Passing int arguments in mbed::Callback - c

#include "mbed.h"
#include <Callback.h>
InterruptIn up(p14);
void toggle1(int *player)
printf("%d \n", *player);
int main()
int player = 1;
up.rise(callback(toggle1, &player));
In the mbed callback function, why the result is not 1? It is 12784.

You are allowing your main function to return. After it returns, player will be out of scope so it might be overwritten with something else. In general, you never want to return from main in an embedded system, so I recommend adding while (1) {} at the end of your main function.
Also, using callback is a source of unnecessary complication and potential errors. I would just put player in a global variable (and mark it as volatile). Then you can simply do


How can I create a function object in C

I would like to create a wrapper for c functions, so that I can convert a function call of the form ret = function(arg1,arg2,arg3); into the form /*void*/ function_wrapper(/*void*/);. That is similar to function objects in C++ and boost bind.
Is this possible? how can I do it?
To explain in more details what I am looking for:
We start with this function:
int f(int i){
//do stuff
return somevalue;
Obvioulsy, it is called like this:
// do stuff
int x = 0;
ret = f(0);
// do more stuff.
I would like to do some magic that will wrap the function into void function(void)
struct function_object fo;
fo.function_pointer = &f;
fo.add_arg(x, int);
Note: I saw that there was a vote for closing this question and marking it as unclear. Please do not do that. I have a legitimate need to get this question answered. If you need explanation, ask and I will be glad to elaborate.
I came up with a better code that might allow you to do what you want. First I'll explain how it works, show the code and explain why I still don't think it's a good idea to use it (though the code might open doors for improvements that addresses those issues).
Before you start using the "function objects", you have to call an initialization function (FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize();), which will initialize the mutexes on every data structure used in the library.
After initializing, every time you want to call one of those "function objects", without using the parameters, you will have to set it up first. This is done by creating a FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t pointer and calling get_function_handler(). This will search for a free FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structure that can be used at the moment.
If none is found (all FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structures are busy, being used by some function call) NULL is returned.
If get_function_handler() does find a FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structure it will try to lock the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder data structure, that holds the ID of the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler of the function about to be called.
If FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is locked already, get_function_handler() will hang until it's unlocked by the thread using it.
Once FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is locked, the ID of the grabbed FUNCTIONOBJ_handler is wrote on it and the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler pointer is returned by get_function_handler.
With the pointer in hand, the user can set the pointer to the arguments and the return variable with set_args_pointer and set_return_pointer, which both take a void * as arguments.
Finally, you can call the function you want. It has to:
1 - Grab the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler ID from the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder data structure and use it to get a pointer to the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler itself.
2 - Use the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler to access the arguments.
3 - Return by using one of the return function (on the example we have ret_int, which will return an integer and unlock the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler)
Below is a simplified mind map describing a bit of what is going on:
Finally, the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
typedef struct {
//Current ID about to be called
int current_id;
pthread_mutex_t id_holder_mutex;
} FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder_t;
typedef struct {
void *arguments;
void *return_pointer;
pthread_mutex_t handler_mutex;
} FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t;
FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder_t FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder;
void set_return_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer);
void set_args_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer);
void ret_int(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, int return_value);
void FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize(void);
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *get_function_handler(void);
#include "funcobj.h"
void set_return_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer){
this->return_pointer = pointer;
void set_args_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer){
this->arguments = pointer;
void ret_int(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, int return_value){
*((int *) (this->return_pointer)) = return_value;
void FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize(void){
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CALLS; ++i){
pthread_mutex_init(&FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i].handler_mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.id_holder_mutex, NULL);
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *get_function_handler(void){
int i = 0;
while((0 != pthread_mutex_trylock(&FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i].handler_mutex)) && (i < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CALLS)){
return NULL;
//Sets the ID holder to hold this ID until the function is called
FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.current_id = i;
return &FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i];
#include "funcobj.h"
#include <string.h>
void print(void){
//First the function must grab the handler that contains all its attributes:
//The FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is mutex locked, so we can just access its value and
//then free the lock:
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this = &FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.current_id];
//We dont need the id_holder anymore, free it!
//Do whatever the function has to do
printf("%s\n", (char *) this->arguments);
//Return the value to the pointed variable using the function that returns an int
ret_int(this, 0);
void *thread_entry_point(void *data){
int id = (int) data;
char string[100];
snprintf(string, 100, "Thread %u", id);
int return_val;
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this;
for(int i = 0; i < 200; ++i){
do {
this = get_function_handler();
} while(NULL == this);
set_args_pointer(this, string);
set_return_pointer(this, &return_val);
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
//Initialize global data strucutres (set up mutexes)
//testing with 20 threads
pthread_t thread_id[20];
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
pthread_create(&thread_id[i], NULL, &thread_entry_point, (void *) i);
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
pthread_join(thread_id[i], NULL);
return 0;
To compile: gcc -o program main.c funcobj.c -lpthread
Reasons to avoid it:
By using this, you are limiting the number of "function objects" that can be running simultaneously. That's because we need to use global data structures to hold the information required by the functions (arguments and return pointer).
You will be seriously slowing down the program when using multiple threads if those use "function objects" frequently: Even though many functions can run at the same time, only a single function object can be set up at a time. So at least for that fraction of time it takes for the program to set up the function and actually call it, all other threads trying to run a function will be hanging waiting the the data structure to be unlocked.
You still have to write some non-intuitive code at the beginning and end of each function you want to work without arguments (grabbing the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler structure, unlocking the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder structure, accessing arguments through the pointer you grabbed and returning values with non-built-in functions). This increases the chances of bugs drastically if care is not taken, specially some nasty ones:
Increases the chances of deadlocks. If you forget to unlock one of the data structures in any point of your code, you might end up with a program that works fine at some moments, but randomly freeze completely at others (because all function calls without arguments will be hanging waiting for the lock to be freed). That is a risk that happens on multithreaded programs anyways, but by using this you are increasing the amount of code that requires locks unnecessarily (for style purposes).
Complicates the use of recursive functions: Every time you call the function object you'll have to go through the set up phrase (even when inside another function object). Also, if you call the recursive function enough times to fill all FUNCTIONOBJ_handler structures the program will deadlock.
Amongst other reasons I might not notice at the moment :p

