Getting user input in 2 child processes in C - c

I'm just wondering if it is possible to create two children processes, and in both of these processes ask the user for input? Or would it be stuck waiting forever?

It depends on the precise implementation of “asking user for input”. If this is readline, which implements shell-like input with the prompt and editing, it won’t work. The reason is that the library messes up with the terminal configuration. If two processes are doing the same thing simultaneously they will step on each other’s foot.
If we are talking about simply reading from standard input, that will work, but with a few quirks. First, without external synchronization it’s not known in which order processes are going to consume the input. It is even possible that process A grabs a few chunks from the input line, while process B grabs the rest.
Second, standard streams are buffered, therefore a process might consume more input than immediately obvious. E.g. the program reads a single line of input, but internally more data is read from the OS, since there’s no way to ask for bytes until the new line. The other process reading input simultaneously won’t get the input the other process consumed, even if the later only done it due to buffering and didn’t use the input.
To conclude, probably better to avoid having multiple processes consume input simultaneously.


Capturing stdout/stderr separately and simultaneously from child process results in wrong total order (libc/unix)

I'm writing a library that should execute a program in a child process, capture the output, and make the output available in a line by line (string vector) way. There is one vector for STDOUT, one for STDERR, and one for "STDCOMBINED", i.e. all output in the order it was printed by the program. The child process is connected via two pipes to a parent process. One pipe for STDOUT and one for STDERR. In the parent process I read from the read-ends of the pipes, in the child process I dup2()'ed STDOUT/STDERR to the write ends of the pipes.
My problem:
I'd like to capture STDOUT, STDERR, and "STDCOMBINED" (=both in the order they appeared). But the order in the combined vector is different to the original order.
My approach:
I iterate until both pipes show EOF and the child process exited. At each iteration I read exactly one line (or EOF) from STDOUT and exactly one line (or EOF) from STDERR. This works so far. But when I capture out the lines as they come in the parent process, the order of STDOUT and STDERR is not the same as if I execute the program in a shell and look at the output.
Why is this so and how can I fix this? Is this possible at all? I know in the child process I could redirect STDOUT and STDERR both to a single pipe but I need STDOUT and STDERR separately, and "STDCOMBINED".
PS: I'm familiar with libc/unix system calls, like dup2(), pipe(), etc. Therefore I didn't post code. My question is about the general approach and not a coding problem in a specific language. I'm doing it in Rust against the raw libc bindings.
PPS: I made a simple test program, that has a mixup of 5 stdout and 5 stderr messages. That's enough to reproduce the problem.
At each iteration I read exactly one line (or EOF) from STDOUT and exactly one line (or EOF) from STDERR.
This is the problem. This will only capture the correct order if that was exactly the order of output in the child process.
You need to capture the asynchronous nature of the beast: make your pipe endpoints nonblocking, select* on the pipes, and read whatever data is present, as soon as select returns. Then you'll capture the correct order of the output. Of course now you can't be reading "exactly one line": you'll have to read whatever data is available and no more, so that you won't block, and maintain a per-pipe buffer where you append new data, extract any lines that are present, shove the unprocessed output to the beginning, and repeat. You could also use a circular buffer to save a little bit of memcpy-ing, but that's probably not very important.
Since you're doing this in Rust, I presume there's already a good asynchronous reaction pattern that you could leverage (I'm spoiled with go, I guess, and project the hopes on the unsuspecting).
*Always prefer platform-specific higher-performance primitives like epoll on Linux, /dev/poll on Solaris, pollset &c. on AIX
Another possibility is to launch the target process with LD_PRELOAD, with a dedicated library that it takes over glibc's POSIX write, detects writes to the pipes, and encapsulates such writes (and only those) in a packet by prepending it with a header that has an (atomically updated) process-wide incrementing counter stored in it, as well as the size of the write. Such headers can be easily decoded on the other end of the pipe to reorder the writes with a higher chance of success.
I think it's not possible to strictly do what you want to do.
If you think about how it's done when running a command in an interactive shell, what happens is that both stdout and stderr point to the same file descriptor (the TTY), so the total ordering is correct by means of synchronization against the same file.
To illustrate, imagine what happens if the child process has 2 completely independent threads, one only writing to stderr, and to other only writing to stdout. The total ordering would depend on however the scheduler decided to schedule these threads, and if you wanted to capture that, you'd need to synchronize those threads against something.
And of course, something can write thousands of lines to stdout before writing anything to stderr.
There are 2 ways to relax your requirements into something workable:
Have the user pass a flag waiving separate stdout and stderr streams in favor of a correct stdcombined, and then redirect both to a single file descriptor. You might need to change the buffering settings (like stdbuf does) before you execute the process.
Assume that stdout and stderr are "reasonably interleaved", an assumption pointed out by #Nate Eldredge, in which case you can use #Unslander Monica's answer.

