`__noinline__` macro conflict between GLib and CUDA - c

I'm working on an application using both GLib and CUDA in C. It seems that there's a conflict when importing both glib.h and cuda_runtime.h for a .cu file.
7 months ago GLib made a change to avoid a conflict with pixman's macro. They added __ before and after the token noinline in gmacros.h: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/merge_requests/2059
That should have worked, given that gcc claims:
You may optionally specify attribute names with __ preceding and following the name. This allows you to use them in header files without being concerned about a possible macro of the same name. For example, you may use the attribute name __noreturn__ instead of noreturn.
However, CUDA does use __ in its macros, and __noinline__ is one of them. They acknowledge the possible conflict, and add some compiler checks to ensure it won't conflict in regular c files, but it seems that in .cu files it still applies:
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || defined(__CUDA_LIBDEVICE__)
/* gcc allows users to define attributes with underscores,
e.g., __attribute__((__noinline__)).
Consider a non-CUDA source file (e.g. .cpp) that has the
above attribute specification, and includes this header file. In that case,
defining __noinline__ as below would cause a gcc compilation error.
Hence, only define __noinline__ when the code is being processed
by a CUDA compiler component.
#define __noinline__ \
I'm pretty new to CUDA development, and this is clearly a possible issue that they and gcc are aware of, so am I just missing a compiler flag or something? Or is this a genuine conflict that GLib would be left to solve?
Environment: glib 2.70.2, cuda 10.2.89, gcc 9.4.0
Edit: I've raised a GLib issue here
It might not be GLib's fault, but given the difference of opinion in the answers so far, I'll leave it to the devs there to decide whether to raise it with NVidia or not.
I've used nemequ's workaround for now and it compiles without complaint.

GCC's documentation states:
You may optionally specify attribute names with __ preceding and following the name. This allows you to use them in header files without being concerned about a possible macro of the same name. For example, you may use the attribute name __noreturn__ instead of noreturn.
Now, that's only assuming you avoid double-underscored names the compiler and library use; and they may use such names. So, if you're using NVCC - NVIDIA could declare "we use noinline and you can't use it".
... and indeed, this is basically the case: The macro is protected as follows:
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || defined(__CUDA_LIBDEVICE__)
#define __noinline__ __attribute__((noinline))
#endif /* __CUDACC__ || __CUDA_ARCH__ || __CUDA_LIBDEVICE__ */
__CUDA_ARCH__ - only defined for device-side code, where NVCC is the compiler (ignoring clang CUDA support here).
__CUDA_LIBDEVICE__ - Don't know where this is used, but you're certainly not building it, so you don't care about that.
__CUDACC__ defined when NVCC is compiling the code.
So in regular host-side code, including this header will not conflict with Glib's definitions.
Bottom line: NVIDIA is (basically) doing the right thing here and it shouldn't be a real problem.

GLib is clearly in the right here. They check for __GNUC__ (which is what compilers use to indicate compatibility with GNU C, AKA the GNU extensions to C and C++) prior to using __noinline__ exactly as the GNU documentation indicates it should be used: __attribute__((__noinline__)).
GNU C is clearly doing the right thing here, too. Compilers offering the GNU extensions (including GCC, clang, and many many others) are, well, compilers, so they are allowed to use the double-underscore prefixed identifiers. In fact, that's the whole idea behind them; it's a way for compilers to provide extensions without having to worry about conflicts to user code (which is not allowed to declare double-underscore prefixed identifiers).
At first glance, NVidia seems to be doing the right thing, too, but they're not. Assuming you consider them to be the compiler (which I think is correct), they are allowed to define double-underscore prefixed macros such as __noinline__. However, the problem is that NVidia also defines __GNUC__ (quite intentionally since they want to advertise support for GNU extensions), then proceeds to define __noinline__ in an incompatible way, breaking an API provided by GNU C.
Bottom line: NVidia is in the wrong here.
As for what to do about it, well that's a less interesting question but there are a few options. You could (and should) file an issue with NVidia to fix their compiler. In my experience they're pretty good about responding quickly but unlikely to get around to fixing the problem in a reasonable amount of time.
You could also send a patch to GLib to work around the problem by doing something like
#if defined(__CUDACC__)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
If you're in control of the code which includes glib, another option would be to do something like
#undef __noinline__
#include glib_or_file_which_includes_glib
#define __noinline__ __attribute__((noinline))
My advice would be to do all three, but especially the first one (file an issue with NVidia) and find a way to work around it in your code until NVidia fixes the problem.


