View headers on iphone - mobile

I have been trying to view the headers of a website on Iphone. I cannot figure out a way to see the headers on Iphone safari. Anybody got any solutions?

Please checkout the step-by-step documentation on Browserstack. It shows how to enable and make use of the Safari Developer Tools.
Make sure you connect your iOS device to your computer (by USB is recommended) in order to be able to allow your computer to directly communicate with the iOS device.


React UI does not make a request to an API on Android device but it does it in Linux

I am writing an app in React in order to make a beautiful UI for my API. When I run it in Arch Linux's Firefox it works well. However, when I run it in my Android device, it seems like the initial API call (inside the useEffect of the App.js) is not done, not in Firefox neither in Chrome.
I am serving the app in the computer and then opening it with my local IP address (not localhost, obviously) with my phone.
Does anyone know why isn't that working in the phone even though it is working in my Linux machine?
The source code (of the UI and of the API) is in my Github (
Thank you in advance.
I suffer a similar problem recently, may relate to unreachable IP address or some security problem.
I recommend using the chrome remote debug tool to make everything clear, in short that's how to do that:
First, open your phone debug mode, connect it to the PC with adb debug enable
Open chrome on your phone
Open chrome on your PC, go to 'chrome://inspect#devices'
Wait for a second and you should see your device, click inspect on it
Soon you can find out what cause the problem
Here's a full tutorial:

OTA Device Skin Download Not Working Because Of NTLM Proxy

Most of the time I am working behind a Microsoft NTLM Authenticationg Proxy. For some reason the proxy settings in the Simulator don't work with that.
Most java programs I get to work with the proxy through a program called cntlm, but not the Codename One Simulator or other Codename One features requiring a network connection. Therefore I cannot login to Codename One and ...
I am unable to use the OTA Device Skin Download.
Where would I find the skins to install skins manually?
The skins are here:
However, can you please file an issue on that so we can track this. It should work fine with the standard simulator proxy settings. I'll verify that.

Mobile detection in a website

I want a scenario where in I have a website and when I connect my mobile device to my pc or laptop, the website must be able to detect the phone and not the phone browser. As in it should detect if my phone is an iphone or any other mobile device. How can I achieve this?
Basically if I have a downloadable application and a list of compatible devices and when a device is connected, a compatibility check needs to be done and the software has to be downloaded directly! Is this possible?
you must build an APP and not a WebAPP or website.
the browser cant send relevant information such MacAddress or IMEI then you cannot do it with a simple website.
In javascript you can detect navigation browser and it has some extra information about the kind of device (like Android, Motorola, etc). For example this.

Is there a way to spoof a desktop browser response to a css media query?

Maybe a browser plugin? Just looking for a dirty, quick way to test some mobile web development.
Here's 3 tools I found pretty helpful for testing media queries for mobile devices within my desktop browser:
Adobe Shadow: You'll have to download the app on your mobile device, and then link the device to Chrome and once you've done so you can inspect your webpages on chrome as they would appear on your mobile device.
Remote Debugging with Chrome for Android: Similar to Adobe Shadow, but I found this to be a lot more reliable when dealing with network requests on mobile devices - you will need a android device with Ice Cream Sandwich however.
Changing User Agent on Safari to debug different browsers straight from your desktop Safari: If you have Safari, it allows you to change the useragent string from the developer tools. Pretty useful if you want to spoof browsers. - Didn't really find this useful for media queries though.
Go into Safari settings, there is one that reads "Request Desktop Website." Check it, then browse to Now you can message within browser. No app needed.

What link to use on the web to make bada install an application?

Please help me with one thing: I need to be able to forward a bada device to a certain application store page. This page should let the device to install the application using its native installation method, just like Android market or iTunes.
Granted that I know the link to my application on the web, where do I get the link to forward the device to?
I've tried to use the simulator's WebViewer application on the Samsung Apps site, but it can't even find the application that I want to link to.
please take a look at the links below.
using the namespace Osp::Commerce::Store, you can call the Samsung Apps within the app and encourage users to install apps via Samsung Apps. Hope it works for you.
