c deleting element in dynamic struct - c

i'm trying to delete a single element in the struct and override this position with the last one.
Here is my code of a function:
int deleteElement(struct record **rec, int *length, int elementToDelete){
struct record *temp = NULL;
allocateTempMemory(&temp, ((*length) - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < ((*length) - 1); i++){
if (elementToDelete != i){
temp[i] = (*rec)[i];
temp[i].ID = (*rec)[i].ID;
temp[i].Salary = (*rec)[i].Salary;
strcpy(temp[i].Name, (*rec)[i].Name);
} else {temp[i] = (*rec)[(*length) - 1];
temp[i].ID = (*rec)[(*length) - 1].ID;
temp[i].Salary = (*rec)[(*length) - 1].Salary;
strcpy(temp[i].Name, (*rec)[(*length) - 1].Name);
*rec = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < ((*length) - 1); i++){
(*rec)[i] = temp[i];
(*rec)[i].ID = temp[i].ID;
(*rec)[i].Salary = temp[i].Salary;
strcpy((*rec)[i].Name, temp[i].Name);
return 1;
code of the struct
struct record{
char Name[100];
double Salary;
int ID;
code of the function allocateTempMemory:
int allocateTempMemory(struct record **temp, int length){
*temp = (struct record **)malloc(sizeof(struct record) * length);
if (temp == NULL){
return 0;
return 1;
However, it does not work properly. My guess are memory allocation issues (sometimes it runs through and sometimes it crashes immediately). Do you have any idea what the problem may be? thanks

You assign temp to *rect, than you free temp. basically you freed *rec. When you access *rec later it will cause crash.
*rec = temp;
free(temp); // cause *rec freed. Should not be freed.


Proper way of deallocation of double pointer to struct

I am trying to add memory deallocations to old C code.
I have a hash table of custom objects (HASHREC). After analysis of current code and reading other SO questions, I know that I need to provide three levels of deallocations. Fist - word member, next HASHREC*, and then HASHREC**.
My version of free_table() function frees mentioned objects. Unfortunately, Valgrind still complains that some bytes are lost.
I am not able to provide full code, it will be too long, but I am presenting how HASHREC **vocab_hash is filled inside inithashtable() and hashinsert().
Could you give me a suggestion how should I fix free_table()?
typedef struct hashrec {
char *word;
long long count;
struct hashrec *next;
HASHREC ** inithashtable() {
int i;
ht = (HASHREC **) malloc( sizeof(HASHREC *) * TSIZE );
for (i = 0; i < TSIZE; i++) ht[i] = (HASHREC *) NULL;
return ht;
void hashinsert(HASHREC **ht, char *w) {
HASHREC *htmp, *hprv;
unsigned int hval = HASHFN(w, TSIZE, SEED);
for (hprv = NULL, htmp = ht[hval]; htmp != NULL && scmp(htmp->word, w) != 0; hprv = htmp, htmp = htmp->next);
if (htmp == NULL) {
htmp = (HASHREC *) malloc( sizeof(HASHREC) ); //<-------- problematic allocation (Valgrind note)
htmp->word = (char *) malloc( strlen(w) + 1 );
strcpy(htmp->word, w);
htmp->next = NULL;
if ( hprv==NULL ) ht[hval] = htmp;
else hprv->next = htmp;
else {/* new records are not moved to front */
if (hprv != NULL) { /* move to front on access */
hprv->next = htmp->next;
htmp->next = ht[hval];
ht[hval] = htmp;
void free_table(HASHREC **ht) {
int i;
HASHREC* current;
for (i = 0; i < TSIZE; i++){
current = ht[i];
while(current != NULL) {
tmp = current;
current = current->next;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
HASHREC **vocab_hash = inithashtable();
// ...
hashinsert(vocab_hash, w);
return 0;
I assume the problem is here:
current = ht[i];
while(current != NULL) {
tmp = current;
current = current->next;
You release the word but you don’t release tmp. After you release the first item in the linked list but not the others which causes a leak.
Free tmp in there and don’t free ht[i] after since it’s already freed here.
current = ht[i];
while(current != NULL) {
tmp = current;
current = current->next;

Error allocating memory for temp in queue push in c invalid write size of 8 from valgrind

