I'm trying to create a project using React but it's impossible using WebStorm, it doesn't even run. ESLint does not recognize.
I create a new React project using Node.js v16:
React project created successfully:
Does not run as ESLint does not recognize the constructor
Here's the error stack:
NOTE: I already have ESLint installed globally (npm i -g eslint)
P.S. I've been a WebStorm user for at least 5 years, always working with Angular, now I need to work with React. I hope I don't have to switch tools due to these details.
I updated my Webstorm as #sean-777 suggested and now it's working fine!
I have been trying to setup a monorepo using turborepo. I want to have a Nextjs application along with a React Native application (using Expo).
I have come as far as getting everything to work using yarn and it's no-hoist options as well as expo-yarn-workspaces. You can see my repo here: https://github.com/juliusmarminge/turbo-expo-next-starter. This is my first monorepo so not sure if it follows conventions by any means.
The issue I'm getting into is I don't want to be forced to use Yarn, especially since pnpm is getting more popular and I use it for most my other projects. Has anyone any experience in using Expo in a monorepo without using Yarn? Feels like all examples online is using it...
Thanks in advance,
You can use it with pnpm AND get-workspaces (from yarn) to update your metro.config.js and to resolve node_modules.
I am new to React and recently joined a team and my first assignment was to set up a react project without using create-react-app because as team lead told me custom template makes easier to put react into production. Then, the question is how about create-react-app helping us with all of the setup for us and if we want to customize the CRA we can use npm run eject. So, why should we create our own template?
On the contrary, it's pretty hard to setup a React application without a template.
You can check Creating a Toolchain from Scratch at React docs which refers to this guide.
Your own template should configure package manager, bundler and compiler, it's not so trivial. Best suggestion would be extending CRA by cloning the repo or running yarn eject and continue from there.
I'm not getting how to run reactjs code on eclipse.I have created dynamic web page folder,I tried to run react code but i'm not.I have added react-1.4.jar file to that folder also, but I don't know whether it is correct or not.
Please any one can help me about setup to run react code on eclipse.
I've been using CodeMix to work on Node.js Typescript project with an Angular web application all of these under Eclipse, although, it is not React, it also have support for React projects!!! I would recommend to give it a try, I've already tried to create a CodeMix React Project and it provides a nice example on how to write ReactJS under Eclipse. Hopefully this will get you on the right direction.
You can generate bundle.js using web pack that can be placed in
eclipse web content folder.
Don't forget to place HTML, CSS, images and other script files.
You can't run the JSX files using eclipse.
you can't run react (JSX) codes without babel, webpack. whatever IDE your working with, write a JSX code and compile it by using babel.
There is actually a plugin to support JSX and typescript in Eclipse. It's called "TypeScript". TypeScript
follow - official react js documentation React
If you still stuck, try to start react app by using other IDE's like Visual Studio Code, Sublime, Atom.
For Online VS Code IDE react use this : stackblitz
Hope this helps
React native is unable to compile / load the bundle because a package is not resolved. How do I get React native to compile the bundle?
Finally i got solution,
line somehow imported automatically DashboardScreen.js . Am just removed that line and restart my package manager then it works for me.
I am very new to React and IDEs for frontend development.
I am trying to use React in WebStorm. I made a new project with "React starter kit" in WebStorm. Now a whole bunch of packages got created under my project. Where should I start writing my react code?
Also I have read that I need to add library "node.js v1.8.1 core modules" and "Node.js Globals" but I'm not able to find them. I am attaching snippets for better understanding.
If you are starting with react-native you better not start with a "starter-kit".
I recommend you start form the very beginning, with the simple tutorial in the react-native docs:
After you get some familiarity with it, you will be able to use a stater-kit more properly.
As for the project in your WebStorm, you need to look for the files under the src directory to edit the react code.
Good luck