Why useSelector is not selecting redux state - reactjs

(state) => state?.clientAddress?.getAddress
useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch]);
const onSavedAddressSelect = (addressId) => {
if (addressId) {
const { data: selectedAddress = [] } = clientAddress ?? {} ;
const addressObj = selectedAddress?.filter(
(addressItem) => addressItem?.value === addressId
open: false,
My clientAddress inside onSavedAddressSelect is not getting updated with latest redux state even if I dispatch on first render on useEffect.
Please help.

isn't clientAddress is not updated because you call
dispatch(GET_CLIENT_ADDRESS({})) with empty object, so it's stays the same? Try to pass there some object with values


useState not updating rendered values after getting document snapshots

I am having a problem assigning data to useState by fetching data using reference type value from firebase.
const [preOil, setPreOil] = useState([]);
const [oilChange, setOilChange] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
getDocs(query(collection(db, "oil"), orderBy("timestamp"))).then(
(snapshot) => {
snapshot.docs.map((doc) => ({
id: doc.id,
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
let current = preOil.length > 0 ? [...preOil] : [];
current.map((_oil, i) => {
getDoc(_oil.oilReference).then((oilRef) => {
current[i].oilReference = oilRef.data();
}, [preOil]);
In the first useEffect, the data is fetched successfully in this form,
preOil = {
oilReference: Ta {converter: null, _key: ut, type: 'document', firestore: Na},
customerName: "USAMA",
In the second useEffect based on [preOil], I need to reassign the oilReference with the data fetched from firestorm through its reference(oilReference), The data is successfully fetched from the database and assigned to current but The main problem is when I set to state setOilChange(current) it updates my oilChange state when I inspect in inspect tools in chrome but in JSX the changes don't reflect
I am updating the state in useEffect
I am having desired data assigned in a local variable and assign that variable to the state
Then What am I missing?
In your second useEffect(), more specifically, in
current.map((_oil, i) => {
getDoc(_oil.oilReference).then((oilRef) => {
current[i].oilReference = oilRef.data();
You are mutating the content of the current variable. This mutation, because it is async, will happen after the setOilChange call. Such mutation will thus not trigger a re-render.
What you need is to instead first wait for all the docs to be loaded and only after that set the state. Example:
const _docs = current.map((_oil, i) => {
return getDoc(_oil.oilReference).then((oilRef) => { // changed here
return { // changed here
...current[i], // changed here
oilReference: oilRef.data() // changed here
} // changed here
}); // changed here
Promise.all(_docs).then(() => {
Also notice I didn't mutate current, rather I returned a new object. This is not mandatory but just a best practice overall.

How to synchronous useState with passing state to localstorage

I ran into an asynchronous useState problem.
I have a situation where I first need to add an object to the state array in the handler. And then add this state to the localStorage.
setFavoritedSongs ((prev) => [...prev, {name: "Lala", length: "3:20"}]);
localStorage.setItem("storageItemName", JSON.stringify(favoritedSongs));
If I delete the entire localStorage first and run the handler. So an empty array is added to my localStorage (the state shows me updated). After the action again, the required object is finally added to my array.
I tried something like this, but still the same problem.
const tempArray = favoritedSongs.push({ name: "Lala", length: "3:20" });
localStorage.setItem(storageItemName, JSON.stringify(tempArray));
How do you solve this, please?
/// EDIT
I have something like this
const FavoriteSong = () => {
const song = { id: 1, name: "Lala", length: "3:20" };
const [favoritedSongs, setFavoritedSongs] = useState([]);
const [isFavorited, setIsFavorited] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (localStorage.getItem("storageItemName")) {
const storageSongs = JSON.parse(
localStorage.getItem("storageItemName") || ""
const foundSong = storageSongs?.find((song) => song.id === song.id);
foundSong ? setIsFavorited(true) : setIsFavorited(false);
}, [song]);
const handleClick = () => {
if (isFavorited) {
const filteredSong = favoritedSongs.filter(
(song) => song.id !== song.id
localStorage.setItem("storageItemName", JSON.stringify(filteredSong));
} else {
setFavoritedSongs((prev) => [...prev, song]);
localStorage.setItem("storageItemName", JSON.stringify(favoritedSongs));
return <div onClick={handleClick}>CLICK</div>;
export default FavoriteSong;
Just place your localStorage.set logic inside a useEffect to make sure it runs after the state actually changes.
useEffect() => {
}, [favoritedSongs]};
For that you can Use the condition If data in the array then It will set in localStorage otherwise not
const tempArray = favoritedSongs.push({ name: "Lala", length: "3:20" });
tempArray.length && localStorage.setItem(storageItemName, JSON.stringify(tempArray));
setFavoritedSongs ((prev) => [...prev, {name: "Lala", length: "3:20"}]);
FavoritedSongs.length(your state name) && localStorage.setItem("storageItemName", JSON.stringify(favoritedSongs));

Recoil refresh state not working of that state has been altered

I'm trying to reset my state by calling the APi to get the latest data. The API call returns an array of object.
export const launchesState = atom<Launch[]>({
key: 'launchesStateLatest',
default: selector<Launch[]>({
key: 'launchesStateInit',
get: async () => {
const response = await getLaunches();
return response.data.map(launch => ({ ...launch, isSelected: false }));
I'm using a selectorFamily to select each object when the list is rendered.
export const launchState = selectorFamily<Launch | undefined, string>({
key: 'launchState',
missionName =>
({ get }) => {
return get(launchesState).find(item => item.mission_name === missionName);
missionName =>
({ get, set }) => {
const currentState = get(launchesState);
const index = currentState.findIndex(item => item.mission_name === missionName);
produce(currentState, draft => {
draft[index].isSelected = !currentState[index].isSelected;
The UI contains a checkbox for each item in the array and when click it uses the set function in the selectorFamily ti update the launchesState.
I'd like to refresh the data using:
Which works ok if the data has never been altered, or is reset using useResetRecoilState(launchesState), but if I have clicked any of the checkboxes and altered the state then the state isn't refreshed.
Can someone help me understand why this is happening, is it a bug or is this happening for a reason?

