How to call Parent containers function from child component in Reactjs - reactjs

My application renders dynamic tiles by user and the tiles need to be re-arranged based on external configuration, StyleWrapper need to be a common container component that can be used in other projects too. Following is our UI component structure:
<Header />
<PortletTiles />
Given above structure, I have a function in StyleWrapper.tsx called arrangeTiles() which arranges tiles based on external configuration.
My question is how to call arrangeTiles() function from child component PortletTiles.tsx
StyleWrapper.tsx --> Parent Wrapper Container component
function StyleWrapper(props:any) {
let arrangeTiles= () => {
// Arrange Tile logic
return (
<div id="cnplStyleWrapper">
export default StyleWrapper;
PortletTiles.tsx --> Child component
function PortletTiles(props:any) {
let addNewTile= () => {
// Some logic to render tile here.. then
// How to call parent container's arrangeTiles function?
return (
<button onClick={addNewTile}>Add Tile</button>
export default PortletTiles;

You can create a context and pass the function or any other props as value. useContext can be used to consume the passed value from the provider.
type ContextValue = {
arrangeTiles: () => void;
const Context = createContext<ContextValue>({
arrangeTiles: () => {}
const StyleWrapper: FC = (props) => {
let arrangeTiles = () => {
// Arrange Tile logic
alert("Tiles have been arranged!");
return (
<Context.Provider value={{ arrangeTiles }}>
<div id="cnplStyleWrapper">{props.children}</div>
const PortletTiles: FC = (props) => {
const { arrangeTiles } = useContext(Context);
let addNewTile = () => {
return (
<button onClick={addNewTile}>Add Tile</button>
export default function App() {
return (
<PortletTiles />
If your app already uses redux, then you can move arrangeTiles to the reducer and dispatch actions from the components.

The easiest way to go about this would be to use context API. This provides you with the ability to have state that you can reference and manipulate across different components. You can reference the docs for context API here.
import { createContext } from "react";
const AppContext = createContext();
const AppProvider = (props) => {
const arrangeTiles = () => {
// place function code here
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={{arrangetiles}}>
const AppConsumer = AppContext.Consumer;
export { AppContext, AppConsumer };
export default AppProvider;
Wrap your app component in the AppProvider
In the child component, you would need to import the rearrangeTiles function and then you can use it:
import { useContext } from "react";
const { rearrangeTiles } = useContext(AppContext);


React, render dinamic child passing prop

I'm slowly getting introduced into advanced React and best practices for production apps. I want to know what is considered the "best practice" way of rendering a dinamic child passing props regarding maintainability, readability etc:
Here is the codeSandBox for more details
First method, render children as function passing the prop:
import { useState } from "react"
import "./Mouses.css"
export default function MouseChildren ({children}) {
const [mousePos, setMousePos] = useState(undefined)
function handleMouseMove(e) {
setMousePos({x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY})
/* this is bad because if more than one child is passed it will break */
return (
<div className="Mouse-container" onMouseMove={handleMouseMove}>
and then you call it this way:
{position => <RandomDiv position={position} method="children as function method" />}
Second method, render function as prop:
import { useState } from "react"
import "./Mouses.css"
export default function MouseRenderMethod ({render}) {
const [mousePos, setMousePos] = useState(undefined)
function handleMouseMove(e) {
setMousePos({x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY})
return (
<div className="Mouse-container" onMouseMove={handleMouseMove}>
and you call it like this:
<MouseRenderMethod render={position => <RandomDiv position={position} method="render as prop method:" />} />
and the third method is using React.Children:
import React, { useState } from "react"
import "./Mouses.css"
export default function MouseCreateComponent({children}) {
const [mousePos, setMousePos] = useState(undefined)
function handleMouseMove(e) {
setMousePos({x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY})
return (
<div className="Mouse-container" onMouseMove={handleMouseMove}>
{, child => {
if (React.isValidElement(child)) return React.cloneElement(child, {position: mousePos}, null)
and you call it like this:
<RandomDiv method="React.CloneElement method" />
I'm not sure which way is considered to be best over the others. If you from your experience can explain a bit
If you want to pass anything in your code without retyping it, you need to use useContext and the structure is:
One example with full-functionality which it may help you is:
const AppContext = React.createContext();
const AppProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [userData, setUserData]=useState('nothing here')
// any code you want to pass in the code
//e.g. a function
const randomFunction = ()=>{
//do something here
return (
export const useGlobalContext = () => {
return useContext(AppContext);
export { AppContext, AppProvider };
then all you have to do is to wrap all the components (children) you want, e.g. wrap <App /> so, more or less everything:
<App />
So now in this case you can use everything from your AppContext in all your code, you can pass more variables and functions if you want, and you import that by using:
import { useGlobalContext } from '/pathYouHaveIt';
function App() {
const {
} = useGlobalContext();
// now you can use those like you have them set-up in the App()

