Class approximation in C - Is this witchcraft or technically acceptable? - c

I need to do a large Project in C and C only, without external librairies (except for SDL).
I started looking for ways to do some kind of class in C, what led me to that :
typedef void (*voidFunction)(void);
typedef struct{
int id;
voidFunction printId;
} Object;
Object *new_Object(int id){
Object *newObject = malloc(sizeof(Object));
newObject->id = id;
void printId(){
static Object *this = NULL;
if(!this) this = newObject;
printf("%d\n", this->id);
newObject->printId = printId;
return newObject;
int main(){
Object *object = new_Object(5);
return 0;
Output of main :
So this works, but does it seems reasonable ?
Should I expect a backlash if I use this kind of architecture for a big project? Maybe I'm typing out of my allocated memory without realizing it?

Techniques for implementing polymorphism in C are long established, check this answer for instance
Your implementation seems to be broken. Nested functions are non-standard extension. I also have doubts about static this variable.

The non-standard nested function printId is used incorrectly. In GCC documentation Nested functions one can read:
If you try to call the nested function through its address after the containing function exits, all hell breaks loose.
The nested functions are called via trampolines, the small pieces of executable code located on stack. This code is invalidated when the parent function exits.
Though as the functions does not refer to any local variables the code will likely work. The compiler will likely avoid trampolines but rather create a kind-of "anonymous" static function.
The idiomatic solution should take a pointer to "Object" as an argument rather than use a static variable.
typedef struct Object {
int id;
void (*printId)(struct Object*);
} Object;
void printId(Object *this){
printf("%d\n", this->id);

There are advantages for using a struct to organize data for bulk processing. However, the only advantage of using the function pointer rather than calling the function directly would be:
To allow the function pointer to point to different functions having the same type for different instances of the object.
To hide the "member" function definition from the linker. For example, the function printId could be declared as static within the module containing the definition for "constructor" new_Object.


C struct information hiding (Opaque pointer)

