odoo iterate over all product - loops

I wanted to iterate over all products and calculate list_price from another field.
this is the code that I wrote:
class AedPriceCalculator(models.TransientModel):
_name = "aed.pricecalculator"
_inherit = ['product.template']
aed_current_price = fields.Monetary('current AED price in IRR', required=True, translate=True)
currency_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.currency', 'Currency',default=lambda self: self.env['res.currency'].search([('name', '=', 'AED')]).id,readonly=True)
def price_calculate_ae(self):
products = self.env['product.template'].search(['sale_ok', '=' ,True])
for product in products:
if product.amount_in_aed:
product.list_price = self.aed_current_price * product.amount_in_aed
but when I call the related button.
this error will appear:
The operation cannot be completed:
- Create/update: a mandatory field is not set.
- Delete: another model requires the record being deleted. If possible, archive it instead.
Model: aed.pricecalculator (aed.pricecalculator), Field: Name(name)

aed.pricecalculator model inherit from product.template and the name field is required in product template (copied as-is).
When you click on the button and call price_calculate_ae method, Odoo will try to call the create method without providing a value for name field and that's why you see this error message.
You don't need to inherit product.template to iterate over all products and calculate list_price


Creating object with ManyToMany field via DRF ViewSet's perform_create

I have a simple model:
class Item(models.Model):
user = ForeignKey(User, related_name="user_items")
users = ManyToManyField(User, related_name="users_items")
I want it so that when a user creates an Item via ViewSet, that user is automatically assigned to the user and users fields.
I typically do this for ForeignKey's via the ViewSet's perform_create:
class ItemViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
def perform_create(self, serializer):
if self.request.user.is_authenticated:
When I try to do it for the ManyToManyField too, I get this error:
{'users': [ErrorDetail(string='This list may not be empty.', code='empty')]}
I've tried the following in perform_create():
# 1
serializer.save(user=self.request.user, users=self.request.user)
# 2
serializer.save(user=self.request.user, users=[self.request.user])
# 2
serializer.save(user=self.request.user, users=[self.request.user.id])
How can I update a ManyToManyField via a ViewSet's perform_create?
I guess the following works:
obj = serializer.save(user=self.request.user)
Is there no way to have the M2M field when the object is initially created though?
when you want set a list to m2m field one of the things you can do is this:
probably you need first get your item_obj.
for this you can get your object id from item_id = serializer.data.get('id') , and then item_obj = Item.objects.get(id = item_id)

How to create ArrayField in TortoiseORM

How to create ArrayField() in TortoiseORM
from common.base_model import AbstractBaseModel
from tortoise.fields import CharField, BooleanField, ForeignKeyField, ArrayField
class City(AbstractBaseModel):
name = CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
district = CharField(max_length=100, null=True)
state = CharField(max_length=100)
country = ArrayField() # not working
is_verified = BooleanField(default=True)
There is no ArrayField in TortoiseORM, here is an article about fields in TortoiseORM from its documentation.
As you can see, there is no matching field in TortoiseORM, so you have to extend the existing field class.
I suggest extending the basic class Field because your subclass' to_db_value method has to return the same type as extended field class' to_db_value method, and in the class Field it's not specified.
Next time, try harder - read the documentation and make better questions (add more info, show your attempts).
To achieve the result you want,which I'm assuming is having a field to hold multiple countries, you'd have to create another table for your country field and have a many to many relationship between that table and your city table,its a more conventional implementation that wont have you extend the existing field class.

How to create 0..1 to many relationship in octobercms?