React Context update value from provider wrapping child

This may be a simple problem with React Context, but I cant find a way to do what I need.
I have a component, which consumes some context:
export const App = () => {
const value = useContext(MyContext);
return <ComponentA>{value}</ComponentA>;
The context is in a different module:
import { createContext } from 'react';
export const MyContext = createContext("Default value");
Now, ComponentA has a child component, which wraps the children from ComponentA:
const ComponentB = ({ children }) => {
return <div>{children}</div>;
export const ComponentA: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
return (
<MyContext.Provider value='Modified value'>
I expect the text to be updated, and App to render "Updated value"; but instead it renders "Default value".
Does anyone know why this happen? Here are two sandboxes, the first with the example above—— and the second trying to update the context with useState:
Move the consumption of you context below the context provider.
In your example it should be in ComponentB
export const ComponentB = ({ children }) => {
const value = useContext(MyContext);
return (
{value} — (should render «Updated value»)

Testing mobx react observer with react usecontext - React, Mobx

New to testing mobx with React. I'm testing a a simple side navigation bar, open/closes on hamburger menu. I have set up a store for the Navbar:
export class Store {
toggle = false;
this.toggle = bool;
decorate(Store, {
toggle: observable,
setToggle: action
export default createContext(new Store());
And here is the Navbar component:
export default observer(() => {
const store = useContext(Store); //SideNavStore is imported from mobx store folder
const handleOnClick = () => {
<div data-testid="test">
<Drawer open={store.toggle} onClose={handleOnClick}>
<div role="presentation">
{ => {
return <>
<ListItem button onClick={handleOnClick}>
<ListItemText primary={}/>
This is App.js
export default () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<Navbar ></Navbar>
</div >
describe('Navbar Interaction', () => {
describe('Inpsecting Navbar Contents', () => {
class Store {
sideNavToggle = true;
const DecoratedStore = decorate(Store,{
sideNavToggle: observable
const renderWithStore = (store) => {
<Navbar />
it('Expect links are present', () => {
const store = new DecoratedStore();
const { getByText } = renderWithStore(store);
expect(getByText("My Dashboard")).toBeTruthy();
My test here fails because it can't find the text in the document, Drawer Open is set to false configured by the store.toggle. Trying to figure out how to inject the store or dummy store in the test, there are some tutorials about using Provider/Inject but that requires mobx-react and I believe they are deprecated; I would like to stick with mobx-react-lite. In renderWithStore, I'm stuck on how to pass the dummy store in the test. I could pass the store as a props but I believe that requires provider/inject which I don't want to do that if necessary. I rather import the store directly in the Navbar component using React.useContext. I don't see tests using React.useContext and Mobx Observer in the web. Has anyone encountered this type of scenario or can you provide a better approach? Also what is the best practice with using React and Mobx stores? Using React-testing-library for my tests. Your help is appreciated!
mobx-react-lite does advice users to prefer React.useContext over provider/inject.
Take a look at
const storeContext = React.createContext<TStore | null>(null)
export const StoreProvider = ({ children }) => {
const store = useLocalStore(createStore)
return <storeContext.Provider value={store}>{children}</storeContext.Provider>
As for testing, if you want the component to use custom store or a mock store, you could do it by passing-in the store to StoreProvider. This how Redux users test their components.
export const StoreProvider = ({ store, children }) => {
return <storeContext.Provider value={store}>{children}</storeContext.Provider>

