How can We download files(apiDefinition.swagger.json,apiProperties.json,settings.json) from Logic Apps Custom Connector using CLI tool? - azure-logic-apps

I go through the below MSDN link to certify custom connector, In that link in the "Step 4: Prepare the connector artifacts" it is given to download files from connector for Power Platform.
As we created Logic Apps Custom Connectors, there is no way mentioned to download files from it.
Link :
So does anyone help me out how to download files from Logic Apps Custom connector instead of Power Platform?

You can use Azure CLI instead and follow the same process.
Before running paconn login try installing paconn pip install paconn and then you 'll be directed to sign in using Microsoft's Device Code process.
Then download your custom connector files using paconn download whenafter you've been authenticated.


Facing issue While launching Logic App From VS Code

I am facing below error while trying to launch logic app from VS code locally . I created logic app after installing extensions like -
Azure tools
Functions app tools extension v3.x
Logic App (Standard) extension
ngFork for webhook
Below is the error I am getting when I click on overview from VS code -
Also my workflow is basic and simple as below -
Any help would be appreciated ! thanks !!
I have done repro from my end in my local environment, the below reasons are based on my analysis:
Visual Studio 2022 doesn't include support for the Azure Logic Apps extension. You can refer this MSDocs to check which version is supported for the logic apps extensions.
You can disable and reload the installed azure related extensions and then try launching a logic app in VS code.
And as you mentioned in the question, it may not be ngFork it is ngrok for webhooks extension which you need to install in your vs code. So currently ngrok is needed here as per my analysis and ngrok is mainly used to distribute proxy services to run in any cloud environment but not Ngfork.
Thanking #DEVIN RADER using his blog Configure Windows for Local Webhook Testing Using ngrok for better understanding and as you are using ngrok extension for webhooks, if needed run IIS express which allows http.sys to accept requests from other external sources. To run this, we need to start visual studio as an administrator.
Explicitly tell Windows to allow incoming requests to my ngrok domain by modifying the URL Access Control List (ACL).
When I click on overview logic app from vs code, I am able to get the expected output after checking the above reasons properly:
Right click on logicapp-> click on overview:
Overview of the logic app in VS code:
My workflow sample is also attached:
Right click on logic app -> open in Designer

How to build and release a react application in a web api application with Azure DevOps?

We now have two applications with two differents git respositories. The first one is in ReactJS for the front and the second one is in C# (Web Api 2) for the back. When we want to deploy on Azure, we build the front and we copy the output files to the c# project (web api project). We deploy the web api application from Visual Studio in Azure thanks to the deploy menu.
It's a little bit boring and sometimes we have errors when we change by hand the parameters relative to our differents environments.
We would like to automatize all these tasks with Azure Dev Ops. Have you ever done this kind of stuff ? And how ? Sorry, if this question seems stupid but i can't find a tutorial to build when the front and the back are not in the same git repo. Thanks in advance for your help.
You can follow below steps to build and deploy your application. I can only give a general idea and steps. The main idea is to get your front and backend source code together and build them in the same pipeline. The configurations and parameters for each tasks in the build pipeline need you to specify according to your project.
Below steps is shown in classic view pipeline. Check here for yaml view pipeline
1,Sign in to your Azure DevOps organization and navigate to your project.
2,Go to Pipelines, and then select New Pipeline, and select Use the classic editor to create a pipeline without YAML at the end of the page.
3,Walk through the steps of the wizard by first selecting as the location of your source code.
4, select a source to specify where your code is located. And continue to choose a template, here i choose ASP.NET Core(.NET Framework) template.
5, Add a powershell task to the top of your pipeline(the tasks can be drag and drop to reorder) to run the git commands to clone your front react.js code into same source folder of your backend c# code.
If your code is hosted in azure repo git. You can add below scripts in your powershell task. Make sure Allow scripts to access the OAuth token is checked
cd $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
git clone "https://${yourAzureorganizationName}/{yourProjectname}/_git/testrepo"
6, add npm install task and npm custom task to build your react.js, You need to specify the path of Working folder that contains package.json to the folder where you cloned your reactjs code in the above powershell step. you can check steps here for reference.
7, Add a copy file task before task Visual Studio build to copy the output files from building react.js to the your c# project.
8, Configure the necessary path and parameters for Visual Studio build
task and Visual Studio test task to build and test your backend c# code.
9, Add an Azure App Service deploy task at the end to deploy to azure.
You might need to add other additional tasks to build your projects. You can also move your deployment task to release pipeline.check here for more information.
There are lots of examples and learning materials that you can find online about how to create build pipeline and how to deploy your application to azure. I suggest you can follow one example to create your build pipeline for c# project and try to edit your existing pipeline to integrate your react.js project.
Here is microsoft official documents for you to check it out. Hope you find above helpful.
Here, you can find the steps to build and release two web apps (hosting web api) and the relative front developed in ReactJS. Here's our goal :
In Azure devops, we've created a pipeline using the classic editor :
We selected our git repository and this template :
After a step of creating tasks, we obtain :
We'll describe some of these tasks. For example :
/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=FileSystem /p:publishUrl="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\appRetailLab" /p:DeployDefaultTarget=WebPublish
Once you've build the two web applications, you've to copy the front files in web applications. There're two tasks for that :
At last, you publish your artefacts in the drop directory within the build.artifactstagingdirectory :
The release :
Our release is not too difficult :
We use 4 tasks :
Replace Token is a very usefull plugin. You can replace a token (defined by a template) by a value defined in the release. We use this plugin to replace our token in the front part of our applications (js files).
To add token in our reactjs application, we use dotenv npm package.
For the web.config parameters don't forget to check XML Variable substitution in your deploy task.
That's it.

