Modifying default configuration for react app - reactjs

I am starting with a new code base and I am a little confused. I look in package.json and specialized '.' configuration files and I don't see any configuration. Yet the components return JSX so there is some kind of transpiling happening. The build goes to a specific folder. There is a port assigned that gets assigned on 'npm start'. I could go on and on but the point is all of this seems to be 'normally' configured. But I am not sure where to look for this configuration or how best to modify it. For instance what if I want to modify the 'configuration' to use TypeScript? Or add testing?

These configurations are by default created when you create a react project and the role of the package.json file is to show you the versions that you are using if you will include externals library to use inside your app.
for using typescript or using anything external and including it inside your app then you will include it using npm which is responsible to add your new packages inside the node_modules folder and the version number inside your package.json.
for using test this will be normal files you will create inside your app and use npm run test and it will show for you the results.
for making your project to be typescript then you will use
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
# or
yarn create react-app my-app --template typescript


How to view a single button I created under 'Component' in react

I created a single button in a .ts file inside 'components' folder using react framework. I was wonder what is the quickest way to view the button I built.
As I am new, just to make sure it is not workable to use 'ts-node' to run right?
If you're new to React, I recommend using CRA first to view your custom component as fast as possible.
$ npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
// or
$ yarn create react-app my-app --template typescript // if you prefer yarn
The command above will do all the setup for you, you just need to go to the folder and run the app.
if you only want to do a custom React setup with TypeScript from scratch,
Here's my post, using webpack, babel, and TypeScript

Problem with babel and tailwindcss in Next.js: Cannot find module 'xwind/babel'

I installed tailwindcss inside of my Next.js application. This was the error message that I received
error - ./node_modules/next/dist/client/dev/amp-dev.js
Error: Cannot find module 'xwind/babel'
This is how I installed the Next.js application:
npx create-next-app -e with-tailwindcss ./
These are the dependencies I installed:
npm install graphql graphql-request html-react-parser moment react-multi-carousel sass
Happened to me as well just few minutes ago. Not sure if that is the same case for you. It created for me components folder, .babelrc file and js files in pages folder. Not sure if that is your case, but that's what happened to me. In case just follow with solution below.
Remove .bablerc file and components folder along with js files in pages folder.
More details
This is strange because if you look at the repository of Next.js example with-tailwindcss. It doesn't have those. Not sure how that happened. We can elaborate more in the comments.
Also plugin for babel xwind/babel does have dependency check to allow only tailwindcss version <2. There is an issue for that. In my opinion this repo is unmaintained and will either get forked and replaced as a main for npm package or something similar.
The create-next-app is installing with-tailwind-emotion template instead of with-tailwind for some reason.
For now, a good way is to create a normal typescript template with create-next-app and add tailwind manually.
So your steps would be:
Step 1:
without typescript:
npx create-next-app ./
or with typescript:
npx create-next-app --ts ./
Step 2:
Docs to install tailwind with next.js:

Do I need to use npm init every time I create a new project?

I saw people explaining that npm init is necessary to create the package.json file. But in my last practice project I forgot to use npm init and the package.json file was created when I used npx create-react-app ...
Can someone help me to understand this, please?
Package.json file is a file where you specify the name of the application ,the version, the licence the dependancies the app needs etc.It is not necessary to do npm init before spinning up a new react project as it comes with a package json file that has the project dependancies and scripts to start/run the app .You can just modify the package json file that comes with the react app to fit your needs.

How to install typescript + jest with create-react-app?

I want to install typescript and jest in a create-react-app-based app. I feel that since this is such a common installation choice there must be at least one "everything just works" set of configuration steps to follow.
I initially ran npx create-react-app my-project --template typescript. That was great for a while. I wrote several thousand lines of code with that. And then one day I decided I wanted to add some mocks to a spec file with code like this:
import jest from "jest";
...but the "jest" instance is undefined. So I followed directions in different articles to install further devDependencies. But these seem to conflict with dependencies inside of create-react-app, suggesting that I need to focus on setting up my project correctly the "Create-react-app Way" according to its expectations.
Rather than burden StackOverflow with the details of my build and package management issues, I figure I'll just ask the simpler question - what is the correct way to set up create-react-app+typescript+jest in a way where it doesn't have a bunch of irritating, random problems?
And then after I've followed this advice, if I still have problems, I might ask a second, separate SO question with specific details.
The command below should create a new React project supporting Typescript and Jest without need of further modification.
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
Details about the above command can be found here:
The above command will set up a new project. But if, like me, you have an existing create-react-app project with issues like:
the Jest module is undefined or doesn't seem to have expected functions
your npm run start and npm run build fail due to conflicting dependencies
or you just want to get to a "standard" package.json configuration without all the hassle of copying your source into a new project. can use the process below to fix/upgrade your package.json:
Use the same npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript command above to create a separate working ("Good") project with all the right dependencies. This project will just be used as a reference.
Compare the package.json of the Good project to the non-working ("Bad") project, and make sure the Bad package.json has the same modules and version#s as the Good package.json. You probably don't have to delete any modules in the Bad package.json that aren't in the Good package.json.
rm -rf node-modules in the Bad project.
rm package-lock.json in the Bad project.
npm install in the Bad project.
Self-answering for posterity.

Configure antd after create-react-app eject

My react app was created with create-react-app and I added And Design following:
I even customized some less vars using:
Now, I ejected my app but everything stopped working.
The first error is that after ejecting, the scripts configured in package.json no longer works, as described here:
What are the steps to configure antd after ejecting create-react-app?
You just need to run npm i react-scripts.
This will install the missing dependency you need to make this work.