Instance returns NULL for connected component on mount in Jest

I am relatively new to react and apologies for any terms that dont fit the jargon.
I am trying to test a prototype method of a connected component which consists of a ref variable, as below:
export class Dashboard extends React.Component { // Exporting here as well
constructor(props) {
this.uploadFile = React.createRef();
this.uploadJSON = this.uploadJSON.bind(this);
uploadJSON () {
//Function that I am trying to test
//Conditions based on this.uploadFile
render() {
return (
<div className="dashboard wrapper m-padding">
<div className="dashboard-header clearfix">
<SensorStatList />
<GraphList />
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
export default connect(
Here, SensorStatList and GraphList are functional components, also connected using redux.
After some research I have my test file to this level:
import { Dashboard } from '../Dashboard';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import configureStore from '../../../store/store';
const store = configureStore();
export const CustomProvider = ({ children }) => {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
describe("Dashboard", () => {
let uploadJSONSpy = null;
function mountSetup () {
const wrapper = mount(
<Dashboard />
return {
it("should read the file", () => {
const { wrapper } = mountSetup();
let DashboardWrapper = wrapper;
let instance = DashboardWrapper.instance();
console.log(instance.ref('uploadFile')) // TypeError: Cannot read property 'ref' of null
Can someone help me understand why this error
// TypeError: Cannot read property 'ref' of null
pops up? Also, if this approach is fine? If not, what are the better options?
wrapper is CustomProvider which has no instance, and ref is supposed to work with deprecated string refs.
In case a ref should be accessed on Dashboard, it can be:
In case input wrapper should be accessed, it can be:

