firestore getting doc data issue - reactjs

I trying to get the url of an image from firebase firestore, the upload goes successfully, but when I try to get the image and display it, it gives me this error:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'doc.push')
This is the method how I get datas:
useEffect(() => {
const result = db.collection("homeBackground").doc("bg_img").onSnapshot(snap => {
const doc = snap.doc;
setImages(doc.push(doc =>
return result;
}, []);
This is how I display the image:
images.push((image) => {
return (
<img src={image.imageUrl} alt=""/>

onSnapshot() is a kind of asynchronous Observable method. You need to check are data exist then assign to any thing you want.
.onSnapshot(snap => {
if(snap.exists()) { // Some methods returns object with .exist value/function.
onSnapshot(snapshoot: QuerySnapshot<DocumentData> | DocumentSnapshot<DocumentData> => ...) This is what you get depending on on what you wariong on you can get generic object of querysnapshot or DocumentSnapshot.
This method will trigger when data will change in database. It returns unsubscription which you can invoke and stop observing database changes.
const unsubscription = db.collection("homeBackground").doc("bg_img").onSnapshot(snap => ...);
// later in time
unsubscription() // this will stop invoke method above.


How to throw argument in RTK Query (queryFn)

I have queryFn query in RTK, and I need to get some data from firebase DB by element ID. But when I give this arg to queryFn like in example below, I got undefined.
and I'm calling it like this:
The reason you got undefined is because the useGetCardByIdQuery hook returns the data undefined initially. The data is going to be available after a success fetch.
As far I understand from your code, you are trying to get the cards of authorized firebase user; so you don't need to pass any id indeed since I see that you are not using the id in the queryFn.
In that case, just pass the undefined like useGetCardByIdQuery(undefined); and return the cardList.
And for better typing, you can define the builder query with <OutputType, InputType>
getCardsById: builder.query<CardList, string>({
queryFn: async (id, api, extraOptions, fetchWithBQ) => {
try {
const user = getAuth();
const cardList = =>
return { data: cardList }
} catch (error) {
return { error }
Then you can call the hook in the component.
const response = useGetCardsByIdQuery(undefined);
if ( {
const cards =;

I am losing my api data when I refresh my react app

I am using axios to fetch and retrieve data from an api. I then set the api data to some state. When I save the changes, it shows the name from index [0] of the array, as I want. However when I refresh the page, it throws an error "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')". It seems like I am losing the api data when I refresh, what am I doing wrong here? The api endpoint is madeup, as I don't want to share the real endpoint here.
const [apiData, setApiData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
}, []);
return <h1>{apiData[0].name}</h1>
try it please
return <h1>{ aapiData.length && apiData[0]?.name}</h1>
It has nothing to do with refreshing the page. This will always happen on the first render for this component.
The initial state value is an empty array:
const [apiData, setApiData] = useState([]);
And you're trying to access the first element of that array:
return <h1>{apiData[0].name}</h1>
An empty array has no first element, so it throws an error.
You can use optional chaining:
return <h1>{apiData[0]?.name}</h1>
Or perhaps check if it's there before using it:
return <h1>{apiData[0] && apiData[0].name}</h1>
Or not render anything at all if the array is empty:
return apiData.length > 0 ? <h1>{apiData[0].name}</h1> : null;

react promise in functional component with UseEffect and UseState doesn't work

I'm having issue fetching data and setting them to state in a functional component using useEffect and useState.
My problem is that I would like to keep the data fetching done with axios async/await in a separate file for improving application scalability but then I don't understand how to update the state in case the promise is resolved (not rejected).
In particular I'm trying to retrieve from the promise an array of table rows called data in state, but I can't figure out how to set the result of the responce in the state
Here's the code in the component file:
const [data, setData] = React.useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const { id } = props.match.params;
props.getTableRows(id).then((res) => {
//or is it better:
//props.getTableRows(id).then(setData); ?
}, []);
and my action.js:
export const getTableRows = (id, history) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const res = await axios.get(`/api/test/${id}`);
type: GET_TEST,
} catch (error) {
In the above picture it can be seen that the rows array inside the promise response called in action.js is present.
This code unfortunately doesn't work, error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
I've found out another solution which is the define the promise in the useEffect method like this:
useEffect(() => {
const { id } = props.match.params;
const fetchData = async () => {
const result = await axios.get(`/api/test/${id}`);
}, []);
this code is working in my app but as I said I don't like having the promises in the components files I would like instead to have them all the promise in action.js for app scalability (in case url change I don't have to change all files) but in that case I don't know where to put the setData(; which seems the right choise in this last example
Any suggestions?
You still need to use async/await. The .then() is executed when the value is returned, however your function will continue rendering and won't wait for it. (causing it to error our by trying to access forEach on a null state). After it errors the promise via .then() will update the values and that is why you can see them in the console.
useEffect(() => {
async function getData() {
const { id } = props.match.params;
await props.getTableRows(id).then((res) => {
}, []);
Additionally, before you access a state you can check for null values (good practice in general).
if (this.state.somestate != null) {
//Run code using this.state.somestate
I don't see you return anything from getTableRows. You just dispatch the result, but hadn't return the res for the function call.
And it will be helpful if you provided error trace.

