Read and modify Arduino Nano 33 Iot Timer/Counter - timer

I'm working on a new project with my Arduino Nano 33 IoT. How can I read and modify the Arduino Timer register? I found this library that enables me to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on SAMD-based.
But I have to reset a specific timer: TC3. How can I do this? And how can I read TC3 value?


niosii processor Altera C program

I'm currently working on the Altera DE0 board with the QuartusII Web Edition software. I need to use a nios processor on Qsys to display a shifted signal from a GPIO pin on my board. The input signal would be a clock signal from an external source. The problem is that I have no idea how I can write a program in C (on the Eclipse IDE) for diplaying a delayed clock on an oscilloscope.
My Qsys design looks like that Image1 => Qsys Design and here the Eclipse IDE where I have to write my C program Image2 => Eclipse IDE
Please help me !
thank you very much in advance for the replies
start with the system.h file to know which base_address is assigned to each peripherial, then you can use pointers to directly access the GPIO or use the IORD/IOWR functions.

What is name of the timer/counter overflow interrupt in stm32

I am using timer in input capture mode in STM32 micro with keil compiler, and I want to trigger an interrupt whenever counter register of the dedicated timer overflows.
Could anyone please tell me how i can do that? what is the name of this interrupt?
Note: I am using hal functions.
Please check out the (exact) controller type you are using on the STM homepage (you can start from here:
On the product page for your controller, you'll find a useful list of PDFs under "Resources", especially
the Reference Manual (find the register descriptions in the TIM description of the timer you use)
a list of Application Notes, which are relevant for all STM32 families, especially
General-purpose timer cookbook for STM32 microcontrollers
STM32 cross-series timer overview
Looking for the correct library functions, you can use STM32CubeMX to configure the timers in a GUI and have the correct driver codes generated for you.
Good luck!

Beaglebone Black ADC sampling with libpruio

I'm doing a project on a Beaglebone Black where i need 4 ADC channels to sample at 40khz each. I have installed the libpruio library and able to sample the ADC channels.
My question is how to set up timer interrupts on the board to get that specific sampling rate. I cannot seem to find good documentation to do so.
Timer interrupts are slow. libpruio is designed to read the samples from a ring buffer. Configure sampling in RB mode and check the counter.
Find an examples and further information by googling for:
libpruio "rb_file"

LPC2148 ISP not working after flashing a hex file

I am new to ARM programming and started out with NXP's LPC2148 chip. I am using it's on chip ISP UART bootloader. The loading was working perfectly at 9600 baud with 8 bits and even parity.
Then I flashed a code made by a new project on LPCXpresso through the Flash Magic firmware at 14400 baud. After that the bootloader sequence does not work anymore. I have tried every possible baud rate with odd and even parity but it doesn't work anymore. The common problem saying "Autobaud failed" is coming up and weirdly the chip is warming up a bit when the power is on.
The worst question that is hitting my head is whether I wrecked the ISP bootloader.
PS. I have been using a 16MHz crystal. Although the code that I inserted in it was actually made for a 12MHz crystal with PLL adjusted at 5 multiple (60MHz). But the bootloader initializing sequence should bypass the normal code on chip isn't it?
Please help me

Conflict between LED driver and analog to digital conversion on Arduino

On the Arduino Nano V3, I am trying to get an LED driver (TLC5960) and two analog to digital (ADC) converters (MCP3208) to work together. The LED driver is on the same pins as this guide. The ADCs are assigned to different pins than the LED driver. I found that the LED driver conflicts with the SPI communication interface according to the comment:
Tlc.init(); //interferes with other SPI
but I'm not sure what to do about it since if this is not called, the LED driver does not work. It seems to be true, however, since if I comment out all of the LED driver related lines in my code, the ADCs work.
Also, I am using bit banging to communicate to the MCP3208.
If you look at the code, you'll see that tlc_config.h contains options relating to the communication and connection with the TLC'. Simply edit the options within that file to suit your needs.
