Swift 5 Create 3D Array of Doubles And Pass To C Function - arrays

I need to call a legacy C function (from swift) that expects a 3D array of Doubles as an argument. I am fairly new to Swift and have begun converting a large ObjC and C code base written for iOS and Mac over to Swift. The C code does a lot of complex astronomical math and for which Swift is just too cumbersome. I will not convert those, but I need to use them from Swift
The C function is declared like this and the .H file is visible to swift:
The Constants used in the declaration are defined to be:
I am struggling with declaring the array of doubles in a way that Swift will allow to be passed to the C function. I've tried several approaches.
First Approach:
I declare the array and call it like so:
I get this error: Cannot convert value of type 'UnsafeMutablePointer' to expected argument type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<((Double, Double, Double, Double),...
Second Approach:
If I declare the array this way:
var data = [(Double, Double, Double, Double)](repeating: (EPHEMERIS_NA, EPHEMERIS_NA, EPHEMERIS_NA, EPHEMERIS_NA), count: Int(NUM_PLANET_ELEMENTS))
I get this error: Cannot convert value of type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<(Double, Double, Double, Double)>' to expected argument type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<((Double, Double, Double, Double),
So, how the heck does one declare a 3D Array in Swift of a specific size so that it can be passed to a C Function?

The function needs an UnsafeMutablePointer to a 35-tuple of things, where each of those things are 4-tuples of Doubles. Yes, C arrays translate to tuples in Swift, because Swift doesn't have fixed size arrays. You could do:
var giantTuple = (
// 32 more times...
But I don't think you'd like that. You can create an array, and use some pointer magic to convert that to a tuple, as discussed in this Swift Forums post. In fact, that post is highly relevant to your situation.
To save some typing, we can write some type aliases first:
typealias Tuple35<T> = (T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T)
typealias Double4x35 = Tuple35<(Double, Double, Double, Double)>
Then we can do:
var giantTuple = Array(repeating: (EPHEMERIS_NA, EPHEMERIS_NA, EPHEMERIS_NA, EPHEMERIS_NA), count: NUM_PLANET_ELEMENTS).withUnsafeBytes { p in
p.bindMemory(to: Double4x35.self)[0]
This works because tuples and arrays have essentially the same "layout" in memory.
Note that I "cheated" a little bit here, since DATA_ROWS_PER_DAY is 1, you can just create one such giantTuple, and get a pointer to it. However, if it is greater than 1, you'd have to do something like:
var giantTuples = Array(repeating:
p.bindMemory(to: Double4x35.self)[0]
To convert from the giant tuple back to an array, you can do something like this:
// converting the first giantTuples in "giantTuples" as an example
let arrayOf4Tuples = asCollection(giantTuples[0], Array.init)
let finalArray = arrayOf4Tuples.map { asCollection($0, Array.init) }
// these are adapted from the Swift forum thread
// you'll need two of these, because you have 2 types of tuples
// yes, working with C arrays is hard :(
func asCollection<T, E>(_ tuple: Tuple35<E>, _ perform: (UnsafeBufferPointer<E>)->T) -> T {
return withUnsafeBytes(of: tuple) { ptr in
let buffer = ptr.bindMemory(to: (E.self))
return perform(buffer)
func asCollection<T, E>(_ tuple: (E, E, E, E), _ perform: (UnsafeBufferPointer<E>)->T) -> T {
return withUnsafeBytes(of: tuple) { ptr in
let buffer = ptr.bindMemory(to: (E.self))
return perform(buffer)

Because Swift 5 lacks support for interoperability with C language multi-dimensional Arrays of fixed size except via tuples of explicitly declared structure (See Sweeper's answer above) and which is something I wish to avoid to keep my code flexible for future changes to the C Library being used, I opted to write a wrapper for the C function and make it appear to Swift as a 1 dimensional array.
This was necessary because the Constants used in the C Code change when readSWEDayData increases the array sizes to support additional elements and tuple declarations like this:
let Double4x35 = Tuple35<(Double, Double, Double, Double)>
will DEFINITELY break in a way that will be hard to find:
So my C wrapper function looks like so:
void readSWEDayDataForSwift(double *dData) {
Making it easy to call it from Swift like so:
I was surprised that this far into Swift's evolution there is no better way to do this!