Unable to access properties of object stored in a React state

I am using React hooks and I need to store the data from my server which is an object, to a state.
This is my state:
const [sendingTime,setSendingTime] = useState({})
This is how I set it inside useEffect:
const getTime= () =>{
.then(res => {
setSendingTime({sendingTime :})
console.log('sendingTime is coimng',sendingTime)
.catch(err => console.error(err))
useEffect(() => {
Now when I console.log the object state it returns an empty object. Although if I set the object to any variable and then console.log it it doesn't return an empty object. But both ways I am unable to access the properties of the object.
This is what I was doing previously:
const[time,setTime] = useState({
totalComplaintsTime: '00:00',
resolvedComplaintsTime: '00:00',
const getTime= () =>{
.then(res => {
unresolvedComplaintsTime:[0].updatedAt ,
assignedComplaintsTime:[0].updatedAt ,
.catch(err => console.error(err))
useEffect(() => {
// getTime()
And this is how I used the states to set the dynamic values :
Last updated at {time.resolvedComplaintsTime}
This is working perfectly fine but I wanted to store the data in an object state and then access it, which would've been easier and more efficient. Also I wanted to pass this object to another component. That is why I wanted to make a state and store the data in that state.
So the main problem was accessing the data throughout the component. This is the solution:
sendingTime is being initialized but only when a render occurs. So we add a piece of code to check if that state is initialized or not.
This is where I wanted to display the data.
<div key={sendingTime.length} className={classes.stats}>
<UpdateIcon fontSize={"small"} /> Last updated at{" "}
{Object.keys(sendingTime).length > 0 &&
This way I can access the properties of the object stored in the sendingTime state very easily.
setSendingTime comes from a useState so it is asynchronous:
When you call:
setSendingTime({sendingTime :})
console.log('sendingTime is coimng',sendingTime)
The state sendTime has not been updated, so it display the init value which is {}
The other answers are correct, setState is asynchronous so you will only be able to get sendingTime's new value on the next re-render. And as #Enchew mentions, you probably don't want to set an object as that value most likely.
Try this instead:
const [data, setData] = useState(undefined)
const getTime = () => {
.then(({ data }) => {
.catch(err => console.error(err))
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
if (!data) return <p>No data...</p>
return (
<p>Complaints: {data.Complaints[0].updatedAt}<p>
<p>Resolved: {data.Resolved[0].updatedAt}<p>
<p>{/* ...etc... */}</p>
You should see the value you're expecting to see in the console.log because you're using the locally scoped variable, not the asynchronous value, which will only be updated on the next re-render.
setSendingTime works asynchronously and your object may have not been saved in the state yet. Also pay attention to the way you save the time in your state, you are wrapping the result of the data in another object with property sendingTime, which will result in the following object: sendingTime = { sendingTime: {/*data here */} }. If you are running for sendingTime: {/*data here */} try the following:
const getTime = () => {
.then((res) => {
console.log('sendingTime is coimng', sendingTime);
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
Also have a look at this - how to use hooks with a callback:

Can't retrieve download url from firebase storage

I'm trying to retrieve download url so i can pass it down in promise in the function i'm calling.
In the storage image is uploaded but somehow i'm getting error on the line where i console.log - 404 error like it does not exist ( but it does )
uploadFile = (file, metadata) => {
const pathToUpload =;
const ref = this.props.messagesRef;
const filePath = `chat/public/${uuidv4()}.jpg`; // uuid is a function that creates random string
uploadState: 'uploading',
uploadTask: this.state.storageRef.child(filePath).put(file,metadata)
() => {
this.state.uploadTask.on('state_changed', snap => {
const percentUploaded = Math.round((snap.bytesTransferred / snap.totalBytes) * 100)
err => {
errors: this.state.errors.concat(err),
uploadState: 'error',
uploadTask: null
() => {
this.state.uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then(downloadUrl => {
console.log(downloadUrl) // get error
this.sendFileMessage(downloadUrl, ref, pathToUpload)
.catch(err => {
errors: this.state.errors.concat(err),
uploadState: 'error',
uploadTask: null
If you need more code let me know, but on this point where i log error it's where the problem is.
Simply url of posted image in the DB can't be retrieved, i tried with storage rules but there everything looks fine.
EDIT: With state_changed listener state doesn't change - whole time it stays at 'uploading' while image is being stored in storage
It looks like you're not waiting for the upload to fully complete before requesting the download URL. This is usually what a 404 means with this sort of code. You're going to have to use the promise returned by storageRef.child(filePath).put(file,metadata) in order to know when the upload is complete, and only then will you be able to call getDownloadURL() successfully on its reference.