Why does this variable value return to default value after exiting the function?

I want to move the knight in a chess program. For this reason,
I have these two variables(currentRow and currentColumn) defined on top of all functions including main. (I did this because I wanted these variables as global variables to all functions) as below. Because when the knight moves, its position will change. And this will be the input to its next move.
What I don't understand is when I debug, I saw that these variables are changing in the function but as soon as it exits function, they return to their default values (3 and 4).
Can you tell me how to fix this? Thanks in advance...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int currentRow=3;
int currentColumn=4;
int main(void){
int checkIsEmptyandMoveAccordingly(int moveNumber, int currentRow, int currentColumn){
if (chessBoard[currentRow+vertical[moveNumber]][currentColumn+horizontal[moveNumber]]==0 && currentRow+vertical[moveNumber]>=0 && currentColumn+horizontal[moveNumber] >=0 ){ //if empty,move to new location
printf("Move randomised to: %d\n", moveNumber);
printf("Knight has moved to chessBoard[%d][%d].\n",currentRow,currentColumn);
printf("Move count is %d.\n",count);
return moveNumber;
else {
return -1;
else if (chessBoard[currentRow+vertical[moveNumber]][currentColumn+horizontal[moveNumber]]==1) { //if not empty, randomise again
printf("Knight CAN NOT MOVE! Target SPACE IS OCCUPIED\n");
return moveNumber;
else {
return -1;
else {
return moveNumber;
else {
return -1;
int currentRow, int currentColumn are in the function parameter list, so they are local variables. They are hiding the global ones with the same names.
Your function has new variables currentRow and currentColumn declared as parameters to the function. If you want to update the global variables, remove these parameters (and don't pass them when you call the function) and you should see the globals update.
What you're doing is shadowing the global variables. With the right compiler warning enabled (which varies by compiler) you would be told about this error.
Try compiling with -Wall -Werror if you are using gcc.
Your function is changing local copies. When you pass them to the function, they pass by value, the function creates local copies, and the local scope overrides the global scope. If you want to reference global variables, don't pass them into your function, just access them from there.

