Large table issue in Snowflake - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I have large tables with about 2.2 gbs of data. When I use SELECT * to select a row in the tables, it takes about 14 mins to run. Is there a method to speed up this query?
Here are some other information that might be helpful:
~ 2 million rows
~ 25k columns
data type: Varcar
Size: Computer_WH
Clusters: min:1, max:2
Auto Suspension: 10 minutes

2gb is not that large, and very much should not be taking 14m on a X-SMALL warehouse.
First rule of Snowflake, don't SELECT * FROM x, for two reasons,
The query compile has to wait for all meta data to be loaded for all partitions, before the plan can start being built as some partitions might have more data that the first partitions. Thus the output shape cannot be planned until all is known.
Second reason, when you "select all columns", all columns are loaded from disk, and if your data is unstructured JSON is has to rebuild all that data, which is "relatively expensive". You should name the columns you want, and only the columns you want.
If you are wanting to join to another table to do some filtering, just select the columns needed to do the filter, and the join, and then get the set of keys you want and re-join to the base table on those results (sometimes as a second query) so pruning can happen.
sigh, I have just looked at your stats a little hard 25K columns... sigh. This is not a database, this is something very painful..
As a strong opinion you cannot have a row of data that makes sense to have 25K related and meaning full columns. You have a table with a primary key, and it should have something like 25K rows of subtype data per attribute. Yes it means you have to exploded the data out via a PIVOT or the likes, but it's more honest about the relations present in the data, and how to process this volume of data.

With columnar databases each column in a table has it's own file. Previously each table was a file (older DBMS's). If you have 25,000 columns you'd be selecting 25,000 files.
Some of these files are big and some are small -> this is dependent on the data type and # distinct values.
If you found a column that say had 100 distinct values and just selected that column from your table I'd guess you'd get sub second response times.
So back to your problem ... instead of choosing all the columns (*) why not just choose some interesting ones?


Performance strategies for selecting large amounts of data from child tables

I have a fairly standard database structure for storing invoices and their line items. We have an AccountingDocuments table for header details, and AccountingDocumentItems child table. The child table has a foreign key of AccountingDocumentId with associated non-clustered index.
Most of our Sales reports need to select almost all the columns in the child table, based on a passed date range and branch. So the basic query would be something like:
adi.Description, etc.
AccountingDocumentItems adi
LEFT JOIN AccountingDocuments ad on ad.AccountingDocumentId=adi.AccountingDocumentId
ad.DocumentDate > '1 Jan 2022' and ad.DocumentDate < '5 May 2022'
This results in an index seek on the AccountingDocuments table, but due to the select requirements on AccountingDocumentItems we're seeing a full index scan here. I'm not certain how to index the child table given the filtering is taking place on the parent table.
At present there are only around 2m rows in the line items table, and the query performs quite well. My concern is how this will work once the table is significantly larger and what strategies there are to ensure good performance on these reports going forward.
I'm aware the answer may be to simply keep adding hardware, but want to investigate alternative strategies to this.

Storing processed results of connection in RDBMS

A csv file contains following two column : admission_number, project_name.
The relationship between two entities are many to many relationships : a specific admission_number can work over multiple projects. A specific project may have multiple admission_number.
Data will be like as follows and initially there are '1000 milion' rows and data will keep on updating on daily basis in this table will go upto 1300 milion rows.
For a specific admission number(lets say 1234567890), i want to know all the admission_number who are working on the same projects (ABC1234567,ABC1234568). The output of above query will be
Explanation : Since for admission number '1234567890', projects name are 'ABC1234567' and 'ABC1234568'. On these two projects other 'admission_number' are working as '1234567894','1234567895'
I came up with two solutions, To store the data,RDBMS will be used.
Approach 1 : By using two retrieval query : First query shall return all the projcects_name for a specific 'admission_number' and the second query will retrun all the admission_number for 'project_name'.
select admission_number from table where project_name IN (select project_name from table where admission_number='ABC1234567'.
Approach 2 : In this approach, before going for loading i am preprocessing the results and directly results is storing in database. I am only storing all the connected 'admission_number'.
Eg. For project_name 'ABC1234567', these 3 admission_number '1234567890','1234567894', '1234567895' are working. I want to store all connected admission_number in table with two columns (number,connected_number) like ('1234567890','1234567894'),('1234567890','1234567895'), ('1234567894','1234567895'), and query will work on both columns (number and connected_number).
But in this approach there will be many rows means if a specifc project_name 'p', there are n 'admission_number' than total number of rows will be n(n-1)/2
How can i store all the connected admission_number in RDBMS? Loading of data can be slow, but retrieval should be fast.
Do not optimize the data structure. It would only cause problems.
Create a simple table with two columns for both ID and create index for both columns.
The RDBMS will build and maintain an index of the column values, which will enable fast lookup for a specific record.

