I'm using Keycloak 15.0.2 with the default H2 database. I have logged in several users and can get active session in the Keycloak session tab, but in DB, I cannot see any entries in all tables related to sessions like USER_SESSION and CLIENT_SESSION.
Does anyone have any suggestion that how can I get these entries?
Thanks in advance.
Keycloak does not store sessions in the database, except for offline sessions. Sessions are stored in-memory in Infinispan caches.
You can use the REST API to access sessions.
Good afternoon,
I am writing a front-end for a research database that holds sensitive health information. My institution has a policy that user actions be logged by the SQL server so that they can perform audits on the server log files in the event of a breach.
Because of this policy, I cannot connect Django to the db as a system user (otherwise, all users of the front-end actions would be logged by the server as the Django system user instead as the actual user individually).
Is there a way to connect to the DB using per user credentials so that actions performed on the front end will be logged as that user on the db server? I have been able to find a lot of information about using multiple databases, but nothing about per user authentication of those databases.
Thank you in advanced!
I don't think you can do that, the user that connect to the database need to have access to all the tables.
I had a similar issue when I wanted to use Django models outside Django and restrict access to certain models for certain users.
I ended up using SQLAlchemy and its automap feature on the existing Django database. Then you can connect to the database using your SQL users.
However, if you don't mind all the users accessing all the tables and are only concerned about the logs, maybe you can use a different settings.py or at least a different DATABASES configuration for each user?
I was able to accomplish this by giving the SQL user the IMPERSONATE permission and performing EXECUTE AS prior to the DB queries that I needed to have logged in models.py.
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("EXECUTE AS " + get_current_user()
except DatabaseError as e:
raise e
We currently are trying to make MongoDB 3.0 a bit more secure by adding users, roles and passwords, disabling the anonymous logins
However, when we enable auth=true or the --auth command in starting MongoDB, we can login with the DB administrator, (admins all of the DB) but we can't see any data in MongoDB Compass when the authentication is turned on, also, it shows that all of the databases have 0 Bytes of size and no Collection is shown.
Can you help me pinpoint where is the issue?
EDIT: Here is an Image of the things that our DB show on the Compass Community Edition, per clarification of the question
I solved this issue by adding the Read Role to the user Database by Database, also, in the login, I have to explicitly state the Database I am going to connect to
Basically the dbAdmin does not have the read role and has to be included manually
Regards and thanks
I'm attempting to develop a .NET Core Identity Server but I can't seem to figure out where to hook in to persist consents in a database. My understanding is that when the use consents to the scopes of an application and checks the Remember Consent checkbox that in only stored in memory by default and if the Identity Server were to restart, the user would have to consent again. Is there a way to persist consent in something like a database so it can be remembered beyond a service restart?
you can use something like Entity framework to persist data in the database,
here is the docs for how to configure EF with Identity Server.
Which is the better way to set up access on some databases that my web apps query. I can only think of one pro for one and one con for the other, so I need some other input before making a final decision.
Option 1 – 10 apps, 10 databases, 1 Service Accounts for each app (User does not have direct access)
All query requests go through the Service Account to the database. The con I can think of is that there is no record of who sent the request, just that the SA accessed the db with a request.
Option 2 – 10 apps, 10 databases, User has direct access (no Service Account)
All query requests from the app go directly to the db and each request is logged, identifying who sent the request from what app. This setup could be locked down further by allowing the specific app access only to db/tables/columns that it needs to complete the request/query. The obvious pro is there would be no anonymous requests; all requests could be traced back to the requester and not just to a SA.
If by Service Account you refer to a functional account or database account for the application. This is the way to go. If you need to log who did the request your application should have user authentication and do the logging of the request.
The other alternative of a database account per user is not scalable and if you have to provide a database id for each user, which the user will be using to connect, it also has security implications.
By having the application between the user and the database you isolate the database from the outside and the only access is what the applications permits.
We have a requirement that user account can provide username/password for database. This means that after user account is loaded, the user should use his own database connection for persistence.
How do I configure that in Spring Data?
Which database?
Which ORM implementation?
Spring has the AbstractRoutingDataSource, which lets you change the DataSource at runtime.
You could also use a delegation pattern, where the web server connects as a limited user, and then changes role to a different user if their authentication is successful. See How to run SQL SET statements against db at start of connection/session using Hibernate? and Switch role after connecting to database
You'll probably need to disable caching in your ORM too.