My two cents for others..Hoping will help.
I got a similar problem, but hope can save time for other.
I had to pass down:
path (from String to char *)
title (from String to char *)
columns ([String] to array of char *)
a counter
to sum up I had to call "C" function:
bool OpenXLSXManager_saveIn(const char * cFullPath,
const char * sheetName,
char *const columnTitles[],
double *const values[],
int columnCount);
I started from excellent:
// https://oleb.net/blog/2016/10/swift-array-of-c-strings/
expanded a bit:
public func withArrayOfCStringsAndValues<R>(
_ args: [String],
_ values: [[Double]],
_ body: ([UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?] , [UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>?] ) -> R ) -> R {
var cStrings = args.map { strdup($0) }
let cValuesArrr = values.map { (numbers: [Double]) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Double> in
let pointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>.allocate(capacity: numbers.count)
for (index, value) in numbers.enumerated() {
pointer.advanced(by: index).pointee = value
return pointer
defer {
cStrings.forEach { free($0) }
for pointer in cValuesArrr{
return body(cStrings, cValuesArrr)
so I can call:
func passDown(
filePath: String,
colNames: [String],
values: [[Double]]
) -> Bool
let columnCount = Int32(colNames.count)
return withArrayOfCStringsAndValues(colNames, values) {
columnTitles, values in
let retval = OpenXLSXManager_saveIn(filePath, sheetName, columnTitles, values, columnCount)
return retval
(SORRY for formatting, S.O. formatter has BIG issues ..)


Array declaration in Kotlin

The code below is an example for Array declaration in Kotlin,
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var a = Array<Int>(2){0}
a[0] = 100
a[1] = 200
Here variable a is an array of size 2 and having values 100 and 200 and it is printing the value of a[1] as 200.
My question is -> What is the role of "0" in var a = Array(2){0}?
I changed the value of "0" to some other integer value, still it is working fine, but i was not able to find the use case of it. Can anyone explain it?
Any help will be appreciated.
The 0 is what you initialize each element of your array (2 in your case) with, using the following constructor:
public inline constructor(size: Int, init: (Int) -> T)
You can make this visible by printing the array directly after its initialization:
var a = Array<Int>(2){0}
Please consider the use of arrayOf(0,0) for such a simple use case, which is more idiomatic.
Arrays in Kotlin are represented by the Array class, that has get and set functions (that turn into [] by operator overloading conventions), and size property, along with a few other useful member functions:
class Array<T> private constructor() {
val size: Int
operator fun get(index: Int): T
operator fun set(index: Int, value: T): Unit
operator fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
// ...
You can write
var a = Array(2){0}
Creates a new array with the specified [size], where each element is calculated by calling the specified
* [init] function. The [init] function returns an array element given its index.
public inline constructor(size: Int, init: (Int) -> T)
Read Arrays in Kotlin.

Possible to create statically allocated array in swift?