This is my push function
void push(struct Map *map, struct Location location){
struct Node *temp = map->front;
temp->loc = location; //this line causes the error
temp->next = NULL;
if(map->rear == NULL) { // if queue empty
map->front = temp; // First NODE
map->rear = map->front;
}else{// if there is stuff in the queue
map->rear->next = temp;
map->rear = temp;
// Insert End
and I am getting this error
==2301== Invalid write of size 8
==2301== at 0x401148: push (3146.c:239)
==2301== by 0x400DE7: findEntrance (3146.c:164)
==2301== by 0x400820: main (3146.c:55)
==2301== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
I am doing a breadth first search on a grid of characters arranged to be a maze. I have been having trouble getting no memory leaks so I have finally found that using malloc helps, but I don't understand why I cannot do this data assignment without a segfault
The alternative is to not free it and have memory leaks, which I don't think is an acceptable solution. Where is my logic wrong?
Below this is the whole program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Location;
struct Map;
struct Node;
//function names seem to self describe
void pathFinder(struct Map*);
void findEntrance(struct Map*);
void readInMap(struct Map*);
void printMap(struct Map*);//to screen
/* Q funcs */
void pop(struct Map*);
void push(struct Map*, struct Location);
struct Location {// simple location type
int x;
int y;
struct Node {//standard linked list node
struct Location loc;
struct Node *next;
struct Map { //variable size encompassing array, and dimension variables
char arr[100][100];
int xLength;//dimensions
int yLength;
int complete;
struct Node *rear;//Q pointers
struct Node *front;
struct Node *currLoc; //temp for BFS
struct Location entrance;
int main(){
struct Map map;//the one map to rule them all
map.xLength = 0;//map dimensions
map.yLength = 0;
map.front = NULL; // queue pointers init
map.rear = NULL;
map.currLoc = NULL;
map.entrance.x = 0;
map.entrance.y = 0;
map.complete = 0;
findEntrance(&map);//start off by finding where to start
pathFinder(&map); // problem solver method
return 0;
void pathFinder(struct Map *map){
int x;//should be the entrance already pushed from findEntrance
int y;
int done = 0;
struct Location temp;
temp.x = 0;// temp for pushing locations that are adjacent 0's
temp.y = 0;
while(map->front != NULL){
map->currLoc = map->front;//currLoc is just a copy so that we can pop the map location of currLoc from Q
pop(map);// pop so it cant be used twice in this loop
x = map->currLoc->loc.x;
y = map->currLoc->loc.y;
temp.x = 0;
temp.y = 0;
if(map->arr[y][x] == '0'){//protection of 1 values from replacement
map->arr[y][x] = 'X';//replace the array position loc w x
if(map->arr[y][x] == '0'){//protection of 1 values from replacement
map->arr[y][x] = 'X';//replace the array position loc w x
/* find adjacent 0's */
if((y < map->xLength)&&(map->arr[y+1][x] == '0')){
temp.x = x;
temp.y = y+1;
push(map, temp);
if((x < map->xLength)&&(map->arr[y][x+1] == '0')){
temp.x = x+1;
temp.y = y;
push(map, temp);
if((y > 0)&&(map->arr[y-1][x] == '0')){
temp.x = x;
temp.y = y-1;
push(map, temp);
if((x > 0)&&(map->arr[y][x-1] == '0')){
temp.x = x-1;
temp.y = y;
push(map, temp);
if((x == 0)||(x == map->xLength)||(y == 0)||(y == map->yLength)){ //then its not on the edge
if((x != map->entrance.x)&&(y != map->entrance.y)){
map->front = NULL;
void findEntrance(struct Map *map){
struct Location entrance;
int done = 0;
int y=0;//index of current row depth
int x=0;//index of current column depth
if (done == 0){
for (x=0;x<=map->xLength;x++){ // top row
if (map->arr[y][x] == '0') {
entrance.x = x;
entrance.y = y;
done = 1;
if (done == 0){
for(y=0;y<=map->yLength;y++){//down the right side
if (map->arr[y][map->xLength] == '0') {
entrance.x = x;
entrance.y = y;
done = 1;
if (done == 0){
for(x;x>=0;x--){//bottom row RtoL
if (map->arr[map->yLength][x] == '0') {
entrance.x = x;
entrance.y = y;
done = 1;
if (done == 0){
for(y;y>=0;y--){//up the left side
if (map->arr[y][0] == '0') {
entrance.x = x;
entrance.y = y;
done = 1;
map->entrance = entrance;
push(map, map->entrance);
void readInMap(struct Map *map){
FILE *fptr;
char c;
char file_name[20];
int i,j;
int rows;
int cols;
int x,y;
scanf("%i", &rows);
scanf("%i", &cols);
map->xLength = cols-1; //[y][xLength]
map->yLength = rows-1; //[yLength][x]
for (x=0;x<100;x++){
for (y=0;y<100;y++){
map->arr[x][y] = '1';//whole array is 1
printf("Type in the name of the file containing the Field\n");
fptr=fopen(file_name, "r");
for (i = 0; i <= map->xLength; i++){
for (j = 0; j <= map->yLength; j++){
c=fgetc(fptr); //handles new line character and spaces
while ( !((c == '1') || (c =='0')) ) {
map->arr[i][j] = c;
void printMap(struct Map *map){
int y;//index of current row depth
int x;//index of current column depth
for (x=0;x<=map->xLength;x++){
for (y=0;y<=map->yLength;y++){//current pos (x,y)
printf("%c", map->arr[x][y]);
if(map->complete != 0){
printf("\n An exit to the maze was found that is not the entrance\n");
printf("\n No exit was found \n");
void pop(struct Map *map){
if (map->front != NULL){//if not empty
if (map->front == map->rear){
map->rear = NULL;//if the line length is 1, empty it
map->front = NULL;
map->front = map->front->next;//next in line
map->rear = NULL;//empty out the queue
map->front = NULL;
void push(struct Map *map, struct Location location){
struct Node *temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
temp->loc = location;
temp->next = NULL;
if(map->rear == NULL) { // if queue empty
map->front = temp; // First NODE
map->rear = map->front;
}else{// if there is stuff in the queue
map->rear->next = temp;
map->rear = temp;
// Insert End
When the Map is empty, both front and rear are NULL. So temp->loc is dereferencing a NULL pointer.
You need to malloc the new node and add that to the list. Additionally, you don't want to free here, as that deallocates the memory that you just added to the list.
void push(struct Map *map, struct Location location){
struct Node *temp = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
temp->loc = location;
temp->next = NULL;
if(map->rear == NULL) { // if queue empty
map->front = temp; // First NODE
map->rear = map->front;
}else{// if there is stuff in the queue
map->rear->next = temp;
map->rear = temp;
// Insert End
In pop is where you want to deallocate the memory:
void pop(struct Map *map){
struct Node *temp = map->front;
if (map->front != NULL){//if not empty
if (map->front == map->rear){
map->rear = NULL;//if the line length is 1, empty it
map->front = NULL;
map->front = map->front->next;//next in line
map->rear = NULL;//empty out the queue
map->front = NULL;