I'm currently a bit confused regarding the concept of information hiding of C-structs.
The backround of this question is an embedded c project with nearly zero knowledge of OOP.
Up until now I always declared my typedef structs inside the header file of the corresponding module.
So every module which wants to use this struct knows the struct type.
But after a MISRA-C check I discovered the medium severity warning: MISRAC2012-Dir-4.8
- The implementation of a structure is unnecessarily exposed to a translation unit.
After a bit of research I discovered the concept of information hiding of C-structs by limiting the visible access of the struct members to private scope.
I promptly tried a simple example which goes like this:
//struct _structName;
typedef struct _structName structType_t;
#include "struct_test.h"
typedef struct _structName
int varA;
int varB;
char varC;
#include "struct_test.h"
structType_t myTest;
myTest.varA = 0;
myTest.varB = 1;
myTest.varC = 'c';
This yields the compiler error, that for main.c the size of myTest is unknown.
And of course it is, main.c has only knowledge that a struct of the type structType_t exists and nothing else.
So I continued my research and stumbled upon the concept of opaque pointers.
So I tried a second attempt:
typedef struct _structName *myStruct_t;
#include "struct_test.h"
typedef struct _structName
int varA;
int varB;
char varC;
#include "struct_test.h"
myStruct_t myTest;
myTest->varA = 1;
And I get the compiler error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type struct _structName
So obviously I haven't understood the basic concept of this technique.
My main point of confusion is where the data of the struct object will?
Up until now I had the understanding that a pointer usually points to a "physical" representation of the datatype and reads/writes the content on the corresponding address.
But with the method above, I declare a pointer myTest but never set an address where it should point to.
I took the idea from this post:
What is an opaque pointer in C?
In the post it is mentioned, that the access is handled with set/get interface methods so I tried adding one similiar like this:
void setVarA ( _structName *ptr, int valueA )
ptr->varA = valueA;
But this also doesn't work because now he tells me that _structName is unknown...
So can I only access the struct with the help of additional interface methods and, if yes, how can I achieve this in my simple example?
And my bigger question still remains where the object of my struct is located in memory.
I only know the pointer concept:
varA - Address: 10 - Value: 1
ptrA - Address: 22 - Value: 10
But in this example I only have
myTest - Address: xy - Value: ??
I have trouble understanding where the "physical" representation of the corresponding myTest pointer is located?
Furthermore I can not see the benefits of doing it like this in relatively small scope embedded projects where I am the producer and consumer of the modules.
Can someone explain me if this method is really reasonable for small to mid scale embedded projects with 1-2 developers working with the code?
Currently it seems like more effort to make all this interface pointer methods than just declaring the struct in my header-file.
Thank you in advance
My main point of confusion is where the data of the struct object will?
The point is that you do not use the struct representation (i.e. its size, fields, layout, etc.) in other translation units, but rather call functions that do the work for you. You need to use an opaque pointer for that, yes.
how can I achieve this in my simple example?
You have to put all the functions that use the struct fields (the real struct) in one file (the implementation). Then, in a header, expose only the interface (the functions that you want users to call, and those take an opaque pointer). Finally, users will use the header to call only those functions. They won't be able to call any other function and they won't be able to know what is inside the struct, so code trying to do that won't compile (that is the point!).
Furthermore I can not see the benefits of doing it like this in relatively small scope embedded projects where I am the producer and consumer of the modules.
It is a way to force modules to be independent of each other. Sometimes it is used to hide implementations to customers or to be able to guarantee ABI stability.
But yes, for internal usage, it is usually a burden (and hinders optimization, since everything becomes a black box to the compiler except if you use LTO etc.). A syntactic approach like public/private in other languages like C++ is way better for that.
However, if you are bound to follow MISRA to such degree (i.e. if your project has to follow that rule, even if it is only advisory), there is not much you can do.
Can someone explain me if this method is really reasonable for small to mid scale embedded projects with 1-2 developers working with the code?
That is up to you. There are very big projects that do not follow that advice and are successful. Typically a comment for private fields, or a naming convention, is enough.
As you've deduced, when using an opaque type such as this the main source file can't access the members of the struct, and in fact doesn't know how big the struct is. Because of this, not only do you need accessor functions to read/write the fields of the struct, but you also need a function to allocate memory for the struct, since only the library source knows the definition and size of the struct.
So your header file would contain the following:
typedef struct _structName structType_t;
structType_t *init();
void setVarA(structType_t *ptr, int valueA );
int getVarA(structType_t *ptr);
void cleanup(structType_t *ptr);
This interface allows a user to create an instance of the struct, get and set values, and clean it up. The library source would look like this:
#include "struct_test.h"
struct _structName
int varA;
int varB;
char varC;
structType_t *init()
return malloc(sizeof(structType_t ));
void setVarA(structType_t *ptr, int valueA )
ptr->varA = valueA;
int getVarA(structType_t *ptr)
return ptr->varA;
void cleanup(structType_t *ptr)
Note that you only need to define the typedef once. This both defines the type alias and forward declares the struct. Then in the source file the actual struct definition appears without the typedef.
The init function is used by the caller to allocate space for the struct and return a pointer to it. That pointer can then be passed to the getter / setter functions.
So now your main code can use this interface like this:
#include "struct_test.h"
int main()
structType_t *s = init();
setVarA(s, 5);
printf("s->a=%d\n", getVarA(s));
In the post it is mentioned, that the access is handled with set/get interface methods so I tried adding one similiar like this:
void setVarA ( _structName *ptr, int valueA )
ptr->varA = valueA;
But this also doesn't work because now he tells me that _structName is unknown...
The type is not _structName, but struct _structName or (as defined) structType_t.
And my bigger question still remains where the object of my struct is located in memory.
With this technique, there would be a method which returns the address of such an opaque object. It could be statically or dynamically allocated. There should of course also be a method to free an object.
Furthermore I can not see the benefits of doing it like this in relatively small scope embedded projects where I am the producer and consumer of the modules.
I agree with you.

How to retrieve function pointer from inside function in C?

