I'm a newbie in flutter and android application.
I have developed a quiz app.
It loading a Json data from Firebase and i want to save it to Sqlite(for query fast purpose).
My problem is Json data quite complicated, it have multi data array nested(refer Json data as bellow)
Since Sqlite doesn't allow nesting tables within tables, I not sure how to organize or convert the data to Sqlite most reasonable.
I am thinking of saving all my Json as a String, but I know it not a good idea.
Any have a better idea, very appreciate it
"title": "TEST title",
"des": null,
"ver": 0,
"partOne": [
"number": 1,
"correctAns": 3,
"question": "question 1 here?",
"ansA": "answer A here",
"ansB": "answer B here",
"ansC": "answer C here",
"ansD": "answer D here"
// about 100 question
// about 100 part
you can try Hive or Objectbox. Both of them are local DB that easy to use and also faster than SQFLite.
If you want to learn more about Hives, you can learn here
Flutter x Hive tutorial
If you want to learn more about Objectbox, you can learn here
Flutter x Objectbox tutorial
this is the database performance benchmark between Hive, Objectbox, and SQFLite (image source: link)
I have try both hive and objectbox. Its recommended for you if you have a complex data and want to solve the storing problem.
Goodluck, hope it helps!
Its better if you use Hive, its a local DB that will let you solve your complex data problem. Super easy and works much faster than SQflite
Things you need:
And of course some tutorial as well. So,
Flutter x Hive Tutorial
Cheers and good luck!
Is there anyway of uploading Custom Slot Types values via an API, so that you do not need to type them in manually using the new Alexa Skill Builder interface (if you have many of them):
I haven't found anything.
My recommendation is to get the model via SMAPI first, edit the json file with your new values and update it via SMAPI again.
ask api get-model -s "enter your skill id here" --stage development -l en-US > model.json
in the model.json file you can see the slots definition. Change it (with a script or manually) and update the model again
Reference to both commands:
It seems not (after searching). There is a feature request logged here with Amazon:
Yes you can do this via the SMAPI API/CLI. Take a look at https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/ask-cli-intro.html for a full detail - it allows for full model editing via JSON.
In the left bar bellow the "Intents" and "Slot" is the option "JSON Editor". There you can write a JSON for the new intents you want to add.
Example without slot type
"I do",
"I am"
Example with slot type
"{number} is my number",
"my number is {number}"
As other answers suggest, you can use the SMAPI.
Alternatively, you can select the "code editor" tab on the left and drag/drop or copy/paste your schema json code.
I wrote this to convert csv/excel to JSON format so you can paste it into code editor.
Let me know if you have any question.
There is no README for the code coz I have no time these days
I'm trying to populate my graph on IBM Graph service using gremlin queries. I'm using addVertex and I'm doing it in batches. The gremlin I'm using looks like this and it seems slow
"def g = graph.traversal();
graph.addVertex(T.label, "foo")";
Is there a way to speed this up
The problem with this script is that it will be compiled every time and that takes time. If you have 100's of these then the time to compile each one will definitely add up. A Better way to do is to write the script once and then bind the variables in a bindings object.
"gremlin": "def g = graph.traversal();graph.addVertex(T.label, name)",
"bindings": { "name": "foo" }
This technique will pretty much work with any database that's built on top of Tinkerpop and uses Gremlin as a DSL
Sorry I'm new to Swift, and I need to create an Array of String data. I know about 2-D Arrays, but I would prefer Objects to store String.
How do I initialized the stringObject?
I'm trying to figure out how to populate a table from a JSON array. So far, I can populate my table cells perfectly fine by using the following code:
self.countries = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"Argentina",#"China",#"Russia",nil];
Concerning the JSON, I can successfully retrieve one line of text at a time and display it in a label. My goal is to populate an entire table view from a JSON array. I tried using the following code, but it still won't populate my table. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but I searched everywhere and still can't figure it out:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://BlahBlahBlah.com/CountryList"];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
AFJSONRequestOperation *operation = [AFJSONRequestOperation JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:request success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id JSON)
NSLog(#"%#",[JSON objectForKey:#"COUNTRIES"]);
self.countries = [JSON objectForKey:#"COUNTRIES"];
[operation start];
I am positive that the data is being retrieved, because the NSLog outputs the text perfectly fine. But when I try setting my array equal to the JSON array, nothing happens. I know the code is probably wrong, but I think I'm on the right track. Your help would be much appreciated.
