How to use two-dimensions array in Swift? - arrays

So I have this array var arrayItinerario: Array<Any> = [] which is intended to hold arrays of type Itinerario, var temporalArray: Array<Itinerario> = []
Next, this arrayItinerario would later be used to access properties from the struct Itinerario from where the array temporalArray type comes from.
cell.siteLabel.text = "\([arrayItinerario[indexPath.section]][indexPath.row].ubicacion)"
The problem is that arrayItinerario is not an Itinerario type object which make it impossible to access ubicacion to make an example
I have tried
let object = [arrayItinerario[indexPath.section]][indexPath.row] as! Itinerario
But the cast throws an error. How can I do to access properties from the arrays temporalArraythat are inside arrayItinerario?
Note: I am using indexPath because I am filling table cells

var arrayItinerario: [[Itinerario]] = []
//fill data
var temporalArray: [Itinerario] = []
cell.siteLabel.text = "\(arrayItinerario[indexPath.section][indexPath.row].ubicacion)"
var arrayItinerario: Array<Any> = []
var temporalArray: Array<Itinerario> = []
guard let temp = arrayItinerario[indexPath.section] as? Array<Itinerario>{
cell.siteLabel.text = "\(temp[indexPath.row].ubicacion)"

Here's an implementation I've used in a few projects:
import Foundation
class Array2D<T> {
var cols:Int, rows:Int
var matrix:[T?]
init(cols: Int, rows: Int, defaultValue:T?) {
self.cols = cols
self.rows = rows
matrix = Array(repeating: defaultValue, count: cols*rows)
subscript(col:Int, row:Int) -> T? {
return matrix[cols * row + col]
matrix[cols * row + col] = newValue
func colCount() -> Int { self.cols }
func rowCount() -> Int { self.rows }
Because it's generic you can store whatever type you like in it. Example for Ints:
// Create 2D array of Ints, all set to nil initially
let arr = Array2D<Int>(cols: 10, rows: 10, defaultValue: nil)


How can I merge 2 dictionaries into one array?

My JSON data look like this image below. Now I wanna merge the value of Shop Type and Promotion into one to use as collection view data. How can I do that?
I just filter the response data from the server like this:
var dataBanDau: [SDFilterModel] = []
var quickData: [SDFilterModel] = []
let filters: [SDFilterModel] = data
self.filterEntries = filters
//let nsarray = NSArray(array: self.filterEntries! , copyItems: true)
// self.filterEntriesStoreConstant = nsarray as! Array
self.dataBanDau = filters
for i in 0..<self.dataBanDau.count {
if self.dataBanDau[i].search_key.count == 0 {
self.quickData = self.quickData.filter {
$0.type != "range"
DispatchQueue.main.async {
//Note: Reload TableView
the class SDFilterModel:
class SDFilterModel: DSBaseModel {
var name = String()
var type = String()
var is_expanded = Int()
var search_key = String()
var filterEntries : [SDFilterModel]?
override func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
// This is the reason why `init(_ model: GameModel)`
// must be required, because `GameModel` is not `final`.
let copy = SDFilterModel(dict: self.dictionary)
if let arrAttribute = NSArray(array: self.value , copyItems: true) as? [AttributeValueModel] {
copy.value = arrAttribute
return copy
override init(dict: Dictionary<String, Any>) {
super.init(dict: dict);
value = self.valueParse()
name = dict.getString(forKey: "name")
type = dict.getString(forKey: "type")
search_key = dict.getString(forKey: "search_key")
is_expanded = dict.getInt(forKey: "is_expanded")!
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
var value: [AttributeValueModel] = [];
func valueParse()-> [AttributeValueModel] {
guard let childs = (self.dictionary["value"]) as? [Dictionary<String, AnyObject>]
else { return [] }
var output: [AttributeValueModel] = [];
for aDict in childs {
let item = AttributeValueModel(dict:aDict);
// if type == .Range && item.option_id == "0" {
// item.setRangeOptionID(aValue: item.option_name!)
// }
return output;
Let be Assume you have let myArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
Now you wanted to square of each and every element in the array,
With for loop you do like this
for item in myArray {
print(item * item)
Now assume item = $0
With for map you jus do{ $0 * $0 })
Both will gave same output.
map : Use to do same operation on every element of array.
flatmap : It is used to flattern the array of array.
let myArr = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7]]
and you want o/p as [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
So can get above output with myArr.flatMap({$0})
Now back to your question.
let reqArray ={ $0.value }).flatMap({ $0 })
First, map gaves you array-of-array of key value but you need a single array, so for that you need to use flatmap.
You can take ref :
Create the models like this
struct Option {
let name: String
let searchKey: String
let id: String
struct Model {
let type: String
let name: String
let isExpanded: Bool
let value: [Option]
You should get the options array values and join all the arrays
let models:[Model] = //...
let collectionViewArray = { $0.value }.reduce([Option](), +)
Using for loop
var collectionViewArray = [Option]()
for model in models {
collectionViewArray.append(contentsOf: model.value)

