Very strange behavior with printf in C program - c

I'm currently working on a lesson in the free C Programming course. I'm working through the final examples on linked list and playing around with the code below. This code is not complete yet, but what I'm baffled by is that when uncommenting the commented line in main, none of the printf statements give output to the console. Even the printfs before that line.
When I run it I'm simply entering 123 and then pressing the enter key.The printfs output fine as long as the line is commented out. I should also mention that when setting breakpoints around the printfs while it's commented out, it appears the program is continuing to execute through and past the breakpoints, but no output appears on the console.
Could anyone give insight into why this is happening? I'm running this in STM32CubeIDE on Fedora Linux with GCC toolchain. Please let me know if I could provide more detail. Thanks.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct digit {
int num;
struct digit *next;
struct digit * createDigit(int);
struct digit * append(struct digit * end, struct digit * newDigptr);
void printNumber(struct digit *);
void freeNumber(struct digit *start);
struct digit * readNumber();
struct digit * searchNumber(struct digit * start, int number);
struct digit * reverseNumber(struct digit* start);
int main(void) {
struct digit *start, *backwards;
printf("Please enter a number: ");
start = readNumber();
//backwards = reverseNumber(start);
return 0;
struct digit *createDigit(int dig) {
struct digit *ptr;
ptr = (struct digit *) malloc(sizeof(struct digit));
ptr->num = dig;
ptr->next = NULL;
return ptr;
struct digit * append(struct digit * end, struct digit * newDigptr) {
end->next = newDigptr;
void printNumber(struct digit *start) {
struct digit * ptr = start;
while (ptr != NULL) {
printf("%d", ptr->num);
ptr = ptr->next;
void freeNumber(struct digit *start) {
struct digit * ptr = start;
struct digit * tmp;
while (ptr != NULL) {
tmp = ptr->next;
ptr = tmp;
struct digit * readNumber() {
char c;
int d;
struct digit *start, *end, *newptr;
start = NULL;
scanf("%c", &c);
while (c!='\n') {
d = c - 48;
newptr = createDigit(d);
if (start == NULL) {
start = newptr;
end = start;
else {
end = append(end, newptr);
scanf("%c", &c);
return start;
struct digit * searchNumber(struct digit * start, int number) {
struct digit * ptr = start;
while (ptr != NULL && ptr->num != number) {
ptr = ptr->next;
struct digit* reverseNumber(struct digit* start) {
// iterate the original list and for each element make it the end in the new list
struct digit *next, *newListStart;
newListStart = next = start;
if (newListStart == NULL)
while (next != NULL) {
next = next->next;
newListStart->next = createDigit(newListStart->num);
newListStart = createDigit(next->num);
return newListStart;

The issue is your newListStart = createDigit(next->num). Trying to access num results in a dereference of a null pointer (you cannot access *next's fields since it isn't pointing to anywhere).


Creating a singly linked list from a .txt file and reversing odd numbers of each line in C