What does gcc -D_REENTRANT really do?

I am writing Java bindings for a C library, and therefore working with JNI. Oracle specifies, reasonably, that native libraries for use with Java should be compiled with multithread-aware compilers.
The JNI docs give the specific example that for gcc, this multithread-awareness requirement should be met by defining one of the macros _REENTRANT or _POSIX_C_SOURCE. That seems odd to me. _REENTRANT and _POSIX_C_SOURCE are feature-test macros. GCC and POSIX documentation describe their effects in terms of defining symbols and making declarations visible, just as I would expect for any feature-test macro.
If I do not need the additional symbols or functions, then do these macros in fact do anything useful for me? Does one or both cause gcc to generate different code than it otherwise would? Do they maybe cause my code's calls to standard library functions to be linked to different implementations? Or is Oracle just talking out of its nether regions?
Additionally, it occurs to me that reentrancy is a separate consideration from threading. Non-reentrancy can be an issue even for single-threaded programs, so Oracle's suggestion that defining _REENTRANT makes gcc multithread-aware now seems even more dubious.
The Oracle recommendation was written for Solaris, not for Linux.
On Solaris, if you compiled a .so without _REENTRANT and ended up loaded by a multi-threaded application then very bad things could happen (e.g. random data corruption of libc internals). This was because without the define you ended up with unlocked variants of some routines by default.
This was the case when I first read this documentation, which was maybe 15 years ago, the mention of the -mt flag for the sun studio compiler was added after I last read this document in any detail.
This is no longer the case - You always get the same routine now whether or not you compile with the _REENTRANT flag; it's now only a feature macro, and not a behaviour macro.

What does -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE do?

Previously I was receiving warnings from gcc -std=c99 that usleep() was implicitly declared. Then I stumbled across this stackoverflow post, which led me to use -D_BSD_SOURCE. However, now gcc tells me that -D_BSD_SOURCE has been deprecated and I should use -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE instead.
#warning "_BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated, use _DEFAULT_SOURCE"
Why is -D_BSD_SOURCE deprecated? Why is -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE used instead? And what does it do?
I did some googling, and the results are just filled with people using it to shut gcc up. I couldn't find out why -D_BSD_SOURCE has been deprecated, just that it is.
The glibc manual describes each feature test macro (FTM) including _DEFAULT_SOURCE:
If you define this macro, most features are included apart from
X/Open, LFS and GNU extensions: the effect is to enable features from
the 2008 edition of POSIX, as well as certain BSD and SVID features
without a separate feature test macro to control them. Defining this
macro, on its own and without using compiler options such as -ansi or
-std=c99, has the same effect as not defining any feature test macros; defining it together with other feature test macros, or when options
such as -ansi are used, enables those features even when the other
options would otherwise cause them to be disabled.
This LWN.net article about FTMs provides us with a rationale (among other perhaps interesting info):
The original intent seems to have been that, within each of the glibc
header files that employs FTMs, only one of the __USE_* internal
macros should govern the exposure of any particular definition.
Additionally, the macros should not be used in nested #ifdef
directives. An inspection of the glibc header files quickly shows that
the reality is far from the intent, a situation that led Roland
McGrath to suggest that it was time for a major cleanup to bring
things back to the intended situation. Roland thought that task could
be simplified by eliminating the _BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE FTMs,
which, although they had a purpose historically, have ceased to be
useful these days. Anymore, he said, the only macros that are needed
for modern source code are those that relate to formal standards plus
Joseph Myers duly obliged with a series of patches to implement the
first steps in this work. The conservative approach encouraged by
Roland meant that the deprecation of the _BSD_SOURCE and
_SVID_SOURCE FTMs is taking place across two glibc versions. Version
2.19 of glibc added a new FTM, _DEFAULT_SOURCE. Defining this macro causes the default definitions to be exposed even when the explicit
definition of other macros would cause that not to happen. The effect
of defining this macro is equivalent to the effect of explicitly
defining three macros in earlier glibc versions:
So if you need to define _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE, simply define _DEFAULT_SOURCE too. glibc versions <= 2.18 don't care about it and versions >= 2.19 don't warn if both or all three are defined.
i need portability beyond linux and beyond glibc, and i dislike #ifdef's. so:
/* asprintf() does not appear on linux without this */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
/* gettimeofday() does not appear on linux without this. */
#define _BSD_SOURCE
/* modern glibc will complain about the above if it doesn't see this. */