I want to create a struct in swift that has a small fixed number of values (say 16 floats) as instance data. It is required that this struct not store these values on the heap, so that the address of an instance of the struct is the address of the instance vars. It is also a requirement that these values be accessible internally to the struct via subscript, as Arrays are.
In C you would simply define this kind of thing thusly:
struct Matrix4x4 {
float elements[16];
} myMatrix;
With this code, sizeof(Matrix4x4) == 64 and also &myMatrix == &myMatrix.elements[0]; In swift, if I analogously define the elements variable as type [Float], the matrix instance only contains a pointer to the array, since the Array<Float> instance is an object stored on the heap.
Is there a way in swift to get static allocation of the instance vars without abandoning the convenience and efficiency of array-like subscripting access?
At present, this is not possible in "pure Swift". There is a long discussion
on the swift-evolution mailing list starting at
[swift-evolution] Proposal: Contiguous Variables (A.K.A. Fixed Sized Array Type)
which asks for such a feature, e.g. to pass a matrix structure to C functions.
As far as I can see, the suggestion was well-received, but nothing concrete is planned
as of now, and it is not listed in the
currently active Swift proposals.
A C array
float elements[16];
is imported to Swift as a tuple with 16 components:
public var elements: (Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float)
and at present this seems to be the only way to define a fixed-sized structure with a given memory layout.
Joe Groff from Apple writes at
[swift-users] Mapping C semantics to Swift
Swift structs have unspecified layout. If you depend on a specific layout, you should define the struct in C and import it into Swift for now.
and later in that discussion:
You can leave the struct defined in C and import it into Swift. Swift will respect C's layout.
If the matrix type is defined in a C header file (for the sake of simplicity I am using
a 2x2 matrix as example now)
// matrix.h:
typedef struct Matrix2x2 {
float elements[4];
} Matrix2x2;
then it is imported to Swift as
public struct Matrix2x2 {
public var elements: (Float, Float, Float, Float)
public init()
public init(elements: (Float, Float, Float, Float))
As mentioned above, Swift preserves the C memory layout, so that the matrix, its
elements, and the first element all have the same address:
var mat = Matrix2x2(elements: (1, 2, 3, 4))
print(sizeofValue(mat)) // 16
withUnsafePointer(&mat) { print($0) } // 0x00007fff5fbff808
withUnsafePointer(&mat.elements) { print($0) } // 0x00007fff5fbff808
withUnsafePointer(&mat.elements.0) { print($0) } // 0x00007fff5fbff808
However, tuples are not subscriptable, and that makes sense if the tuple members have
different types. There is another discussion on the swift-evolution mailing list
[swift-evolution] CollectionType on uniform tuples [forked off Contiguous Variables]
to treat "uniform tuples" as collections, which would allow subscripting.
Unfortunately, this hasn't been implemented yet.
There are some methods to access tuple members by index, e.g. using Mirror()
or withUnsafe(Mutable)Pointer().
Here is a possible solution for Swift 3 (Xcode 8), which seems to work well
and involves only little overhead. The "trick" is to define C functions which
return a pointer to the element storage:
// matrix.h:
// Constant pointer to the matrix elements:
static inline const float * _Nonnull matrix2x2PointerToElements(const Matrix2x2 * _Nonnull mat)
return mat->elements;
// Mutable pointer to the matrix elements:
static inline float * _Nonnull pointerToMutableElements(Matrix2x2 * _Nonnull mat)
return mat->elements;
We need two variants to make the proper value semantics work (subscript setter requires
a variable, subscript getter works with constant or variable).
The "swift_name" attribute makes the compiler import these functions as member
functions of the Matrix2x2 type, compare
SE-0044 Import as member
Now we can define the subscript methods in Swift:
extension Matrix2x2 {
public subscript(idx: Int) -> Float {
get {
precondition(idx >= 0 && idx < 4)
return pointerToElements()[idx]
set(newValue) {
precondition(idx >= 0 && idx < 4)
pointerToMutableElements()[idx] = newValue
and everything works as expected:
// A constant matrix:
let mat = Matrix2x2(elements: (1, 2, 3, 4))
print(mat[0], mat[1], mat[2], mat[3]) // 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
// A variable copy:
var mat2 = mat
mat2[0] = 30.0
print(mat2) // Matrix2x2(elements: (30.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0))
Of course you could also define matrix-like subscript methods
public subscript(row: Int, col: Int) -> Float
in a similar manner.
As the answer above alludes, you can use combo of withUnsafeMutableBytes() and assumingMemoryBound(to:) to treat the C array as a swift array within the scope of the call.
withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &mymatrix.elements) { rawPtr in
let floatPtr = rawPtr.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float.self)
// Use the floats (with no bounds checking)
// ...
for i in 0..<10 {
floatPtr[i] = 42.0