How can I retrieve the function pointer that was used to call a function, from within the function itself? Here's an example of what I need to accomplish:
struct vtable {
void (*func)(void);
void foobar(void) {
// How can I get the address of t.func from here?
int main(void)
struct vtable t = { foobar };
return 0;
In particular I would like to know if this can be done without using additional parameters in the function definition, ie. not this way:
struct vtable {
void (*func)(struct vtable t);
void foobar(struct vtable t) {
int main(void)
struct vtable t = { foobar };
return 0;
This is impossible in portable C. It's also impossible on typical implementations.
When you have a function call
int main(void) {
there is no way for foobar to know that it was called by main using C language constructs alone. Many implementations make this information available through debugging features that let you explore the call stack, which the implementation maintains under the hood so as to keep track of where return goes to. In practice this doesn't always match the calling structure in the source code due to compile-time transformations such as inlining.
When the function is determined through a function pointer variable, typical implementations do not keep track of this information at all. A typical way to compile t.func() is:
Load the function pointer t.func into a processor register r.
Push the current instruction pointer to the call stack.
Branch to the address stored in r.
There is no information in memory that links steps 1 and 3. Other things may have happened between steps 1 and 3 depending on how the optimizer handled this particular chunk of code.
If you need to know from which “object” a “method” was called, you need to pass a pointer to the object to the function that is the method. This is how object-oriented languages with actual methods work: under the hood, there is an extra “this” or “self” argument, even if the language doesn't make it explicit.
the problem that I'm trying to solve is how to get the address of the struct without altering the function's list of arguments
The only way to do that, short of doing it the correct way with parameter passing, is to have the caller store the address in a global variable. That's ugly but possible:
#include <stdio.h>
struct vtable {
void (*func)(void);
static struct vtable* lastcall;
#define call(x, func) do { lastcall=&(x); (x).func(); } while(0)
void foobar(void) {
printf("foobar caller: %p\n", (void*)lastcall);
int main(void)
struct vtable t = { foobar };
printf("Address of t: %p\n", &t);
call(t, func);
return 0;
I wouldn't recommend the above - it is better if you change the API to include the struct, then hide that part behind a macro if you must.
Discarding everything that's portability, it is of course also possible to dissect the stack and find the caller address there. This is ABI-specific though, and you might have to do it in assembler.
No, it is not possible. How should a function know by which way it is called?
Consider if you call the function without using a structure holding its pointer, like this:
You need to invent some way to pass the requested value as a parameter.
I can give you a working answer, but it won't be a pretty one.
C is a pretty chill language when it comes to accessing memory. In fact you can access the entire program stack from any function, this means that you can access main variables from foobar.
Knowing this is as powerfull as it is usually a bad idea.
For your problem, you can search any pointer to your foobar function in a range. Simply by creating a struct vtable pointing to ARBITRARY addresses stored at the stack and then checking if the func field is the same as the address of foobar.
Usually this will yield a SIGSEGV, to avoid this you can limit the addresses used to stack valid addresses using pointer arithmetic.
Here you have a working example in "pure" c (simply play with the RANGE define). But i have to warn you again, dont use this in the real world, unless you want to flex on your hacking skills.
#include <stdio.h>
#define RANGE 100
struct vtable {
void (*func)(void);
void foobar(void) {
int a[1]; //We control the stack from this address!
for (int i = 0; i < RANGE; i++) { //We are basically doing a buffer overflow
if (a[i] > a && a[i] < a+RANGE) { //Ignore addresses too far to prevent SEGF
struct vtable *t = (struct vtable*)a[i];
if (t->func == foobar)
printf("[FOOBAR] Address of t is: %x\n", a[i]);
int main(void)
struct vtable t = { foobar };
printf("[MAIN] Address of t: %x\n", &t);
return 0;
Have a nice day!
First of all, you cannot get the address of t if you don't pass any reference to it. This is like trying to follow a pointer back to it's pointer. Pointers in general don't work in the reverse, and this is the reason to write data structures like double linked lists, or similar. Simply you can have millions of such pointers, all pointing to this function, so there's nothing in the function address that allow you to know where the function pointer was stored.
Once said that:
In your first paragraph you say:
How can I retrieve the function pointer that was used to call a function, from within the function itself?
Well, that's preciselly what you get when you use the plain name of the function (as in main) you can then execute that function using a (probably non empty) argument list, as you do in (). You don't know where your function has been called from, but what is true, is that if your program control is inside the body of it, it must have been called from the beginning, so using the function name inside the function could be a way to get a function's pointer. But you cannot get it further and get the structure where that pointer was used... this information is not passed in to your function, you have no means to get to it. This is the same problem as when you are forced to pass an array length to a function because there's nothing in the array that allows you to get how large it is.
I have not checked thoroughly your code, as it is just a snippet of code, that needs some adjustments to evolve into fully executable code, but from my point of view it is correct and will do what you are thinking on. Just test, the computer is not going to break if you make a mistake.
Beware in your code you have passed a full struct record by value, and that will make a full copy of the struct in order to put it in the parameter stack. Probably what you want is something like:
struct vtable {
void (*func)(void); /* correct */
void foobar(void) {
// How can I get the address of t.func from here?
/* if you want to get the address of the function, it is
* easy, every function knows its address, is in its
* name */
void (*f)(void) = foobar; /* this pointer is the only one
* that could be used to call
* this function and be now
* executing code here. :) */
/* ... */
f(); /* this will call foobar again, but through the pointer
* f, recursively (the pointer although, is the same) */
int main(void)
struct vtable t = { foobar };
return 0;
It is very common to see functions that use callbacks to be executed on behalf of the calling code. Those functions is common also to require pointers to strcutres that represent the context they are called in behalf of. So don't hesitate to pass arguments to your function (try not to pass large structures by value, as you do in your example ---well, I recognize it is not large, it has only a pointer) but anyway, that is very common. OOP implementation rests deeply on these premises.