MutationObserver is reading old React State

I'm attempting to use a MutationObserver with the Zoom Web SDK to watch for changes in who the active speaker is. I declare a state variable using useState called participants which is meant to hold the information about each participant in the Zoom call.
My MutationObserver only seems to be reading the initial value of participants, leading me to believe the variable is bound/evaluated rather than read dynamically. Is there a way to use MutationObserver with React useState such that the MutationCallback reads state that is dynamically updating?
const [participants, setParticipants] = useState({});
const onSpeechMutation = (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
// identify name of speaker
if(name in participants) {
// do something
} else {
[name] : initializeParticipant(name)
useEffect(() => {
if(!speechObserverOn) {
const speechObserver = new MutationObserver(onSpeechMutation);
const speechConfig = {
attributes: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
attributeFilter: ['class'],
subtree: true,
const participantsList = document.querySelector('.participants-selector');
if(participantsList) {
speechObserver.observe(participantsList, speechConfig);
}, [speechObserverOn])
If you are dealing with stale state enclosures in callbacks then generally the solution is to use functional state updates so you are updating from the previous state and not what is closed over in any callback scope.
const onSpeechMutation = (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
// identify name of speaker
if (name in participants) {
// do something
} else {
setParticipants(participants => ({
...participants, // <-- copy previous state
[name]: initializeParticipant(name)
Also, ensure to include a dependency array for the useEffect hook unless you really want the effect to trigger upon each and every render cycle. I am guessing you don't want more than one MutationObserver at-a-time.
useEffect(() => {
if(!speechObserverOn) {
const speechObserver = new MutationObserver(onSpeechMutation);
const speechConfig = {
attributes: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
attributeFilter: ['class'],
subtree: true,
const participantsList = document.querySelector('.participants-selector');
if(participantsList) {
speechObserver.observe(participantsList, speechConfig);
}, []); // <-- empty dependency array to run once on component mount
The issue is that if (name in participants) always returns false
because participants is stale
For this a good trick is to use a React ref to cache a copy of the current state value so any callbacks can access the state value via the ref.
const [participants, setParticipants] = useState([.....]);
const participantsRef = useRef(participants);
useEffect(() => {
participantsRef.current = participants;
}, [participants]);
const onSpeechMutation = (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
// identify name of speaker
if (name in participantsRef.current) {
// do something
} else {
setParticipants(participants => ({
[name]: initializeParticipant(name)

update store on mobx react hook asynchronously

I am trying to fetch the data asynchronously from firestore to my local state using react hooks and mobx and got no clue how to update the store after getting data from firestore. I have used https://github.com/IjzerenHein/firestorter/blob/master/docs/API.md#Collection+query
My store
const store = useObservable({
forms: [],
async initForms(user_id) {
my_forms.query = ref =>
.where('userId', '==', user_id)
let obj = {};
const arr = [];
my_forms.docs.forEach((doc, i) => {
obj = {
key: i + 1,
title: doc.data.title,
id: doc.id,
tags: doc.data.tags,
category: doc.data.category,
locked: doc.data.locked
//i can see records from firestore
return arr;
How i tried to update store
useEffect(() => autorun(() => {
store.forms && (
store.forms.length > 0 ? (
animation: "transition.slideUpBigIn"
className="flex flex-wrap py-24"
{store.forms.map((f) => {
Well i fixed it by using classic mobx store and using them as the context
These are the steps i did
Create the classic mobx store like we used to do in normal react project
export class MyFormsStore {
forms: []
async initForms(user_id) {
my_forms.query = ref =>
.where('userId', '==', user_id)
await my_forms.fetch();
let obj = {};
const arr = [];
my_forms.docs.forEach((doc, i) => {
obj = {
key: i + 1,
title: doc.data.title,
id: doc.id,
tags: doc.data.tags,
category: doc.data.category,
locked: doc.data.locked
this.forms = arr;
decorate(MyFormsStore, {
forms: observable
Export it as the context
export default createContext(new MyFormsStore());
Play with store as the functional component using useContext hook
const Forms = observer((props) => {
const store = useContext(MyFormsStore)
Fetch the data from firestore using useEffect hook
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Check if the store has been initialised or not , it yes render it
store.forms !== undefined && (
store.forms.length > 0 ? (
I am still looking how can I memoize expensive functions so that I can avoid calling them on every render using useMemo . Feedbacks will be appreciated
You don't need the useEffect to update data that is tracked by Mobx.
The simplest way is to use runInAction from MobX.
So when your async function is finally resolved, you then use runInAction to update the store. And that will eventually trigger the rendering of react components that are using that particular data.
something like this:
async fetchProjects() {
this.githubProjects = []
this.state = "pending"
try {
const projects = await fetchGithubProjectsSomehow()
const filteredProjects = somePreprocessing(projects)
// after await, modifying state again, needs an actions:
runInAction(() => {
this.state = "done"
this.githubProjects = filteredProjects
} catch (error) {
runInAction(() => {
this.state = "error"
You can read more in official documentation:
Writing asynchronous actions