At what point does becoming normalized vs. star help performance?

Let's say I have an ordering system which has a table size of around 50,000 rows and grows by about 100 rows a day. Also, say once an order is placed, I need to store metrics about that order for the next 30 days and report on those metrics on a daily basis (i.e. on day 2, this order had X activations and Y deactivations).
1 table called products, which holds the details of the product listing
1 table called orders, which holds the order data and product id
1 table called metrics, which holds a date field, and order id, and metrics associated.
If I modeled this in a star schema format, I'd design like this:
FactOrders table, which has 30 days * X orders rows and stores all metadata around the orders, product id, and metrics (each row represents the metrics of a product on a particular day).
DimProducts table, which stores the product metadata
Does my performance gain from a huge FactOrders table only needing one join to get all relevant information outweigh the fact that I increased by table size by 30x and have an incredible amount of repeated data, vs. the truly normalized model that has one extra join but much smaller tables? Or am I designing this incorrectly for a star schema format?
Do not denormalize something this small to get rid of joins. Index properly instead. Joins are not bad, joins are good. Databases are designed to use them.
Denormalizing is risky for data integrity and may not even be faster due to the much wider size of the tables. IN tables this tiny, it is very unlikely that denormalizing would help.

One large table or many small ones in database?

Say I want to create a typical todo-webApp using a db like postgresql. A user should be able to create todo-lists. On this lists he should be able to make the actual todo-entries.
I regard the todo-list as an object which has different properties like owner, name, etc, and of course the actual todo-entries which have their own properties like content, priority, date ... .
My idea was to create a table for all the todo-lists of all the users. In this table I would store all the attributes of each list. But the questions which arises is how to store the todo-entries themselves? Of course in an additional table, but should I rather:
1. Create one big table for all the entries and have a field storing the id of the todo-list they belong to, like so:
todo-list: id, owner, ...
todo-entries:, content, ...
which would give 2 tables in total. The todo-entries table could get very large. Although we know that entries expire, hence the table only grows with more usage but not over time. Then we would write something like SELECT * FROM todo-entries WHERE todo-list-id=id where id is the of the list we are trying to retrieve.
2. Create a todo-entries table on a per user basis.
todo-list: id, owner, ...
todo-entries-owner:, content,. ..
Number of entries table depends on number of users in the system. Something like SELECT * FROM todo-entries-owner. Mid-sized tables depending on the number of entries users do in total.
3. Create one todo-entries-table for each todo-list and then store a generated table name in a field for the table. For instance could we use the todos-list unique id in the table name like:
todo-list: id, owner, entries-list-name, ...
todo-entries-id: content, ... //the id part is the id from the todo-list id field.
In the third case we could potentially have quite a large number of tables. A user might create many 'short' todo-lists. To retrieve the list we would then simply go along the lines SELECT * FROM todo-entries-id where todo-entries-id should be either a field in the todo-list or it could be done implicitly by concatenating 'todo-entries' with the todos-list unique id. Btw.: How do I do that, should this be done in js or can it be done in PostgreSQL directly? And very related to this: in the SELECT * FROM <tablename> statement, is it possible to have the value of some field of some other table as <tablename>? Like SELECT * FROM todo-list(id).entries-list-name or so.
The three possibilities go from few large to many small tables. My personal feeling is that the second or third solutions are better. I think they might scale better. But I'm not sure quite sure of that and I would like to know what the 'typical' approach is.
I could go more in depth of what I think of each of the approaches, but to get to the point of my question:
Which of the three possibilities should I go for? (or anything else, has this to do with normalization?)
Follow up:
What would the (PostgreSQL) statements then look like?
The only viable option is the first. It is far easier to manage and will very likely be faster than the other options.
Image you have 1 million users, with an average of 3 to-do lists each, with an average of 5 entries per list.
Scenario 1
In the first scenario you have three tables:
todo_users: 1 million records
todo_lists: 3 million records
todo_entries: 15 million records
