Where do I find info on how does SP use its private key to sign the authentication request and sends it to the URL at the IdP? - saml-2.0

I have been reading a book about SAML 2.0 lately. There was a point in regards to the "typical use and usefulness of SAML metadata" stating the following:
The SP wants to authenticate a user. It looks at the metadata and finds the URL at the IdP where users should be sent. It uses its private key to sign the authentication request and sends it to the URL at the IdP.
The line I am interested the most (and the one I do not well understand yet...) is:
It uses its private key to sign the authentication request and sends it to the URL at the IdP.
My question is - where exactly in any of the existing standard/RFC/alike document may I find info on these exact points mentioned in the SAML book - signing, calling?
For example, it is not clear for me if that's the call signed by a standard HTTPS process or is it SAML-specific-signing + HTTPS, what type of algorithm is in use at signing, what kind of call should happen (GET, POST, other), what kind of parameters (if that's important at all) should be sent with the call... and alike questions related to signing and sending arise. I expect a document of some kind to get into more details and explain signing and calling procedures. Not much success on finding precise pages in right documents yet. Seems like RFC 2818 may be a good direction, or one of many SAML 2.0 specifications, or else.
Pointing to (the part of) the right document containing the info on the signing and the calling would be appreciated. Elaborating a bit on the given quote I do not understand would also benefit a lot.

You have a lot of questions - Not surprising as SAML is a large topic. And there are a lot of documents. Take a look at the following link as it would walk someone through integrating perl's Net::SAML2 into a web application and walks through the steps.
However it does gloss over some things. Early on it says:
The IdP object contains the Identity Providers settings that were parse from the metadata and are then used for the rest of the calls.
In that you see a
'sso_urls' => {
'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST' => 'https://accounts.google.com/o/saml2/idp?idpid=CXXXXXXXX',
'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect' => 'https://accounts.google.com/o/saml2/idp?idpid=CXXXXXXXX'
If you ignore the 40+ page doc on metadata https://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-metadata-2.0-os.pdf These are the two methods the IdP used for the sign on and specified a HTTP-Redirect and a POST method. IN this case the URL's match but they do not need to.
The creation of the HTTP-Redirect for the AuthnRequest alone is a minor feat. https://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-bindings-2.0-os.pdf. Page 15 3.4 HTTP Redirect Binding describes the method. It is essentially taking the XML AuthnRequest and using the DEFLATE compression method (see
[RFC1951]) The result is Base64 encoded and assigned to SAMLResponse and has the RelayState (if any) and SigAlg appended as GET request parameters. The result is Signed using a accepted algorithim like rsa-sha256 and the base 64 signature is added to the query parameter that are normally URL encoded to be requested via the browser. See https://github.com/perl-net-saml2/perl-Net-SAML2/blob/064f718178c3fa6edfe0b262fe4b5e4c8705411b/lib/Net/SAML2/Binding/Redirect.pm#L117
So, learning it is walking through each part of the process. There are multiple documents that address certain parts. It relies heavily on other existing standards and RFCs. For instance the POST request and much of the communication uses xml-dsig unlike the HTTP-Request (space limitation in URLs). That is a beast in itself.
I support Net::SAML2 and can answer specific questions. Despite its size SAML is a fairly simple (yet extraordinarily complex) protocol. I quite like it

I think it is my book you are referring to =) SAML 2.0: Designing secure identity federation
SAML is not straight forward and simple so you are not alone in having difficulty in grasping it. You have a lot of questions but I will try and answer them as best I can.
How SAML messages are sent is called bindings. For example POST or Redirect. These are defined in the bindings spec and discussed in chapter 6 of the book.
SAML traffic should always use HTTPS, but in addition the XML should be singing to protect the message from tampering in the browser as HTTPS does not protect against this. The difference between these are discussed under Transport and message protection in chapter 12 of the book.
What messages are sent how they are sent and and how they need to be protected in SSO is defined in the Web Browser SSO Profile in the profiles spec and discussed in chapter 8 of the book.
How signatures are processed and formats are defined in chapter 5.4 of the SAML core spec
I hope this helps to guide you right.


How to deal with authorization/authentication in that case?

