Notion API Pagination Random Database Entry - database

I'm trying to retrieve a random entry from a database using the Notion API. There is a page limit on how many entries you can retrieve at once, so pagination is utilized to sift through the pages 100 entries at a time. Since there is no database attribute telling you how long the database is, you have to go through the pages in order until reaching the end in order to choose a random entry. This is fine for small databases, but I have a cron job going that regularly chooses a random entry from a notion database with thousands of entries. Additionally, if I make too many calls simultaneously I risk being rate limited pretty often. Is there a better way to go about choosing a random value from a database that uses pagination? Thanks!

I don't think there is a better way to do it right now (sadly). If your entries don't change often, think about caching the pages. Saves you a lot of execution time in your cron job. For the rate limit, if you use Node.js, you can build a rate-limited queue (3 requests/second) pretty easily with something like bull


How expensive is access to database? How often do we access to it?

I'm about to write an application for Android, and it will use Mysql.
I know that access to DB is really expensive in terms of time, and would like to know how often do applications like instant messaging, online gaming access to databases?
For example in a game, we would like to save the positions of a player in the world, when he's moving all the time.
Is the database access actually not expensive, and there is a way to be connected to it all the time and just do request that are actually not expensive?
Or is IT really expensive in anyway, and there are techniques to access to it for example every X interval of time, and saving it locally in the meantime?
I Know that my question is really general, and it depends always on what we need and want.
My question came out because i made a really simple login application that connects and does 1 request to database, and it takes 1 second (a lot!!) to get the result, so how online applications can be so fast?
Thank you
Before answering this I would recommend simulating the process as much as possible, benchmarking and you can work towards the best solution for your use case.
e.g. If I have an application submitting data to a database simulate the submission so I can easily run multiple submissions at the same time and see what the bottle neck is...and see how it compares when I using caching, replication, indexes, etc.
Also reading company blogs can be helpful as they often share success stories that support the usage of a particular approach
How expensive is access to database?
Accessing a database can be a pretty quick operation
SELECT 1; // 0.005 Secs :D
However there are situations that can lead to poor performance (slow reads, writes and updates) but there are some relatively simple ways to combat this
The best way to improve the performance of SELECT operations is to
create indexes on one or more of the columns that are tested in the
query. The index entries act like pointers to the table rows, allowing
the query to quickly determine which rows match a condition in the
WHERE clause, and retrieve the other column values for those rows.
spreading the load among multiple slaves to improve performance. In
this environment, all writes and updates must take place on the master
server. Reads, however, may take place on one or more slaves. This
model can improve the performance of writes (since the master is
dedicated to updates), while dramatically increasing read speed across
an increasing number of slaves.
How often do we access to it?
If you are solely using a database you will access it every time you n position and every time you need to find out their position.
This is where you would explore options to prevent accessing the database.
Memory caches such as redis or memcache
Replication - Only read from slaves
It depends on your design and requirement.
1) Most of the applications manage Connection Pools to minimize the initialization time.
2) Most of the ORM frameworks have external Cache to improve the reading performance. So if you do heavy data reading in your application then don't worry about storing it in locally. The Cache will be effective in this case.
3) When you store locally either in File (or) some format, then it will also add extra performance delay.
4) If you keep the data in primary memory, then obviously Game performance would be better. That's why Gamers prefer high end graphics card, and huge RAM.
For most databases there is the option of batch insertions. Obviously even a small overhead will accumulate if you have to many connections over time. And performing single insertions will have a greater overhead than on batch. The only issue is how often?.... And you should test how often you wan't to insert and how much information you should store locally before doing a batch insertion.