Such table sizes are no problem for PostgreSQL and with the right indexes you will be able to retrieve any data in less than a second (meaning just simple queries; if your queries become more complex (like: get me the todo_entries for the longest todo_list of the top 15% of todo_users that have made less than 3 todo_lists in the 3-month period with the highest todo_entries entered) it will obviously be slower (as in the other scenarios). The queries are very straightforward:
-- Find user data based on username entered in the web site
-- An index on 'username' is essential here
SELECT * FROM todo_users WHERE username = ?;
-- Find to-do lists from a user whose userid has been retrieved with previous query
SELECT * FROM todo_lists WHERE userid = ?;
-- Find entries for a to-do list based on its todoid
SELECT * FROM todo_entries WHERE listid = ?;
You can also combine the three queries into one:
SELECT u.*, l.*, e.* -- or select appropriate columns from the three tables
FROM todo_users u
LEFT JOIN todo_lists l ON l.userid =
LEFT JOIN todo_entries e ON e.listid =
WHERE u.username = ?;
Use of the LEFT JOINs means that you will also get data for users without lists or lists without entries (but column values will be NULL).
Inserting, updating and deleting records can be done with very similar statements and similarly fast.
PostgreSQL stores data on "pages" (typically 4kB in size) and most pages will be filled, which is a good thing because reading a writing a page are very slow compared to other operations.
Scenario 2
In this scenario you need only two tables per user (todo_lists and todo_entries) but you need some mechanism to identify which tables to query.
1 million todo_lists tables with a few records each
1 million todo_entries tables with a few dozen records each
The only practical solution to that is to construct the full table names from a "basename" related to the username or some other persistent authentication data from your web site. So something like this:
username = 'Jerry';
todo_list = username + '_lists';
todo_entries = username + '_entries';
And then you query with those table names. More likely you will need a todo_users table anyway to store personal data, usernames and passwords of your 1 million users.
In most cases the tables will be very small and PostgreSQL will not use any indexes (nor does it have to). It will have more trouble finding the appropriate tables, though, and you will most likely build your queries in code and then feed them to PostgreSQL, meaning that it cannot optimize a query plan. A bigger problem is creating the tables for new users (todo_list and todo_entries) or deleting obsolete lists or users. This typically requires behind-the scenes housekeeping that you avoid with the previous scenario. And the biggest performance penalty will be that most pages have only little content so you waste disk space and lots of time reading and writing those partially filled pages.
Scenario 3
This scenario is even worse that scenario 2. Don't do it, it's madness.
3 million tables todo_entries with a few records each
Stick with option 1. It is your only real option.

Athletics Ranking Database - Number of Tables

I'm fairly new to this so you may have to bear with me. I'm developing a database for a website with athletics rankings on them and I was curious as to how many tables would be the most efficient way of achieving this.
I currently have 2 tables, a table called 'athletes' which holds the details of all my runners (potentially around 600 people/records) which contains the following fields:
mid (member id - primary key)
And a second table, 'results', which holds all of their performances and has the following fields:
eid (event id - primary key)
eventcategory (road, track, field etc)
eventdescription (100m, 200m, 400m etc)
The second table has around 2000 records in it already and potentially this will quadruple over time, mainly because there are around 30 track events, 10 field, 10 road, cross country, relays, multi-events etc and if there are 600 athletes in my first table, that equates to a large amount of records in my second table.
So what I was wondering is would it be cleaner/more efficient to have multiple tables to separate track, field, cross country etc?
I want to use the database to order peoples results based on their performance. If you would like to understand better what I am trying to emulate, take a look at this website
Changing the schema won't change the number of results. Even if you split the venue into a separate table, you'll still have one result per participant at each event.
The potential benefit of having a separate venue table would be better normalization. A runner can have many results, and a given venue can have many results on a given date. You won't have to repeat the venue information in every result record.
You'll want to pay attention to indexes. Every table must have a primary key. Add additional indexes for columns you use in WHERE clauses when you select.
Here's a discussion about normalization and what it can mean for you.
PS - Thousands of records won't be an issue. Large databases are on the order of giga- or tera-bytes.
My thought --
Don't break your events table into separate tables for each type (track, field, etc.). You'll have a much easier time querying the data back out if it's all there in the same table.
Otherwise, your two tables look fine -- it's a good start.