How to create unique static variables in function pointers?

I'm trying to create a unique static variable for each function pointer and I need to use a function pointer because I plan on using them inside of a struct.
I tried creating a function pointer to a function with a static variable but it's the same variable in both of them.
#include <stdio.h>
void foo()
static int test = 10;
printf("%d\n", test);
void (*bar)() = foo;
int main()
return 0;
I expected this to give me 11 and 11 but I get 11 and 12 so it must increment the same variable twice.
This is not something a function pointer can do.
Instead of function pointers, you probably want some kind of object-orientation so you can have several objects each with its own private test field, but sharing the same code.
For this, you need to go to C++ instead of plain C.
(If for some reason this is not available to you and you have to do your stuff in C, there's no real way around giving the function an extra context pointer as a parameter. Or, if you need only finitely many instances of the function, write it several times. They can share a helper function that does the real stuff, but each instance needs to declare their own memory for the helper function to operate on).

How do I mimic the class oriented approach of Java/C++ in C?

This is what I want to do:
1) I want a function that instantiates a data structure.
void instantiateCDB(void);
2) I also want a function that updates the data structure that is instantiated and returns a const pointer to the data structure (to make it read-only)
I know that this can be done in C++/Java. But can it also be done in C?
The program flow that I want to write is:
instantiateCDB(); // Allocates a CDB
const struct canDataBlock * cdb = getUpdateSystem();
// But the best function definitions that I can come up with is this.
struct canDataBlock * instantiateCDB() {
static struct canDataBlock cdb = {0};
return &cdb;
const struct canDataBlock * getUpdateSystem() {
struct canDataBlock * cdb = instantiateCDB();
return &cdb;
The problem is: How do I access the data structure with write/read access instantiated in the instantiateCDB function if it would be declared void? If I am going to return the allocated data structure, the user can alter the canDataBlock thus losing its integrity. What I want to happen is only the getUpdateSystem() can change the values of the data structure instantiated by the instantiateCDB() function. How do I solve this problem? Is there another technique in C that I do not know about. If there is, please teach me. :)
OO in C can be partly simulated (word "simulation" rather than "implementation" was chosen deliberately), for example inheritance can be simulated by nesting base struct as a first member of "derived" struct, in such case it is possible to "upcast" derived pointer struct to "base" struct as in C there is guarantee that pointer to struct can be used to access pointer to first member.
Depending on the context, you may use opaque data type to hide implementation details. To simulate private and public data you can provide full struct declaration, including all members, but still hide some members as a opaque or void pointer.
struct myclass_privdata;
struct myclass { int data; /* public member */
struct myclass_privdata* data_priv; /* private simulation*/ }
You can also simulate member functions by using function pointers, but you still need to pass explicitly object reference (and initialize it too).
struct S;
void do(struct S* this_p) { }
struct S { void (*do_smth)(struct s* this_p); } s;
s->do_smth = do;
Probably you can found inspiration in glib library object model. Also there is even a book about this topic.
However, the best advice existing for this topic, is to stay with the language style, rather than trying to do things the language is not supposed to be used (for example, implementing oop in C often results in boilerplate code which adds low functional value - it makes code looking like it is written in OOP when in fact it is not, and makes code looking ugly for those who program in "native" style).
Addressing your question.
1) Function returning data instance is typically implemented as function which returns malloced() pointer
#include <stdlib.h>
struct S {int i; };
struct S* S_alloc(void) { return malloc(sizeof(S)); }
Your code which returns pointer to static data is almost for sure a trouble as all references will refer to same object. And judging by void instantiateCDB(void); declaration I doubt it does really what you want to do.
2) I doubt that you really "want a function that updates the data structure that is instantiated and returns a const pointer to the data structure (to make it read-only)" - because caller will still have a non-const pointer which was just passed to such function.
There's a pattern called opaque data pointer, it might help you here. See