C array being overwritten/deleted? very confused

I am working on a project in C and it is working great except for one function which seems to be overwriting my array and writing weird numbers such as 1970802352 which keeps count of word occurrences in a file
this is my header file:
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
struct Node_{
char* word;
//array holding names of files word occurs in
char **filesIn;
int numFilesIn;
//array holding count of how many times word occured in file
int* occursIn;
struct Node_ *next;
int isHead;
typedef struct Node_ Node;
int insert(char *wordToAdd, char *File);
int addOccur(Node *addedTo, char *File);
Node *createNode(char *wordToAdd, char *File);
void destroyNodes();
and this is the function that keeps overwriting the array:
Node *head;
int insert(char *wordToAdd, char *File){
if(head == NULL){
Node *new;
new = createNode(wordToAdd, File);
new->isHead = 1;
head = new;
return 0;
Node *trace;
trace = head;
char *traceWord;
int wordSize;
wordSize = strlen(trace->word);
traceWord = (char*) malloc(wordSize + 1);
strcpy(traceWord, trace->word);
int a =strcmp(wordToAdd, traceWord);
if(a == 0){
int b = addOccur(trace, File);
//printf("addOccur returned %d\n", b);
return 0;
if(a < 0){
Node *Insert = createNode(wordToAdd, File);
trace->isHead = 0;
Insert->isHead = 1;
Insert->next = trace;
head = Insert;
return 0;
Node *backTrace;
backTrace = head;
while(trace->next != NULL){
trace = trace->next;
traceWord = trace->word;
a = strcmp(wordToAdd, traceWord);
if(a < 0){
Node* Insert = createNode(wordToAdd, File);
Insert->next = trace;
backTrace->next = Insert;
return 0;
if(a == 0){
addOccur(trace, File);
return 0;
if(a > 0){
backTrace = trace;
Node *Insert = createNode(wordToAdd, File);
trace->next = Insert;
return 0;
return 1;
and the other functions are:
Node* createNode(char *wordToAdd, char *File){
Node *new;
new = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
memset(new, 0, sizeof(Node));
new->word = wordToAdd;
char **newArray;
newArray = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*));
newArray[0] = File;
new->filesIn = newArray;
int a[1];
a[0] = 1;
new->occursIn = a;
//new->occursIn[0] = 1;
new->numFilesIn = 1;
return new;
int addOccur(Node *addedTo, char *File){
char **fileList = addedTo->filesIn;
char *fileCheck;
int i = 0;
int fileNums = addedTo->numFilesIn;
for(i = 0; i < fileNums; i++){
fileCheck = fileList[i];
if(strcmp(fileCheck, File) == 0){
int *add1;
add1 = addedTo->occursIn;
int j = add1[i];
add1[i] = j;
return 0;
int numberOfFilesIn;
numberOfFilesIn = addedTo->numFilesIn;
char **newList = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * numberOfFilesIn + sizeof(char*));
i = 0;
char *dest;
char *src;
for(i = 0; i < numberOfFilesIn; i++){
src = fileList[i];
int len;
len = strlen(src);
dest = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
strcpy(dest, src);
newList[i] = dest;
int len2;
len2 = strlen(File);
newList[i] = File;
int r = addedTo->numFilesIn;
addedTo->numFilesIn = r;
addedTo->filesIn = newList;
i = 0;
int *g;
g = addedTo->occursIn;
int count2;
count2 = addedTo->numFilesIn;
int a[count2];
for(i = 0; i < count2 -1; i++){
a[i] = g[i];
a[count2 - 1] = 1;
return 0;
When going to gdb i notice that the value of
changes after the line
wordSize = strlen(trace->word);
and I have no clue why.
In your CreateNode() function, you are not allocating storage for the occursIn array. You are simply declaring a local array within the function and then assigning the occursIn pointer:
int a[1];
a[0] = 1;
new->occursIn = a;
The array a[1] goes away when the createNode function returns, so at that point your occursIn pointer is pointing to a value that is subject to being overwritten.
And even if the storage was allocated correctly in createNode, you've set a fixed size for the array but your whole strategy depends on that array having an element for each file; and in addOccurs you don't do anything to allocate a new larger array for a new file.
You may want to re-evaluate your strategy and switch to using lists instead of arrays.