I have a project about linked lists but I'm having a hard time doing it. The teacher wants me to read a .txt file and create singly linked list from it. After that, I need to reverse odd numbers of every line. Then print it. Here is the code which I used for printing the linked list. But I need help to reverse the odd numbers of each line.
This is the code which I used to print the list:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct list {
char *string;
struct list *next;
typedef struct list LIST;
int main(void) {
FILE *fp;
char line[10];
LIST *current, *head;
head = current = NULL;
fp = fopen("data.txt", "r");
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)){
LIST *node = malloc(sizeof(LIST));
node->string = strdup(line);
node->next =NULL;
if(head == NULL){
current = head = node;
} else {
current = current->next = node;
for(current = head; current ; current=current->next){
printf("%s", current->string);
return 0;
Here is the content of the .txt file:
"But I need help to reverse the odd numbers of each line."
There are several other parts that need to be considered before this step can be developed.
Following are suggestions for a functions approach implementation using your problem description. A few items are simply suggestions to simplify the existing code. And a few other steps, are not mentioned as necessary, but should be considered:
Since you are not mandated to use char *string; in your problem description, choose to use a reasonable string length variable that does not require an additional layer of dynamic allocation, such as char string[260]; (or even smaller to fit your input file.) This will greatly simplify the code.
Because the input file is sized with lines ~30 char long, declare the variable line to be at least large enough to contain one line, eg 80 would allow larger values, and still allow enough space, but since memory is cheap, go with the same size as is used in the string member of your linked list.
Move the work of populating each new node to a function. It also will greatly simplify the program, and provide greater readability. Eg: void insert(LIST **head_ref, char *str);
Always test the return of fopen() before attempting to use the file descriptor.
To manipulate the contents of each odd row (eg 1, 3, 5, 7, 9), as numbers, the contents of each line read in from a file as a string, needs to first be converted to a collection of numbers. This suggests an additional member be added to the struct. For example int num[10].
The previous observation implicitly suggests the need of an additional function to parse and convert each comma delimited string into discrete integer values. Perhaps with the prototype: void parseIntArray(LIST **list);
The next and final task also suggests an additional function to reverse the contents of selected array member integer arrays. This one might use a prototype such as: void reverse_odd(LIST **list, size_t size);
Finally, because each node of LIST created required dynamically allocated memory, once finished using LIST, the memory must be given back to the OS to prevent memory leaks. An additional function to do this could be prototyped: void freeList(LIST **head);
Following are the main() function and preceding support declarations etc. It is intended here to illustrate the above suggested steps, and the benefits of breaking down a bigger problem into smaller problems, then implementing each smaller solution to support the whole. Benefits include for example readability and maintainability and potential re-use of code-base, (Note the similarity of argument lists in each supporting function.):
#define MAX_STRLEN 260 //use mnemonic values to avoid magic numbers in code
struct list {
char string[MAX_STRLEN];
int arr[10];
struct list *next;
typedef struct list LIST;
//Prototypes of 'smaller' solutions
void insert(LIST **head_ref, char *str);
void parseIntArray(LIST **list);
void reverse_odd(LIST **list, size_t size);
void freeList(LIST **head);
int main(void)
FILE *fp;
char line[MAX_STRLEN];
LIST *current, *head;
char *convPtr = NULL;
head = current = NULL;
fp = fopen("data.txt", "r");
//consume 1st line
if(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp));//10
sizeArray = strtol(line, &convPtr, 10);
if(errno != ERANGE)
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
//(see implementations of each below)
//create new node, insert num string
insert(&current, line);
//convert new->string to integers, place in new->array
//reverse 'odd' contents of each array
reverse_odd(&current, sizeArray);
}else{//handle error and leave}
}else{//handle error and leave}
//At this point in code, entire file is captured into nodes of list.
//use list as needed
//When finished using list, memory must be freed to prevent memory leaks
head = current;
return 0;
The remaining code segments are the function implementations used above:
void freeList(LIST **head)
LIST *tmp;
while (*head != NULL)
tmp = (*head);
(*head) = (*head)->next;
//create new node, insert num string
void insert(LIST **head_ref, char *str)
int *arr = malloc(numNodes * sizeof(*arr));
//allocate node
LIST* new = calloc(1, sizeof(*new));
//put in the data
strcpy(new->string, str);
//Make next of new node as head
new->next = (*head_ref);
//Move the head to point to the new node
(*head_ref) = new;
//convert new->string to integers, place in list->array
void parseIntArray(LIST **list)
char *tok = NULL;
int i = 0;
int tmp = 0;
char *sArray = strdup((*list)->string);
tok = strtok(sArray, ",\n ");
errno = 0;
tmp = atoi(tok);
if(errno == ERANGE)
printf("Error converting string to number\nExiting.");
(*list)->arr[i] = tmp;
tok = strtok(NULL, ",\n ");
//reverse 'odd' contents of list->array
void reverse_odd(LIST **list, size_t size)
int *ptr = &((*list)->arr[0]);
int *tmp = malloc(size * sizeof(*tmp));
memset(tmp, -1, size*sizeof(*tmp));
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
if(ptr[i]%2 != 0)
tmp[size-1-i] = ptr[i];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
if(tmp[i] < 0)
while((*ptr)%2 != 0 ) ptr++;
tmp[i] = *ptr;
memcpy((*list)->arr, tmp, size*sizeof(int));
This hope this code will do the job.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct line {
struct num *first;
struct line *next;
} LineNode;
typedef struct num {
int num;
int order;
struct num *next;
} NumNode;
int main() {
FILE *fp;
char ch;
int counter = 0;
NumNode *curr_num, *even_ptr, *odd_ptr, *odd_head, *even_head;
LineNode *curr_line, *line_head;
curr_num = even_head = odd_head = even_ptr = odd_ptr = NULL;
line_head = curr_line = NULL;
fp = fopen("data.txt", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
return 1;
ch = fgetc(fp);
while(ch != EOF){
if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
int n = 0;
while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n' && ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
int x = ch - 48;
n = n * 10 + x;
ch = fgetc(fp);
NumNode *node = malloc(sizeof(NumNode));
node->num = n;
node->order = counter;
node->next =NULL;
if (n % 2 == 0){
if(even_head == NULL){
even_head = even_ptr = node;
} else {
even_ptr = even_ptr->next = node;
if(odd_head == NULL){
odd_head = node;
} else {
node->next = odd_head;
odd_head = node;
if (ch == '\n' || ch == EOF)
NumNode *num_node, *head;
num_node = head = NULL;
even_ptr = even_head;
odd_ptr = odd_head;
counter = 0;
if (even_head != NULL && even_head->order == counter){
head = num_node = even_ptr;
even_ptr = even_ptr->next;
} else {
head = num_node = odd_ptr;
odd_ptr = odd_ptr->next;
while (even_ptr != NULL)
if (even_ptr->order == counter) {
num_node = num_node->next = even_ptr;
even_ptr = even_ptr->next;
else if (odd_ptr != NULL) {
num_node = num_node->next = odd_ptr;
odd_ptr = odd_ptr->next;
while (odd_ptr != NULL)
num_node = num_node->next = odd_ptr;
odd_ptr = odd_ptr->next;
LineNode *node = malloc(sizeof(LineNode));
node->next =NULL;
node->first = head;
if (line_head == NULL)
line_head = curr_line = node;
curr_line = curr_line->next = node;
odd_head = even_head = NULL;
counter = 0;
ch = fgetc(fp);
for(curr_line = line_head; curr_line != NULL ; curr_line=curr_line->next) {
for(curr_num = curr_line->first; curr_num != NULL ; curr_num=curr_num->next) {
printf("%d", curr_num->num);
if (curr_num->next != NULL)
return 0;

