Handwriting OCR solution for a mobile app - mobile

I know that this question has been asked various times, but after 2 hours of searching and testing, I found only dated solutions that don't fit my specific problem.
My Problem:
I need to scan a document with a mobile camera, focus on one handwritten word, and get the text.
From that:
To: "FAFA"
Can be both a paid third part API solution or a mobile library (Java, Objective-C, or Javascript).
Must work for both Android and iOS
Accepted error rate: 0-10%
Discarded solutions
Tesseract seems to not work well with handwriting text. Some solutions suggest manually train Tesseract, but the process seems hyper complicated. Using Tesseract for handwriting recognition


Use Adobe Flash/AIR VOIP in Winforms

Since there are no answers yet, I'm going to rewrite this question in hopes of an answer (I don't mind discussion, but I know SO is about Q&A). It appears security checks/prompts make it unfeasible to use Flash Player. With this in mind, the question still stands, but please answer based on experience using AIR.
I have a Winforms app written in C# that I need to add VOIP to. I really like how well the Flash Player VOIP solution works, the AEC (echo cancel) is awesome. I know they use Speex, but the implementation is still a lot of work even using Speex, so I'd like to use Adobe's solution directly in my app.
Has anyone done this? What issues will I have? A few I can think of:
IPC between AIR and Winforms app. I assume this is easy and several options, including sockets/network, file i/o, maybe others.
Based on this
Content running in the AIR application sandbox does not need the
permission of the user to access the microphone
I don't think security warnings will be an issue? I'm not sure what a sandbox is yet, but as long as my AIR app can run in this and still talk with my winforms app, then shouldn't be an issue.
I assume the voice capture including enhancements (AEC, NS, Speex, etc) are supported in AIR?
Are there any samples I can run that use voice capture in AIR?

tumblr mobile not working with prettify.js

So I wired in Prettify.js and Prettify.css into my new Tumblr blog. It works out great in chrome, IE, and Firefox but I was astonished when I went to my Android Phone and suddenly the code inside ... looks like an atrocity.
I was about to go digging but figured before I spend hours trying to solve a problem someone else already fixed I would see if my ol' Stack Buddies have anything to say on the matter.
Any solutions will be greatly appreciated and if none are posted I'll likely toss up a solution by the end of the weekend.
Clarification EDIT This is viewing the post through the Tumblr Android application. I don't think it has anything to do with phone version but because someone is bound to ask it's a Motorola Droid Bionic running Android 2.3.4
Alrighty, since nobody came along with this one I'll throw the answer out there. The Tumblr application after decompiling it off the APK does not use a standard web frame. This means that javascript execution is not embedded in the view for the mobile application.
Sucks I know... Another possible solution would be to use straight CSS for formatting but alas this doesn't even work in the mobile version as the CSS sheets are overridden with mobile style sheets for more compact formatting.
So this one goes down as "unsolvable" due to the mobile application not operating within the same boundaries as the web driven blog does.
If someone does by chance have a solution to this that will work however, I would be interested in hearing it but at this time I don't have a valid solution. But, it's good to know.

Toolkit options to write a crossplatform mobile app in 2012?