ISO C90/99 Check if compiler specific function exists

So I'm writing portable embedded ansi C code that is attempting to support multiple compilers and hardware targets. Each compiler/hardware vendor has different math.h functions it supports. Some support only C90, some support a subset of C99, others a full set of C99.
I'm trying to find a way to check if a given function exists during preprocessor so that I can use a custom macro if it doesn't exist. Some vendors have extern functions in the math.h, some use #define to remap to some internal call. Is there a piece of code that can tell if it is #defined or an extern function? I can use #ifdef for the define, but what about an actual function call?
The usual solution is instead to look at macros defined by the preprocessor itself, or passed into the build process as -D definitions, which identify the compiler and platform you're running on, and use those plus your knowledge of what special assists each environment needs to configure your code.
I suppose you could write a series of test .c files, try compiling them, look at the error codes coming back, and use those to set appropriate -D flags... but I'm not convinced that would be any cleaner.

C/C++ Compiler listing what's defined

This question : Is there a way to tell whether code is now being compiled as part of a PCH? lead me to thinking about this.
Is there a way, in perhaps only certain compilers, of getting a C/C++ compiler to dump out the defines that it's currently using?
Edit: I know this is technically a pre-processor issue but let's add that within the term compiler.
Yes. In GCC
g++ -E -dM <file>
I would bet it is possible in nearly all compilers.
Boost Wave (a preprocessor library that happens to include a command line driver) includes a tracing capability to trace macro expansions. It's probably a bit more than you're asking for though -- it doesn't just display the final result, but essentially every step of expanding a macro (even a very complex one).
The clang preprocessor is somewhat similar. It's also basically a library that happens to include a command line driver. The preprocessor defines a macro_iterator type and macro_begin/macro_end of that type, that will let you walk the preprocessor symbol table and do pretty much whatever you want with it (including printing out the symbols, of course).

Macro definitions for headers, where to put them?

