 and 6 have been used or not (13, 11, 5, 9, 3, 7 and 1). For each of these we consider using or not using 3. We get this far in creating the hash a[4]:
{13=>0, 10=>3, 11=>0, 8=>3, 5=>0, 2=>3, 9=>0, 6=>3, 3=>0, 0=>3}
As the last key-value pair has a key of zero we know we have found a solution.
Let's construct the solution. Because the value of 0 is 3, 3 is a summand. (We would have found the solution earlier if the value were zero.) We now work backwards. As 3 is used, the remaining amount before 3 is used is 0+3 #=> 3. We find that a[3][3] #=> 6, meaning 6 is also a summand. The remaining balance before using the 6 was 3+6 #=> 9, so we compute a[2][9] #=> 0, which tells us that the 2 is not a summand. Lastly, a[1][9-0] #=> 4 shows that 4 is also a summand. Hence the solution
[4, 0, 6, 3, 0, 0]
Basically, we are given a number N and K, we need to find an array of size K such that the product of the array elements is N with the maximum of the elements being minimized.
for eg:
420 3
ans: 6 7 10
explanation: 420 can be written as the product of 6,10 and 7. Also it can be written as 5 7 12 but 10(maximum of 6 10 and 7) is minimum than 12(maximum of 5 7 12).
Constraints: numbers>0; 0 <= N < 10^6; 1<=k<=100
What I did so far was to first find the prime factors but after that I can't think of an efficient way to get the sequence.
Basically, amritanshu had a pretty good idea: You have a list of the prime factors and split this list into a list containing the K biggest factors and another containing the other prime factors:
[2, 2], [3, 5, 7]
Then you multiply the biggest element of the first list with the smallest element of the second list and overwrite the element of the second list with the result. Remove the biggest element of the first list. Repeat these steps until your first list is empty:
[2, 2], [3, 5, 7]
[2], [6, 5, 7] // 5 is now the smallest element
[], [6, 10, 7]
here another example:
N = 2310 = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11
K = 3
[2, 3], [5, 7, 11]
[2], [15, 7, 11]
[], [15, 14, 11]
however, this algorithm is still not the perfect one for some cases like N = 2310, K = 2:
[2, 3, 5], [7, 11]
[2, 3], [35, 11]
[2], [35, 33]
[], [35, 66] // better: [], [42, 55]
So, I thought you actually want to split the factors such that the factors are as close as possible to the Kth root of N. So I come up with this algorithm:
calculate R, the smallest integer bigger than or equal to the Kth root of N
calculate the gcd of R and N
if the gcd is equal to R, add R to the list, call your algorithm recursively with N / R, K-1, add the result to the list and return the list
if the gcd is not equal to R, add it to R and go to step 2
here is a little bit of python code:
import math
def gcd(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def root(N, K):
R = int(math.exp(math.log(N) / K))
if R ** K < N:
R += 1
return R
def find_factors(N, K):
if K == 1:
return [N]
R = root(N, K)
while True:
GCD = gcd(N, R)
if GCD == R:
return [R] + find_factors(N // R, K-1)
R += GCD
I just noticed that this algorithm is still giving incorrect results in many cases. The correct way is incrementing R until it divides N:
def find_factors(N, K):
if K == 1:
return [N]
R = root(N, K)
while True:
if N % R == 0:
return [R] + find_factors(N // R, K-1)
R += 1
This way you don't need gcd.
Overall, I guess you need to factorize N and then essentially make some brute-force approach trying to combine the prime factors into combined factors of roughly equal size. Generally, that should not be too bad, because factorizing is already the most expensive part in many cases.
Original answer (wrong) (see comment by #gus):
Without proof of correctness, assuming N>0, K>0, in pseudo code:
Factorize N into prime factors, store into array F
find smallest integer m>=0 such that length(F) <= 2^m*K
Fill F by 1s to get size 2^m*K.
For i=m down to 1
sort F
for j=1 to 2^(i-1)*K
F[j] = F[j] * F[2^i*K+1-j] (multiply smallest with largest, and so on)
F=F[1:2^(i-1)*K] (delete upper half of F)
F contains result.
Example 420 3:
F={7,10,6} DONE
Example 2310 2:
F={1,1,1,2,3,5,7,11} (fill to 2^m*K and sort)
F={11,7,5,6} (reduce to half)
F={5,6,7,11} (sort)
F={55, 42} DONE
Example N=17^3*72, K=3