Apache Camel with Kafka Schema registry - apache-camel

I am building a Camel application to read message from Confluent Kafka. The messages are in Avro format and added below route configuration to read the Avro messages using schema registry in Camel route. When I enable the valueDeserializer=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer,
I am not getting any messages from Kafka topic. I tested the route with out schema registry and able to consume the message.
Route definition:
from("kafka:topic1?sslTruststoreLocation=<jks file>
Can you please let me know, what is wrong in above configuration for schema registry. I also tried with EndPointRouteBuilder and same issue. However the producer application which is also Camel based and uses the schema registry for publishing Avro messages is working fine.

I figured out the way to configure the basic auth with Confluent schema registry. We need to configure as below
from("kafka:topic1?sslTruststoreLocation=<jks file>
Note here, we need to use additional-properties for basic.auth.user.info and basic.auth.credentials.source as mentioned above.

My issue was that the schema registry password contained special characters, such +.
So I had to wrap the property in RAW as described in the documentation [1]
Given the above example, it would then result in:
[1] https://camel.apache.org/manual/faq/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.html#HowdoIconfigureendpoints-Configuringparametervaluesusingrawvalues


restarting a route initialized with File component does not poll the existing files again

Thanks to JMX (java console), I try to restart a route with a file component consumer endpoint.
from("file:<some dir>?noop=true")
I am using the wiretap pattern to record the intermediate data transformation through other files endpoint.
On first start of the camel application, everything is fine, and all the files already present in the input directory are polled and processed.
But when I try to restart the route thanks to jmx, nothing happens.
I try to manually removed .camel directory - created by I guess the default FileIdempotentRepository - before restarting the route, in vain.
I also tried to change the kind of IdempotentRepository with a MemoryIdempotentRepository :
from("file:<somedir>?noop=true").idempotentConsumer(header("CamelFileName"), MemoryIdempotentRepository.memoryIdempotentRepository(1000))
Even if I trigger the clear() operation of this MemoryIdempotentRepository before restarting the route in java console, nothing is polled from the input directory after restarting.
If I add a file, it works. Everything behaves like if there is a persistent history of the files already polled once.
I wonder if the use of the option "noop=true" creates an unmanaged idempotent repository I cannot control with jmx.
If true, the file is not moved or deleted in any way. This option is
good for readonly data, or for ETL type requirements. If noop=true,
Camel will set idempotent=true as well, to avoid consuming the same
files over and over again.
Any idea ?
(i am using camel-core 2.21)
I found the solution to my issue.
I made a bad use of idempotentConsumer; I needed to initialize the endpoint idempotent consumer inside the endpoint URI parameters list.
First, create an entry in a bean registry:
registry.put("myIdempotentRepository", MemoryIdempotentRepository.memoryIdempotentRepository(1000));
Then, refer to this idempotentRepository in the endpoint:
By doing this, GenericFileEndPoint:
will not create a default idempotentRepository
will add the idempotentRepository given in options of the endpoint to the services of the camel context. This means that it will be possible to manage it thanks to JMX
I think it would be useful to be allowed to manage the default idempotent repository in the FileEndPoint class of camel-core.

How to configure Karaf org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg to use a sift appender based on the log4j2 logging category

I'm using Karaf and Camel and have been able to configure PAX logging to sift on MDC fields (camel.routeId) and that works just fine.
I'm wondering if I can configure log4j2 to sift on the logging category field (%c or %logger in log4j2 conversion pattern terms) or if anyone can point me in the right direction as to how I could go about configuring it.
Log4j2 (pax-logging-log4j2) is "sifting" on the basis of MDC data. By default logger/category is not part of this context data. You can however put the logger name to MDC yourself.
In pax-logging-log4j2, org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.PaxLoggerImpl#setDelegateContext() method sets 3 keys:
Camel sets own keys (like context-id) in org.apache.camel.impl.MDCUnitOfWork constructor.

Carrot2 dcs webapp setup

I have been struggling with setting up Carrot2 for use PHP, on a local machine. The plan is to have Carrot2 retrieve cluster from Solr populated by Nutch. Currently Solr and Nutch are correctly configured and I have been able to access the information via Carrot2 Workbench. Carrot2-dcs-3.10.0 has been set up what I believed to be correctly deployed through the tomcat6 manager although the documentation on setting this up is horrible vague and incomplete. Changes to source-solr-attributes.xml were made according to https://sites.google.com/site/profileswapnilkulkarni/tech-talk/howtoconfigureandruncarrot2webapplicationwithsolrdocumentsource . Tomcat is set up on port 8080. The Carrot2 DCS php example example.php works and displays the test output correctly. Although, when I try to perform a cluster using localIPAddress:8080/carrot2-dcs/index.html I run into a problem. When I set document source to Solr and the query to : then click cluster I get the following error message.
HTTP Status 500 - Could not perform processing: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to localhost:8983 refused
type Status report
message Could not perform processing: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to localhost:8983 refused
description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
I have searched everywhere in the deployed webapp folder for carrot2 and can't find where it is getting localhost:8983 from.
Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you.
It turns out that the source-solr-attributes.xml file had an extra overridden-attributes. one was before the default block comment with the example parameters and the second was added in by me with the parameters needed for my config. Deleting one of the line so there was only one corrected the problem. Apparently with two of those it ignores the server settings and uses default values instead.

how to migrate ftp route from xml to java

i began to refactor/ rebuild a xml based camel project to a java based one (i need to strictly separate configuration from functional stuff).
i am new to camel and so i am stumbling over the very first route, a ftp route. The ftp url and credentials are configuration but all the rest should be set in java.
at the moment the urie looks as follows:
So how to do this in java. especially the stuff using beans with "#".
thx in advance
The uri is the same in Java or XML DSL. Only that in XML mind you need to XML escape the & so it becomes & etc.
The # is a lookup in the registry, see more here: http://camel.apache.org/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.html
So the lookup happens in the Camel registry which can be a facade for JDNI / Spring etc. So it depends in what container you run Camel.
You can find a bit more details about Camel registry at: https://camel.apache.org/registry.html

How do I obscure a password in a Camel configuration file

I am looking at using the Camel crypto tool for processing PGP data but have a requirement that the password to the keys used be either encrypted in the configuration file or be sourced from a secure server elsewhere. Is this possible without generating my own PGP processor?
Yes see the security menu on the Apache Camel web site: http://camel.apache.org/security.html
There is a section about configuration security, where you can use camel-jasypt for that: http://camel.apache.org/jasypt.html
This allows you to store encrypted usernames / passwords etc in a .properties file, and then you can refer to these properties from Camel crypto, using Camel's property placeholder: http://camel.apache.org/using-propertyplaceholder.html