When defining macros that headers rely on, such as _FILE_OFFSET_BITS, FUSE_USE_VERSION, _GNU_SOURCE among others, where is the best place to put them?
Some possibilities I've considered include
At the top of the any source files that rely on definitions exposed by headers included in that file
Immediately before the include for the relevant header(s)
Define at the CPPFLAGS level via the compiler? (such as -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64) for the:
Entire source repo
The whole project
Just the sources that require it
In project headers, which should also include those relevant headers to which the macros apply
Some other place I haven't thought of, but is infinitely superior
A note: Justification by applicability to make, autotools, and other build systems is a factor in my decision.
If the macros affect system headers, they probably ought to go somewhere where they affect every source file that includes those system headers (which includes those that include them indirectly). The most logical place would therefore be on the command line, assuming your build system allows you to set e.g. CPPFLAGS to affect the compilation of every file.
If you use precompiled headers, and have a precompiled header that must therefore be included first in every source file (e.g. stdafx.h for MSVC projects) then you could put them in there too.
For macros that affect self-contained libraries (whether third-party or written by you), I would create a wrapper header that defines the macros and then includes the library header. All uses of the library from your project should then include your wrapper header rather than including the library header directly. This avoids defining macros unnecessarily, and makes it clear that they relate to that library. If there are dependencies between libraries then you might want to make the macros global (in the build system or precompiled header) just to be on the safe side.
Well, it depends.
Most, I'd define via the command line - in a Makefile or whatever build system you use.
As for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS I really wouldn't define it explicitly, but rather use getconf LFS_CFLAGS and getconf LFS_LDFLAGS.
I would always put them on the command line via CPPFLAGS for the whole project. If you put them any other place, there's a danger that you might forget to copy them into a new source file or include a system header before including the project header that defines them, and this could lead to extremely nasty bugs (like one file declaring a legacy 32-bit struct stat and passing its address to a function in another file which expects a 64-bit struct stat).
BTW, it's really ridiculous that _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 still isn't the default on glibc.
Most projects that I've seen use them did it via -D command line options. They are there because that eases building the source with different compilers and system headers. If you were to build with a system compiler for another system that didn't need them or needed a different set of them then a configure script can easily change the command line arguments that a make file passes to the compiler.
It's probably best to do it for the entire program because some of the flags effect which version of a function gets brought in or the size/layout of a struct and mixing those up could cause crazy things if you aren't careful.
They certainly are annoying to keep up with.
For _GNU_SOURCE and the autotools in particular, you could use AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS (citing liberally from the autoconf manual here):
This macro was introduced in Autoconf 2.60. If possible, enable
extensions to C or Posix on hosts that normally disable the
extensions, typically due to standards-conformance namespace
issues. This should be called before any macros that run the C
compiler. The following preprocessor macros are defined where
Enable extensions on GNU/Linux.
Enable general extensions on Solaris.
Enable threading extensions on Solaris.
Enable extensions for the HP NonStop platform.
Enable extensions for AIX 3, and for Interix.
Enable Posix functions for Minix.
Enable additional Posix functions for Minix.
Identify Minix platform. This particular preprocessor macro
is obsolescent, and may be removed in a future release of
Arrange for 64-bit file offsets, known as large-file support. On some hosts, one must use special compiler options to build programs that can access large files. Append any such options to the output variable CC. Define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS and _LARGE_FILES if necessary.
Large-file support can be disabled by configuring with the --disable-largefile option.
If you use this macro, check that your program works even when off_t is wider than long int, since this is common when large-file support is enabled. For example, it is not correct to print an arbitrary off_t value X with printf("%ld", (long int) X).
The LFS introduced the fseeko and ftello functions to replace their C counterparts fseek and ftell that do not use off_t. Take care to use AC_FUNC_FSEEKO to make their prototypes available when using them and large-file support is enabled.
If you are using autoheader to generate a config.h, you could define the other macros you care about using AC_DEFINE or AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED:
AC_DEFINE([FUSE_VERSION], [28], [FUSE Version.])
The definition will then get passed to the command line or placed in config.h, if you're using autoheader. The real benefit of AC_DEFINE is that it easily allows preprocessor definitions as a result of configure checks and separates system-specific cruft from the important details.
When writing the .c file, #include "config.h" first, then the interface header (e.g., foo.h for foo.c - this ensures that the header has no missing dependencies), then all other headers.
I usually put them as close as practicable to the things that need them, whilst ensuring you don't set them incorrectly.
Related pieces of information should be kept close to make it easier to identify. A classic example is the ability for C to now allow variable definitions anywhere in the code rather than just at the top of a function:
void something (void) {
// 600 lines of code here
int x = fn(y);
// more code here
is a lot better than:
void something (void) {
int x;
// 600 lines of code here
x = fn(y);
// more code here
since you don't have to go searching for the type of x in the latter case.
By way of example, if you need to compile a single source file multiple times with different values, you have to do it with the compiler:
gcc -Dmydefine=7 -o binary7 source.c
gcc -Dmydefine=9 -o binary9 source.c
However, if every compilation of that file will use 7, it can be moved closer to the place where it's used:
#include <stdio.h>
#define mydefine 7
#include "header_that_uses_mydefine.h"
#define mydefine 7
#include "another_header_that_uses_mydefine.h"
Note that I've done it twice so that it's more localised. This isn't a problem since, if you change only one, the compiler will tell you about it, but it ensures that you know those defines are set for the specific headers.
And, if you're certain that you will never include (for example) bitio.h without first setting BITCOUNT to 8, you can even go so far as to create a bitio8.h file containing nothing but:
#define BITCOUNT 8
#include "bitio.h"
and then just include bitio8.h in your source files.
Global, project-wide constants that are target specific are best put in CCFLAGS in your makefile. Constants you use all over the place can go in appropriate header files which are included by any file that uses them.
For example,
// bool.h - a boolean type for C
#ifndef __BOOL_H__
#define BOOL_H
typedef int bool_t
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
Then, in some other header,
`#include "bool.h"`
// blah
Using header files is what I recommend because it allows you to have a code base built by make files and other build systems as well as IDE projects such as Visual Studio. This gives you a single point of definition that can be accompanied by comments (I'm a fan of doxygen which allows you to generate macro documentation).
The other benefit with header files is that you can easily write unit tests to verify that only valid combinations of macros are defined.
