Storing strings from pointers in Linked lists - c

Recently started to practice linked lists. I am aware of the basic algorithm and concept and thought of implementing LL to store a bunch of strings which are input by the user.
But apparently I keep getting Segmentation fault.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct _node{
char *s;
struct _node *next;
int main()
node *head = NULL;
int a = 0;
char ch;
char *str = malloc(10);
printf("\nDude %i:", a);
fgets(str, 10, stdin);
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if(n == NULL)
printf("\ninsufficient memory");
return 1;
if(a == 0)
strcpy(n->s, str);
n->next = NULL;
head = n;
strcpy(n->s, str);
n->next = head;
head = n;
printf("\n continue?(y/n): ");
scanf("\n%c", &ch);
}while(ch == 'y');
for(node *temp = head; temp != NULL; temp = temp -> next)
printf("\n%s", temp->s);
return 0;
I do understand that my logic/code is flawed somewhere since I am touching memory I should not touch but cannot seem to point out where since it is my first time dealing with linked lists.

When you are malloc'ing space for the struct, you are only allocating space for the pointer to the string in your _node struct. You need to allocate some memory where you store the string and point the pointer s to it, before you do the strcpy.
n->s = malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
Remember that you also need to have a strategy to de-allocate this memory.
As the others hinted, these sort of errors are usually easily caught by looking/debugging with gdb. Remember that it's useful to compile with the -g flag to get useful debugging info.

The reason you catch a ''Segmentation fault' is because you don't allocate memory for s variable of struct node before copying actual string: strcpy(n->s, str).
So, allocate memory for s:
n->s = (char *) malloc(10 * sizeof(char));

Note that you cannot write anything into an unallocated space, so you need to call malloc for the string in each node.
If the string lengths are fixed, then you can specify the length in the definition of struct node to avoid the malloc problem.
Also, it is suggested to always free the objects that will no longer be referenced.
With a few revisions, the codes below may be helpful:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define LEN 10
typedef struct node {
char str[LEN];
struct node *next;
} Node;
int main() {
Node *head = NULL;
int n = 0;
char c = 'y';
while (c == 'y') {
Node *node = malloc(sizeof(Node));
printf("Node #%d: ", n);
scanf(" ");
/* Store the string directly into the node. */
fgets(node->str, 10, stdin);
/* Remove the newline character. */
node->str[strcspn(node->str, "\n")] = 0;
node->next = head;
head = node;
printf("Continue? (y/N): ");
scanf("%c", &c);
Node *curr = head;
while (curr != NULL) {
printf("%s\n", curr->str);
Node *temp = curr;
curr = curr->next;
/* Remember to free the memory. */
return 0;


I cant find the error of my linked list( why is my head pointer moving?)