How fork() and scanf() work together?

I tried to see what happens if I read something from keyboard while I have multiple processes with fork() (in my case there are two children and a parent) and I discovered the following problem: I need to tell the parent to wait for children's processes, otherwise the program behaves strangely.
I did a research and I found that the problem is with the parent, he needs to wait for the child's process to end because if the parent's process ends first somehow he closes the STDIN, am I right? But also I found that every process has a copy of STDIN so my question is:
Why it works this way and why only the parent has the problem with STDIN and the children not, I mean why if the child's process ends first doesn't affect STDIN but if the parent's process ends first it does affect STDIN?
Here are my tests:
I ran the program without wait() and after I typed a number the program stopped, but then I pressed enter two more times and the other two messages from printf() appeared.
When I ran the program with wait() everything worked fine, every process called scanf() separately and read a different number.
Well, a lot of stuff is going on here. I will try to explain it step by step.
When you start your terminal, the terminal creates a special file having path /dev/pts/<some number>. Then it starts your shell (which is bash in this case) and links the STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR of the bash process to this special file. This file is called a special file because it doesn't actually exist on your hard disk. Instead, whatever you write to this file, it goes directly to the terminal and the terminal renders it on the screen. (Similarly, whenever you try to read from this file, the read blocks until someone types something at the terminal).
Now when you launch your program by typing ./main, bash calls the fork function in order create a new process. The child process execs your executable file, while the parent process waits for the child to terminate. Your program then calls fork twice and we have three processes trying to read their STDINs, ie the same file /dev/pts/something. (Remember that calling fork and exec duplicates and preserves the file descriptors respectively).
The three processes are in race condition. When you enter something at the terminal, one of the three processes will receive it (99 out of 100 times it would be the parent process since the children have to do more work before reaching scanf statement).
So, parent process prints the number and exits first. The bash process that was waiting for the parent to finish, resumes and puts the STDIN into a so called "non-canonical" mode, and calls read in order to read the next command. Now again, three processes (Child1, Child2 and bash) are trying to read STDIN.
Since the children are trying to read STDIN for a longer time, the next time you enter something it will be received by one of the children, rather than bash. So you think of typing, say, 23. But oops! Just after you press the 2 key, you get Your number is: 2. You didn't even press the Enter key! That happened because of this so called "non-canonical" mode. I won't be going into what and why is that. But for now, to make things easier, use can run your program on sh instead of bash, since sh doesn't put STDIN into non-canonical mode. That will make the picture clear.
No, parent process closing its STDIN doesn't mean that its children or other process won't be able to use it.
The strange behavior you are seeing is because when the parent exits, bash puts the pty (pseudo terminal) into non-canonical mode. If you use sh instead, you won't see that behavior. Read up on pseudo terminals, and line discipline if you want to have a clear understading.
The shell process will resume as soon as the parent exits.
If you use wait to ensure that parents exits last, you won't have any problem, since the shell won't be able to run along with your program.
Normally, bash makes sure that no two foreground processes read from STDIN simultaneously, so you don't see this strange behavior. It does this by either piping STDOUT of one program to another, or by making one process a background process.
Trivia: When a background process tries to read from its STDIN, it is sent a signal SIGTTIN, which stops the process. Though, that's not really relevant to this scenario.
There are several issues that can happen when multiple processes try to do I/O to the same TTY. Without code, we can't tell which may be happening.
Trying to do I/O from a background process group may deliver a signal: SIGTTIN for input (usually enabled), or SIGTTOU for output (usually disabled)
Buffering: if you do any I/O before the fork, any data that has been buffered will be there for both processes. Under some conditions, using fflush may help, but it's better to avoid buffering entirely. Remember that, unlike output buffering, it is impossible to buffer input on a line-by-line basis (although you can only buffer what is available, so it may appear to be line-buffered at first).
Race conditions: if more than one process is trying to read the same pipe-like file, it is undefined which one will "win" and actually get the input each time it is available.