Generate two functions with C Preprocessor

I have a project, and a case where I have a few often-changed preprocessor #defines that control how it works--ex:
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
#ifdef FEATURE_X
This works fine, although it does have to be recompiled each time, so it's in the "stuff that has to be recompiled each time" file. I would like to push it into a [static] library instead. I'm ok with changing how it's called (already have a function pointer for picking myFunction), so I'd like that to turn into
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
void myfunction_featureX(int num, mystruct* content) {
I need to do this in a couple places, so using a separate library (one with and one without -D FEATURE_X) for each isn't an acceptable option. I could do it with copy/paste, but that results in code reuse that carries a risk of fixing a bug in one copy but not the other.
Have the featureX versions of functions call the mainline functions. In your example myfunction_featureX would call myfunction and then do its own thing.
Surely, this is the point at which you change the activation of Feature X from a compile time issue into a run-time issue:
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content)
if (FeatureX_Enabled())
The FeatureX_Enabled() test might be a full function, or it might be simply test an appropriately scoped variable that is defined outside the function — a static variable in the file, or an external variable. This avoids having to futz with the function pointers; it's the same function called as now. Changing a table of function pointers is equivalent to changing a single variable — it involves changing the value of something stored outside the function to change the behaviour of the function.
Would it help if you put myfeature_x in a function table instead?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
int x,y;
} mystruct;
typedef void (*fn_ptr)(mystruct* content);
fn_ptr vtable[10];
void feature_x(mystruct *content)
printf("y: %d\n", content->y);
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
printf("x: %d\n", content->x);
if (vtable[FEATURE_X_INDEX]) {
int main(void)
bzero(vtable, sizeof(vtable));
mystruct s;
s.x = 1;
s.y = 2;
myfunction(0, &s);
if (1) {
//Of course you'd use a more sensible condition.
vtable[FEATURE_X_INDEX] = feature_x;
myfunction(0, &s);
return 0;
x: 1
x: 1
y: 2
Then all you need to do is populate the virtual function table with NULLs if that feature is not to be used, and with function pointers if it is to be used. This you can do from wherever you want - your static library for example.. or you can compile feature_x into a dynamic library, load it at runtime and if the loading succeeded populate the function table, and clear the table when the dynamically linked library is unloaded.
I think the only benefit this really gives you over Jonathan Leffler's method is that the code for feature_x doesn't actually need to be linked into the same binary as your other code. If all you need is a runtime switch to turn the feature on or off, a simple if statement should do the trick, as Jonathan Leffler suggested. (Incidentally, there's an if here, too - it checks the function table's content :) )

How can I invoke buffer overflow?

I got a homework assignment asking me to invoke a function without explicitly calling it, using buffer overflow. The code is basically this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void g()
printf("now inside g()!\n");
void f()
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
Though I'm not sure how to proceed. I thought about changing the return address for the program counter so that it'll proceed directly to the address of g(), but I'm not sure how to access it. Anyway, tips will be great.
The basic idea is to alter the function's return address so that when the function returns is continues to execute at a new hacked address. As done by Nils in one of the answers, you can declare a piece of memory (usually array) and overflow it in such a way that the return address is overwritten as well.
I would suggest you to not blindly take any of the programs given here without actually understanding how they work. This article is very well written and you'll find it very useful:
A step-by-step on the buffer overflow vulnerablity
That is compiler dependent, so no single answer can be given.
The following code will do what you want for gcc 4.4.1. Compile with optimizations disabled (important!)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void g()
printf("now inside g()!\n");
void f()
int i;
void * buffer[1];
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
// place the address of g all over the stack:
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
buffer[i] = (void*) g;
// and goodbye..
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
nils#doofnase:~$ gcc overflow.c
nils#doofnase:~$ ./a.out
now inside f()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
now inside g()!
Segmentation fault
Since this is homework, I would like to echo codeaddict's suggestion of understanding how a buffer overflow actually works.
I learned the technique by reading the excellent (if a bit dated) article/tutorial on exploiting buffer overflow vulnerabilities Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit.
Try this one:
void f()
void *x[1];
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
or this one:
void f()
void *x[1];
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
While this solution doesn't use an overflow technique to overwrite the function's return address on the stack, it still causes g() to get called from f() on its way back to main() by only modifying f() and not calling g() directly.
Function epilogue-like inline assembly is added to f() to modify the value of the return address on the stack so that f() will return through g().
#include <stdio.h>
void g()
printf("now inside g()!\n");
void f()
printf("now inside f()!\n");
// can only modify this section
// cant call g(), maybe use g (pointer to function)
/* x86 function epilogue-like inline assembly */
/* Causes f() to return to g() on its way back to main() */
"mov %%ebp,%%esp;"
"pop %%ebp;"
"push %0;"
: /* no output registers */
: "r" (&g)
: "%ebp", "%esp"
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
Understanding how this code works can lead to a better understanding of how a function's stack frame is setup for a particular architecture which forms the basis of buffer overflow techniques.

How to call a function just before returning in C?

I'm trying to execute something at the end of a function just before it returns to the caller.
To Do so, I would like to override return in a certain context. The behavior should be the same as __cyg_profile_func_exit, but I would like to activate it only for some functions.
I don't know if it's possible using gcc builtins or this kind of thing.
GCC has an attribute for this, which calls a function when an automatic variable goes out of scope, passing it the address of that variable
void cleanup_fn(int *p) {
puts("cleanup called...");
void f(void) {
int p __attribute__((cleanup(cleanup_fn)));
puts("in f...");
int main(void) {
puts("calling f...");
puts("out of it...");
return 0;
calling f...
in f...
cleanup called...
out of it...
Nope, not in C per se.
What you could do is write a #define macro RETURN:
#define RETURN(func) if(_DEBUG_) func; return ;
#define RETURNV(func, val) if(_DEBUG_) func; return val ;
(Warning, you probably want to think a little more about guarding special cases than I have.)
Otherwise, you would need to write something that mangled the code behind the scenes, which is what profilers do.