Hashmap with Linked List to find word count

I have been working on this little project for quite some time and I can't figure out why I'm not getting the results that are expected. I am a beginner to C programming so my understanding with pointers and memory allocation/deallocation is novice. Anyways, I have constructed this segment of code by originally building a hash function, then adding a count to it. However, when I test it, sometimes the count works, sometimes it doesn't. I'm not sure whether it's the fault of the hash function, or the fault of the way I set up my count. The text file is read one line at a time and is a string consisting of a hexadecimal.
struct node {
char *data;
struct node *next;
int count; /* Implement count here for word frequencies */
#define H_SIZE 1024
struct node *hashtable[H_SIZE]; /* Declaration of hash table */
void h_lookup(void)
int i = 0;
struct node *tmp;
for(i = 0; i < H_SIZE; i++) {
for(tmp = hashtable[i]; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
if(tmp->data != 0) {
printf("Index: %d\nData: %s\nCount: %d\n\n", i,
tmp->data, tmp->count);
/* self explanatory */
void h_add(char *data)
unsigned int i = h_assign(data);
struct node *tmp;
char *strdup(const char *s);
/* Checks to see if data exists, consider inserting COUNT here */
for(tmp = hashtable[i]; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
if(tmp->data != 0) { /* root node */
int count = tmp->count;
if(!strcmp(data, tmp->data))
count= count+1;
tmp->count = count;
for(tmp = hashtable[i]; tmp->next != NULL; tmp = tmp->next);
if(tmp->next == NULL) {
tmp->next = h_alloc();
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->data = strdup(data);
tmp->next = NULL;
tmp->count = 1;
} else
/* Hash function, takes value (string) and converts into an index into the array of linked lists) */
unsigned int h_assign(char *string)
unsigned int num = 0;
while(*string++ != '\0')
num += *string;
return num % H_SIZE;
/* h_initialize(void) initializes the array of linked lists. Allocates one node for each list by calling h_alloc which creates a new node and sets node.next to null */
void h_initialize(void)
{ int i;
for(i = 0; i <H_SIZE; i++) {
hashtable[i] = h_alloc();
/* h_alloc(void) is a method which creates a new node and sets it's pointer to null */
struct node *h_alloc(void)
struct node *tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
if (tmp != NULL){
tmp->next = NULL;
return tmp;
/* Clean up hashtable and free up memory */
void h_free(void)
struct node *tmp;
struct node *fwd;
int x;
for(x = 0; x < H_SIZE; x++) {
tmp = hashtable[x];
while(tmp != NULL) {
fwd = tmp->next;
tmp = fwd;
I assume that the count is not being incremented when it does not work. It is possible that strdup is not able to allocate memory for the new string and is returning NULL. You should check the return value to and exit gracefully if it fails.

