How to delete data from file and move all info back - c

I created a file with fopen and I deleted the first value from the file and I want to take all of the values that are in the file and move them to the start of the file.
File: [Info,data,string]
Wanted: [data,string,]
What is happening: [,data,string]
Any help will be great.

Then you have better to copy all data after the first byte into another file, then move that file into the original. There's no system call to delete some part of the file, and close the hole around the deleted data. The file internal structure is not suited to do that, and requires to copy/shift the whole file data to the proper place.


How to open a file in C without losing its previous contents?

If the file doesn't exist I want to create it. But the next time that the program runs I want to open the file without losing its previous contents. Can anyone help? I have one function that loads the file and another that saves the file. I just don't know what mode I should use
You can update the already existing text with a call to fopen using append mode, so to update this previously created file without erasing the data you can use the mode "a" like this:
ptr = fopen("file_name.txt","a") //(a=append)
This will add your fprintfed strings or other inputted data at the end of the .txt file, instead of overwriting from the beginning

How to remove all lines, line by line from a file?

I'm running a loop that takes names from a file.
What I want to do is when the name is taken, it then deletes it from the file. How can I do this?
Try out fileinput.
It goes something like:
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input(someFileName, inplace=True):
Any line iterated over is consumed, hence deleted from the file.
If you need to keep it just print it, it'll be rewritten to the file in the same location.
i.e. if you won't print the line back it'll disappear :)
Native files don't work that way. You'd have to rewrite the entire list of remaining files, each time through the loop. Performance will be bad (unless the list of files is always very short). And the failure modes are very bad if your process crashes while you're trying to update the file because you can't do the update in place. The best you could do is: write to a temp file, delete the original file, then rename (or move) the temp file.
Instead, you should consider using SQLite. You could either delete records from a File table, or have a status field that tracks which files have been processed.

fseek() doesn't work

I have opened a file using a and r+ but when I use fseek and ftell the file pointer is always 0.
My file looks like this:
1 -3
2 -8
And I want to add another line between the two but it is added in the end after the last line.
Someone in another forum said that when you open the file in append the pointer is always zero and you have to open it in r+ and if that doesn't work "you have to read the complete data and then insert the data in the variables and write it back." but I don't understand what they mean by that.
Can anyone help with inserting numbers in the middle of a file?
Would something like this work?
To transfer the data?
Like others already said, there's no easy way to insert data in the middle of a file. If you really want to do this, you can implement the following steps:
Create a second file
Copy all data before the place you want to insert to the second file
Insert the line you want to the second file
Copy the remaining data to the second file
Delete the original file
Rename the second file
Other approach is using binary files instead of text files. Although binary files are a bit harder to learn, once you understand how they work you'll see that working with them is much like working with arrays. To perform this task, for example, you'd not even need to use an auxiliary file.
There is no open mode that will allow you to "insert" data into a file at a random point. The only place you can add data without overwriting existing data is the end of the file (what you get opening with mode "a").
If you want to insert at a random position, you need to do it yourself.
One of the easier ways is to re-write the file completely (transfer the start of the old file to a new file, add your data to the new file, transfer the rest of the old file, and rename/overwrite at the end).
The hard way: you need to "shift" all the data from your insertion point to the end-of-file manually. That's not trivial to get right.
There isn't an easy way to insert data in the middle of the file. A file is basically an array of characters. To add a character in the middle, you need to copy everything following your insertion point down one location. With a file you need to read the data that follows and write it after your addition.
Generally, when you want to do something like this you create a new file. You copy the old file into it up to the point where you want to insert, then you write the data you want to insert, then you copy the rest of the old file. Finally, you rename the new file to the old file.

How do I insert data at the top of a CSV file?

How can I go back to the very beginning of a csv file and add rows?
(I'm printing to a CSV file from C using fprintf(). At the end of printing thousands of rows (5 columns) of data, I would like to go back to the top of the file and insert some dynamic header data (based on how things went printing everything). )
Thank You.
Due to the way files are structured, this is more or less impossible. In order to accomplish what you want:
write csv data to file1
write header to file2
copy contents of file1 to file2
delete file1
Or you can hold the csv data in ram and write it to file after you're finished processing and know the header.
Another option is to set aside a certain number of bytes for the header, which will work much faster for large files at minimal space cost. Since the space is allocated in the file at the start of the write, there aren't any issues going back and filling it in. Reopen the file as random access ("r+"), which points to the top of the file by default, write header, and close.
The simplest way would be to simply store the entire contents of the file in memory until you are finished, write out the header, and then write out the rest of the file.
If memory is an issue and you can't safely store the entire file in memory, or just don't want to, then you could write out the bulk of the CSV data to a temporary file, then when you are finished, write the header out to the primary file, and copy the data from the temporary file to the primary file in a loop.
If you wanted to be fancy, after writing the main CSV data out to the primary file, you could loop through the file from the beginning, read into memory the data that you're about to overwrite with the header, then write the header over top of that data, and so forth, read each chunk into memory, overwrite it with the previous one until you reach the end and append the final chunk. In this way you "insert" data at the beginning, my moving the rest of the file down. I really wouldn't recommend this as it will mostly just add complexity without much benefit, unless there is a specific reason you can't do something simpler like using a temporary file.
I think that is not possible. Probably the easiest way would be to write the output to a temporary file, then create the data you need as the dynamic header, write them to the target file and append the previously created temporary file.
write enough blank spaces in the first line
write data
write header - last column will be padded with spaces

C Remove the first line from a text file without rewriting file

I've got a service which runs all the time and also keeps a log file. It basically adds new lines to the log file every few seconds. I'm written a small file which reads these lines and then parses them to various actions. The question I have is how can I delete the lines which I have already parsed from the log file without disrupting the writing of the log file by the service?
Usually when I need to delete a line in a file then I open the original one and a temporary one and then I just write all the lines to the temp file except the original which I want to delete. Obviously this method will not word here.
So how do I go about deleting them ?
In most commonly used file systems you can't delete a line from the beginning of a file without rewriting the entire file. I'd suggest instead of one large file, use lots of small files and rotate them for example once per day. The old files are deleted when you no longer need them.
Can't be done, unfortunately, without rewriting the file, either in-place or as a separate file.
One thing you may want to look at is to maintain a pointer in another file, specifying the position of the first unprocessed line.
Then your process simply opens the file and seeks to that location, processes some lines, then updates the pointer.
You'll still need to roll over the files at some point lest they continue to grow forever.
I'm not sure, but I'm thinking in this way:
New Line is a char, so you must delete chars for that line + New Line char
By the way, "moving" all characters back (to overwrite the old line), is like copying each character in a different position, and removing them from their old position
So no, I don't think you can just delete a line, you should rewrite all the file.
You can't, that just isn't how files work.
It sounds like you need some sort of message logging service / library that your program could connect to in order to log messages, which could then hide the underlying details of file opening / closing etc.
If each log line has a unique identifier (or even just line number), you could simply store in your log-parsing the identifier until which you got parsing. That way you don't have to change anything in the log file.
If the log file then starts to get too big, you could switch to a new one each day (for example).
