F0520005:Could not open source file "r_bsp_config.h" - c

i'm working with renesas MCU RX65N, i want to make a serial connection with other board and also display an HMI i designed on Appwizard, i followed the steps they offer on their manuals but won't work either. Then found more information about how to solve it, and the code works by itself, but when i try to merge both programs just keeps giving me errors (problems that doesn't appear on individual projects), this is the error i got now, and don't know what to do because apparently it is included for my project but won't open no matter what i try, anyone knows how to solve it or what to do?

It sounds like when you include the file in one project, it works, but when you include it in another project, it doesn't? It sounds like there is a configuration difference between your projects. Try creating a new file in a project, then just put #include "r_bsp_config.h" in it, or however you wrote it (it may need to be #include <r_bsp_config.h>). See if you get the same error (you will probably get an error, something about missing main(), but the question is whether you get the same error). If you don't, cut and paste the code from the problematic project in, and also make sure the project configuration is adjusted to match, and see if it works now. If you do get the same error, then see if you can copy the project configuration from the working project to the new project, and see if you get the error this time.


VSCODE deletes my library line inclusion when saving automatically

I am programming C on VSCODE but I have this annoying problem. When vscode automatically saves my work, it deletes the line that has the library inclusion that I need. So when I compile it gives me an error that I did not specify the function. Someone can help me?
I don't know how to resolve.
You might have installed a corrupted version of vs code or the library files of the vs code and then location where you are saving your programs might be in different location. For example
The libary files of vs code might be in c drive and the program files might be in onedrive folder.
Try reinstalling it from an authentic source if the second stated problem is not the case. If the problem still continues then please comment down on my reply.
Reinstall either from microsoft store or from

VS2019: Include file as project macro

I got a makefile project for Linux and I want to compile it on Win10 with Visual Studio 2019.
There are some paths to files defined in the makefile as preprocessor defines.
I have to replace the paths by own created files because they are a kind of PLATFORM_HEADER and I have to adapt a new one to Windows. In the code it looks like:
The onliest I tried is to add a property sheet to my project and add a macro:
macro page of property sheet But this macro is not found in the project.
Changing the code is not possible because it is third party code and it must be able to become updated at later times without doing changes again.
In other instructions there is noted that a line called 'inherited property sheet' has to be modified in the project. But in VS2019 this line does not exist.
Thank you for your help!
This sort of problem will be handled by your compiler suite. Probably you'll deal this with your build process manager (make, bitbake, cmake...). You can ask it to pass these #defines as argument for the compilation (-D name=definition).
Now you've unlocked the "very most of fun" if you compile something meant for linux on windows since there are many way that can go wrong. You might want to do a full check of your environment variable when compiling and make sure they point to the right system librairies.
Probably it's worth giving a try to the windows subsystem for linux and other bindings / emulator. If you want to preview a week of work's outcome, maybe you can do it in a linux VM? or just get rid of windows one good time for all :)

Include problems with FreeRTOS Simple Demo on PIC32MX

I've been trying to get my hands on freeRTOS at work for a few days now.
Since I'm done reading the documentation on the website, I'm now trying to work a simple demo on a PIC32 starter kit (with MPLABX.
So far it works, the led blinks and the messages are sent and received (yeahy).
However, although it doesnt prevent me from running the demo, I get a huge load of red exclamation marks all over the includes and usages of specific types, it's a bit odd.
I've decided not to care too much for the moment.
But now that I'm trying to include a personal header file, I get a failing build.
I have absolutely no idea why this would happen since I've always included header files that same way and never had that kind of problem.
Any help would be really appreciated both on why I can't make that include work and why I got a zillion exclamation marks.
Thanks in advance and please tell me if you need additional informations.
#include "Menu.h"
../main_blinky.c:181:18: fatal error: Menu.h: No such file or directory
I'm done with the zillion exclamation marks pb, I've searched for the missing .h files in the freeRTOS directory and added the paths to the inculde directories option of the compiler.
It looks like you have to add several include folders but I don't remember having read any of that in the documentation probably because it doesn't prevent the demo from running I guess.
Now I need to deal with the other pb. I'll tell you what.
So.. following what I did in edit1, I thought "hey, what if the project's own directory isn't part of the include folders? naaaah can't be... ok let's be sure and give it a try"
And guess what...? it wasn't.
I had no clue this could ever happen but maybe that's just because I'm ignorant to some point.
Anyways, just added the project's path to the include folders path list and now both problems are solved, I hope this will help someone one day or another.

Include path issues in Eclipse: probably Indexer

While I was trying to compile a linux-kernel (v. 2.6.39) in Eclipse CDT, I have a not leaving problem about my include paths. I know this is a well discussed topic in the Internet, but all these solutions didn't fix my errors.
One of the errors is: **linux/kvm_host.h: No such file or directory**
one of the marked line in the source code is: #include < linux/kvm_host.h>
What I did (and actually expect to solve this problem):
Project Properties
C/C++ General
Paths and Symbols
I've added in "Includes", "Library Paths" the include directories:
- /[path-to-kernel]/linux-2.6.39/
- /[path-to-kernel]/linux-2.6.39/include
- /[path-to-kernel]/linux-2.6.39/include/linux
Still (after another make), it hasn't changed a thing.
So what's the matter, can someone give me a hint?
[Edit: As i mentioned in the comments, with STRG+Click on a underlined library it opens in my browser, so i believe it's just a problem of the Indexer but I think i have tryed everything in its options menu]
I just try to develop a fresh Linux kernel nothing special, I can't be the first one, doing this with a fresh eclipse.
After making a new project on the same kernel for the 3rd time it's working now. But still i don't have a clue why :/, since i rebuild the project an the indexer several times. I hope this won't be going on like this.
Thanks for your support!

Visual Studio crashes when I add a .settings file in a C++ Windows form application

I'm trying to add a .settings file in a windows form application by adding a (whatever) file in the project and have it named smthng.settings. Right after it is created, it crashes (if I look into the project's directory the file is there, but it's not "in" the project). Am I doing it wrong or could it be that the problem lies elsewhere?
Edit: It seems that it's the settings designer that crashes.
Partially Solved:If I add a (whatever).config file, then rename it to .settings and change it's file type to C/C++ Code (don't ask how I figured this out..) then I can add to it settings, but if I do add something that has any connection to the form then automatically a (whatever).config with thew same name spawns (which is identical to the (whatever).setting even if change one of them) and at the stdafx.cpp a #include '(whatever).h' appears, which is a problem, because there is not such a header. (if I erase it or just create a blank (whatever).h it doesn't work. Apparently I have to somehow connect all the data in the (w/e).settings to (w/e).h as well or maybe something else) Anyone had this problem before? Anyone has any ideas?
If it crashes, then regarding of what else you may be doing wrong, it's a bug - software shouldn't crash on invalid user input. That said, the causes could be anything from bug in VS itself, to bug in some third-party extension you're using, to system problems.
Make sure you have all the latest OS updates and service packs for VS2005. If it still repros then, report it as a bug to Microsoft Connect, and people responsible for this product area will take it from there.