This is the text in the JSON file I'm using:
"COUNTRIES": ["Argentina", "China", "Russia",]
It seems that you need some basic JSON parsing. If you only target iOS 5.0 and above devices, then you should use NSJSONSerialization. If you need to support earlier iOS versions, then I really recommend the open source JSONKit framework.
Having recommended the above, I myself almost always use the Sensible TableView framework to fetch all data from my web service and automatically display it on a table view. Saves me a ton of manual labor and makes app maintenance a breeze, so it's probably something to consider too. Good luck!
Looking for solutions that push the envelope and:
Manually writing SQL queries(Python can be more OO not passing DSL strings)
Using non-Python datatypes for a supposedly required model definition
Using a new class of types rather than perfectly good native Python types
Using Python objects
Using Object Oriented and key based retrieval and creation
Quick protoyping
No SQL table to make
Model /Type inference or no model
Less lines and characters to type
Easily output to and from JSON, maybe XML or even Protocol Buffers.
I do web, desktop and mobile software development so the more portable the better.
>> from someAmazingDB import *
>> db.taskList = []
>> db['taskList'].append({title:'Beat old sql interfaces','done':False})
>> db.taskList.append({title:'Illustrate different syntax modes','done':True})
#at this point it should autosave
#we should be able to reload the console and access like:
>> from someAmazingDB import *
>> print 'Done tasks'
>> for task in db.taskList:
>> if task.done:
>> print task
'Illustrate different syntax modes'
Here is the challenge: The above code should work with very little modification or thinking required. Like a different import statement and maybe a little more but Django Models and SQLAlchemy DO NOT CUT IT.
I'm looking for more interesting library suggestions than just "Try Shelve" or "use pickle"
I'm not opposed to Python classes being used for models but they should be really straight forward, unlike the stuff you see with Django and similar.
I've was actually working on something like this earlier today. There is no readme or sufficient tests yet, but... http://github.com/mikeboers/LiteMap/blob/master/litemap.py
The LiteMap class behaves much like the builtin dict, but it persists into a SQLite database. You did not indicate what particular database you were interested in, but this could be almost trivially modified to any back end.
It also does not track changes to mutable classes (e.g. like appending to the list in your example), but the API is really simple.
Database access doesn't get better than SQLAlchemy.
Care to explain what about Django's models you don't find straightforward? Here's how I'd do what you have in Django:
from django.db import models
class Task(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=...)
is_done = models.BooleanField()
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
from mysite.tasks.models import Task
t = Task(title='Beat old sql interfaces', is_done=True)
from mysite.tasks.models import Task
print 'Done tasks'
for task in Task.objects.filter(is_done=True):
print task
Seems pretty straightforward to me! Also, results in a slightly cleaner table/object naming scheme IMO. The trickier part is using Django's DB module separate from the rest of Django, if that's what you're after, but it can be done.
Using web2py:
>>> from gluon.sql import DAL, Field
>>> db=DAL('sqlite://stoarge.db')
>>> db.define_table('taskList',Field('title'),Field('done','boolean')) # creates the table
>>> db['taskList'].insert(title='Beat old sql interfaces',done=False)
>>> db.taskList.insert(title='Beat old sql interfaces',done=False)
>> for task in db(db.taskList.done==True).select():
>> print task.title
Supports 10 different database back-ends + google app engine.
Question looks strikingly similar to http://api.mongodb.org/python/1.9%2B/tutorial.html
So answer is pymongo, what else ;)
from pymongo import Connection
connection = Connection()
connection = Connection('localhost', 27017)
tasklist = db['test-tasklist']
tasklist.append({title:'Beat old sql interfaces','done':False})
db.tasklist.append({title:'Illustrate different syntax modes','done':True})
for task in db.tasklist.find({done:True}):
print task.title
I haven't tested the code but wont be very different than this
BTW Redish is also interesting and fun.