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Closed 4 months ago.
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I am confused about the different solidity versions in each course, 0.4 and 0.5, whereas the current version is 0.8.
The question is should I search to find the course that works with the latest solidity version 0.8? And is Solidity 0.4 or 0.5 outdated?
I can see something about the solidity version modifier, is that practical?
There is no simple answer to this question, but I will give it a try.
It would be of course best if you can find a course that is using the version 0.8 of Solidity. That way, you can learn all the latest Solidity features that were introduced in the past couple of years. However, fact that the course us using version 0.8 should not be the only criteria. For example, it is also important that the course has good approach in teaching you the concepts of smart contracts and how is that realized on the Ethereum platform. I personally have learned Ethereum platform and Solidity using a course which uses outdated Solidity version. But the course itself was good, and has given me a good foundation. It was easy for me to then pick up the differences that were introduced in the later versions. However, note that I am an software engineer with over 10 years of experience, so that helps a lot.
With all that said, my suggestion would be the following. If you are an experienced developer, just go with any course that has good reviews, you can figure out the differences between the version without much issues. If you are however new to the world of software development, try finding a course that uses some more recent version, as you might struggle with some of the differences.
when u will open this link:, it will automatically redirect you to solidity latest version docs.
also, you can read what is updated in solidity newer versions here:
If you prefer youtube, then search "solidity tutorials" and filter videos that are uploaded this month. link: youtube/solidity tutorials/uploaded this month
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've been assigned to a legacy project which runs on Ext JS 4.2. I know JavaScript but I'm totally unaware of Ext JS and I'm having trouble in understanding it. Can someone please guide me on how to learn Ext JS, what approach should be followed and the important topics to be covered? Or what sequence should be followed?
I have been using ExtJS (7.2.0) in a corporate project for six months, these are some tips I would have needed some time ago.
You should start from the official docs and examples given by Sencha:
guide --> the main topics are The Class Systems, MVC Application Architecture and Components, which are the basis of ExtJS;
examples --> I find the KitchenSink example very useful, since you can briefly overview all the components available in the system - you can also give a look to MVC examples, in order to see more complex architectures;
forum --> you can also check out the Sencha forum, which has many interesting topics (many more that you can find here on Stack Overflow).
Since you are using an older version of ExtJS, you will find many materials on the internet, because it was widely used several years ago, while now it is difficult to find updated sources.
You can check out Saki website or fiddle explorer sorting by created date ASC:
I used to be a trainer for Sencha, and I left the company in 2013 right around the time when ExtJS 4.2 was the main version.
The fastest way to get up to speed on the framework is to take a training class from Sencha. I haven't worked for Sencha for 8 years, and many of my colleagues (who I respected highly as trainers) aren't there any more, so this is not a plug for their services, but it's the fastest way. You will learn shortcuts that will take you much longer if you were to do it yourself. The framework is huge an complicated, and it's nice to get an overview of how it works from an experienced guide.
Before I was hired as a trainer, I took both the ExtJS and Sencha Touch classes that they had available, and the difference between the "before" and "after" in my understanding was huge. Yes, it's a week of your time, and yes, it's $2500, so your manager may not agree with my recommendation, but like I said, it's the fastest way to get up to speed.
If you do decide to take the class, spend some time with your legacy app and write down where you're getting stuck, and ask those questions in class. Part of the class value is that you can get some free light consulting for any issues you may be having.
The fact that you know Javascript is a big plus. I've had people in my classes who were new to Javascript, and that was another hurdle that they had to get over.
Good luck with your app!
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to pursue towards becoming a FULL stack developer before that I want to get my grip on Angular.
I already know about the differences between AngularJS and Angular, my question is,
Is it necessary to learn AngularJS before learning Angular 4-6?
If not, can I apply for any project/job that has a listing requirement of AngularJS?
Summary: Can I directly learn Angular 4-6 from scratch without AngularJS?
Also, please suggest regarding which version of Angular (2-6) should be choosed to learn from scratch.
no it is not necessary to know AngularJs to lear Angular4-6 but i recommend you to first take a look on typeScript because it is necessary before you get started with Angular4-6 you should start with Angular5 because it is latest and there is not much difference in Angular5 and Angular6 which is better for getting familiar with Angular
You may skip AngularJS, though understanding vanilla, ECMA javascript and typescript is at must before you start to learn any kind of JS framework.