How do you implement a class in C? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Assuming I have to use C (no C++ or object oriented compilers) and I don't have dynamic memory allocation, what are some techniques I can use to implement a class, or a good approximation of a class? Is it always a good idea to isolate the "class" to a separate file? Assume that we can preallocate the memory by assuming a fixed number of instances, or even defining the reference to each object as a constant before compile time. Feel free to make assumptions about which OOP concept I will need to implement (it will vary) and suggest the best method for each.
I have to use C and not an OOP
because I'm writing code for an
embedded system, and the compiler and
preexisting code base is in C.
There is no dynamic memory allocation
because we don't have enough memory
to reasonably assume we won't run out
if we start dynamically allocating
The compilers we work with have no problems with function pointers
That depends on the exact "object-oriented" feature-set you want to have. If you need stuff like overloading and/or virtual methods, you probably need to include function pointers in structures:
typedef struct {
float (*computeArea)(const ShapeClass *shape);
} ShapeClass;
float shape_computeArea(const ShapeClass *shape)
return shape->computeArea(shape);
This would let you implement a class, by "inheriting" the base class, and implementing a suitable function:
typedef struct {
ShapeClass shape;
float width, height;
} RectangleClass;
static float rectangle_computeArea(const ShapeClass *shape)
const RectangleClass *rect = (const RectangleClass *) shape;
return rect->width * rect->height;
This of course requires you to also implement a constructor, that makes sure the function pointer is properly set up. Normally you'd dynamically allocate memory for the instance, but you can let the caller do that, too:
void rectangle_new(RectangleClass *rect)
rect->width = rect->height = 0.f;
rect->shape.computeArea = rectangle_computeArea;
If you want several different constructors, you will have to "decorate" the function names, you can't have more than one rectangle_new() function:
void rectangle_new_with_lengths(RectangleClass *rect, float width, float height)
rect->width = width;
rect->height = height;
Here's a basic example showing usage:
int main(void)
RectangleClass r1;
rectangle_new_with_lengths(&r1, 4.f, 5.f);
printf("rectangle r1's area is %f units square\n", shape_computeArea(&r1));
return 0;
I hope this gives you some ideas, at least. For a successful and rich object-oriented framework in C, look into glib's GObject library.
Also note that there's no explicit "class" being modelled above, each object has its own method pointers which is a bit more flexible than you'd typically find in C++. Also, it costs memory. You could get away from that by stuffing the method pointers in a class structure, and invent a way for each object instance to reference a class.
I had to do it once too for a homework. I followed this approach:
Define your data members in a
Define your function members that
take a pointer to your struct as
first argument.
Do these in one header & one c.
Header for struct definition &
function declarations, c for
A simple example would be this:
/// Queue.h
struct Queue
/// members
typedef struct Queue Queue;
void push(Queue* q, int element);
void pop(Queue* q);
// etc.
If you only want one class, use an array of structs as the "objects" data and pass pointers to them to the "member" functions. You can use typedef struct _whatever Whatever before declaring struct _whatever to hide the implementation from client code. There's no difference between such an "object" and the C standard library FILE object.
If you want more than one class with inheritance and virtual functions, then it's common to have pointers to the functions as members of the struct, or a shared pointer to a table of virtual functions. The GObject library uses both this and the typedef trick, and is widely used.
