Nx workspace - Shared lib with tailwindcss and react - reactjs

I struggled in setting this up, so I thought I would share my Knowledge.
Basically, I wanted to have a UI Kit / Component library with NX that could be shared with for example a webapp with react and a website built with Next.js.
I ran into this error:
Failed to compile
([object Object]:[object Object]) Selector "*,
::after" is not pure (pure selectors must contain at least one local class or id)
[...]This is because you are trying to put Tailwind’s base styles in a CSS module, and CSS modules can’t contain those types of rules. This is just how CSS modules work, you shouldn’t put Tailwind’s base styles in a module, the two concepts are just not compatible. [...]

This branch contains the basic setup:
Basically, I had NOT to import the css inside the lib, but in the apps/website and apps/webapp respecitvely.
For the rest of the configs with postcss and tailwind refer to the repository.


How can I compile my React component's styles (JSX and CSS Modules) to be used statically — as a simple imported .css file?

I'm creating a public Node package which consists of some React UI. I'm currently using CSS Modules to scope the styles to the component, and it's all being successfully bundled with Webpack. The bundle outputs a main.css file.
The ask
Since I intend to use this packaged component across many projects with different frameworks, I cannot guarantee that CSS Modules will be available. Thus, I would like to "flatten" the compiled JSX, such that the generated CSS Module classNames are always added at build time, rather than being conditionally added based on whether or not the CSS modules are being imported. From there I should be able to just import the compiled CSS file and call it a day.
What I've found
This tool seems to solve my problem, specifically using CSS Modules. This is not actively maintained though, and I wonder if there's a better solution out there.
I do wonder if this is doable with some sort of PostCSS routine or a preexisting PostCSS plugin.

Building separate css for components in CRA app with SASS

Working on a new project setup, and trying to get figure out the configuration to get .scss files to build per component. Ideally, only the necessary css files would load per component added to a page, rather than an entire combined .css file for all components. I know this can be done with JSS, but I believe should work with webpack in a CRA app.
My current project setup is:
index.js => exports all components for easy import to the page (i.e., import {ComponentName} from './components')
Currently trying sass#v1.56.1 and sass-loader#13.2.0, but not sure about the proper setup.
Might need to do a modular setup to accomplish this or just stick with JSS?

TailwindCSS Duplicate CSS classes when using library in app

I have a component library using storybook & TailwindCSS and a host app that's also using TaildwindCSS itself that imports the component library. When the classes are generated, I'm seeing that they're duplicated:
Both projects import TailwindCSS standardly in their index.css files which is then imported into index.tsx using import "./index.css";:
The host app does generate all the classes from the component library when imported but due to there being duplicate classes, some are being overridden due to the order (pay attention to the source and line numbers in the above image)
The component looks correct on storybook:
Host app:
Looking for advice on how to correctly import the component library within the host app?
I've figured that the component library generates it's own TailwindCSS classes as expected and that's where the "duplicate" classes (inline) come from and it's being included in a single output in index.js in the dist folder. Still need a way to avoid these duplicates when imported in the host app. May need to look at changing the component library to build a separate .css file with the styles and tell the host app to generate the component library's styles to prevent these duplicates.
After reading more on the TailwindCSS documentation, I've found a resolution. Using the following information from https://tailwindcss.com/docs/content-configuration#working-with-third-party-libraries, I was able to fix my issues.
Essentially what I've now done is, on my component library, I ensured that the.css styles are extracted into it's own file and not built into a single index.js. After that, on the host app, I set the content of tailwind config to reference my component library so that it scans the src and generates those classes itself.

How to generate modular css key like component_cssclass_uniquekey in react library

We created multiple react libraries and by default it came with modular css which was great. But after few composite components developed and when we started integrating into create-react-app we saw same module css keynames present in multiple composite components, below is an example to better explain
layout in dist this css key generated as _2GhQJ
layout in dist this css key generated as _2GhQJ
When added above modules as dependency in Create-react-app, these are creating conflict.
Based on documentation i thought modular css will generate className as {componentName}{cssClass}{uniquekey}
I'm not using webpack as it just a react library, i have been researching but couldn't any exmaples on how i can solve this. We're suing typescript.
I really appreciate any suggestions or solutions

CSS-In-JS in React or merging the styling inside the JavaScript

In a React app, we usually import CSS files into the JavaScript components.
I thought this way we inject the CSS into the final JavaScript build.
However, it seems that React (at least create-react-app) still generates separate CSS files.
Why is that?
Is there any way to force CSS stylings to be part of the final r? Kind of CSS-In-JS?
You should eject the create-react-app and change webpack config file (style-loader similar question) to not create separate file for css bundle or use html-inline-css-webpack-plugin.