Using C functions in Swift that take functions as arguments

I'm writing a wrapper around a C mathematical library. Every function takes one or two functions as arguments. However, the arguments for those child functions (as well as the parent functions) are not Swifty -hence the wrapper.
I've cleaned up the example code to just show the three main pieces: the c-library function, the desired Swift function that would be passed to the wrapper (body not shown, but wrapping around the c-library function), and the required C function form.
//C library function, that calls the passed function dozens, hundreds or thousands of times, each time it changes the data provided in p, and uses the output from x
//The Swift arrays are passed as pointers, and the length of the and x array are m and n respectively
returnValue = cLibraryFunc(passedFunc, &p, &x, Int32(m), Int32(n), Int32(itmax), &opts, &info, &work, &covar, &adata)
//I would like to create a Swift function that would look like this (internals could be any myriad of things that takes inputs p and adata and returns data in x:
func desiredSwifty(p: inout [Double], x: inout [Double], m: Int, n: Int, adata: inout [Double]) {
//very simple example
//this example knows the length of p (so m as well)
//and assumes that adata length is the same as the x length (n)
//obviously, it could ifer m and n from p.count and x.count
for i in 0..<n {
x[i] = p[0] + p[1]*adata[i] + p[2]*pow(adata[i], 2)
//And the wrapper would "convert" it -internally- into the form that the C library function requires:
func requiredC(p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>?, x: UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>?, m: Int32, n: Int32, adata: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>?) {
//same thing, but using pointers, and uglier
//first, have to bitcast the void back to a double
let adataDouble : UnsafeMutablePointer<Double> = unsafeBitCast(adata, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>.self)
for i in 0..<Int(n) {
x![i] = p![0] + p![1]*adataDouble[i] + p![2]*pow(adataDouble[i], 2)
I should add that I have access to the c source code, so I could possibly add some dummy parameters (possibly to find a way to pass context in). But given that the docs seem to indicate that one can't grab context with a c function pointer, this may be of no use.
(Note: the following example uses Swift 3 on Xcode 8 beta 2.)
Your question is about C functions taking another C function as an argument, so let us reduce the question to that problem. Here is a simple C function which takes a single argument which is
again a C function which takes a pointer to an array of doubles
and an integer count:
// cfunction.h:
void cFunc(void (*func)(double *values, int count));
// cfunction.c:
void cFunc(void (*func)(double *values, int count)) {
double x[] = { 1.2, 3.4, 5,6 };
func(x, 3);
This function is imported to Swift as
func cFunc(_ func: (#convention(c) (UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>?, Int32) -> Swift.Void)!)
Here #convention(c) declares the block to have C-style calling
conventions. In particular, from Swift you can pass only a global function or a closure which does not capture any context.
A simple example for a Swift wrapper is
func swiftyFunc(passedFunc: (#convention(c) (UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>?, Int32) -> Void)) {
which you can use like this:
func functionToPass(values: UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>?, count: Int32) {
let bufPtr = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: values, count: Int(count))
for elem in bufPtr { print(elem) }
swiftyFunc(passedFunc: functionToPass)
or with a closure argument:
swiftyFunc { (values, count) in
let bufPtr = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: values, count: Int(count))
for elem in bufPtr { print(elem) }
Do you know that you can get a mutable pointer to a var just by using the & operator? It does the "right thing" on arrays too.
func foo(_ x: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) {
func bar(_ x: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) {
var array = [0]
var int = 0
(Tested on Swift 2, but most likely still valid on Swift 3.)
I suspect that this could drastically reduce your need for wrappers.

Swift Array: Cannot invoke 'append' with an argument list of type '(Int)'

I'm trying to implement a padding function for Array:
extension Array {
func dataWithPadding(offset: Int, length: Int, paddingLength: Int) -> NSData {
var arr = Array(self[offset..<(offset + length)])
arr = arr.reverse()
for (var i = 0; i < paddingLength; i++) {
let d = NSData(bytesNoCopy: &arr, length: length)
return d
This errors at arr.append with:
Cannot invoke 'append' with an argument list of type '(Int)'
I try to change the declaration into:
var arr[UInt8] = Array(self[offset..<(offset + length)])
However, this also errors:
Cannot assign to immutable expression of type '[UInt8].Type' (aka 'Array.Type')
The weird part: I try to run the original code with arr.append commented out, and use lldb to directly run arr.append(0), it actually works.
I'm using Xcode 7.2.
Since your Array extension puts no constraint on which types of arrays (element types) that can be used with it, .append(0) cannot be invoked; not all types can be converted into from integer literals. Hence, it's not weird that you cannot use .append(0) in the "generic" array extension, whereas you naturally can use it directly on an array that Swift can infer to have integer literal convertible elements, e.g. [Int]. Consider the following example:
var arr : [UInt8] = []
var arr2 : [String] = []
arr2.append(0) // error
In the example above, both arrays would have access to your extension dataWithPadding, but both can naturally not make use of arr.append(0) in the extension, hence the error message
Cannot invoke 'append' with an argument list of type '(Int)'
Now, a simple fix is to add a type constraint for the array elements to IntegerLiteralConvertible, after which you extension is valid, and accessible for all arrays that have elements which conform to IntegerLiteralConvertible.
extension Array where Element: IntegerLiteralConvertible {
func dataWithPadding(offset: Int, length: Int, paddingLength: Int) -> NSData {
var arr = Array(self[offset..<(offset + length)])
arr = arr.reverse()
for (var i = 0; i < paddingLength; i++) {
let d = NSData(bytesNoCopy: &arr, length: length)
return d
Alternatively, make use of the less general SignedNumberType, UnSignedIntegerType or IntegerType as type constraint for Element; these conform also to e.g. Comparable and Equatable, in case you'd like to compare and perform operations on your generic elements in the extension.
Finally note that you can naturally use your own custom protocol as type constraint for Element in your extension, allowing you to include additional blueprints (below, foo() method) accessible for your Element:s in the extension
protocol MyIntegerLiteralInitializableTypes: IntegerLiteralConvertible {
func foo()
extension MyIntegerLiteralInitializableTypes {
func foo() {
print("I am of type \(self.dynamicType)!")
/* For the Array<Type>:s you want to have access to .dataWithPadding,
extend those 'Type':s to MyIntegerLiteralInitializableTypes */
extension Int8 : MyIntegerLiteralInitializableTypes { }
extension UInt8 : MyIntegerLiteralInitializableTypes { }
extension Array where Element: MyIntegerLiteralInitializableTypes {
func dataWithPadding(offset: Int, length: Int, paddingLength: Int) -> NSData {
self.first?.foo() /* I am of type ...! */
var arr = Array(self[offset..<(offset + length)])
arr = arr.reverse()
for (var i = 0; i < paddingLength; i++) {
let d = NSData(bytesNoCopy: &arr, length: length)
return d
It's also probably a good idea to add #warn_unused_result to your dataWithPadding(...) function signature, as a call to it without assigning the return will yield a runtime exception ("... malloc: ...: pointer being freed was not allocated").