I'm currently investigating the alternatives for crossplatform development for Android and iPhone (Windows 8 could be a nice addition). The app is basically a "map with an asociated app", and certainly not a game.
Searching here I see many outdated advice and tools from 2010/2011, but since then Apple has changed their policies and surely new things have appeared.
My current list and light research (might have facts wrong) is:
Monotouch/Monodroid: .NET (Mono) framework. Create "native" apps on both platforms. Requires rebuilding UI code (or similar things).
Appcelerator: Javascript framework to compile native apps.
Corona: Similar to Appcelerator.
Phonegap: Similar idea, but looks like it uses a wrapper to appify HTML5 content
SenchaTouch: Another HTML5 based platform.
Wink: Yet another HTML5 toolkit.
XVLM: Android to ObjC compiler, probably creating ugly iOS apps.
Unity3D: For games only.
Moai: For games only.
So, there are three main ideas, with some frameworks implementing each, it seems to me:
Have an abstraction layer over native iOS/Android code and build for each platform using the provided layer. (Monotouch, Unity3D)
Use HTML5 (coding in Javascript) and some kind of wrapper to "appify" the web content. (PhoneGap,Sencha,Wink)
Code using a framework that will output as a compilation pass (or similar) a native app for each supported platform (Moai, XVLM,Appcelerator,Corona)
The questions:
Is there a fourth idea I haven't yet found?
Is there any blatant mistake in my research for any of the specified frameworks?
Is there any known problem for map integration with any of these ideas or specific frameworks?
Only a partial answer:
Ad 2. Appcelerator / Titanium is more than just HTML5. I read this pretty extensive comparison between PhoneGap and Titanium the other day on Hackers News. I found it very informative. The link points to the HN comments, the link to the actual article is at the top.
My main experience is with Mono for Android and MonoTouch, so I can't personally speak much to the other options. I personally find it to be the best option there is, as it allows you to share a large amount of your code across the platforms (even extending to non-mobile platforms if you stick with .NET), while still allowing for a 100% native UI, which is extremely important. If you're looking for resources on getting started, I have this video which discusses approaches and libraries for sharing a lot of code across platforms, and also this book which covers the same thing, but also expands to talk about how to do things like store data, use maps, access the network, etc.
I also want to mention MonoGame, which is absent from your list. MonoGame is an open source XNA implementation that sits on top of Mono to allow you to target iOS/Android/Max OS X.
From what I have experienced, if you want to have a native app go Mono, if you don't need native go PhoneGap. Native is best of the UI is very important, ie games or fairly graphical apps. But from business type app, CRUD, Phone gap works well.

A small query regarding appcelerator titanium?

i'm planning on working with titanium.
i want to know if "Same origin policy" can be eliminated by using titanium.
are there any drawbacks in titanium?
please recommend some cross-platforms..
please do leave some suggestions..
Thank you,
SOP is especially used for HTTP. So it doesn't concern titanium since it only use javascript as "local" language that is "translated" into xcode. at the end you got an simple xcode-project and an .app file.
i use it for a quite complex app and it works fine. i needed adding some features as module written in objC since the framework isn't as ongoing concering the iphone API as the native objC, but that worked out fine.
Since you are asking for the drawbacks of Titanium.. here it is..
I would not say that it's cross platform. Even my android app will look different in my Mac compared to the one developed in Windows.
Not all functions will work on Android and iPhone. Some will partially work on the other.
Ti is a biased and Android Developer are always left behind.
Also, if you are developing an Android app like me, you will be facing a lot of problems and Kitchen Sink will not always work. Android development in Ti is very bad and expect to find a lot of bugs.
Contacts API is not even complete as of now (Version 1.60) . I can't even get the contacts email and phone number!
No Bluetooth support
I spent a lot of hours "debugging" and waiting for the emulator rather than serious coding.
API refence and the QA will help a bit but there are more questions than answers.
Ti doesn't even have a proper debugging features as well as IDE. Make sure to dedicate a lot of hours in knowing how it works. I have a hard time finding a good resources to start.
Memory Problem and Leaks are very common.
Gradients will not work in Android (use image instead)
and last thing, Documentation really sucks!
(but still I love Ti despite all of the above)

What's the latest on JavaFX and mobile phones?

What's the latest on JavaFX mobile? I'm having trouble finding any relatively current info regarding what phones (if any..?) are JFX compatible, how to distribute applications to said phones, etc. I have a current desktop application, and another semi-related mobile project is on the horizon (within the next couple months). If I can use JavaFX with minimal pains, that'd be fantastic (to minimize the number of different technologies). My gut says Android or another mobile OS/framework/technology would be the better choice at the moment...
Still trying to wrap my head around the current "reach" of JavaFX. In theory it all sounds fantastic (deskop, mobile, web, blu-ray applications in one go), but it seems to be a ways out from truly being that.
My developing experience has been pleasant so far with JavaFX if it's any consolation... :)
As a fan of JavaFX myself, I was hoping that this years JavaOne (2010) will shed some light on the topic.
Best case scenario for us developers...Larry E convinces Steve J to allow for a JRE on the IPhone.
Worst case scenario for us developers...JavaFX continues its current trajectory toward oblivion.