Combine / Merge Multiple Arrays Into One

I have four list of arrays:
var products: [Product] = []
var addressInfo: [AddressInfo] = []
var favorites: [Favorite] = []
var amounts: [Amount] = []
I want to combine them all into one so I have only one variable:
var combined = [Product/AddressInfo/Favorite/Amount]()
How would I go about merging them into one array var cobmbined = [Combined]() ?
This these are two examples of how my structs look like:
struct Amount {
var amountsDeliveryCharge: Double
var amountsDriverTip: Double
amountsDeliveryCharge: Double,
amountsDriverTip: Double
self.amountsDeliveryCharge = amountsDeliveryCharge
self.amountsDriverTip = amountsDriverTip
init(data: [String: Any]){
amountsDeliveryCharge = data[DatabaseRef.deliveryCharge] as? Double ?? 0.0
amountsDriverTip = data[DatabaseRef.driverTip] as? Double ?? 0.0
static func modelToData(amount: Amount) -> [String: Any] {
let data : [String: Any] = [
DatabaseRef.deliveryCharge : amount.amountsDeliveryCharge,
DatabaseRef.driverTip : amount.amountsDriverTip
return data
This is the other struct:
struct Product {
var price: Double
var priceUnit: String
price: Double,
priceUnit: String
self.price = price
self.priceUnit = priceUnit
init(data: [String: Any]){
price = data[DatabaseRef.price] as? Double ?? 0.0
priceUnit = data[DatabaseRef.priceUnit] as? String ?? ""
static func modelToData(product: Product) -> [String: Any] {
let data : [String: Any] = [
DatabaseRef.price : product.price,
DatabaseRef.priceUnit : product.priceUnit
return data
The other two structs look similar in structure as well.
Assuming the ordering is the same in each of them, create a struct with the appropriate properties
struct Combined {
let product: Product
let addressInfo: AddressInfo
let favourite: Favourite
let amount: Amount
and then either loop through the arrays using a counter to index then and create instances using the memberWise initialiser, or use a static factory function to make and return the array:
static func makeFrom(products: [Product], addresses: [AddressInfo], favourites: [Favourite], amounts: [Amount]) -> [Combined] {
guard products.count == addresses.count, addresses.count == favourites.count, favourites.count == amounts.count else {fatalError()}. //handle better in practice
var combined = [Combined]()
for index in 0..<products.count {
combined.append(Combined(product: products[index],
addressInfo: addresses[index],
favourite: favourites[index],
amount: amounts[index])
return combined
The above checks that all arrays are teh same length and if not calls fatalError(). In reality you'd want to handle the error better than this.
Then use as:
let combined = Combined.makeFrom(products: products, addresses:addressInfo, favourites: favourites, amounts: amounts)
You can cast your arrays as [Any] and add them.
let combinedVals = (products as [Any]) + (addressInfo as [Any]) + (favorites as [Any]) + (amounts as [Any])
Alternatively you can create a protocol and have your structs adhere to it.
protocol Combined {
struct Amount: Combined {
var amountsDeliveryCharge: Double
var amountsDriverTip: Double
struct Product: Combined {
var price: Double
var priceUnit: String
let combinedValues: [Combined] = amounts + products
When you iterate over the array, if you need to check what it is, you can use a switch to check it's type.
combinedValues.forEach { (value) in
switch value {
case let value as Amount:
case let value as Product:

How eliminate duplicate objects from array of objects in swift

I am having two arrays coming from web service, I need to find out whether the Array2 has the same objects as Array1.
So, For this I am using below code:
var arr1 = [CustomObject]()
var arr2 = [CustomObject]()
var arr3 = [CustomObject]()
var arr4 = [CustomObject]()
self.arr3 = self.arr1 + self.arr2 //concatenate two arrays
self.arr4 = Array(Set(arr3)) // find out uniq values
// below is the extension
extension Array where Element : Hashable {
var unique: [Element] {
var uniqueValues: [Element] = []
forEach { item in
if !uniqueValues.contains(item) {
uniqueValues += [item]
return uniqueValues
But it is showing error on above line "Array(Set(arr3))"
Error Is :- To add value to Set
Try this :
var arr1 = ["A","B","C"]
var arr2 = ["A","B","C"]
if Set(arr1).symmetricDifference(arr2).isEmpty {
print("The Arrays Match")
In order for the set to store custom class / struct, the custom class / struct needs to to conform to Hashable protocol and indirectly Equatable protocol.
Given below is an example using a struct, you can use a class as well.
struct CustomObject : Hashable{
var something : Int //It is just an example, this could be any type, but some how you should find a way to compute the hash value.
//MARK: Hashable
var hashValue: Int {
return something
//MARK: CustomObject - Equatable
func ==(lhs: CustomObject, rhs: CustomObject) -> Bool {
return lhs.something == rhs.something

