Follow document Cake\I18n\TranslatorRegistry at method get()
enter image description here
The return value is object (Aura\Intl\TranslatorInterface)
In my local it working as well, but in staging some time it working well and some time it got error:
Call to undefined method Cake\Routing\RouteCollection::GetPackage()
I donโt understand what is the cause to problem.
Hope someone can help me this. Thanks
I've run into an challenge/posible incompatibility between gatsby-source-graphcms and gatsby-plugin-react-i18next, for which there appears to be virtually no information online and I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this before please.
I'm working on adding localisation to a site which uses gatsby-source-graphcms and the Gatsby File System Route API to build pages dynamically. Everything was going fine, until I tried to use the $language GraphQL query variable made available by gatsby-plugin-react-i18next with the locale filter field in GraphCMS, which yielded this error message:
Variable "$language" of type "String!" used in position expecting type "GraphCMS_Locale"
The one and only reference I've been able to find to a similar issue was on GraphCMS' public Slack, where someone referred to abandoning gatsby-source-graphcms I favour of gatsby-source-graphql due to this. However I'm hesitant to do this, as that would basically means re-writing the entire site for me! ๐ข
I've been trying to find some way to feed the page query a second variable, which duplicates the value $language variable from gatsby-plugin-react-i18next but is declared as the correct data type for GraphCMS, or perhaps to somehow cast the string to GraphCMS_locale but have had no luck so far.
Has anyone found a way to make gatsby-source-graphcms play nicely with gatsby-plugin-react-i18next please?
The WIP code for this can be seen here:
Apologies if the code is a bit bad somewhere. I'm not a web dev (this is a community project I'm volunteering on, where there's no professional web devs) and am really just hacking away on copy-and-paste code ๐
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer
I found a super hacky workaround, inspired by #notrab's kind help, in case it helps anyone else:
I added the following to gatsby-node.js:
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({
actions: { createTypes, printTypeDefinitions }
}) => {
type Locale implements Node {
language: GraphCMS_Locale
This changes the GraphQL data type on the language field in the i18next translation data to GraphCMS_Locale, which then means both data types needed by both gatsby-plugin-react-i18next and gatsby-source-graphcms match... and so far it seems to be working in dev mode!
Trying to do something which is very simple but am getting strange results.
I have an image stored as an attachment which I want to display in a VF Page.
If I do this it works fine
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Action.Attachment.Download,'00PR0000008Q3YmMAK')}"/>
However that was for testing purposes that I hardcoded the id. If I try reference the Id in the object then it fails. Even though the value contained in the object is exactly the same as above.
<apex:image url="{!URLFOR($Action.Attachment.Download,model.PreviewImageAttachId)}"/>
When I load the page I get an error in URLFOR param!!!
I thought my problem was because model.PreviewImageAttachId was a String and not an Id so I created a wrapper to return it as an Id - same error.
I then decided Salesforce must have some strange requirement that you can only pass in the REAL object so I did that and passed in model.Attach.Id and it still fails!!
Please can someone explain this to me and more importantly suggest a solution??!?
Once again if I output to the page
{!model.PreviewImageAttachId} i get 00PR0000008Q3YmMAK
So I just cant explain this!
My bad...
Was using apex:repeat and turns out SOME of the id values were null.
Hence the error
"aQuestion":"what is your favorite color",
So using dot notation to access this object from Firebase, using$id and$priority returns the correct value. However using or yields undefined. I've looked at several posts, however none have fixed this issue for me. Is there something simple I'm not understanding?
Okay, I think I may have figured it out. I was luckily able to find this post shortly after reading Surjeet's about something making my field null or empty.
Cannot access Firebase object attributes. Value displayed as undefined ANGULARFIRE
Because Firebase values are loaded asynchronously, the value did not load. after using$loaded().then was I able to retrieve through dot notation. Not sure if this is the best way, but it works. Thanks everyone for your help.
Also, if anyone that reads this has a better way to go about this issue, please let me know. Thanks!
Try to see have you did something in your code which is making your object field null.
If not then,
Try this one['aQuestion']
I downloaded the Backbone.Paginator production version. I went through the example, copied and pasted everything exactly the way it appears, but I keep getting cannot read property 'requestPager'. What am I doing wrong? I already made the reference to the backbone.paginator.min.js, what else do I need to do?
If I remove paginator, my application works fine. It displays data without any issue.
The problem was that I had referenced backbone.paginator after my collections. It's small things like these that I still have to get used to and be aware of.
I dont understand why I am not able to update a field on the database based on the following code:
$this->User->id = 1;
Basically, I want to change the current image in the Db with a new one.
The code above just clears the value that is currently in the image field, but does not add anything.
As an example, this is what happens:
id username image
1 admin mypic.jpg
2 john johnPic.jpg
After the code above is executed I get the following result
id username image
1 admin
2 john johnPic.jpg
I am confused at what is actually happening
I decided to go back and check on my user.php model class and realized that I had attempted to use MeioUpload before and gave up, but I never removed the var actsAs entry.
As soon as I commented it out, I am now able to upload pictures.
For anyone else that might come across this issue, beforeSave might also caused these kind of problems, according to the following blog:
What does the sql log say is happening?
My guess is you are actually doing something like
$this->User->saveField('image', $variable)
and $variable is either misspelled or is empty.