Extjs. How to arrange data from left to right in the grid. Single column headings - extjs

Please tell me. How to arrange data from left to right in the grid. Single column headings.
enter image description here

The documentation for Ext.grid.header.Container states only top or bottoms are available.
If you want to archive this you have to use a layout: 'hbox' and a template pushing each item into view.


SubRow After Expanding a Parent Row in extjs41

Requirement is simple with showing a row(child Row) when user clicks on the Parent Row.
Attached image for more info
Take a look at the grid grouping feature: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.0/#!/api/Ext.grid.feature.Grouping
I guess simple tree panel with multiple columns can fit your requirements perfectly.
Check this fiddle.

Grid cells with bullet points

I am trying to implement a ExtJS based grid where users would change column data or enter empty columns. Is there a way to show/enter contents as bullet points on ExtJS grid cell like we usually do in Excel?
Thanks in advance
Check this fiddle - https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/mpl
The Idea is to use htmleditor as the column editor in your grid. However, there'll be quite a lot of work involved in positioning and styling when the html editor opens up for editing.
The fiddle that I created contains just the editor with no styling so it doesn't open good. And when you try, try editing the first column in third row data.

How to add different image with pagination in ng-grid

I have a grid that displays images as values in one of its column using following code.
field: 'TR',
displayName: 'Trigger Redundancy',
cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText" ng-class="col.colIndex()"><span ng-cell-text><img src="http://goo.gl/aFomAA"></img></span></div>'
Now I want few more alterations to my grid which I am unable to do,
Instead displaying one image as value for a column, I want five different images that should be shown on the basis of numeric value from 0-4.
I want to include bootstrap pagination to my grid.
After images are displayed, when I right click on it, it should provide me some functionality using which I could be able to change my image to some different image.
I want 1st column that should provide me a button, by clicking on it I should be able to display information of that row in some textbox below my grid.
I want to apply filtration on three of my columns such that I will provide user a textbox to search whatever he will type in that, that should be filtered from these three columns.
How can I achieve this? Possibly a working example?
I have a working demo Plunker of my grid
I have make chenges to show the images from 0 to 4 based on the data and even for the click function but i think to show some option you should avoid right click and you use left click and if you will make changes to the data source of gird it will automatically display the required value in the grid for showing different images.

Extjs look and feel

I have very simple grid which contains a lot of data - so my scroll ball is quite narrow. I edit data in cells. Left to my grid there is picture with coordinates points. I wish this behavior: when I click on coordinate point I want to go to corresponding grid row. They are related by id(id row = id point div). How can it be made?
Also when I edit grid in the middle and bind coordinates of new point to row(by using store) - the grid gets automatically reloaded after store is updated - and scroll gets to the top. How can I track last edited row in the middle of the list so I can auotmatically focus on it? Thanx in advance.
use the focusRow method (http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.3/#!/api/Ext.view.Table-method-focusRow) to scroll where you want, for example :
To disable the 'scroll to the top" effect when you reload the grid, set preserveScrollOnRefresh to true on the viewConfig of your grid (http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.3/#!/api/Ext.view.Table-cfg-preserveScrollOnRefresh).

Add row to grid panel, but with separate construction details in ExtJS

I have generated grid panel based on my results in PHP. Here is a grid panel: myGridPanel.
Now I need to create third row in grid panel and place Ext.form.ComboBox inside this third row. There should be a Ext.form.ComboBox for every column.
NB! Not one combobox, but a number of them for every column, but only in third row.
I thought about applying editor to this grid panel columns like here, but as you can see this means, that all rows will have Ext.form.ComboBox, but I need them only in third row. Third row shouldn't have any content except those Ext.form.ComboBox with their data.
I think you should add a renderer for that column (in ColumnModel) and try to give the column value (which can probably be everything) depending on which line you are rendering. E.g.:
function renderTestColumn(value, p, record, store) {
return value;
Here you can find all params passed to renderer function:
I solved the problem by adding a PropertyGrid to the layout. So now it's
Parent - layout : 'border'
| - 'center' : GridPanel
| - 'east' : PropertyGrid
Now I have same ComboBoxes in this property grid and parent is xtype : 'form'. So now sending setup data from suggestions about GridPanel which were set in PropertyGrid is not a problem.
Adding separate row to GridPanel is to difficult for me yet.