Addressing a multi-dimensional array of objects in Swift

Extreme newbie Swift syntax question...
Trying to address a multidimensional array of UIImageView objects and getting the error
Cannot subscript a value of type [[UIImageView]] with an index of
type UInt32.
I thought I was creating an NxN array of UIImageView objects but I guess not?
Thanks All!
func loadDefaultImages()
var pictures : [[UIImageView]] = [];
let MaxRows: UInt32 = 4
let MaxCols: UInt32 = 4
var row: UInt32
var col: UInt32
for (row = 0; row <= MaxRows; row++)
for (col = 0; col <= MaxCols; col++)
var newImage = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "first"))
pictures[row][col] = UIImageView() /* Error on this statement */
Initially, your pictures array will not contain any elements, (i.e. it will evaluate to []). As you try to set pictures[0][0], you're trying to reference both a row and column that do not exist yet.
Instead, you could build up the array as you go, like this:
func loadDefaultImages() {
var pictures : [[UIImageView]] = [];
let MaxRows: UInt32 = 4
let MaxCols: UInt32 = 4
for _ in 0..<MaxRows {
var aRow : [UIImageView] = []
for _ in 0..<MaxCols {
let newImage = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "first"))
However, a neater way to do this would be to create the array with a default size using the count, repeatedValue function, like so:
func loadDefaultImages() {
let MaxRows: Int = 4
let MaxCols: Int = 4
var pictures = [[UIImageView?]](count: MaxRows, repeatedValue: [UIImageView?](count: MaxCols, repeatedValue: nil))
for row in 0..<MaxRows {
for col in 0..<MaxCols {
let newImage = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "first"))
pictures[row][col] = newImage

Swift 2.0 - ERROR: Immutable value of type '[String]' only has mutating members named 'append'

I am trying to write a method which extracts a HTML tag into a array because I want to parse a web page in a tree structure.
func extractStringFromHTMLInsideTags(htmlString:String, htmlTagPairArray:[String], saveToArray:[String]) -> String
var htmlNSString = htmlString as NSString
var lenght = htmlNSString.length
var openingTag = htmlTagPairArray[0] as NSString
var openingTagLength = openingTag.length
var closingTag = htmlTagPairArray[1] as NSString
var closingTagLength = closingTag.length
if (htmlString.rangeOfString(htmlTagPairArray[0]) != nil)
let rangeStart:NSRange! = htmlNSString.rangeOfString(htmlTagPairArray[0], options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch)
var rangeEnd:NSRange! = htmlNSString.rangeOfString(htmlTagPairArray[1], options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch)
let startTagIndex: Int = rangeStart.location + openingTagLength
let boldTextLenght: Int = rangeEnd.location - rangeStart.location - openingTagLength
let endTagIndex: Int = startTagIndex + boldTextLenght
let startIndex = advance(htmlString.startIndex,startTagIndex)//advance as much as you like
let endIndex = advance(htmlString.startIndex,endTagIndex)
let range = startIndex..<endIndex
var resultString = htmlString.substringWithRange( range )
resultString = htmlString.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(htmlTagPairArray[0] + resultString + htmlTagPairArray[1], withString: resultString, options: nil, range: nil)
if (resultString.rangeOfString(htmlTagPairArray[0]) != nil)
resultString = extractStringFromHTMLInsideTags(resultString,htmlTagPairArray:htmlTagPairArray, saveToArray:saveToArray)
return resultString
return htmlString
On the line:
I am getting the error:
Immutable value of type '[String]' only has mutating members named
The error states that saveToArray is immutable. I thought that the array is copied by reference...?
Why is this happening?
( I am using Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7.1 ).
Parameters passed in methods are immutable (let) by default.
Add the keyword var to make them mutable
func extractStringFromHTMLInsideTags(htmlString:String, htmlTagPairArray:[String], var saveToArray:[String]) -> String
{ ...
