Does openGauss MOT storage engine support table partition? - database

The MOT storage engine has excellent perfomance in one datanode. But my application data has reached PB level, thus can't be held in one machine, is there any method to solve it?

For now, openGauss does not support table partition. Partitioning of very large tables can be done by the application or stored-procedure logic.
PS. details on MOT functionality, usage, limitations and benchmarks can be found here:


Snowflake performance on different cloud platforms

given the same dataset and the same-sized virtual warehouse, is the query performance of the 3 cloud platforms that Snowflake runs on the same (within a reasonable margin of error)?
If not, which performs better/worse and is that due to the underlying storage, the compute power for each node, or a combination if the two?
Moved comment to an answer.
They are equivalent. Snowflake chooses the configurations of the warehouses to provide the same (or very similar) performance on each of the cloud platforms. If you are trying to choose which platform to have Snowflake on, you should focus more on the platform tools that you wish to use along with Snowflake.
Thanks Mike.
Answer (for those who might want to know) is in Mike's comment
Yes, I completely agree with Mike Walton.
Snowflake is deployed on AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. I've run a number of queries including benchmarks across all three and the performance is about the same given the same virtual warehouse size and query.
In fact, Snowflake intentionally don't post the details of the underlying hardware used to by virtual warehouses, instead presenting them as "T-Shirt Sizes". This is not out of secrecy, so much as "it doesn't actually matter".
The virtual warehouse on each platform consists of CPUs, memory and SSD and varies depending upon the platform. My guess is, some platforms or operating systems are more efficient than others.
However, Snowflake does appear to have made great efforts to ensure every platform has the same experience.

Indefinite Search Cluster (Solr vs ES vs Datastax EE)

This question is not asking for an open ended comparison of Elastic Search vs. Solr vs. Datastax Solr (Datastax EE). (Though links in comments section for this are welcome).
I have been building a domain name type web service for a while. In doing so, I am realizing the exponential growth of such service.
I would like to know which specific search platform allows me to save and expand indefinitely. Yes, I realize you can split a Solr Shard these days– so if I have a 20 shard solr cloud I can later split them into 40 (I think? Again... that's not indefinate). Not sure on the Elastic Search side of things. Datastax (EE) seems to be the answer because of Cassandra’s architecture but (A) Since they give no transparency on license price – and I have to disclose my earnings to them I'm quickly reminded of Oracle's bleed you slowly fee strategy and as I start-up that is a huge deterrent. Also, (B) When they say they integrate full MapReduce with Hive, Sqop, Mahout, Solr, and Pig – I’m thinking I don’t want to spend a lifetime learning bells and whistles that aren’t applicable to my project. I want a search platform that I can add 2 billion documents a month (or whatever number) indefinitely and not have to worry that I started a cluster with too little shards upfront.
Admittedly my background section is pilfered with ignorance that I would like to correct. My intention is not to offend or dilute these amazing technologies. I am simply wondering which of them can scale w/o having to worry about overgrowing shards [I took out the word forever here -- thank you per comment below]. Or can any? Not hardware-wise, but Shards. Which platform can I use and not have to worry about the future growth whether its 20TB or 2PB. Assume hardware budget for servers, switches, etc. etc. are indefinite.
DataStax Enterprise (DSE) is not a "search platform" per se. One of the features DSE provides is the ability to search data stored in Cassandra. Cassandra is being used to store and access enterprise operational data. The idea is that once you have decided that Cassandra is your preferred data store for your enterprise operational data, the DSE/Solr integration then allows you to perform rich search on that data.
Large enterprises are looking to migrate off of traditional relational databases, to more modern platforms such as NoSQL databases, such as Cassandra, where scalability and distributed computing (including multi-data center support, tunable consistency, and robust operations tools, including the OpsCenter GUI dashboard) are the norm. The Solr integration of DSE facilitates that migration.
With regards to your revenue, that link points to a startup program. That makes the software 100% free if you qualify.

Server setup to host a tool like Google Analytics?

I am developing a Analytics tool similar to Google Analytics. That will store keywords, visits and pages in a database.
So the database can grow very quickly because I want to have many people using it.
How should I setup the database? One database for all the accounts and all the websites being monitored? Or it would be better to have one database for every account?
Also, I am planning to start with one dedicated server but I'm sure that I will need more than one server in the future so I have to build it keeping that in mind.
I also know that if I do multiple databases for every account then I will have to run upgrade scripts on all of them when the schema of the app will change.
What kind of database do you plan to use ? There is a BIG difference between relational (PostgreSQL, MySQL) and "NoSQL" (MongoDB, CouchDB)
I'm only going to talk about PostgreSQL on the relational side since it's the only database I have experience with.
First, I would keep everything in one database. There's no benefit in using a database per account.
Second, you should be absolutely sure you WILL outgrow a single machine. Given the kind of application you'll be dealing with a lot more writes than reads, so a master-slave replication will only serve for high availability, and multi-master replication with PostgreSQL is NOT easy.
From my last research the least painful way to do that was to use a tool like Postgres-XC which is designed to be write-scalable, but I have no idea how production-ready it is.
Another solution is using tools like Bucardo or SkyTools. No experience with SkyTools but I had a lot of trouble getting Bucardo to work last year.
The last solution is to do sharding. The naive way to shard is to do something like
shard number = id % 10. However using this you would need to rebalance your cluster whenever you add/remove a shard.
It would require that you write your application "shard-aware" so that you direct the queries to the correct shard.
Anyway like I said before, make sure you will NEED to shard/clusterize first.
Now for the "NoSQL" side, I have no experience with any of the solutions, but I do know that MongoDB and CouchDB handle sharding themselves so it's way easier with those solutions, however you give up quite a lot.
I'll expand a bit on Vincent's answer.
As for sharding we have had good experience with PL/Proxy. And with sharding you can outgrow single machine without issues (read or write).
As for replication Londiste from Skytools is very easy to set up and use. And with it you get PgQ, quite nice messaging solution for Postgres.

