Read site configuration from a Hugo partial - hugo

I want to add a map to the main page of my blog. It needs to take a few parameters. I'm struggling to figure out how to configure this properly. I got it working by hard-coding the settings but that's not ideal for sharing my solution with others.
My problem is that I implemented it as a partial: {{ partial "map.html" (where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections) }}
From my understanding I cannot access the .Site.Params variable in a partial. I've also been considering using a shortcode but that doesn't seem to be the right choice either because shortcodes can only be used in content, not in templates. I also don't want to add this into the index.html of the template directly as it is independent of the theme.
What is the correct way to achieve this?

.Site.Params == site.Params
see docs:
That should resolve immediate issue. Otherwise: Smitop's solution.
(i.e. 'site' can be accessed globally)

You can pass the current context to a partial with .:
{{ partial "header.html" . }}
You can then access the context from within the partial as you would from the caller:
This site is called {{ .Site.Title }}.
Hugo doesn't directly support passing multiple arguments to a partial. If you want to pass things in addition to the context, you can pass a dictionary with all the values:
{{ partial "header.html" (dict "Ctx" . "Percent" "84") }}
And then from within the partial:
This site is called {{ .Ctx.Site.Title }}, and is {{ .Percent }}% awesome!


How to change the homepage in hugo?

How can I have /posts as homepage?
Should I redirect, change the baseURL in hugo 1config or make changes in
the theme 2config?
You can modify the home.html file, as the index.html file is embedding it and there is nothing else in index.html
Make the changes in the above file in theme/layouts/partials/home.html these changes will take effect on the site as soon as you save the file (if you are already running $ hugo server -D)
For me, it helped to add a layouts/index.html file to my theme. Here is its content:
{{ define "main" }}
{{ $pag := .Paginate (where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections ) 6 }}
<div class="archive-body">
{{ range $pag.Pages }}
{{ .Render "li" }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "pagination" . }}
{{ end }}
"li" is a partial HTML template, which renders a single page for me.
Then I had to specify mainSections in my config.toml. Since my content is located inside content/post directory, here is the configuration.
mainSections = ["post"]
Since this is a list, you should be able to add more than one section. For example, if your content is spread let's say between content/post and content/articles and so on. I haven't tried this, though.
I know this is an old question, but the easiest way for me to set a particular markdown page as the landing page was simply to create a layouts/index.html to override my theme's, and put this in it:
<script>window.location = "/mainlist"</script>
This way, I can keep all my theme's styling, not worry about editing templates, and just focus on creating the content. As a newcomer to hugo, this worked quite well as a replacement for Pelican's save_as: index.html.

How do I make a home/landing page in markdown with Hugo?

Look, Hugo is for writing static (and blog) sites in markdown. GREAT! How do I create the home page (i.e. not the home post)?!
By home page I mean I want to have some markdown file rendered in my theme at the root:, not (I will change themes if necessary, but I'm currently using hugo-nuo).
Here's how I'm trying to do it:
add my own layouts/index.html (overriding the theme's)
{{ define "main" }}
{{ partial "header.html" . }}
<section class="main">
{{ partial "footer.html" . }}
{{ end }}
This incredibly long thread seems to discuss a bunch of issues that've been addressed, but I don't see this answer.
This answer says to use shortcodes. I'm willing to do that, but it looks like shortcodes can only be used from within content (citation needed).
You can add a into the folder content/ and access it, e.g. via {{ .Content }}.

What should I do if I do not want to use '{{ }}' in template of golang?

I have to use react and golang together for some reason.
However, every time I need to use {{ }} in react, golang's turbulence overlaps with golang's template.
Is there any way that templates in golang will not work?
This should be partial and should not work as a whole because I have to use it.
Just change the delimiters on the Go side to something else before parsing (for example you could use [[ ]] ).
See the docs:

Angularjs : Display accolades {{ }} several milliseconds before rendering

I am going to create an application with Angularjs. I have several modals (with the ng-dialog libraries) to create, modify data like an user for example.
When I open it, I can always see during several milliseconds names variables with accolades like {{}}, before it renders the real value.
It is not really beautiful and then if someone has an idea about how to manage this type of display problems, please share it.
Thank you in advance.
There are couple of ways to deal with it, you could either use ng-bind or ng-cloak directives
Check angular ngCloak directive documentation
You can use ng-bind. Here is the official documentation on it:
It is preferable to use ngBind instead of {{ expression }} if a template is momentarily displayed >by the browser in its raw state before Angular compiles it. Since ngBind is an element attribute, >it makes the bindings invisible to the user while the page is loading
Hello <span ng-bind="name"></span>!

Why is it that I see {{ ... }} before loading in AngularJS?

Do you know why is the {{ project.title }} before I see the real value of the scope.
And how to solve that ?
EDIT : <title>{{ pageTitle }}</title>
Page is loading
Page completely loaded
Your views for Angular.JS apps are just static HTML. If you remove the script tag that references Angular.JS, you'd end up with a page full of curly brackets in plain sight that never get replaced.
When your browser finished loading Angular.JS and loading your application, the expressions in those curly brackets are evaluated. That's why you see, for a brief moment, {{…}} in your page title.
As noted by others, the ng-cloak directive is usually the way to get rid of the flickering before the app is fully loaded.
But since ng-cloak is just CSS, it cannot be applied to the page title. You'll need ng-bind for that, as noted here.
<title ng-bind="pageTitle">Default Title</title>
You should be showing the code, but in general it's probably because you aren't using ng-cloak
However, in the case of the title, you need to use ng-bind=project.title instead <title>{{ project.title }}</title>
Check How to hide {{title}} in <title> tag while using AngularJS?
To prevent this, you should use ng-bind instead of {{ }} for the first screen of your app.
ng-bind is a directive that is added to an element attribute, so it is displayed only when the page is loaded.
According to the description of ngBind, we usually use {{ expression }} to replace ng-bind. But in a first-loading situation, image that you firstly load AngularJS(maybe in index.html), it'll show the original {{ }}. After that, it transits to what u need. To overcome it, you can use ngCloak or just use ng-bind in your first page.
OK, please check this ?
