Can't activate the expo manifest tools on Visual Studio Code - reactjs

So I am currently trying to learn React and code on Visual Studio. Now, I am getting errors saying:
Oops, it looks like we couldn't activate the Expo manifest tools: Unable to perform cache refresh for C:\Users\Jasun\AppData\Local\Expo\schema-43.0.0.json: Error: certificate has expired.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Current versions are:
git version
node version 17.2.0
expo version 5.0.0
Visual Studio Version 1.63.0
yarn version 1.22.17

reinstall doesn't help for now...
here is the workaround before they fix the issue - "Certificate has expired" when activating the Expo schema
You may try the workaround derived from the issue description
> expo init temp-proj --template expo-template-blank#44
> cd temp-proj
> expo doctor
Once expo doctor executed, the schema-44.0.0.json appear in %AppData%\Local\Expo\schema-44.0.0.json
then you can delete the temp-proj...

Warning: Problem validating app.json: Unable to perform cache refresh for ***C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Expo***schema-44.0.0.json: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
Find schema-xx-x-x.json in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\expo-cli\node_modules\xdl\caches
or search with everything app in your PC
Paste on C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Expo\
Tadaaa Work

updating your expo cli will fix the issue
npm install -g expo-cli
then check the new version
expo --version
use this link description

I had the same issue. The problem occurs because the file schema-43.0.0.json is missing from the directory.
I fixed it by copying one of the other schemas and renaming it to the missing one.


I get an error when trying to install strapi node v18

Image with ERROR!!!
When trying to install strapi with npx create-strapi-app#latest my-project
, an error appears. Everything used to work fine, now it doesn't want to install. In general, I can not solve the problem anywhere. Also tried reinstalling Python, node, sqlite3, gyp and nothing helped. Here is the error code ( it works with node v16 but i need 18 ;/ )
I'm on macbook m1 with node 18.12.1. I can do this without any issue.
I'm not 100% sure what is the problem but the error messages are saying that when it was trying to install the "better-sqlite3". It couldn't find the prebuilt package (warn install No prebuilt binaries found) that fit your system so the installer tried to build the package by itself (better-sqlite3#7.4.6 build-release) but turns out still you can't meet the requirement it needed (missing any Windows SDK).
Try to install Windows SDK on your computer. I think I would fix the issue.

should NOT have additional property 'nodeModulesPath'(Expo React Native)

How can I resolve this issue. I am getting this error after I upgraded my expo application on my phone:
Error: Problem validating fields in app.json. See
• should NOT have additional property 'nodeModulesPath'.
Yes, I faced the same issue.
So I upgraded the expo-cli using
npm install -g expo-cli
My expo-cli version is 4.4.4 and I can't see the error anymore.
Thank you, Sardorek Aminjonov
#Sardorek, ran into the same problem, spent more than an hour, and finally figured it out.
The solution is to add the Expo SDK version in the app.json file. My version is 40.0.1. You can see it in package.json.
"react-native": ""
Upgrading to version 40 has removed it from the app.json file.
Now, add the major.minor.0 version in the app.json file like:
"sdkVersion": "40.0.0"
Looks like you cannot include the maintenance version number. If you do, you will get this error.
Error: Invalid sdkVersion. Valid options are 7.0.0, 8.0.0, 9.0.0, 10.0.0, 11.0.0, 12.0.0, 13.0.0, 14.0.0, 15.0.0, 16.0.0, 17.0.0, 18.0.0, 19.0.0, 20.0.0, 21.0.0, 22.0.0, 23.0.0, 24.0.0, 25.0.0, 26.0.0, 27.0.0, 28.0.0, 29.0.0, 30.0.0, 31.0.0, 32.0.0, 33.0.0, 34.0.0, 35.0.0, 36.0.0, 37.0.0, 38.0.0, 39.0.0, 40.0.0, 41.0.0
Couldn't publish because errors were found. (See logs above.) Please fix the errors and try again.
Now, run expo start, and voila it works! Hope this helps.
I am using 'yarn start' to launch expo. It looked like libragopi's solution fixed my issue, but after doing a hot refresh the warning was back. I found another possible solution, which may be related to the way you're launching expo (as in my case with yarn)
yarn global add expo-cli
from this forum post
I landed on the same issue on a different context.
I am releasing my app with expo-github-action.
My problem was during the build expo publish --clear --release-channel staging
[08:52:02] - Expo SDK: 41.0.0
[08:52:02] - Release channel: staging
[08:52:02] - Workflow: Managed
[08:52:03] Building optimized bundles and generating sourcemaps...
[08:52:03] Error: Problem validating fields in app.json. See
[08:52:03] • should NOT have additional property 'nodeModulesPath'.
Solved with updating node-version
// .github/workflows/staging.yml
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- uses: actions/setup-node#v1
node-version: 14.x <------- update here
- uses: expo/expo-github-action#v5
expo-version: 4.x <------- update here
expo-username: ${{ secrets.EXPO_CLI_USERNAME }}
expo-password: ${{ secrets.EXPO_CLI_PASSWORD }}
expo-cache: true
For Expo SDK42 is not needed to add "sdkVersion": "42.0.0", it's deprecated and will not work.
The solution is to update expo-cli to version 4.9.0 - npm i expo-cli#4.9.0
NOTE: be careful because with v4.9.1 it still appears :/
Error? its an expo related breakage
solution? simply go to your app.json file, add an expo property like so
"name": "NodeModulesPath",
ps: you can replace the "nodeModulesPath" with your particular property that is throwing the error
I had that problem so I updated the expo go (the app to run the application) and it fixed

