laravel 8 database queue withoutoverlapping - database

i have 3 tables
table A - store wallet balance
table B - store transaction
table C - store final amount for each transaction
i develop a job function to process amount in table B
step 1: get balance from table A by member_id
step 2: get transaction from table B by member_id to decide deduct or add on balance
step 3: udpate table A to latest balance, store starting and ending balance in table C
i'm using withoutoverlapping
public function middleware(){
return [new WithoutOverLapping($this->_member_id)];
i'm running 3 job at the same time, for testing purpose, my test data (around 6k record) on table B is all same member_id, the result that i expect is data in table C (starting ending balance) all follow sequence, but after running, starting amount in some of the record (a few) are same (means wrong, starting amount should same with ending amount of previous row), i'm not sure where goes wrong, any advice how to make them all precise?


Reorganize ID of tables in postgreSQL so that the ID starts again at 1?

Hello i am currently try different data automation processes with python and postgreSQL. I automated the cleaning and upload of a dataset with 40.000 data emtries into my Database. Due to some flaws in my process i had to truncate some tables or data entries.
i am using: python 3.9.7 / postgeSQL 13.3 / pgAdmin 4 v.5.7
Currently i have ID's of tables who start at the ID of 44700 instead of 1 (due do my editing).
For Example a table of train stations begins with the ID 41801 and ends with ID of 83599.
How can reorganize my index so that the ID starts from 1 to 41801?
After looking online i found topics like "bloat" or "reindex". I tired Vacuum or Reindex but nothing really showed a difference in my tables? As far as now my tables have no relations to each other. What would be the approach to solve my problem in postgreSQL. Some hidden Function i overlooked? Maybe it's not a problem at all, but it definitely looks weird. At some point of time i end up with the ID of 250.000 while only having 40.000 data entries in my table.
Do you use a Sequence to generate ID column of your table? You can check it in pgAdmin under your database if you have a Sequence object in your database: Schemas -> public -> Sequences.
You can change the current sequence number with right-click on the Sequence and set it to '1'. But only do this if you deleted all rows in the table and before you start to import your data again.
As long as you do not any other table which references the ID column of your train station table, you can even update the ID with an update statement like:
UPDATE trainStations SET ID = ID - 41801 WHERE 1 = 1;

SQL Server auto increment Null values from specified starting value

I am looking for a solution to handle invoice numbers in a SQL Server table.
How the system works: on load the system queries a cloud-based accounting package for the last invoice number used. On retrieval of this number the system enters the number into table 2 (replacing the number that existed previously).
When processing invoices, the system should query table 2 for the last used invoice number and increment it by 1 for the first row in table 1 where the invoice number is NULL, and then increment each row after that by 1, where the invoice number is NULL.
I can't use an auto increment row for the entire table as an invoice run (batch of invoices processed together) could have a starting invoice number that isn't equal to the last invoice number plus 1 – the reason being is this system is designed solely to handle the invoices of a single customer, other invoices may have been created for other customers from within the accounts package.
I can't use SQL Server to automate the process as invoice numbers could change on the accounts package and not be reflected in the database – there is no relationship between SQL Server & the accounts package; therefore I would need to manually run an update statement from my application.
I have looked at using RESEED as outlined in the following suggested answer - but I don't think it will solve my problem:
Reset IDENTITY value
Any ideas, help, table design suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Calculate value in column using value in previous column in SQL Server

I have a table A with SKU ID's, required dates and demand and another table B with current inventory positions. For each SKU ID, the inventory from table B will be the initial value and for each required date, I want to create two new columns, beginning inventory and ending inventory, which will get calculated based on the corresponding demand. I've attached an image with the output
I found a similar thread which used CTE recursion but it only applied to one ID. Given that I have multiple ID's, i would like the code to be dynamic and realize when all records for the previous ID have been exhausted so that for the next ID, it can pull a new beginning inventory from table B
Desired Output:

Data modeling : gas station managing

I need to create a database to manage a gas station.
I'm thinking of a basic product inventory and sales data model, but it need some changes.
See This is how they proceed: the manager keep tracks of the inventory and sales twice a day, each time a gas pump attendant is in charge, and takes the responsibility of the sales.
How can I keep track of this ?
Using the Model that you provided you could use the first Model as reference:
And I would use all the six (6) tables namely:
1) Products
2) Product_Types
3) Product_In_Sales
4) Sales
5) Daily_Inventory_Level
6) Ref_Calendar
But I had to make some changes by alteration and adding:
First I need to include SalesPerson table that would have at least the following fields
1) SalesPersonID
2) Lastname
3) Firstname
4) Alias
In line with that I therefore need to add SalesPersonID as Foreign key in
my Sales table.
Now since you want to have twice a day Inventory then you could approach in many ways
you could add single primary key for Daily_Inventory_Level table or you could add a new field named Inventory_Daily_Flag which has either only the value of 1 or 2. If 1 that means that's the first inventory and if 2 that means that's the second inventory for the day. And that means by the way that you're Primary and Foreign Key at the same time would no longer be just Day_Date and ProductID but also Inventory_Daily_Flag for Daily_Inventory_Level table.
And also in line with that, that means you need to also to add a field in your Product_In_Sales like FlagForInventory with Boolean as Data Type.
So, let's say a Supervisor came in to do the first inventory, then the products sold
in Product_In_Sales for the day would be flag as True for the FlagForInventory and
then would be transferred to Daily_Inventory_Levels with Inventory_Daily_Flag field
as 1 to indicate as the first inventory and of course the Level also would be updated.
And so when the days end and the 2nd inventory is to be executed then those
sales for the day from Product_In_Sales table whose FlagForInventory is false then
it would be flag as True for FlagForInventory and then transferred again to Daily_Inventory_Levels with Inventory_Daily_Flag as 2 indicating the second inventory.
And of course you need to update the Level as well.
Does it make sense? If not I could always change the approach? ;-)

approaches to design of database, which one?