I have tried so many times to set my head pointer pointing to the first node. At first(in the empty list) it correctly points the first node. But after the first loop, the head pointer points to the newnode linked. Actually now Im quite unsure about my whole code as well.
int main(void){
struct library *head = NULL; //set the head pointer to NULL
int option;
printf("Enter the number:");
while((option = getchar())!= 9){
case '1':
char title[1000];
char author[1000];
char subject[1000];
printf("Enter title of the book you want to add:");
printf("Enter author of the book you want to add:");
printf("Enter subject of the book you want to add:");
printf("successful! and head pointer is pointing to %s\n",head->collection.title);
void add_book(char title[],char author[],char subject[], struct library ** head){
struct library *current;
struct library *newnode = malloc(sizeof(struct library));
newnode->collection.title = title;
newnode-> = author;
newnode->collection.subject = subject; // assigning value inside newnode
newnode->num_books = 0;
newnode->next = NULL; // assign NULL value to the end of newnod
//when the head is NULL which means when the list is empty
if(*head == NULL)
current = newnode;
*head = current;
current = *head; //assign the first node to current pointer
//find the last node of the list
while(current->next != NULL)
current = current->next;
current->next = newnode; // link the last node to new node
This is struct for this
struct book {
char* title;
char* author;
char* subject;
struct library {
struct book collection;
int num_books;
struct library* next;
The lifetime of char title[1000];, char author[1000];, and char subject[1000]; ends when execution reaches the end of the block inside case '1': { /* ... */ }. Once this happens, the pointers that were assigned in add_book become dangling pointers - pointing to invalid memory.
To remedy this, you must ensure the lifetime of your strings matches the lifetime of the structures that contain them. This can be done either by allocating enough space in the structure itself
struct book {
char title[1000];
/* etc. */
or by dynamically allocating enough space for a copy of each string. In any case you must copy the string to this memory (man 3 strcpy).
If it is available on your system, man 3 strdup does both steps of the second form at once. Otherwise, it is roughly the same as strcpy(malloc(strlen(source_string) + 1), source_string);.
Also note that the scanf specifier %s is as dangerous as gets when used without a field-width specifier (e.g., char buffer[1000]; scanf("%999s", buffer);), as it can potentially overflow your buffer.
An example program. Enter strings one-by-one, and terminate with EOF CTRL+D (Windows: CTRL+Z, RETURN).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct link {
char *string;
/* alternatively: char string[512]; */
struct link *next;
void add_link(struct link **root, const char *string) {
struct link *node = calloc(1, sizeof *node);
node->string = strdup(string);
/* alternatively: strcpy(node->string, string) */
if (*root) {
struct link *tail = *root;
while (tail->next)
tail = tail->next;
tail->next = node;
} else
*root = node;
int main(void) {
struct link *head = NULL;
while (1) {
char buffer[512];
if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin))
/* remove newline */
buffer[strcspn(buffer, "\n")] = '\0';
add_link(&head, buffer);
for (struct link *node = head, *next; node; node = next) {
next = node->next;
printf("STRING: %s\n", node->string);
Note: in a real program you should always check the return values of your memory allocating functions (malloc, calloc, strdup, etc.) as they can fail.

Problem using free() in a loop creating a linked list from a file

So I have a file called file.txt and i want to create a linked list from the information it contains, where each line of the file is a new node. So far I have this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct sAirport{
char name;
int number;
struct sAirport *next;
tAirport *createNode(tAirport *newNode, char str[1000]);
void createLinkedList(tAirport **head, tAiport *newNode);
int main()
FILE *fa = fopen("test.txt", r);
char str[1000] = {0};
tAirport *head = NULL;
tAirport *newNode = NULL;
while(fgets(str, sizeof(str), fa) != NULL)
newNode = createNode(newNode, str);
createLinkedList(&head, newNode);
newNode = NULL;
return 0;
tAirport *createNode(tAirport *newNode, char str[1000])
char *aux = NULL;
newNode = malloc(sizeof(tAirport));
if(newNode == NULL)
aux = strtok(str, " ");
strcpy(&newNode->name, aux);
aux = strtok(NULL, " ");
sscanf(aux, "%d", &newNode->number);
newNode->next = NULL;
return newNode;
void createLinkedList(tAirport **head, tAirport newNode)
tAirport *temp = NULL;
if(*head == NULL)
*head = newNode;
temp = *head;
while(temp->next != NULL)
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = newNode;
I'm getting weird results and Valgrind says I have lost bytes but I don't know what to do.
Edited so that it can run.
For example the file I'm testing with is:
John 33
Mary 42
Peter 12
What should I do?
Aside from all those warning you will get from compiling this. I just want to tell you that you are misunderstanding how malloc(),free(), and pointer work.
First of all, pointer is just an unsigned long, a natural number just like any other number. The difference is that the pointer store the address of the real memory ( in this case is newNode).
In your program, you malloc() to get your memory, asisgn the memory address to newNode, then you tell your list to hold newNode, finally you free it. So you just free the memory you wish to keep, your list now only hold a bunch of address to freed memory.
Solution for this is, get rid of free() while populating your list, and free them later
The sAirport structure is define the name to be one character. However, from the code, looks like the createNode will allow long name (up to 999 characters). When the createNode create the new entry, the strcpy will overwrite data beyond the allocated space, and will likely cause segmentation fault, or "funny" data.
Consider extending name to the proper size, or using dynamic allocation (malloc) for name.