Creating a local environment from an existing GAE installation

I have a website that is currently running under GAE... unfortunately, I, nor anyone on the team, does not have access the local environment that it was created from.... Is it possible to create a local environment or at least get a copy of the application files and database from an existing GAE installation?
What you need is the application source code, not the "local environment".
Ideally this source code would be on a version control system (ie GIT,SVN), Google cloud platform provides free GIT repositories for your projects so you might try looking there first. There's also a tool for both Java and python that allow you to download the source of a deployed version, provided you are authenticated as either the dev who uploaded it or a project owner. EDIT: as stated by Dan Cornilescu this feature can be disabled.
As for the database info there's plenty of tools available to "export" your GAE datastore info, just consider for your project that it might be easier to do the queries manually than actually implementing this tools.
Thanks for help... But unfortunately, this code is not in GIT. Furthermore,
being new to Google hosting, I wasn't clear on my setup... My web instance is actually running within Compute Engine not Application Engine. Be that as it may, with some additional search, I was first able to find out how to browse my filesystem by accessing the VM Instances menu option under the Compute Engine section of the Google Cloud Platform interface. On the VM Instances page, it will show your instance and an option to the left side of the instance to connect with a drop down box that will allow you to open a browser window that shows the instance's file system. In addition to this, I found this link that shows how to configure Filezila FTP client to access your server instance - very helpful. From there, I was able to download all of my site files from the var/www directory. Now, onto extracting my data... Thanks again!

How to export a project from IBM Bluemix PaaS to anywhere else as a Docker?

I lead a web/mobile project and I still need to know the tools we will be using for development.
We have a 6 months access to IBM Bluemix, and its security check tools, CloudFoundry, and others may appear really useful.
However, we don't want to rely on a solution that would trap our project without any possibility of migration if needed.
I looked up on the internet how to export a project from Bluemix as a docker, with elements created from IBM. I didn't find anything relevant (I might be bad at googling, but all I can find is "how to export to Bluemix/how to work locally").
Does Bluemix allow to export the entire project onto another hoster, does it depend on the services we used in the project ?
Thank you in advance.
If you package your application in a container you can run it on any provider that supports Docker. That could be another cloud, in a local datacenter or on your own laptop.
If you are planning to use Bluemix services as part of that application then you will have two options if moving your application off Bluemix.
Keep using the services in Bluemix but connect to them remotely from wherever you're now hosting your appliaction. This will require internet connectivity and you'll have to hard code the service credentials in to your application (not good practice).
Migrate the services as well as the application. This will only be possible for the non-unique services IBM offer e.g. Redis, Mongo, Elasticsearch etc.. You'll need to refactor your application to accept the new provider of these services.
If your service/app is dockerized, and is being hosted as a container on Bluemix.
You can pull the container image of your service/app in your own docker enabled cloud or local environment. Following steps can be followed for the same:
install bluemix-container cli package
do cf ic login using your bluemix credentials
check for your images using cf ic images command
pull the image in your environment using docker pull <image-registry-url>
run the container with required parameters using docker run
Hope it helps. Thanks.

How to manually install the EPiServer Scheduling Service

I'm trying to manually install the EPiServer scheduler service on a web server using installutil.
I run this at the command promp:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\installutil D:\EPiServerSchedulerService\EPiServer.SchedulerSvc.exe
And get an error:
No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be found in the D:\EPiServerSchedulerService\EPiServer.SchedulerSvc.exe assembly.
It turns out it's not possible to do this with installutil, the service doesn't support it. I used the installer EPiServerShared.msi which is included with the EPiServer CMS downloads.
I wrote a quick blog post about it.
