Does Redshift support the IEEE 754 floating point numbers? - database

Recently I encountered an overflow error when attempting to load data from a DOUBLE PRECISION column in a postgres database to a DOUBLE PRECISION column into AWS Redshift:
Overflow, 2.8079240261080252e-316 (Double valid range 2.225074e-308 to 1.797693e+308)
Based on the wikipedia entry for double precision floating point numbers it seems like the range of numbers supported by redshift includes "normal doubles", but excludes "subnormal doubles".
As an additional check, I attempted to retrieve the smallest subnormal double, which was successful in postgres, but resulted in an overflow error in redshift:
SELECT '4.94065645841246544e-324'::DOUBLE PRECISION;
Based on this observed behavior, can we conclude that Redshift does not properly implement the IEEE 754 standard for floating point numbers? Does anyone have any relevant experience interoperating between systems that do and do not support subnormal numbers?


IEEE 754-2008 Decimal Floating Point. Why though?

IEEE 754-2008 added storage formats for decimal floating-point numbers, i.e. floating-point numbers with a radix of 10 instead of 2. IEEE 854 already defined operations on these kinds of numbers, but without a storage format, and it never saw adoption.
I'd be interested in knowing what use cases the standards committee might have had in mind when adopting these storage formats and associated operations into the standard. I have a hard time coming up with use cases for either.
The only source that I could find that tries to grasp at some straws is this: Intel and Floating-Point states:
Decimal arithmetic also provides a robust, reliable framework for financial applications that are often subject to legal requirements concerning rounding and precision of the results in the areas of banking, telephone billing, tax calculation, currency conversion, insurance, or accounting in general.
I mean, come on. That's definitely not the case. A financial applications can't use numbers with rounding behavior that changes depending on the size of the number. All the tax law I know (and I know some), requires that numbers are rounded to a fixed number of digits when calculating tax, regardless of the magnitude of the amounts (e.g. 2 digits for VAT and 0 digits for income tax in 🇨🇭). Supporting this is the fact that DB engines generally provide fixed-point types for decimal numbers (e.g. SQL Server's MONEY or PostgreSQL's numeric).
So my question is: Is there any industry, technology, company etc. that makes use of decimal floating-point numbers?

IEEE Floating Point Numbers: Are they not "precise"? (read: well-defined)