I have a table category it has a self relation to have belongs_to simply to be able to create subcategories and assign them to previously created categories and now i need to be able to either assign the new category to another (super) category or to assign it to none.
my model is :
public $belongsTo = [
'category' => ['plugin\pdf\models\Category']
This is found in the documents under backend -> forms. Look for the relation under widget fields. The option you is called emptyOption and it will be added in your fields.yaml file.
You would add the emptyOption like so to model's fields.yaml.
label: Field Label
nameFrom: name
descriptionFrom: description
span: auto
type: relation
emptyOption: None

Add table name to each select field in query, in agile tookit

I have a problem with certain generated query, the query does an inner join with a table that has some same field.
How can I have the query with the table name in each field, basically what i want is that:
Convert this:
select "list_id", "date_time","plate"...
select register."list_id", register."date_time",register."plate"...
I think with alias to the field name also could be accomplished but i dont know how to add the alias in atk4
If someone wants to see the full query and atk error:
Application Error: Database Query Failed
Exception_DB, code: 0
Additional information:
pdo_error: SQLSTATE[42702]: Ambiguous column: 7 ERROR: column reference "date_time" is ambiguous LINE 1: select "date_time","plate",(select "name" from "lane" whe... ^
mode: select
query: select "date_time","plate",(select "name" from "lane" where "register"."lane_id" = "lane"."id" ) "lane",(select "name" from "camera" where "register"."camera_id" = "camera"."id" ) "camera",(select "detail"."id" from "detail" where "register"."detail_id" = "detail"."id" ) "detail","id","lane_id","camera_id","detail_id" from "register" inner join "detail" on "detail"."id" = "register"."detail_id" order by (select "detail"."id" from "detail" where "register"."detail_id" = "detail"."id" )
This is how im making the model. This model has 3 related fields in other tables, with those, all is OK. But i want to have one more field (field name from table List), and List is not directly related to Register, is only related throught Detail. So i have to get it throught Register->Detail->List..
table Register(id, plate, detail_id,..)---->hasOne(detail_id)-->table Detail(id, list_id, date..)---->hasOne(list_id)---->table List(id,name,..)
model class:
class Model_Register extends Model_Table {
public $table='register';
function init(){
$this->addField('date_time')->sortable(true)->defaultValue(date('Y-m-d H:m:i'))->type('date')->mandatory(true);
$this->hasOne('Lane', 'lane_id')->sortable(true)->system(true);
$this->hasOne('Camera', 'camera_id')->sortable(true);
$this->hasOne('Detail', 'detail_id')->sortable(true);
And after in the page class i do the join, yes I know is detail at this moment is redudant im only trying...
$register = $crud->setModel('Register');
$q = $register->_dsql();
$q->join('detail', 'detail_id', 'inner');
$q->join('list', 'list_id', 'inner');
How can I have this field from the List field?? Any solution will be welcomed..
Thanks in advice!! Im breaking my head with this! ;)
Thanks for your time guys, finally I found the solution with the called: Chained joins
Example from documentation:
$perm = $this->join('permission');
$res = $perm->join('resource');
Belive or not that was my real problem! Thanks all anyway
try to add 'table_alias' property for your Models
class Model_Yours extends Model_Table {
public $table_alias = '_alias';
Default value for this property is null - link
So if you add any value it can be used here
Not sure if this will help :(
$t1 = $this->add('Main_Table');
$t2 = $t1->leftJoin('joined_table_name');
check SQL_Model::addField() method here

Tastypie filter by minimum value

I have a Django-tastypie resource that represents a banner and has a field called impression that I increment whenever the banner appears on the site.
class BannerResource(ModelResource):
owner = fields.ForeignKey('advertisment.api.AdvertiserResource', 'owner', full=True)
class Meta:
queryset = Banner.objects.all()
resource_name = 'banner'
authorization = Authorization()
I would like to get the banner that has the minimum impression, in the official documentation there is nothing like
filtering = {'impressions': ('min',)}
I'm using BackboneJS in the front end and I could get all the banners with Backbone collection and do the filtering with JavaScript but I'm looking for a quicker way to do it.
Any ideas?
If you'd like to retrieve banners with number of impressions greater than X you need to things. For one you need to define possible filtering operations on your resource like so (given your model has impressions field):
class BannerResource(ModelResource):
owner = fields.ForeignKey('advertisment.api.AdvertiserResource', 'owner', full=True)
class Meta:
queryset = Banner.objects.all()
resource_name = 'banner'
authorization = Authorization()
filtering = { 'impressions' : ALL }
for available options take a look at Tastypie's documentation on filtering.
Then if you made the following request:
GET http://<your_host>/v1/banners?impressions__gte=X
you should get what you need.