Creating Dynamically Allocated Strings from a file in C

I am having some issues with dynamically allocating a string for a node in a tree. I have included my node structure below for reference.
struct node
char *string;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
typedef struct node node;
I am supposed to read words from a text file and then store those words into a tree. I am able to store char arrays that have been defined, such as char string[20] without problems, but not strings that are supposed to be dynamically allocated.
I am only going to post the code I am using to read my file and try to create the dynamically allocated array. I have already created the file pointer and checked that it is not NULL. Every time I try to run the program, it simply crashes, do I need to try and read the words character by character?
node *p, *root ;
int i;
int u;
root = NULL;
char input[100];
while(fscanf(fp, "%s", &input) != EOF)
//Create the node to insert into the tree
p = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
p->left = p->right = NULL;
int p = strlen(input); //get the length of the read string
char *temp = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*p);
//malloc a dynamic string of only the length needed
strcpy(local, input);
insert(&root, p);
To be completely clear, I only want advice regarding the logic of my code, and only would like someone to help point me in the right direction.
You are invoking many undefined behaviors by
passing pointer to object having wrong type to scanf(). i.e. In fscanf(ifp, "%s", &input), char(*)[100] is passed where char* is expected
accessing out-of-range of allocated buffer when storeing terminating null-character in strcpy(local, input);
using value of buffer allocated via malloc() and not initialized in strcpy(curr->word,local);
Your code should be like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef struct node_t {
struct node_t* left, *right;
int count;
char* word;
} node;
void insert(node ** tree, node * item);
int main(void) {
FILE* ifp = stdin;
node * curr, * root;
int i;
int u;
root = NULL;
char input[100];
/* you should specify the maximum length to read in order to avoid buffer overrun */
while(fscanf(ifp, "%99s", input) != EOF)
//Create the node to insert into the tree
curr = malloc(sizeof(node));
if(curr == NULL) /* add error check */
perror("malloc 1");
return 1;
curr->left = curr->right = NULL;
curr->count = 1;
int p = strlen(input); //get the length of the read string
char *local = malloc(sizeof(char)*(p + 1)); /* make room for terminating null-character */
if (local == NULL) /* add error check again */
perror("malloc 2");
return 1;
//malloc a dynamic string of only the length needed
//To lowercase, so Job and job is considered the same word
/* using strlen() in loop condition is not a good idea.
* you have already calculated it, so use it. */
for(u = 0; u < p; u++)
/* cast to unsigned char in order to avoid undefined behavior
* for passing out-of-range value */
input[u] = tolower((unsigned char)input[u]);
strcpy(local, input);
curr->word = local; /* do not use strcpy, just assign */
insert(&root, curr);
/* code to free what is allocated will be here */
return 0;
//Separate insert function
void insert(node ** tree, node * item)
*tree = item;
if(strcmp(item->word,(*tree)->word) < 0)
insert(&(*tree)->left, item);
else if(strcmp(item->word,(*tree)->word) > 0)
insert(&(*tree)->right, item);
/* note: memory leak may occur if the word read is same as what is previously read */