Here at work we have a portal with like 6 systems lying under, each one has its own backend API, built with .NET Core, the frontend is React by the way.
The situation :
Today we have a single API that is used for both Authentication and Authorization (i will call it LoginAndProfileAPI) and its is used globally for all of the systems, here's my attempt to describe how it works :
As Is
we have this global,
The Issue :
Now we have a necessity to have local user management inside each system so that the local admins for that system can manage the access level/permission/profiles only of the profiles related to that application, we also need to turn our Auth process a little bit more standard, separating Authorization and Authentication a little bit more.
What would you guys do in this situation, what i came across until now was :
The idea i had, but stil needs some shape
but it kinda looks like a mess tho.
Does anyone have a clue of how can i be more standard with this
Edit :
Would that be best scenario ?
Looks pretty much like a more minimalistic/lightweight approach !!!
#WandererAboveTheSea suggestion about it
(did i get it right ?)
Here is a cleaner image :
JWT Auth Example
What looked kinda odd to me was that it seems like JWT is beeing used for both Authentication and Authorization
JWT is meant to be stateless and lite weight. Your using JWT for authorization is the correct approach.
You can improve on the following part.
After getting the username you are making database calls to get the user profile which you can avoid by adding those details to JWT itself. So that part can be simplified.
Information Exchange: JSON Web Tokens are a good way of securely transmitting information between parties.
Apart from this rest of the design looks good.

How to protect RESTful service?

Contemplating building an Angular 2 front-end to my website. My question is not necessarily related to Angular but I want to provide full context.
Application logic that displays content to user would shift to the client. So on the server side, I would need to expose data via a RESTful JSON feed. What worries me, is that someone can completely bypass my front-end and execute requests to the service with various parameters, effectively scraping my database. I realize some of this is possible by scraping HTML but exposing a service with nicely formatted data is just a no-brainer.
Is there a way to protect the RESTful service from this? In other words, is there a way to ensure such service would only respond to my Angular 2 application call? Authentication certainly isn't a solution here - I don't want to force visitors to authenticate and the scraper could very well authenticate and get access, anyway.
I would recommend JWT Authorization. One such implementation is OAuth. Basically you get a json web token ( JWT ) that has been signed by an authority you trust that tells about the user and what resources they can access on your api.
If the request doesn't include an Authorization token - your API rejects it.
If the token has been tampered with by someone trying to grant themselves privledges after the token is signed by the authorization authority - your API rejects it.
It is a pretty cool piece of kit.
This site has information about OAuth implementations in different languages, hopefully your favorite is listed.
Some light bed time reading.
There is no obvious way to do it that I know of, but a lot of people seem to be looking at Amazon S3 as a model. If you put credentials in your client code, then anyone getting the client code can see them. I might suggest that you could write the server to pass a time limited token back to the browser with the client code. The client code would be required to pass it back to the server for access. This would prevent anyone from writing their own client code, as only client code sent by the server would work, though only for some period of time. The user might occasionally get timeouts, but that depends on how strict you want to make the token timeouts. Of course, even this kind of thing could be hacked by someone making a client request to get a copy of the token to use with their own client API, but at that point you should be proud that someone is trying so hard to use your API! I have not tried to write such a thing, so I don't have any practical experience with the issue. I myself have wondered about it, but also don't have enough experience with this architecture to see what, if anything, others have been doing. What do angularJS forums suggest?
Additional References: Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service
I believe the answer is "No".
You could do some security by obscurity type stuff. Your rest API could expose garbled data and you could have some function that was "hidden" in your code un-garble it. Though obviously this isn't fool proof, but if you expose data on a public site it's out there regardless of server or client rendering.

Best practices for authentication and authorization in Angular without breaking RESTful principles?