Access React Context outside of render function

I am developing a new app using the new React Context API instead of Redux, and before, with Redux, when I needed to get a list of users for example, I simply call in componentDidMount my action, but now with React Context, my actions live inside my Consumer which is inside my render function, which means that every time my render function is called, it will call my action to get my users list and that is not good because I will be doing a lot of unecessary requests.
So, how I can call only one time my action, like in componentDidMount instead of calling in render?
Just to exemplify, look at this code:
Let's suppose that I am wrapping all my Providers in one component, like this:
import React from 'react';
import UserProvider from './UserProvider';
import PostProvider from './PostProvider';
export default class Provider extends React.Component {
Then I put this Provider component wrapping all my app, like this:
import React from 'react';
import Provider from './providers/Provider';
import { Router } from './Router';
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
const Component = Router();
<Component />
Now, at my users view for example, it will be something like this:
import React from 'react';
import UserContext from '../contexts/UserContext';
export default class Users extends React.Component {
{({getUsers, users}) => {
{ => (
What I want is this:
import React from 'react';
import UserContext from '../contexts/UserContext';
export default class Users extends React.Component {
{({users}) => {
{ => (
But ofcourse that the example above don't work because the getUsers don't live in my Users view props. What is the right way to do it if this is possible at all?
EDIT: With the introduction of react-hooks in v16.8.0, you can use context in functional components by making use of useContext hook
const Users = () => {
const contextValue = useContext(UserContext);
// rest logic here
EDIT: From version 16.6.0 onwards. You can make use of context in lifecycle method using this.context like
class Users extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
let value = this.context;
/* perform a side-effect at mount using the value of UserContext */
componentDidUpdate() {
let value = this.context;
/* ... */
componentWillUnmount() {
let value = this.context;
/* ... */
render() {
let value = this.context;
/* render something based on the value of UserContext */
Users.contextType = UserContext; // This part is important to access context values
Prior to version 16.6.0, you could do it in the following manner
In order to use Context in your lifecyle method, you would write your component like
class Users extends React.Component {
const { users } = this.props;
{ => (
export default props => ( <UserContext.Consumer>
{({users, getUsers}) => {
return <Users {...props} users={users} getUsers={getUsers} />
Generally you would maintain one context in your App and it makes sense to package the above login in an HOC so as to reuse it. You can write it like
import UserContext from 'path/to/UserContext';
const withUserContext = Component => {
return props => {
return (
{({users, getUsers}) => {
return <Component {...props} users={users} getUsers={getUsers} />;
and then you can use it like
export default withUserContext(User);
Ok, I found a way to do this with a limitation. With the with-context library I managed to insert all my consumer data into my component props.
But, to insert more than one consumer into the same component is complicated to do, you have to create mixed consumers with this library, which makes not elegant the code and non productive.
The link to this library:
EDIT: Actually you don't need to use the multi context api that with-context provide, in fact, you can use the simple api and make a decorator for each of your context and if you want to use more than one consumer in you component, just declare above your class as much decorators as you want!
For my part it was enough to add .bind(this) to the event. This is how my Component looks like.
// Stores File
class RootStore {
//...States, etc
const myRootContext = React.createContext(new RootStore())
export default myRootContext;
// In Component
class MyComp extends Component {
static contextType = myRootContext;
doSomething() {
render() {
return <button onClick={this.doSomething.bind(this)}></button>
The following is working for me. This is a HOC that uses useContext and useReducer hooks. There's also a way to interact with sockets in this example.
I'm creating 2 contexts (one for dispatch and one for state). You would first need to wrap some outer component with the SampleProvider HOC. Then by using one or more of the utility functions, you can gain access to the state and/or the dispatch. The withSampleContext is nice because it passes both the dispatch and state. There are also other functions like useSampleState and useSampleDispatch that can be used within a functional component.
This approach allows you to code your React components as you always have without needing to inject any Context specific syntax.
import React, { useEffect, useReducer } from 'react';
import { Client } from '#stomp/stompjs';
import * as SockJS from 'sockjs-client';
const initialState = {
myList: [],
myObject: {}
export const SampleStateContext = React.createContext(initialState);
export const SampleDispatchContext = React.createContext(null);
const ACTION_TYPE = {
const sampleReducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
myList: action.myList
return {
myObject: action.myObject
default: {
throw new Error(`Unhandled action type: ${action.type}`);
* Provider wrapper that also initializes reducer and socket communication
* #param children
* #constructor
export const SampleProvider = ({ children }: any) => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(sampleReducer, initialState);
useEffect(() => initializeSocket(dispatch), [initializeSocket]);
return (
<SampleStateContext.Provider value={state}>
<SampleDispatchContext.Provider value={dispatch}>{children}</SampleDispatchContext.Provider>
* HOC function used to wrap component with both state and dispatch contexts
* #param Component
export const withSampleContext = Component => {
return props => {
return (
{dispatch => (
{contexts => <Component {...props} {...contexts} dispatch={dispatch} />}
* Use this within a react functional component if you want state
export const useSampleState = () => {
const context = React.useContext(SampleStateContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useSampleState must be used within a SampleProvider');
return context;
* Use this within a react functional component if you want the dispatch
export const useSampleDispatch = () => {
const context = React.useContext(SampleDispatchContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useSampleDispatch must be used within a SampleProvider');
return context;
* Sample function that can be imported to set state via dispatch
* #param dispatch
* #param obj
export const setMyObject = async (dispatch, obj) => {
dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPE.SET_MY_OBJECT, myObject: obj });
* Initialize socket and any subscribers
* #param dispatch
const initializeSocket = dispatch => {
const client = new Client({
brokerURL: 'ws://path-to-socket:port',
debug: function (str) {
reconnectDelay: 5000,
heartbeatIncoming: 4000,
heartbeatOutgoing: 4000
// Fallback code for http(s)
if (typeof WebSocket !== 'function') {
client.webSocketFactory = function () {
return new SockJS('https://path-to-socket:port');
const onMessage = msg => {
dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPE.SET_MY_LIST, myList: JSON.parse(msg.body) });
client.onConnect = function (frame) {
client.subscribe('/topic/someTopic', onMessage);
client.onStompError = function (frame) {
console.log('Broker reported error: ' + frame.headers['message']);
console.log('Additional details: ' + frame.body);
You have to pass context in higher parent component to get access as a props in child.