Need help properly calling a C function from Delphi

I am statically importing a dynamic library (DLL) within Delphi and attempting to access its functions.
Here is the specific C function deceleration that I am trying to access:
int flann_radius_search_double (flann_index_t index_ptr, /* the index */
double* query, /* query point */
int* indices, /* array for storing the indices found (will be modified) */
double* dists, /* similar, but for storing distances */
int max_nn, /* size of arrays indices and dists */
float radius, /* search radius (squared radius for euclidian metric) */
struct FLANNParameters* flann_params);
Here is my deceleration in Delphi:
function flann_radius_search_double(index_ptr: flann_index_t;
var query: double; var indices: longint; var dists: double;
max_nn: longint; radius: single; var flann_params: FLANNParameters): longint;
cdecl; external External_library Name 'flann_radius_search_double';
And I accessed the function like this:
TDoubleArray = array[0..1000] of double;
PDoubleArray = ^TDoubleArray;
TIntArray = array[0..1000] of Integer;
PIntArray = ^TIntArray;
... <other unrelated code>
PDists :=#Dists;
radius_s:=flann_radius_search_double(idx ,&PMyArray^[0,0],Pindicies^[0],&PDists^[0],1000,10,&DEFAULT_FLANN_PARAMETERS);
It is not working, and looks way off :*(
I would really appreciate some assistance!
Edit: I fixed the double/single mistake, but when I attempt to use #Indicies[0] instead of Indicies[0] I get an error:
Error: Call by var for arg no. 3 has to match exactly: Got "Pointer"
expected "LongInt"
Disclaimer: what is written below refers to the original version of the question before it was completely changed. In the original version the floating point parameters were all float. I would urge Mike to post the real code using copy/paste in order to avoid wasting people's time.
C float is equivalent to Delphi Single, the 4 byte floating point type. That's the main problem you have.
I personally would declare the arrays as PSingle or PInteger in the import declaration, rather than using var parameters. When passing single values by reference then var parameters is appropriate.
When calling the function I wouldn't use fixed dimensioned arrays. I would use dynamic arrays and SetLength. Pass the array then with PSingle(MyArray), or #MyArray[0], whichever you prefer.
I would prefer Integer to Longint since I believe that Integer most closely matches C int.
Your arrays are 1001 elements in size, you only need them to be 1000.
The struct is best passed by var as you have it in the import declaration, but not as you have it in the call. Since the code in your question doesn't quite match up I don't want to say anything more.
function flann_radius_search_double(
index_ptr: flann_index_t;
var query: Single;
indices: PInteger;
dists: PSingle;
max_nn: Integer;
radius: Single;
var flann_params: FLANNParameters
): Integer; cdecl; external External_library Name 'flann_radius_search_double';
indices: array of Integer;
dists: array of Single;
SetLength(indices, 1000);
SetLength(dists, 1000);
radius_s := flann_radius_search_double(
In Delphi, float maps to Single, not Double. So it becomes:
function flann_radius_search_double(index_ptr: flann_index_t;
var query: Single;
indices: PInteger; // array, so NOT a var parameter
dists: PSingle; // array, so NOT a var parameter
max_nn: Integer;
radius: Single;
var flann_params: FLANNParameters): Integer;
cdecl; etc...
You call it like:
CArraySize = 1000;
Indices: array[0..CArraySize - 1] of Integer;
Dists: array[0..CArraySize - 1] of Single;
x := flann_radius_search_double(idx, yourQuery,
#Indices[0], #Dists[0], Length(Dists), yourRadius, yourFlannParams);