Dumping Twitter Streaming API tweets as-is to Apache Cassandra for post-processing

I am using the Twitter Streaming API to monitor several keywords/users. I am planning to dump the tweets json strings I get from twitter directly as-is to cassandra database and do post processing on them later.
Is such a design practical? Will it scale up when I have millions of tweets?
Things I will do later include getting top followed users, top hashtags etc. I would like to save the stream as is for mining them later for any new information that I may not know of now.
What is important is not so much the number of tweets as the rate at which they arrive. Cassandra can easily handle thousands of writes per second, which should be fine (Twitter currently generates around 1200 tweets per second in total, and you will probably only get a small fraction of those).
However, tweets per second are highly variable. In the aftermath of a heavy spike in writes, you may see some slowdown in range queries. See the Acunu blog posts on Cassandra under heavy write load part i and part ii for some discussion of the problem and ways to solve it.
In addition to storing the raw json, I would extract some common features that you are almost certain to need, such as the user ID and the hashtags, and store those separately as well. This will save you a lot of processing effort later on.
Another factor to consider is to plan for how the data stored will grow over time. Cassandra can scale very well, but you need to have a strategy in place for how to keep the load balanced across your cluster and how to add nodes as your database grows. Adding nodes can be a painful experience if you haven't planned out how to allocate tokens to new nodes in advance. Waiting until you have an overloaded node before adding a new one is a good way to make your cluster fall down.
You can easily store millions of tweets in cassandra.
For processing the tweets and getting stats such as top followed users, hashtags look at brisk from DataStax which builds on top of cassandra.

Should I compute statistics on the fly, or generate with a cron job?

I have a simple enough web application. I want to measure for any day or month how many new free signups I have, how many paid signups, how many paid upgrades, how many cancellations, etc. That data will then be represented on my admin dashboard by sparklines.
Generally, do you suggest:
a) Writing a script that upon each call, anlyses the raw database data and creates statistics for the time period?
b) Running a daily cron job to record, for example, the number of new signups that day, and then using that simplified data to create the sparklines?
Well it depends on whatever use you are going to have for those statistics:
If you want to monitor what happens in your system, calculate on the fly if you can, so you can know at any moment what is going on in your database.
If you want to analyze your data, it is better to precalculate the statistics in a periodic job, so you basically work with a snapshot of the data at a certain moment. Otherwise you would get moving data which is difficult to work with.