C Having Trouble Resizing a Hash Table

I'll post snippets of the code here which (I think) are relevant to the problem, but I can pastebin if necessary. Probably posting more than enough code already :P
My program includes a hash table which needs to double when a certain hash bucket reaches 20 entries. Although I believe the logic to be good, and it compiles like a charm, it throws up a Segmentation Fault. The code runs like a charm when not resizing, but resizing messes things up.
Thanks for any help :)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000401012 in ml_add (ml=0x7fffffffe528, me=0x75a5a0) at mlist.c:74
74 while((cursorNode->next) != NULL){
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.80.el6_3.5.x86_64
(gdb) backtrace
#0 0x0000000000401012 in ml_add (ml=0x7fffffffe528, me=0x75a5a0) at mlist.c:74
#1 0x0000000000401554 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe638) at finddupl.c:39
Structure of Hash Table
typedef struct bN { //linked list node containing data and next
MEntry *nestedEntry;
struct bN *next;
} bucketNode;
typedef struct bL { // bucket as linked list
struct bN *first;
int bucketSize;
} bucket;
struct mlist {
struct bL *currentTable; //bucket array
Add Function
int ml_add(MList **ml, MEntry *me){
MList *tempList;
tempList = *ml;
bucketNode *tempNode = (bucketNode *)malloc(sizeof(bucketNode));
tempNode->nestedEntry = me;
tempNode->next = NULL;
unsigned long currentHash = me_hash(me, tableSize);
if((tempList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize) == 0) {
tempList->currentTable[currentHash].first = tempNode;
tempList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize = (tempList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize) + 1;
else if((tempList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize) == 20){
printf("About to resize");
printf("About to resize");
tempList = ml_resize(&tempList, (tableSize * 2));
tableSize = tableSize * 2;
bucketNode *cursorNode;
cursorNode = tempList->currentTable[currentHash].first;
while((cursorNode->next) != NULL){
cursorNode = cursorNode->next;
cursorNode->next = tempNode;
tempList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize = (tempList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize) + 1;
return 1;
return 1;
Resize Function
MList *ml_resize(MList **ml, int newSize){
MList *oldList;
oldList = *ml;
MList *newList;
if ((newList = (MList *)malloc(sizeof(MList))) != NULL){
newList->currentTable = (bucket *)malloc(newSize * sizeof(bucket));
int i;
for(i = 0; i < newSize; i++){
newList->currentTable[i].first = NULL;
newList->currentTable[i].bucketSize = 0;
int j;
for(j = 0; j < tableSize; j++){
bucketNode *cursorNode = oldList->currentTable[j].first;
bucketNode *nextNode;
while(cursorNode != NULL){
nextNode = cursorNode->next;
ml_transfer(&newList, cursorNode, newSize);
cursorNode = nextNode;
return newList;
Transfer to new list function
void ml_transfer(MList **ml, bucketNode *insertNode, int newSize){
MList *newList;
newList = *ml;
bucketNode *tempNode = insertNode;
tempNode->next = NULL;
unsigned long currentHash = me_hash((tempNode->nestedEntry), newSize);
if((newList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize) == 0) {
newList->currentTable[currentHash].first = tempNode;
newList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize = (newList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize) + 1;
bucketNode *cursorNode;
cursorNode = newList->currentTable[currentHash].first;
while((cursorNode->next) != NULL){
cursorNode = cursorNode->next;
cursorNode->next = tempNode;
newList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize = (newList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize) + 1;
The problem most probably lies on the fact that the ml_add() function is failing to update the MList** ml parameter node whenever the hashtable is resized.
When the hashtable is resized, the old hashtable is destroyed (inside, ml_resize()), but the pointer to the resized, new hashtable is just updated in the tempList variable, that is just a local copy of *ml. You should also update *ml in order to modify the variable that is keeeping reference of the hashTable outside of the function, otherwise, it is left pointing to the deleted, invalid Hashtable. Try the following modification:
else if((tempList->currentTable[currentHash].bucketSize) == 20){
printf("About to resize");
printf("About to resize");
tempList = ml_resize(&tempList, (tableSize * 2));
tableSize = tableSize * 2;
*ml = tempList; // this is necesary to fix the pointer outside the
// function, that still points to the hashtable
// memory freed by the resize function
Also please note the comments I made about two memory leaks existing in your code, and I would also take into account what #hexist pointed out that it is not necessary to insert at the end of the liked list at the head, simplifying the code and making it faster.