Singly linked list C, printing

I'm a beginner in developing, so my sensei gave me a task to complete in which I need to enter a couple of strings in linked lists and after I enter print, they need to be printed in the correct order, from the first to last.
Here is what I got:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct Node {
char data;
struct Node *next;
char createlist(node *pointer, char data[100]) {
while (pointer->next != NULL) {
pointer = pointer->next;
pointer->next = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
pointer = pointer-> next;
pointer->data = *data;
pointer->next = NULL;
int main() {
node *first, *temp;
first = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
temp = first;
temp->next = NULL;
printf("Enter the lines\n");
while (1) {
char data[100];
createlist(first, data);
if (strcmp(data, "print") == 0)
printf("%s\n", first->data);
else if (strcmp(data, "quit") == 0)
return (0);
When I run it I get:
Enter the lines:
Any help would be appreciated since this is my first time using linked lists.
You should format your code properly.
first->data is allocated via malloc() and isn't initialized, so using its value invokes undefined behavior.
In order not to deal the first element specially, you should use pointer to pointer to have createlist() modify first.
Since createlist() won't return anything, type of its return value should be void.
I guess you wanted to copy the strings instead of assigning the first character of each strings.
To print all of what you entered, code to do so have to be written.
You shouldn't use gets(), which has unavoidable risk of buffer overrun.
You should free() whatever you allocated via malloc().
improved code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct Node
char *data;
struct Node *next;
} node;
void createlist(node **pointer, char data[100])
while (*pointer != NULL)
pointer = &(*pointer)->next;
*pointer = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (*pointer == NULL)
perror("malloc 1");
(*pointer)->data = malloc(strlen(data) + 1);
if ((*pointer)->data == NULL)
perror("malloc 2");
strcpy((*pointer)->data, data);
(*pointer)->next = NULL;
int main(void)
node *first = NULL;
printf("Enter the lines\n");
while (1)
char data[100], *lf;
if (fgets(data, sizeof(data), stdin) == NULL) strcpy(data, "quit");
if ((lf = strchr(data, '\n')) != NULL) *lf = '\0'; /* remove newline character */
createlist(&first, data);
if (strcmp(data, "print") == 0)
node *elem = first;
while (elem != NULL)
printf("%s\n", elem -> data);
elem = elem->next;
else if (strcmp(data, "quit") == 0)
while (first != NULL)
node *next = first->next;
first = next;
Inside createlist(), you are iterating to the end of the list. There, you are adding a new node and setting a new text entered. By doing so, you are missing that you have already a first node. Because you are iterating to the end in every call of createlist(), you are jumping over your first node every time, so it remains without text and delivers NULL.
In order not to jump over the first initial node, you could alter createlist() like this:
char createlist(node *pointer, char data[100])
while (pointer->data != NULL && pointer->next != NULL)
pointer = pointer->next;
Or you could create the first node not initially, but only after the first line of text was entered.
edit: Here are two additional style hints:
What happens if somebody enters 120 characters? The text will outrun your char[100] array and will fill RAM that is used otherwise. This is a buffer overflow. You could try to grab only the first 100 chars, get the substring. Alternatively, use the length argument of fgets()
Create a constant for 100, like #define MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH 100, and use it every time.

Reading in words into a linked list

Im trying to write a program that reads each word inputted by user and then sticks that word into a linked list. This is what I have tried so far but got seg faults but not too sure where I went wrong with mallocing/pointers. (Havent implemented printList yet).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LEN 20
typedef struct node{
char *word;
struct node *next;
node_t *read(node_t *node);
void printList(node_t *node);
node_t *insertNode(char *word, node_t *node, int size);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
node_t *start = NULL;
printf("Enter a sentence:\n");
return 0;
void *read(node_t *node){
int i, size = MAX_LEN;
char c, *word;
printf("Out of memory!\n");
for(i=0;c!=' ';i++){
if(!realloc(word, size)){
printf("Out of memory\n");
node = insertNode(word,node,size);
return node;
node_t *insertNode(char *word, node_t *node, int size){
node_t *new_node, *current;
new_node = (node_t*)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
new_node->next = NULL;
if(!(new_node->word = malloc(size))){
printf("Out of memory\n");
if (node == NULL){
node = new_node;
current = new_node;
current->next = new_node;
current = new_node;
return node;
There are several issues:
Your prototype and the implementation of read don't match; make both return a node_t *.
You have two nested loops for input, one reading from stdinand another one cycling through the characters. The inner loop never updated its condition, because c can only be changed by the outer loop. There should be just one loop, which takes care of reading from the stream and writing to the string.
You don't keep tzhe result of realloc, which means that you don't reflect updates when the handle to the allocated memory changes. In these cases, you will access the old handle, which has become invalid.
You don't terminate your string with a null character.
You should reallocate before you access memory out of bounds. That usually means to check whether to enlarge the array before writing to it. Note that for an array of length n, n itself is already an illegal index.
The result of getchar should be an int, ot a char so that all valid input is distinct from EOF, for which you don't check.
Therer are probably more issues, the ones listed are the ones concerned with read. I haven't looked into the linked list insertion.
In order to properly terminate the string with a zero, I recommend to write an infinite loop and postpone the break condition after possible reallocation. Foe example:
node_t *read(node_t *node)
int size = MAX_LEN;
int i = 0;
char *word = malloc(size);
if(word == NULL) {
printf("Out of memory!\n");
while (1) {
int c = getchar();
if(i >= size) {
size = size*2;
word = realloc(word, size);
if (word == NULL) {
printf("Out of memory\n");
if (c == '\n' || c == EOF) {
word[i] = '\0';
word[i++] = c;
node = insertNode(word, node, size);
return node;
I think the error is caused by the line
return node;
in insertNode. That should be
return new_node;