Failed at the grpc#1.20.0 install script. while installing react

I am having a hard time installing React Theme. The problem is when I downloaded the theme and extracted it and went to the root directory...then tried to install it by running this command npm install.
it gave this error
Failed at the grpc#1.20.0 install script.
the error log was like this:
After whole hours I find a hint from Github saying the problem was installing firebase which basically has grpc in them.
So what I did was to disable the antivirus or windows defender, whatever you have in your pc, and boom it will install safely.
this was the link I referred to

mauron85 background-geolocation installation issues (react-native: command not found)

hope you can help. I'm trying to install mauron85 react-native-background-geolocation and when i go to link the dependencies (react-native link react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation) i keep getting 'react-native: command not found'. i've installed npm, nodejs, react native (npm install -g react-native-cli), flow, watchman and the mauron85 package. i'm running this on ubuntu and have tried on mac and getting the same error message on both. I've also tried doing the manual setup for android and this hasn't worked because I don't have some of the node modules it needs, and have tried adding the right path to my path variable, which has made no difference. Is there anything obvious I'm missing that I've forgotten to install/has anyone had a similar message before?

React Native "The expo SDK requires Expo to run. .... this code is not running on Expo."

I am coding with React Native. I don't see that when I first create react-native app for check running. When I implements my code see that. My purpose is generate apk.
index.js (
App package.json
Result: I solved my problem with npm install. I would like say many month after.
If anyone's getting this error after upgrading Expo, try restarting your simulator - that fixed it for me.
Here is my experience if someone using expo sees those error message.
I accidentally installed expo manually in my project which was version 29.0.0.
I was using version 28.0.0 of expo sdk, so it may have crashed inside.
What I did:
manually upgrade sdkVersion of app.json to 29.0.0.
change sdk version to 29.0.0 for react-native.
Had exactly the same error - fresh machine, fresh npm, only one version of expo installed.
Turns out, expo requires you to build it as an app before it can send it to the expo app properly (at least on Android). This is easiest done by:
Adding an "android" section to app.json, with the contents "package": "" (this is required by android packages. It can be complete garbage, but should follow that format - a backwards domain name)
running expo build:android and following the instructions to sign up to expo's servers and build the app
then restarting expo start
Not sure if this is documented anywhere though, so may be a new thing?
Another thing to try is to move your node_modules folder away (or maybe delete it, up to you) and re-run npm install
According to the official tutorial:
If you want to use expo in your application, you must create it in the following way
npm i -g create-react-native-app
create-react-native-app my-project
cd my-project
npm start
This will start the React Native packager and print a QR code. Open it in the Expo app to load your JavaScript.
as I see your code has files that are not necessary, such as build.gradle and index.js, the structure that create-react-native-app creates is different and easier to use
I was getting the same error after updating the expo-cli to version 3.0.6.
By looking at my package.json I noticed the expo-cli version installed on my computer is not the same as package.json. so I changed it to "expo-cli": "^3.0.6" and ran npm install || yarn, then the error disappeared!