How do the newer database models achieve better scalability and performance as compared to a traditional RDBMS implementation?

We have
BigTable from Google,
Hadoop, actively contributed by Yahoo,
Dynamo from Amazon
all aiming towards one common goal - making data management as scalable as possible.
By scalability what I understand is that the cost of the usage should not go up drastically when the size of data increases.
RDBMS's are slow when the amount of data is large as the number of indirections invariable increases leading to more IO's.
How do these custom scalable friendly data management systems solve the problem?
This is a figure from this document explaining Google BigTable:
Looks the same to me. How is the ultra-scalability achieved?
The "traditional" SQL DBMS market really means a very small number of products, which have traditionally targeted business applications in a corporate setting. Massive shared-nothing scalability has not historically been a priority for those products or their customers. So it is natural that alternative products have emerged to support internet scale database applications.
This has nothing to do with the fact that these new products are not "Relational" DBMSs. The relational model can scale just as well as any other model. Arguably the relational model suits these types of massively scalable applications better than say, network (graph based) models. It's just that the SQL language has a lot of disadvantages and no-one has yet come up with suitable relational NOSQL (non-SQL) alternatives.
Speaking specifically to your question about Bigtable, the difference is that the heirarchy in the diagram above is all there is. Each Bigtable tabletserver is responsible for a set of tablets (contiguous row ranges from a table); the mapping from row range to tablet is maintained in the metadata table, while the mapping from tablet to tabletserver is maintained in the memory of the Bigtable master. Looking up a row, or range of rows, requires looking up the metadata entry (which will almost certainly be in memory on the server that hosts it), then using that to look up the actual row on the server responsible for it - resulting in only one, or a few disk seeks.
In a nutshell, the reason this scales well is because it's possible to throw more hardware at it: given enough resources, the metadata is always in memory, and thus there's no need to go to disk for it, only for the data (and not always for that, either!).
It's about using cheap comodity hardware to build a network/grid/cloud and spread the data and load (for example using map/reduce).
RDBMS databases seem to me like software being (originaly) designed to run on one supercomputer. You can use various hard drive arrays, DB clusters, but still..
The amount of data increased so there's one more reason to design new data storages with this in mind - scalability, high availability, terabytes of data.
Another thing - if you build a grid/cloud from cheap servers, it's fault tolerant because you store all data at three (?) different locations and at the same time it's cheap.
Back to your pictures - the first one is from one computer (typically), the second one from a network of computers.
One theoretical answer on scalability is at - the ACID guarantees are expensive. See for a counter-argument.
In fact just surviving power failures is expensive. Years ago now I compared MySQL against Oracle. MySQL was almost unbelieveably faster than Oracle, but we couldn't use it. MySQL of those days was built on top of Berkeley
DB, which was miles faster than Oracle's full blown log-based database, but if the power went off while Berkely DB based MySQL was running, it was a manual process to get the database consistent again when the power went back on, and you'ld probably lose recent updates for good.

voldemort vs. couchdb

I am trying to decide whether to use voldemort or couchdb for an upcoming healthcare project. I want a storage system that has high availability , fault tolerance, and can scale for the massive amounts of data being thrown at it.
What is the pros/cons of each?
Project Voldemort looks nice, but I haven't looked deeply into it so far.
In it current state CouchDB might not be the right thing for "massive amounts of data". Distributing data between nodes and routing queries accordingly is on the roadmap but not implemented so far. The biggest known production setups of CouchDB use "tables" ("databases" in couch-speak) of about 200G.
HA is not natively supported by CouchDB but can build easily: All CouchDB nodes are replicating the database nodes between each other in a multi-master setup. We put two Varnish proxies in front of the CouchDB machines and the Varnish boxes are made redundant with CARP. CouchDBs "build from the Web" design makes such things very easy.
The most pressing issue in our setup is the fact that there are still issues with the replication of large (multi MB) attachments to CouchDB documents.
I suggest you also check the traditional RDBMS route. There are huge issues with available talent outside the RDBMS approach and there are very capable offerings available from Oracle & Co.
Not knowing enough from your question, I would nevertheless say Project Voldemort or distributed hash tables (DHTs) like CouchDB in general are a solution to your problem of HA.
Those DHTs are very nice for high availability but harder to write code for than traditional relational databases (RDBMS) concerning consistency.
They are quite good to store document type information, which may fit nicely with your healthcare project but make development harder for data.
The biggest limitation of most stores is that they are not transactionally safe (See Scalaris for an transactionally safe store) and you need to ensure data consistency by yourself - most use read time consistency by merging conflicting data). RDBMS are much easier to use for consistency of data (ACID)
Joining data is much harder too. In RDBMs you can easily query data over several tables, you need to write code in CouchDB to aggregate data. For other stores Hadoop may be a good choice for aggregating information.
Read about BASE and the CAP theorem on consistency vs. availability.
Is memcacheDB an option? I've heard that's how Digg handled HA issues.