There's also a book on techniques for this available online - Object Oriented Programming with ANSI C.
C Interfaces and Implementations: Techniques for Creating Reusable Software, David R. Hanson
This book does an excellent job of covering your question. It's in the Addison Wesley Professional Computing series.
The basic paradigm is something like this:
/* for data structure foo */
FOO *myfoo;
myfoo = foo_create(...);
foo_something(myfoo, ...);
myfoo = foo_append(myfoo, ...);
you can take a look at GOBject. it's an OS library that give you a verbose way to do an object.
I will give a simple example of how OOP should be done in C. I realize this thread is from 2009 but would like to add this anyway.
/// Object.h
typedef struct Object {
uuid_t uuid;
} Object;
int Object_init(Object *self);
uuid_t Object_get_uuid(Object *self);
int Object_clean(Object *self);
/// Person.h
typedef struct Person {
Object obj;
char *name;
} Person;
int Person_init(Person *self, char *name);
int Person_greet(Person *self);
int Person_clean(Person *self);
/// Object.c
#include "object.h"
int Object_init(Object *self)
self->uuid = uuid_new();
return 0;
uuid_t Object_get_uuid(Object *self)
{ // Don't actually create getters in C...
return self->uuid;
int Object_clean(Object *self)
return 0;
/// Person.c
#include "person.h"
int Person_init(Person *self, char *name)
Object_init(&self->obj); // Or just Object_init(&self);
self->name = strdup(name);
return 0;
int Person_greet(Person *self)
printf("Hello, %s", self->name);
return 0;
int Person_clean(Person *self)
return 0;
/// main.c
int main(void)
Person p;
Person_init(&p, "John");
Object_get_uuid(&p); // Inherited function
return 0;
The basic concept involves placing the 'inherited class' at the top of the struct. This way, accessing the first 4 bytes in the struct also accesses the first 4 bytes in the 'inherited class' (assuming non-crazy optimizations). Now, when the pointer of the struct is cast to the 'inherited class', the 'inherited class' can access the 'inherited values' in the same way it would access its members normally.
This and some naming conventions for constructors, destructors, allocation, and deallocation functions (I recommend _init, _clean, _new, and _free) will get you a long way.
As for Virtual functions, use function pointers in the struct, possibly with Class_func(...); wrapper too.
As for (simple) templates, add a size_t parameter to determine size, require a void* pointer, or require a 'class' type with just the functionality you care about. (e.g. int GetUUID(Object *self); GetUUID(&p);)
Use a struct to simulate the data members of a class. In terms of method scope you can simulate private methods by placing the private function prototypes in the .c file and the public functions in the .h file.
GTK is built entirely on C and it uses many OOP concepts. I have read through the source code of GTK and it is pretty impressive, and definitely easier to read. The basic concept is that each "class" is simply a struct, and associated static functions. The static functions all accept the "instance" struct as a parameter, do whatever then need, and return results if necessary. For Example, you may have a function "GetPosition(CircleStruct obj)". The function would simply dig through the struct, extract the position numbers, probably build a new PositionStruct object, stick the x and y in the new PositionStruct, and return it. GTK even implements inheritance this way by embedding structs inside structs. pretty clever.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <uchar.h>
* Define Shape class
typedef struct Shape Shape;
struct Shape {
* Variables header...
double width, height;
* Functions header...
double (*area)(Shape *shape);
* Functions
double calc(Shape *shape) {
return shape->width * shape->height;
* Constructor
Shape _Shape() {
Shape s;
s.width = 1;
s.height = 1;
s.area = calc;
return s;
int main() {
Shape s1 = _Shape();
s1.width = 5.35;
s1.height = 12.5462;
printf("Hello World\n\n");
printf("User.width = %f\n", s1.width);
printf("User.height = %f\n", s1.height);