counting redundancies in linked list in C

I'm practicing code that can find redundancies in a linked list.
For example:
contains 2 redundancies
contains 1 redundancies
I'm struggling to actually track redundancies in my code. I'v sorted the linked list, then I assume I would just create 2 pointers one that traverses the current location of the linked list and one that traverses the previous location of the linked list and if they're equal count++. But I always get 0 redundancies.
In the code below, I think my challenge is mainly in the countRedun() method.
struct digit * insertAtFront(struct digit *start, struct digit * newDig){
struct digit * ptr = start;
newDig = start;
return newDig;
struct digit * insertIntoSorted(struct digit *start, struct digit *newDig) {
struct digit *ptr = start;
struct digit *prev = NULL;
while ((ptr!=NULL) && (ptr->num < newDig->num)) {
prev = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
if (prev == NULL) {
start = insertAtFront(start, newDig);
} else {
prev->next = newDig;
newDig->next = ptr;
struct digit * sortedCopy(struct digit * start) {
//! heap1=showMemory(start=348, cursors=[start, ptr, sortedStart, newDigit])
//! heap2=showMemory(start=519, cursors=[start, newDigit, ptr, prev])
struct digit *ptr = start;
struct digit *sortedStart = NULL;
struct digit *newDigit;
if (start!=NULL) {
sortedStart = createDigit(start->num);
ptr = ptr->next;
while (ptr!=NULL) {
newDigit = createDigit(ptr->num);
sortedStart = insertIntoSorted(sortedStart, newDigit);
ptr = ptr->next;
int countRedun(struct digit * start){
struct digit *sorted, *ptr, *prev, * curr;
ptr = start;
prev = start;
//sort linked list
sorted = sortedCopy(start);
int count = 0;
while(ptr != NULL)
if(ptr->num == prev->num)
prev = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
I've excluded the code that asks user for input, as well as the linked list creator methods, assuming that the sorting, and counting methods are key for this question.
It looks like sortedCopy makes a whole new list, but sorted. If so, then you need to reorder:
ptr = start;
prev = start;
//sort linked list
sorted = sortedCopy(start);
//sort linked list
sorted = sortedCopy(start);
ptr = sorted;
prev = sorted;
as a note, you would likely be better to:
prev = NULL;
while(ptr != NULL) {
count += (prev && ptr->num == prev->num);
prev = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
otherwise you count will always be off by one.
I think the issue is in insertAtFront
struct digit * insertAtFront(struct digit *start, struct digit * newDig){
struct digit * ptr = start;
newDig = start;
return newDig;
Remember that everything is passed by value. Your ptr variable isn't used at all, and in this function start and newDig are local variables. Really this is equivalent to:
struct digit * insertAtFront(struct digit *start, struct digit * newDig){
return start;
Have another look at that function. I'm not sure of your context but you can use a debugger or printf statements to see what's going on.
If you are sure that:
all you need to do is get the number of redundancies
your input is always going to be a digit between 0 and 9
Then you don't need to sort the data (which, by the way, you're doing in O(n^2) time complexity).
All you need to do is keep an array with 10 elements initialized to 0, increase the corresponding index to your element and count the elements with value greater than 1.
Something along the lines of this (beware: NOT tested):
int countRedun(struct digit * start){
int counter[10] = {0};
struct digit *ptr = start;
int total = 0;
while(ptr != NULL)
ptr = ptr->next;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (counter[i] > 1) {
total += counter[i] - 1;
return total;