I'm designing a database that will hold a list of transactions. There are two types of transactions, I'll name them credit (add to balance) and debit (take from balance).
Credit transactions most probably will have an expiry, after which this credit balance is no longer valid, and is lost.
Debit transactions must store from which credit transaction they come from.
There is always room for leniency with expiry dates. It does not need to be exact (till the rest of the day for example).
My friend and I have came up with two different solutions, but we can't decide on which to use, maybe some of you folks can help us out:
Solution 1:
3 tables: Debit, Credit, DebitFromCredit
Debit: id | time | amount | type | account_id (fk)
Credit: id | time | amount | expiry | amount_debited | accountId (fk)
DebitFromCredit: amount | debit_id (fk) | credit_id (fk)
In table Credit, amount_debited can be updated whenever a debit transaction occurs.
When a debit transaction occurs, DebitFromCredit holds information of which credit transaction(s) has this debit transaction been withdrawn.
There is a function getBalance(), that will get the balance according to expiry date, amount and amount_debited. So there is no physical storage of the balance; it is calculated every time.
There is also a chance to add a cron job that will check expired transactions and possibly add a Debit transaction with "expired" as a type.
Solution 2
3 tables: Transactions, CreditInfo, DebitInfo
Transactions: id | time | amount (+ or -) | account_id (fk)<br />
CreditInfo: trans_id (fk) | expiry | amount | remaining | isConsumed<br />
DebitInfo: trans_id (fk) | from_credit_id (fk) | amount<br />
Table Account adds a "balance" column, which will store the balance. (another possibility is to sum up the rows in transactions for this account).
Any transaction (credit or debit) is stored in table transactions, the sign of the amount differentiates between them.
On credit, a row is added to creditInfo.
On debit one or more rows are added to DebitInfo (to handle debiting from multiple credits, if needed). Also, Credit info row updates the column "remaining".
A cron job works on CreditInfo table, and whenever an expired row is found, it adds a debit record with the expired amount.
Solution 1 offers distinction between the two tables, and getting data is pretty simple for each. Also, as there is not a real need for a cron job (except if to add expired data as a debit), getBalance() gets the correct current balance. Requires some kind of join to get data for reporting. No redundant data.
Solution 2 holds both transactions in one table, with + and - for amounts, and no updates are occurring to this table; only inserts. Credit Info is being updated on expiry (cron job) or debiting. Single table query to get data for reporting. Some redundancy.
Which solution do you think is better? Should the balance be stored physically or should it be calculated (considering that it might be updated with cron jobs)? Which one would be faster?
Also, if you guys have a better suggestion, we'd love to hear it as well.
Which solution do you think is better?
Solution 2. A transaction table with just inserts is easier for financial auditing.
Should the balance be stored physically or should it be calculated (considering that it might be updated with cron jobs)?
The balance should be stored physically. It's much faster than calculating the balance by reading all of the transaction rows every time you need it.
I am IT student that has passed a course called databases, pardon my inexperience.
I made this using MySQL workbench can send you model via email to you do not lose time recreating the model from picture.
This schema was made in 10 minutes. Its holding transactions for a common shop.
Schema explanation
I have a person who can have multiple phones and addresses.
Person makes transactions when he is making a transaction,
You input card name e.g. american express,
card type credit or debit (MySQL workbench does not have domains or constrains as power-designer as far as i know so i left field type as varchar) should have limited input of string debit or credit,
Card expiry date e.g. 8/12,
Card number e.g. 1111111111
Amount for which to decrease e.g. 20.0
time-stamp of transaction
program enters it when entering data
And link it to person that has made the transsaction
via person_idperson field.
While id 1 in table person has name John Smith
What all this offers:
transaction is uniquely using a card. Credit or Debit cant be both cant be none.
Speed less table joins more speed for system has.
What program requires:
Continuous comparion of fields variable exactTimestamp is less then variable cardExpiery when entering a transaction.
Constant entering of card details.
Whats system does not have
Saving amount that is used in the special field, however that can be accomplished with Sql query
Saving amount that remains, I find that a personal information, What I mean is you come to the shop and shopkeeper asks me how much money do you still have?
system does not tie person to the card explicitly.
The person must be present and use the card with card details, and keeping anonymity of the person. (Its should be a query complex enough not to type by hand by an amateur e.g. shopkeeper) , if i want to know which card person used last time i get his last transaction and extract card fields.
I hope you think of this just as a proposition.