printf("User.area = %f\n\n", s1.area(&s1));
printf("Made with \xe2\x99\xa5 \n");
return 0;
In your case the good approximation of the class could be the an ADT. But still it won't be the same.
My strategy is:
Define all code for the class in a separate file
Define all interfaces for the class in a separate header file
All member functions take a "ClassHandle" which stands in for the instance name (instead of, call foo(oHandle)
The constructor is replaced with a function void ClassInit(ClassHandle h, int x, int y,...) OR ClassHandle ClassInit(int x, int y,...) depending on the memory allocation strategy
All member variables are store as a member of a static struct in the class file, encapsulating it in the file, preventing outside files from accessing it
The objects are stored in an array of the static struct above, with predefined handles (visible in the interface) or a fixed limit of objects that can be instantiated
If useful, the class can contain public functions that will loop through the array and call the functions of all the instantiated objects (RunAll() calls each Run(oHandle)
A Deinit(ClassHandle h) function frees the allocated memory (array index) in the dynamic allocation strategy
Does anyone see any problems, holes, potential pitfalls or hidden benefits/drawbacks to either variation of this approach? If I am reinventing a design method (and I assume I must be), can you point me to the name of it?
Also see this answer and this one
It is possible. It always seems like a good idea at the time but afterwards it becomes a maintenance nightmare. Your code become littered with pieces of code tying everything together. A new programmer will have lots of problems reading and understanding the code if you use function pointers since it will not be obvious what functions is called.
Data hiding with get/set functions is easy to implement in C but stop there. I have seen multiple attempts at this in the embedded environment and in the end it is always a maintenance problem.
Since you all ready have maintenance issues I would steer clear.
My approach would be to move the struct and all primarily-associated functions to a separate source file(s) so that it can be used "portably".
Depending on your compiler, you might be able to include functions into the struct, but that's a very compiler-specific extension, and has nothing to do with the last version of the standard I routinely used :)
The first c++ compiler actually was a preprocessor which translated the C++ code into C.
So it's very possible to have classes in C.
You might try and dig up an old C++ preprocessor and see what kind of solutions it creates.
Do you want virtual methods?
If not then you just define a set of function pointers in the struct itself. If you assign all the function pointers to standard C functions then you will be able to call functions from C in very similar syntax to how you would under C++.
If you want to have virtual methods it gets more complicated. Basically you will need to implement your own VTable to each struct and assign function pointers to the VTable depending on which function is called. You would then need a set of function pointers in the struct itself that in turn call the function pointer in the VTable. This is, essentially, what C++ does.
TBH though ... if you want the latter then you are probably better off just finding a C++ compiler you can use and re-compiling the project. I have never understood the obsession with C++ not being usable in embedded. I've used it many a time and it works is fast and doesn't have memory problems. Sure you have to be a bit more careful about what you do but its really not that complicated.
C isn't an OOP language, as your rightly point out, so there's no built-in way to write a true class. You're best bet is to look at structs, and function pointers, these will let you build an approximation of a class. However, as C is procedural you might want to consider writing more C-like code (i.e. without trying to use classes).
Also, if you can use C, you can probally use C++ and get classes.