For a long time I thought floating point arithmetic is well-defined and different platforms making the same calculation should get the same results. (Given the same rounding modes.)
Yet Microsoft's SQL Server deems any calculation performed with floating point to have an "imprecise" result, meaning you can't have an index on it. This suggests to me that the guys at Microsoft thought there's a relevant catch regarding floating point.
So what is the catch?
EDIT: You can have indexes on floats in general, just not on computed columns. Also, geodata uses floating point types for the coordinates and those are obviously indexed, too. So it's not a problem of reliable comparison in general.
Floating-point arithmetic is well defined by the IEEE 754 standard. In the documentation you point out, Microsoft has apparently not chosen to adhere to the standard.
There are a variety of issues that makes floating-point reproducibility difficult, and you can find Stack Overflow discussions about them by searching for “[floating-point] reproducibility”. However, most of these issues are about lack of control in high-level languages (the individual floating-point operations are completely reproducible and specified by IEEE 754, and the hardware provides sufficient IEEE 754 conformance, but the high-level language specification does not adequately map language constructs to specific floating-point operations), differences in math library routines (functions such as sin and log are “hard” to compute in some sense, and vendors implement them without what is called correct rounding, so each vendor’s routines have slightly different error characteristics than others), multithreading and other issues allow operations to be performed in different orders, thus yielding different results, and so on.
In a single system such as Microsoft’s SQL Server, Microsoft presumably could have controlled these issues if they wanted to. Still, there are issues to consider. For example, a database system may have a sum function that computes the sum of many things. For speed, you may wish the sum implementation to have the flexibility to add the elements in any order, so that it can take advantage of multiprocessing or of adding the elements in whatever order they happen to be stored in. But adding floating-point data using elementary add operations of the same floating-point format has different results depending on the order of the elements. To make the sum reproducible, you have to specify the order of operation or use extra precision or other techniques, and then performance suffers.
So, not making floating-point arithmetic is a choice that is made, not a consequence of any lack of specification for floating-point arithmetic.
Another problem for database purposes is that even well defined and completely specified floating-point arithmetic has NaN values. (NaN, an abbreviation for Not a Number, represents a floating-point datum that is not a number. A NaN is produced as the result of an operation that has no mathematical result (such as the real square root of a negative number). NaNs act as placeholders so that floating-point operations can continue without interruption, and an application can complete a set of floating-point operations and then take action to replace or otherwise deal with any NaNs that arose.) Because a NaN does not represent a number, it is not equal to anything, not even itself. Comparing two NaNs for equality produces false, even if the NaNs are represented with exactly the same bits. This is a problem for databases, because NaNs cannot be used as a key for looking up records because a NaN search key will never equal a NaN in the key field of a record. Sometimes this is deal with by defining two different ordering relations—one is the usual mathematical comparison, which defines less than, equal to, and greater than for numbers (and for which all three are false for NaNs), and a second which defines a sort order and which is defined for all data, including NaNs.
It should be noted that each floating-point datum that is not a NaN represents a certain number exactly. There is no imprecision in a floating-point number. A floating-point number does not represent an interval. Floating-point operations approximate real arithmetic in that they return values approximately equal to the exact mathematical results, while floating-point numbers are exact. Elementary floating-point operations are exactly specified by IEEE 754. Lack of reproducibility arises in using different operations (including the same operations with different precisions), in using operations in different orders, or in using operations that do not conform to the IEEE 754 standard.

Is the SQL Server double precision data type an implementation of the IEEE 754 standard?

I'm trying to find the most accurate MSSQL/Oracle mapping for the Java double datatype. Java double conforms to the IEEE 754 standard and Oracle's BINARY_DOUBLE seems to be an exact match. The SQL Server documentation for the double precision data type is very succinct though, with no mention of standards conformance. Considering that it uses 8 bytes, it might be an implementation of the IEEE 754 double precision ...
The implementation in SQL Server (through SQL Server 2014 at time of writing) is IEEE 754 compliant except for lack of support for constants NaN and +/- Infinity. If all you want is to be able to store a massively large number and do not mind all the rounding and precision baggage that the double precision data type (officially declared as DOUBLE PRECISION, FLOAT(53), or just FLOAT) brings with it then you should be OK.

Why dividing a float by a power of 10 is less accurate than typing the number directly?