C (linux) - Emulate / Skip scanf input

I have a program running 2 threads. The first is waiting for user input (using a scanf), the second is listening for some data over an udp socket. I would like to emulate user input to handle a specific notification with the first thread everytime I recive a specific udp packet. I know I can share variables between threads, so my question is: can I force the scanf to take input from a different thread? Can I skip the scanf in the first thread?
I believe scanf() by definition reads from stdin. Like you said, though, the different threads share memory so it's easy to pass information between them. Maybe have some shared variable and some sort of boolean value indicating whether or not the information has been updated from the thread reading from the network. It all depends on what you're specifically trying to do, but you may want to have some other mechanism for simulation that bypasses the scanf().
Since you've specifically mentioned Linux, I'm going to suggest a novelty here.
You can open (/proc/%d/fd/%d, getpid(), STDIN_FILENO) and write to it. This will actually open the input of the terminal. I wouldn't recommend this for a real program, but then again, scanf shouldn't be used in real programs either.

Using STDIN and STDOUT subsequently

I'm writing a chat in C that can be used in terminal...
For receiving text messages, i have a thread that will print that message out on STDOUT
Another thread is reading from stdin...
The problem is, if a new message is printed to stdout while typing, it will be printed between what i typed.
I researched several hours an experimented with GNU readline to prevent this problem. I thougth the "Redisplay" function will help me here.. but I could not compile my program on Mac OSX if I used certain redisplay functions (it said ld: undefined symbols) whereas other functions worked properly... I compiled this program on an Ubuntu machine and there it worked... i really have no idea why...
Nevertheless, how can achieve that everything that is written to stdout will be above the text i'm currently writing?
You have basically two solutions.
The first is to use something that helps you dividing your screen in different pieces and as #Banthar said ncurses is the standard solution.
The second is to synchronize your writings and readings. The thread that is reading from the network and writing to the console may simply postpone the messages until you entered something from the keyboard, at that time you can simply flush your messages-buffer by writing all the messages at once. Caveat: this solution may cause your buffer to be overflow, you may either forget too old messages or flush the buffer when full.
If your requirement it to use only stdin and stdout (ie a dumb terminal), you will have to first configure you console input as not line buffered which is the default (stty -icanon on Unix like systems). Unfortunately I could not find a portable way to do that programatically, but you will find more on that in this other question on SO How to avoid press enter with any getchar().
Then, you will have to collate next outgoing message character by character. So when an input message is ready to be delivered in the middle of the writing of an output one, you jump on line, write the output message, (eventually jump one other line or do what is normally done for prompting) and rewrite be input buffer so the user has exactly the characters he allready typed.
You will have to use a kind of mutual exclusion to avoid that the input thread makes any access to the input buffer while the output thread does all that work.

Find out if pipe's read end is currently blocking

I'm trying to find out if a child process is waiting for user input (without parsing its output). Is it possible, in C on Unix, to determine if a pipe's read end currently has a read() call blocking?
The thing is, I have no control over the programs exec'd in the child processes. They print all kinds of verbose garbage which I would usually want to redirect to /dev/null. Occasionally though one will prompt the user for something. (With the prompt having no reliable format.) So my idea was:
In a loop:
Drain child's stdout, append it to a temporary buffer.
Check (no idea how) if the child is asking for user input, in which case the buffer is printed to stdout.
When the child exits, throw away the buffer.
The thing is, I have no control over the programs exec'd in the child processes. They print all kinds of verbose garbage which I would usually want to redirect to /dev/null. Occasionally though one will prompt the user for something. (With the prompt having no reliable format.) So my idea was:
In a loop:
Drain child's stdout, append it to a temporary buffer.
Check (no idea how) if the child is asking for user input, in which case the buffer is printed to stdout.
When the child exits, throw away the buffer.
You have these options:
if you know that the child will need certain input (such as shell that will read a command), just write to a pipe
if you assume the child won't read anything usually, but may do it sometimes, you probably need something like job control in the shell (use a terminal for communication with the child, use process groups and TIOCSPGRP ioctl on the terminal to get the child to the background; the child will get SIGTTIN when it tries to read from the terminal, and you can wait() for that). This is how bash handles things like "(sleep 10; read a;)&"
if you don't know what to write, or you have more possibilities, you will have to parse the output
That sounds as if you were trying to supervise dpkg where occasionally some post-inst script queries the admin whether it may override some config file.
Anyway, you may want to look at how strace works:
strace -f -etrace=read your.program
Of course you need to keep track of which fds are the pipes you write about, but you probably need only stdin, anyway.
I don't think that's true: For example, right before calling read() on the reader side, the pipe would have a reader that isn't actually reading.
You would typically just write to the pipe, or use select or poll. If you need a handshake mechanism you can do that out of band various ways or come up with and in-band protocol.
I don't know if there is a built-in way to know if a reader on the other end is blocking. Why do you need to know this?
If I recall correctly, you can not have a pipe with no reader which means that you have either a read(2) or a select(2) syscal pending at all time.