I've read quite a few SO threads about authentication and authorization with REST and Angular, but I'm still not feeling like I have a great solution for what I'm hoping to do. For some background, I'm planning to building an app in AngularJS where I want to support:
Limited guest access
Role-based access to the application once authenticated
Authentication via APIs
All of the calls to the REST API will be required to occur over SSL. I'd like to do build the app without breaking RESTful principles, namely not keeping session state stored on the server. Of course, whatever is done vis-a-vis authorization on the client-side has to be reinforced on the server side. Since we need to pass the entire state with each request, I know I need to pass some sort of token so that the backend server receiving the REST request can both authenticate and authorize the call.
With that said, my main question is around authentication - what are the best practices here? It seems there are lots of different approaches discussed, here's just a few that I've found:
There was a similar question asked (AngularJS best practice application authentication), but unless I'm misunderstanding the answer, it seems to imply that a server session should be used, which is breaking RESTful principles.
My main concern with the Amazon AWS and the George Reese article is it seems to assume that the consumer is a program, rather than an end user. A shared secret can be issued to a programmer in advance, who can then use it to encode calls here. This isn't the case here - I need to call the REST API from the app on behalf of the user.
Would this approach be enough? Let's say I have a session resource:
POST /api/session
Create a new session for a user
To create a session, you need to POST a JSON object containing the "username" and "password".
"email" : "austen#example.com",
"password" : "password"
Curl Example
curl -v -X POST --data '{"username":"austen#example.com","password":"password"}' "https://app.example.com/api/session" --header "Content-Type:application/json"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created {
"session": {
Status Codes
201 - Created, new session established
400 - Bad Request, the JSON object is not valid or required information is missing
401 - Unauthorized, Check email/password combo
403 - Access Denied, disabled account or license invalid
I'm leaving out the HATEOAS details for clarity. On the backend, there would be a new, limited duration session key created and associated with the user. On subsequent requests, I could pass this as part of the HTTP headers:
Authorization: MyScheme 520138ccfa4634be08000000
Then the backend servers would be responsible for digesting this out of the request, finding the associated user and enforcing authorization rules for the request. It should probably update the expiration for the session as well.
If all this is happening over SSL, am I leaving the door open to any kind of attacks that I should be protecting against? You could try to guess session keys and place them in the header, so I suppose I could additionally append a user GUID to the session key to further prevent brute force attacks.
It's been a few years since I've actively programmed and I'm just getting back into the swing here. Apologies if I'm being obtuse or unnecessarily reinventing the wheel, just hoping to run my ideas by the community here based on my reading thus far and see if they pass the litmus test.
When someone asks about REST authentication, I defer to the Amazon Web Services and basically suggest "do that". Why? Because, from a "wisdom of the crowds" point of view, AWS solves the problem, is heavily used, heavily analyzed, and vetted by people that know and care far more than most about what makes a secure request than most. And security is a good place to "not reinvent the wheel". In terms of "shoulders to stand on", you can do worse than AWS.
Now, AWS does not use a token technique, rather it uses a secure hash based on shared secrets and the payload. It is arguably a more complicated implementation (with all of its normalization processes, etc.).
But it works.
The downside is that it requires your application to retain the persons shared secret (i.e. the password), and it also requires the server to have access to that a plain text version of the password. That typically means that the password is stored encrypted, and it then decrypted as appropriate. And that invite yet more complexity of key management and other things on the server side vs secure hashing technique.
The biggest issue, of course, with any token passing technique is Man in the Middle attacks, and replay attacks. SSL mitigates these mostly, naturally.
Of course, you should also consider the OAuth family, which have their own issues, notably with interoperability, but if that's not a primary goal, then the techniques are certainly valid.
For you application, the token lease is not a big deal. Your application will still need to operate within the time frame of the lease, or be able to renew it. In order to do that it will need to either retain the user credential or re-prompt them for it. Just treat the token as a first class resource, like anything else. If practical, try and associate some other information with the request and bundle it in to the token (browser signature, IP address), just to enforce some locality.
You are still open to (potential) replay problems, where the same request can be sent twice. With a typical hash implementation, a timestamp is part of the signature which can bracket the life span of the request. That's solved differently in this case. For example, each request can be sent with a serial ID or a GUID and you can record that the request has already been played to prevent it from happening again. Different techniques for that.
Here is an incredible article about authentication and login services built with angular.
This SO question do a good job of summing up my understanding of REST
Do sessions really violate RESTfulness?
If you store a token in a session you are still creating state on the server side (this is an issue since that session is typically only stored on the one server, this can be mitigated with sticky sessions or other solutions).
I'd like to know what your reasoning is for creating a RESTful service though because perhaps this isn't really a large concern.
If you send a token in the body along with every request (since everything is encrypted with SSL this is okay) then you can have any number of servers (load balanced) servicing the request without any previously knowledge of state.
Long story short I think aiming for RESTful implementations is a good goal but being purely stateless certainly creates an extra layer of complexity when it comes to authentication and verifying authorization.
Thus far I've started building my back-ends with REST in mind, making URIs that make sense and using the correct HTTP verbs, but still use a token in a session for the simplicity of authentication (when not using multiple servers).
I read through the links you posted, the AngularJS one seems to focus just on the client and doesn't seem to explicitly address the server in that article, he does link to another one (I'm not a Node user so forgive me if my interpretation is wrong here) but it appears the server is relying on the client to tell it what level of authorization it has which is clearly not a good idea.