Advice on using a web server as a cache

I'd like advice on the following design. Is it reasonable? Is it stupid/insane?
We have some distributed calculations that work on chunks of data that are sometimes up to 50Mb in size.
Because the calculations take a long time, we like to parallelize the calculations on a small grid (around 20 nodes)
We "produce" around 10000 of these "chunks" of binary data each day - and want to keep them around for up to a year... Most of the items aren't 50Mb in size though, so the total daily space requirement is more around 5Gb... But we'd like to keep stuff around for as long as possible, (a year or more)... But hey, you can get 2TB hard disks nowadays.
Although we'd like to keep the data around, this is essentially a "cache". It's not the end of the world if we lose data - it just has to get recalculated, which just takes some time (an hour or two).
We need to be able to efficiently get a list of all "chunks" that were produced on a particular day.
We often need to, from a support point of view, delete all chunks created on a particular day or remove all chunks created within the last hour.
We're a Windows shop - we can't easily switch to Linux/some other OS.
We use SQLServer for existing database requirements.
However, it's a large and reasonably bureaucratic company that has some policies that limit our options: for example, conventional database space using SQLServer is charged internally at extremely expensive prices. Allocating 2 terabytes of SQL Server space is prohibitively expensive. This is mainly because our SQLServer instances are backed up, archived for 7 years, etc. etc. But we don't need this "gold-plated" functionality because we can just recreate the stuff if it goes missing. At heart, it's just a cache, that can be recreated on demand.
Running our own SQLServer instance on a machine that we maintain is not allowed (all SQLServer instances must be managed by a separate group).
We do have fairly small transactional requirement: if a process that was producing a chunk dies halfway through, we'd like to be able to detect such "failed" transactions.
I'm thinking of the following solution, mainly because it seems like it would be very simple to implement:
We run a web server on top of a windows filesystem (NTFS)
Clients "save" and "load" files by using HTTP requests, and when processes need to send blobs to each other, they just pass the URLs.
Filenames are allocated using GUIDS - but have a directory for each date. So all of the files created on 12th November 2010 would go in a directory called "20101112" or something like that. This way, by getting a "directory" for a date we can find all of the files produced for that date using normal file copy operations.
Indexing is done by a traditional SQL Server table, with a "URL" column instead of a "varbinary(max)" column.
To preserve the transactional requirement, a process that is creating a blob only inserts the corresponding "index" row into the SQL Server table after it has successfully finished uploading the file to the web server. So if it fails or crashes halfway, such a file "doesn't exist" yet because the corresponding row used to find it does not exist in the SQL server table(s).
I like the fact that the large chunks of data can be produced and consumed over a TCP socket.
In summary, we implement "blobs" on top of SQL Server much the same way that they are implemented internally - but in a way that does not use very much actual space on an actual SQL server instance.
So my questions are:
Does this sound reasonable. Is it insane?
How well do you think that would work on top of a typical windows NT filesystem? - (5000 files per "dated" directory, several hundred directories, one for each day). There would eventually be many hundreds of thousands of files, (but not too many directly underneath any one particular directory). Would we start to have to worry about hard disk fragmentation etc?
What about if 20 processes are all, via the one web server, trying to write 20 different "chunks" at the same time - would that start thrashing the disk?
What web server would be the best to use? It needs to be rock solid, runs on windows, able to handle lots of concurrent users.
As you might have guessed, outside of the corporate limitations, I would probably set up a SQLServer instance and just have a table with a "varbinary(max)" column... But given that is not an option, how well do you think this would work?
This is all somewhat out of my usual scope so I freely admit I'm a bit of a Noob in this department. Maybe this is an appalling design... but it seems like it would be very simple to understand how it works, and to maintain and support it.
Your reasons behind the design are insane, but they're not yours :)
NTFS can handle what you're trying to do. This shouldn't be much of a problem. Yes, you might eventually have fragmentation problems if you run low on disk space, but make sure that you have copious amounts of space and you shouldn't have a problem. If you're a Windows shop, just use IIS.
I really don't think you will have much of a problem with this architecture. Just keep it simple like you're doing and things should be fine.

displaying # views on a page without hitting database all the time

More and more sites are displaying the number of views (and clicks like on certain pages receive. What is the best practice for keeping track of view #'s without hitting the database every load?
I have a bunch of potential ideas on how to do this in my head but none of them seem viable.
first time user.
I would try the database approach first - returning the value of an autoincrement counter should be a fairly cheap operation so you might be surprised. Even keeping a table of many items on which to record the hit count should be fairly performant.
But the question was how to avoid hitting the db every call. I'd suggest loading the table into the webapp and incrementing it there, only backing it up to the db periodically or on webapp shutdown.
One cheap trick would be to simply cache the value for a few minutes.
The exact number of views doesn't matter much anyway since, on a busy site, in the time a visitor goes through the page, a whole batch of new views is already in.
One way is to use memcached as a counter. You could modify this rate limit implementation to instead act as general counter. The key could be in yyyymmddhhmm format with an expiration of 15 or 30 minutes (depending on what you consider to be concurrent visitors) and then simply get those keys when displaying the page.
Nice libraries for communicating with the memcache server are available in many languages.
You could set up a flat file that has the number of hits in it. This would have issues scaling, but it could work.
If you don't care about displaying the number of page views, you could use something like google analytics or piwik. Both make requests after the page is already loaded, so it won't impact load times. There might be a way to make a ajax request to the analytics server, but I don't know for sure. Piwik is opensource, so you can probably hack something together.
If you are using server side scripting, increment it in a variable. It's likely to get reset if you restart the services so not such a good idea if accuracy is needed.