When I run
printf("%.8f\n", 971090899.9008999);
printf("%.8f\n", 9710908999008999.0 / 10000000.0);
I get
I know why neither is exact, but what I don't understand is why doesn't the second match the first?
I thought basic arithmetic operations (+ - * /) were always as accurate as possible...
Isn't the first number a more accurate result of the division than the second?
Judging from the numbers you're using and based on the standard IEEE 754 floating point standard, it seems the left hand side of the division is too large to be completely encompassed in the mantissa (significand) of a 64-bit double.
You've got 52 bits worth of pure integer representation before you start bleeding precision. 9710908999008999 has ~54 bits in its representation, so it does not fit properly -- thus, the truncation and approximation begins and your end numbers get all finagled.
EDIT: As was pointed out, the first number that has no mathematical operations done on it doesn't fit either. But, since you're doing extra math on the second one, you're introducing extra rounding errors not present with the first number. So you'll have to take that into consideration too!
Evaluating the expression 971090899.9008999 involves one operation, a conversion from decimal to the floating-point format.
Evaluating the expression 9710908999008999.0 / 10000000.0 involves three operations:
Converting 9710908999008999.0 from decimal to the floating-point format.
Converting 10000000.0 from decimal to the floating-point format.
Dividing the results of the above operations.
The second of those should be exact in any good C implementation, because the result is exactly representable. However, the other two add rounding errors.
C does not require implementations to convert decimal to floating-point as accurately as possible; it allows some slack. However, a good implementation does convert accurately, using extra precision if necessary. Thus, the single operation on 971090899.9008999 produces a more accurate result than the multiple operations.
Additionally, as we learn from a comment, the C implementation used by the OP converts 9710908999008999.0 to 9710908999008998. This is incorrect by the rules of IEEE-754 for the common round-to-nearest mode. The correct result is 9710908999009000. Both of these candidates are representable in IEEE-754 64-bit binary, and both are equidistant from the source value, 9710908999008999. The usual rounding mode is round-to-nearest, ties-to-even, meaning the candidate with the even low bit should be selected, which is 9710908999009000 (with significand 0x1.1400298aa8174), not 9710908999008998 (with significand 0x1.1400298aa8173). (IEEE 754 defines another round-to-nearest mode: ties-to-away, which selects the candidate with the larger magnitude, which is again 9710908999009000.)
The C standard permits some slack in conversions; either of these two candidates conforms to the C standard, but good implementations also conform to IEEE 754.

Why can't I multiply a float? [duplicate]

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Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Dealing with accuracy problems in floating-point numbers
I was quite surprised why I tried to multiply a float in C (with GCC 3.2) and that it did not do as I expected.. As a sample:
int main() {
float nb = 3.11f;
nb *= 10;
printf("%f\n", nb);
Displays: 31.099998
I am curious regarding the way floats are implemented and why it produces this unexpected behavior?
First off, you can multiply floats. The problem you have is not the multiplication itself, but the original number you've used. Multiplication can lose some precision, but here the original number you've multiplied started with lost precision.
This is actually an expected behavior. floats are implemented using binary representation which means they can't accurately represent decimal values.
See MSDN for more information.
You can also see in the description of float that it has 6-7 significant digits accuracy. In your example if you round 31.099998 to 7 significant digits you will get 31.1 so it still works as expected here.
double type would of course be more accurate, but still has rounding error due to it's binary representation while the number you wrote is decimal.
If you want complete accuracy for decimal numbers, you should use a decimal type. This type exists in languages like C#.
You can also use rational numbers representation. Using two integers which will give you complete accuracy as long as you can represent the number as a division of two integers.
This is working as expected. Computers have finite precision, because they're trying to compute floating point values from integers. This leads to floating point inaccuracies.
The Floating point wikipedia page goes into far more detail on the representation and resulting accuracy problems than I could here :)
Interesting real-world side-note: this is partly why a lot of money calculations are done using integers (cents) - don't let the computer lose money with lack of precision! I want my $0.00001!
The number 3.11 cannot be represented in binary. The closest you can get with 24 significant bits is 11.0001110000101000111101, which works out to 3.1099998950958251953125 in decimal.
If your number 3.11 is supposed to represent a monetary amount, then you need to use a decimal representation.
In the Python communities we often see people surprised at this, so there are well-tested-and-debugged FAQs and tutorial sections on the issue (of course they're phrased in terms of Python, not C, but since Python delegates float arithmetic to the underlying C and hardware anyway, all the descriptions of float's mechanics still apply).
It's not the multiplication's fault, of course -- remove the statement where you multiply nb and you'll see similar issues anyway.
From Wikipedia article:
The fact that floating-point numbers
cannot precisely represent all real
numbers, and that floating-point
operations cannot precisely represent
true arithmetic operations, leads to
many surprising situations. This is
related to the finite precision with
which computers generally represent
Floating points are not precise because they use base 2 (because it's binary: either 0 or 1) instead of base 10. And base 2 converting to base 10, as many have stated before, will cause rounding precision issues.