Silverlight and SSL Client Certificates

Can anyone point me in the right direction of how I can use SSL client-side certificates with Silverlight to access a restful web service?
I can't seem to find anything on how to handle them, or even whether they are supported.
Slipjig mentioned this:
"The browser stack does, and pretty much automatically, if you're willing to live with its other limitations (lack of support for all HTTP verbs, coercion of response status codes, etc.)."
If that is acceptable to you, look at how Microsoft themselves deal with this in some of their APIs using the custom X-HTTP-Method header, like how they do it for WCF and OData:
In MSDN, Microsoft also mentions this about using REST in conjunction with SharePoint 2010's WCF based REST API:
"In practice, many firewalls and other network intermediaries block HTTP verbs other than GET and POST. To work around this issue, WCF Data Services (and the OData standard) support a technique known as "verb tunneling." In this technique, PUT, DELETE, and MERGE requests are submitted as a POST request, and an X-HTTP-Method header specifies the actual verb that the recipient should apply to the request. For more information, see X-HTTP-Method on MSDN and OData: Operations (the Method Tunneling through POST section) on the OData Web site."
Don Box's also had some words about this, but regarding GData specifically:
"If I were building a GData client, I honestly wonder why I'd bother using DELETE and PUT methods at all given that X-HTTP-Method-Override is going to work in more cases/deployments."
There's an article about Silverlight and Java interop which also addresses this limitation of Silverlight by giving the same advice:
"Silverlight supports only the GET and POST HTTP methods. Some firewalls restrict the use of PUT and DELETE HTTP methods.
It is important to point out that true RESTful service can be created (conforming to all the REST principles listed above) only using the GET and POST HTTP methods, in other words the REST architecture does not require a specific mapping to HTTP. Google’s GData X-Http-Method-Override header is an example of this approach.
The following HTTP methods overrides may be set in the header to accomplish the PUT and DELETE actions if the web services interpret the X-HTTP-Method-Override header on a POST:
* X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
* X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE"
Hope this helps
It depends on whether you're using the browser HTTP stack or the client HTTP stack. The client stack does not support client certificates, period. The browser stack does, and pretty much automatically, if you're willing to live with its other limitations (lack of support for all HTTP verbs, coercion of response status codes, etc.).
I have however been running into a problem using the browser stack with client certificates in an OOB scenario. Prism module loading fails under these conditions - the request gets to IIS, but causes a 500 server error for no apparent reason. If I set IIS to ignore client certs, or if I run the app in-browser, it works fine :-/
take a look at this.
just change your urls to https
hope this helps
Dim url As Uri = New Uri(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../WebService.asmx")
Dim binding As New System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding
If url.Scheme = "https" Then
binding.Security.Mode = ServiceModel.BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport
End If
binding.MaxBufferSize = 2147483647 'this value set to override a bug,
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647 'this value set to override a bug,
Dim proxy As New ServiceReference1.WebServiceSoapClient(binding, New ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(url))
proxy.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = New TimeSpan(0, 10, 0)

Best authentication solution for RESTful Database Server

I'm writing a RESTful Database Server called Phoenix. Being an easy interface into an entire application's data, security is quite an important issue, and I'm interested in what authentication solutions any of you could suggest.
It needs to be:
Secure - it's got to be very hard to break. Signing requests could be a good way of doing this, but considering it's REST there aren't many parameters that are sent so I don't know what good singing would do.
Minimal - I'd rather it didn't take four requests to compare six tokens in HMAC-signed requests - the USP of the server is it's simplicity, so authentication from clients has got to be easy.
Implementable - it has to fit the system, which is a database server. So, for instance, oAuth wouldn't work here.
I'd love to hear your suggestions - thank you!
Not much information here about what your security or implementation needs are. The quick answers are Basic or Digest over SSL, or signed requests. Are there reasons not to use these?
Signing requests typically adds a timestamp and/or a nonce, so any request can be authenticated. See the Amazon AWS authentication documentation for a description and libraries.
I have a similar server. I choose to use OAuth signing for its simplicity,
We don't enforce the nonce, just limit the timestamp to a short window (30 seconds) to thwart replay.
The OAuth library is available on many platforms so you don't have to write much code to implement it. Don't know why you think OAuth is not implementable.
For each client allowed to access the data, it's assigned a consumer_key and a consumer_secret. All the requests are signed with consumer_secret so only client knowing the secret can get access.
We also considered other options. HTTTP Basic Auth over SSL is too expensive. HTTP Digest Auth is too slow because it needs to wait for a challenge.