C - LinkedList Sorting Infinite Loop

I am creating a program that will read a word from a text file in main.c, and send it over to list.c file to create a new node to store that word. The node will also store three ints: first (number of times this word appears in txt file 1), second(number of times this word appears in txt file 2), and dif (abs(first-second)). After adding all the new words to the file and counting the number of times each word exists in each txt file, the main.c will call a method that will calculate the difference between first and second for each node. This is difference (stored in dif for each node) will be used to sort the linked nodes in decreasing order.
EX. word: the, first: 2888, second: 2466, dif: 422.
red, 39 12 27
However, when main calls the sort method, a infinite loop occurs. This infinite loop comes from the inner loop of the sorting algorithm, where the current node is assigned the node from the curr->next pointer. Somewhere during the sort method, the current node's next pointer points to the current node, not the actual next node in the linkedlist. If the sort method is dactivated, then all other functions work fine, including printAll which goes through the entire list and prints the data in each node (see my example above).
My issue is that I cannot find where in my sort method how current->next started to point to the current node. Any help is appreciated!
* list.h
#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_
typedef struct node Node;
void findWord(char *word, int book);
void addWord(char *word, int book);
void editWord(Node **endPtr, int book);
void sort();
void swap(Node **a, Node **b);
void calculateDiff();
void printAll();
#endif /* LIST_H_ */
* list.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "list.h"
typedef struct node{
int first;
int second;
int dif;
char name[20];
struct node *next;
Node *front = NULL;
* Sees if the current word exists in the
* linkedlist.
void findWord(char *word, int book) {
Node *curr = front;
int boolean = 0;
while (curr != NULL) {
if(strcmp(curr->name, word) == 0) {
boolean = 1;
editWord(&curr, book);
curr = curr->next;
if(!boolean) { //Add word if it does not exist.
addWord(word, book);
* Creates a new node for the added word. Adds to front.
void addWord(char *word, int book) {
Node *newNode = malloc (sizeof(Node));
* Since this word is being added
* to the linkedlist with a newly
* created node, either the
* first or second int must be to 1
* while the other is set to 0. Based
* off of book int.
if(book == 1) {
newNode->first = 1;
newNode->second = 0;
} else {
newNode->first = 0;
newNode->second = 1;
newNode->dif = 0;
strcpy(newNode->name, word);
newNode->next = front;
front = newNode;
* Edits the data for an existing word.
* Only called if current word exists in
* the linkedlist.
void editWord(Node **endPtr, int book) {
if (book == 1) {
} else {
* Sorts the list in descending order based on
* difference value.
void sort() {
Node *curr, *last = NULL;
curr = front;
while (curr != last) {
while (curr->next != last) {
if(curr->dif < curr->next->dif ) {
swap(&curr, &curr->next);
curr = curr->next;
last = curr;
curr = front;
* Swaps the data in the current and next node in the list.
void swap(Node **a, Node **b) {
int temp;
char nameTemp[20];
//Swap first
temp = (*a)->first;
(*a)->first = (*b)->first;
(*b)->first = temp;
//Swap second
temp = (*a)->second;
(*a)->second = (*b)->second;
(*b)->second = temp;
//Swap dif
temp = (*a)->dif;
(*a)->dif = (*b)->dif;
(*b)->dif = temp;
//Swap name
strcpy(nameTemp, (*a)->name);
strcpy((*a)->name, (*b)->name);
strcpy((*b)->name, nameTemp);
* Calculates the difference between first and second
void calculateDiff() {
Node *curr = front;
while(curr != NULL) {
curr->dif = abs((curr->first - curr->second));
curr = curr->next;
* Prints all the data from the nodes.
void printAll() {
printf("|| Word || RedBadge || LittleRegiment || Diff\n");
Node *curr = front;
while ( curr != NULL ) {
printf("%s, %d, %d, %d\n", curr->name, curr->first, curr->second, curr->dif);
curr = curr->next;
* main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "list.h"
void readBook(int book, FILE *infile);
void readLine(char *line, int book);
int main (void) {
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF,0);
FILE *infile = fopen("RedBadge.txt", "r");
FILE *infile2 = fopen("LittleRegiment.txt", "r");
readBook(1, infile);
readBook(2, infile2);
return 0;
void readBook(int book, FILE *infile) {
char line[70];
//Read in each line
while (!feof(infile)) {
fgets(line, 70, infile);
readLine(line, book);
void readLine(char *line, int book) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
char word[20];
while (line[i]) {
line[i] = tolower(line[i]); //Convert line to lowercase
if((line[i] <= 'z' && line[i] >= 'a') || line[i] == 39 || line[i] == '-') {
word[j] = line[i];
} else if (j != 0) {
word[j] = '\0';
findWord(word, book);
j = 0;
I believe your error is actually a buffer overflow. There are words in those books that are longer than 19 characters (the max that will fit in your word variable). When your readline function tries to read those words it will write outside the boundaries of the word array, which is undefined behavior. It will then also use strcpy to copy the word into the node, which will also overflow the node's word array.
A quick fix is to just throw away the extra characters past 19 that won't fit in your word array. In readline add a test for how big j is:
if (j < sizeof word - 1) {
word[j] = line[i];
One of the words in question is "ain't--plundering----" (at least in the copy of the text i downloaded), which leads me to think maybe you also should split words on punctuation.