Talking about which version to start learning, I'd rather started upon learning the latest version possible, then invested some time reviewing changelog afterwards.
While you understand that tech, the latest version will become stable and popular.
While they share many concepts, AngularJS and Angular are two completely independent frameworks. There is no need to know one before learning the other.
Angular is very different from AngularJS. Ultimate version of AngularJS has been released so it is in sunset phase of it's life now...
Google say that in October 2017 the number of active Angular (that is,
2+) developers has surpassed that of AngularJS developers, which was
their cue all along to when they can start wrapping up 1.x.
Regarding the job - I think that future of the angularJS projects is migration to Angular/Vue/React so your Angular skills might be relevant. You may apply and let them decide.
I suggest to start learning from the most actual version which is 6 now
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Which programming languages does Google Cloud Debugger support other than Java?
As read on this blog post
We’re starting with Maven-based Java builds, but working to release
support for other languages, test frameworks and build systems in the
So, simply put: none, it's just Java for now.
I know the blog post is a couple months old but there is no new material to be found on the subject.
Google Cloud Debugger only supports Java right now. The build doesn't have to be Maven based though.
Support for other languages, including Python, Node.js, and Go, is coming soon. If you are interested in trying out the debugger on one of these languages, please send me a personal message to be included as an alpha tester.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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First of all I don't mind the "writing more code" attitude that CI has so I don't really care about that. Right now I'm pretty good in CakePHP (I have like 3-4 years in it) and I think it has certain flaws the biggest one being its speed and I was thinking of passing over to CI but I need to know something..
My simplest application in CakePHP (with admin and some data in table - multilanguage) takes about 0.2 Seconds of code processing. I was wondering if anyone has a time for Code Igniter for a certain website. I'm curious if it's worth the learning time.
I installed code igniter and at first it seemed imensly fast but I'm just worried that if I keep adding components, models, helpers and everything to it it will slow down (maybe more than cake). So.. I'm actually looking for an example of CI website and the exact time it loads... (down to at least 2 decimals).
This thread will give you a fairly good answer, as the site in question is not a "Hello World" but a fully fledged Site with database access helpers and libraries loaded, etc...
I'm sure some will have arguments about its validity (probably CakePHP proponents), but it's not every day you have a site re-developed between frameworks and compared.
Again, for those that don't want to follow the link to the thread, the tester actually upgraded the site to CI 2.0, using modular extentions, caching, other optimizations and re-tested
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm almost finished working on a useful (at least, in my opinion) JavaScript plugin. Having seen and used many JavaScript packages, both freely licensed (JQuery, YUI, etc) and partly or fully commercially licensed I'm not sure what other factors dictate which license I should release my own under and how to support the plugin.
Some background information on my JavaScript plugin:
Similar audience and plugin size/impact to, although slightly more niche. My plugin doesn't provide any analytics though.
Uses JQueryUI for user interface, can be expanded upon with there themeing components, etc.
No other similar tool out there (at least that has become popular).
Can be easily integrated in to a website.
Questions I have:
Should I launch a dedicated website for the plugin, or use something similar to Google Groups? Would a dedicated website bring more kudos perhaps?
Would a Creative Commons Non-Commercial license be a suitable license considering I'm a young developer and perhaps reputation building is more important than my bank managers happiness?
These are the 2 big questions that have been puzzling me for a while now, and I don't know anyone who has been in a similar situation :(
Thanks for any advice.
Considering you seem community, rather than cash driven .. the community will hold the key to what they find best, simplest and acceptable (and what works)
What do other plugin developers do? Take their lead. They set the convention and it determines how other people find your plugin. If a Firefox extension only had it's own site then I probably wouldn't find it.
What do others use? GPL? LGPL? What does jQuery use? Ask them why?
It might be worth using an online revision control tool like github or launchpad so people can contribute bug reports and help your development.
If I were you I would definitely use something like launchpad or google code.
You get integrated (community enabled):
source version control
bug tracking
for free.
Considering this library is aimed at other (web) developers a shiny website seems a lot less important then the convenient features above (in a known format).
And: congratulations on your first release, of course ;-)
About running site:
For me running dedicated website gives your product more professional look. Hosting on Google groups isn't good choice for all products: you can't build screenshots gallery, own blog, etc. You can build forum by youself if you need it.