Circular linked list going in infinite loop

I am supposed to do a program which can do polynomial addition/subtraction/multiplication/evaluation using circular linked list.
My multiplication code is going in infinite loop, and I have marked a comment where it is happening (detected with printf statements, removed).
list* poly_mul(list *p1, list *p2) {
term tmp;
list *result = malloc(sizeof(list));
memcpy(result, p1, sizeof(list));
node *b = p2->head;
node *r = result->head;
do {
do {
tmp.exp = r->data.exp + b->data.exp;
tmp.coeff = r->data.coeff * b->data.coeff;
unsigned int add_term = 1;
node *c = result->head;
do {
if(c->data.exp == tmp.exp) {
c->data.coeff += tmp.coeff;
add_term = 0;
c = c->next;
//Here it goes in infinite loop
} while(c != result->head);
node_add(result, &tmp);
b = b->next;
} while(b != p2->head);
r = r->next;
} while(r != result->head);
return result;
The structures used are here:
typedef struct {
int exp;
int coeff;
} term;
typedef struct node {
term data;
struct node *next;
} node;
typedef struct {
node *head;
node *tail;
unsigned int count;
} list;
And this is the code in main:
void main() {
list p1, p2, *p3;
p1.count = p2.count = 0;
p3 = poly_mul(&p1, &p2);
void poly_create(list *l) {
int i, n;
printf("\nEnter number of terms in the polynomial: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printf("\nEnter details for term %d: ", i);
void node_add(list *l, term *t) {
node *tmp = malloc(sizeof(node));
memcpy(&tmp->data, t, sizeof(term));
if(l->count == 0) {
l->head = tmp;
l->tail = tmp;
tmp->next = tmp;
else {
l->tail->next = tmp;
tmp->next = l->head;
l->tail = tmp;
void term_append(list *l) {
term t;
printf("\nEnter term as <coefficient>,<exponent>: ");
scanf("%d,%d", &t.coeff, &t.exp);
if(!t.coeff) {
printf("\nCoefficient is zero, reenter term");
goto enter;
if(l->count >= 1) {
node *i = l->head;
do {
if(i->data.exp == t.exp) {
printf("\nExponent %d was already entered, reenter term", t.exp);
goto enter;
i = i->next;
} while(i != l->head);
node_add(l, &t);
node_add(l, &t);
Please get me a solution for this problem, I've been trying to solve this for the past three hours.
Why is it going into an infinite loop? You can find out by using a debugger and stepping through the code. Just put a breakpoint at the appropriate place and you should be able to find it yourself. In all likelihood, you have a loop in your linked list.
You can check for loops in your linked list with two pointers. The first one (tail) point to the start of your list. The second (head) points to the second element of your list. Loop till head is past the last element (I have those pointed to NULL, not head) by incrementing both head and tail by one. If at any point tail > head, you have a loop.
What happens if you printf("%d",(int) c); at each iteration? I suspect that result->head is pointing to a node which is pointing to a member of the linked list, but is not in the linked list itself.
Potential test: Add a int seen to each member of the list and increment it on each member as you loop for a given number of nodes (something excessively high such as INT_MAX) and, when the loop stops, see if result->head->seen > 0:
typedef struct node {
term data;
struct node *next;
// to be removed later
int seen;
} node;
// place this before you get the infinite loop
unsigned int i = 1;
c->seen = 0;
c = c->next;
c->seen = i;
// replace INT_MAX with some number which is greater than the maximum list length
} while(++i <= INT_MAX);
// this should be roughly equal to i (might be off by 1).
// I'll bet it isn't though!
printf("result->head->seen = %d", result->head->seen);
One possible cause: you're never creating p2. Are you missing a line like this in your main function:

Description is only printing out for the last one entered

I'm quite new to C and I'm trying to implement a binary tree in C which will store a number and a string and then print them off e.g.
1 : Bread
2 : WashingUpLiquid
The code I have so far is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LENGTH 300
struct node {
int data;
char * definition;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
struct node *node_insert(struct node *p, int value, char * word);
void print_preorder(struct node *p);
int main(void) {
int i = 0;
int d = 0;
char def[LENGTH];
struct node *root = NULL;
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
printf("Please enter a number: \n");
scanf("%d", &d);
printf("Please enter a definition for this word:\n");
scanf("%s", def);
root = node_insert(root, d, def);
printf("%s\n", def);
printf("preorder : ");
return 0;
struct node *node_insert(struct node *p, int value, char * word) {
struct node *tmp_one = NULL;
struct node *tmp_two = NULL;
if(p == NULL) {
p = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
p->data = value;
p->definition = word;
p->left = p->right = NULL;
else {
tmp_one = p;
while(tmp_one != NULL) {
tmp_two = tmp_one;
if(tmp_one->data > value)
tmp_one = tmp_one->left;
tmp_one = tmp_one->right;
if(tmp_two->data > value) {
tmp_two->left = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
tmp_two = tmp_two->left;
tmp_two->data = value;
tmp_two->definition = word;
tmp_two->left = tmp_two->right = NULL;
else {
tmp_two->right = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
tmp_two = tmp_two->right;
tmp_two->data = value;
tmp_two->definition = word;
tmp_two->left = tmp_two->right = NULL;
void print_preorder(struct node *p) {
if(p != NULL) {
printf("%d : %s\n", p->data, p->definition);
At the moment it seems to work for the ints but the description part only prints out for the last one entered. I assume it has something to do with pointers on the char array but I had no luck getting it to work. Any ideas or advice?
You're always doing a scanf into def and then passing that to your insert routine which just saves the pointer to def. So, since all of your entries point to the def buffer, they all point to whatever was the last string you stored in that buffer.
You need to copy your string and place a pointer to the copy into the binary tree node.
The problem is that you're using the same buffer for the string. Notice your struct is holding a pointer to a char, and you are passing the same char array as that pointer each time.
When you call scanf on the buffer, you are changing the data it points to, not the pointer itself.
To fix this, before assigning it over to a struct, you can use strdup. So the lines of code would become
tmp_*->definition = strdup(word);
Keep in mind that the char array returned by strdup must be freed once you are done with it, otherwise you'll have a leak.
