How to set current value of a sequence as default value? - sql-server

I know how to set a sequence as the default value:
FOR ColumnA
I also know how to get the current sequence value:
SELECT current_value
FROM sys.sequences
WHERE name = 'SeqA';
But how can I "put it together"?
Namely, set current value (not next value) of SeqA as the default value of ColumnA in TableA.
PS. This is the sequence if needed:
Thank you very much for your help!
#marc_s said it is impossible to do such a thing, and #PanagiotisKanavos had mentioned Change Tracking, but before I figure out what it does, I still like to know if such thing is possible.
Say if I have a name table
Name nvarchar(50)
This table will "never" be updated! So a user who had already acquired the table (and saved) has "no need" to get the old record anymore whatsoever.
So I want to save the last record the user had downloaded in another table:
Age int,
LastNameID int DEFAULT ??? --Don't know how to do it.
So I could let the user download the "new names only" by something like:
SELECT Name FROM NameTable LEFT JOIN UserTable ON NameTable.ID > UserTable.LastNameID WHERE UserTable.ID=19;
And a new user's LastNameID is "automatically" set to the current value of SeqA (upon downloading all names).
I know I could get it done by a stored procedure, but I still like to know if such a thing is possible, by simply setting a default value or something.
Thank you very much for your help!


SQL create new unique random ID

I'm creating a Inventory application which uses an SQL database to keep track of products.
The ProductNumber is in the format yyyy-xxxx (i.e. 8024-1234), where the first 4 digits describe a category and the last 4 digits describe the an increasing integer, together creating the productnumber.
When creating a new product, the category should first be approved by an administrator, and therefor all new products will be added as 9999-xxxx. Then later, when the product is approved in the category, it's product number will change to the correct ProductNumber.
What I need for this is when creating a new product, to generate a random number for the last 4 digits, and then check if they don't exist already in the database (together with the first 4 digits). So, when creating a new product, some SQL query should create for example 9999-0123 and then double check if this one doesn't exist already.
How could one achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
you didn't precise the SGBD you are using, but here is a potential solution using Oracle PL/SQL:
temp varchar2(10);
any_rows_found number;
row_exist boolean := true;
WHILE row_exist = true
temp := '9999-' || ceil(DBMS_RANDOM.value(low => 999, high => 9999));
select count(*) into any_rows_found from my_table where my_column = temp;
if any_rows_found = 1 then
row_exist := false;
insert into my_table values (..................., temp);
end if;
end loop;
we use DBMS_RANDOM to generate the random value , concatenate it to 9999- and then check if it exists we loop to generate another value, if it doesn't exist we insert the value.
You can generate your product number with a sequence, if you'd like an incremental number:
CREATE SEQUENCE product_number
Whenever you insert or update a new product and need a valid number just call (sequence.nextVal). Then in your product table set (year, product_number) as a primary key (or the product number itself). If you can't set the primary key as said and want to check if the item already exist with the serial number you can generate the sequence number using:
SELECT sequence.nextVal FROM DUAL;
Then check if the product with the generated number exists.
Didn't know what dialect of SQL you are using, this is Oracle SQL but it can appliead in other dialects too.
Also not sure about the target DB - but worked it out for MS-SQL.
In the first step I would not reccommend the approach of generating a random number first and then check if this one exist and potentially doing this over and over again.
Instead you could go by and get the current max productnumber and work from there on. Even with a varchar you will retrieve the max int - since your syntax is always - (c = category / p = product). In addition to that you will get your desired value straight away since the target category is "9999".
You could work with something like this:
DECLARE #newID int;
-- REPLACE to remove the hyphen so we are facing an actual integer
-- Cast to be able to calculate with the value i.E. adding 1 on top of it
-- MAX for retrieving the max value
SELECT #newID = MAX(CAST(replace(ProductNumber,'-','') as int)) + 1 from Test
-- Set the ID by default to 99990000 in case there are no values with the 9999-prefix
IF #newID < 99990000
SET #newID = 99990000
-- Push back the hyphen into the new ID given you the final new productNumber
-- 5 is the starting index
-- 0 since no chars from the original ID shall be removed
Select STUFF(#newID, 5,0,'-')
So in case you currently have a product with 9999-1423 as your product with the highest number this would return "9999-1424".
If there are no products with the prefix of "9999" you would simply get "9999-0000".
The ProductNumber is in the format yyyy-xxxx (i.e. 8024-1234), where the first 4 digits describe a category and the last 4 digits describe the an increasing integer, together creating the productnumber.
We will implement this with a calculated column with puts together the category and the product number which will be in their own individual fields.
When creating a new product, the category should first be approved by an administrator, and therefor all new products will be added as 9999-xxxx. Then later, when the product is approved in the category, it's product number will change to the correct ProductNumber.
Put simply, by default every new product is automatically assigned product category 9999
What I need for this is when creating a new product, to generate a random number for the last 4 digits, and then check if they don't exist already in the database (together with the first 4 digits). So, when creating a new product, some SQL query should create for example 9999-0123 and then double check if this one doesn't exist already.
This can be implemented as an identity. This is not random, but I assume that is not really a requirement right?
Keep in mind there are many holes in these requirements.
If your product number changes from 9999-1234 to 8024-1234 but, has already appeared on reports / documents as 9999-1234, that's a problem
This format only supports at most 1,000 products. Then your system breaks
Again, does the number really need to be random?
I won't go into the actual mechanism for approval and assignment, you'll need to ask that in another question once this one is solved.
ProductNumber is in fact not a number, it's a code, so I don't agree with that column name
On to the code.
Create a table by running this:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Products
ProductName VARCHAR(100),
ProductCategoryID INT NOT NULL DEFAULT (9999),
ProductNumber AS (FORMAT(ProductCategoryID,'0000') + '-' + FORMAT(ProductID,'0000'))
Some explanation of the columns:
ProductID will autogenerate an incrementing number, starting at 1, incrementing by 1 each time. It's guaranteed to be unique. It's also defined as the primary key
ProductCategoryID will default to 9999 if you don't specify anything for it
ProductNumber is the special value you were after calculated from two individual columns
Now create a new product and see what happens
INSERT INTO dbo.Products(ProductName)
VALUES ('Brown Shoes')
SELECT * FROM dbo.Products
You can see Product Number 9999-0001
Add some more and note that the product code increments. It is not random. Carefully consider if you actually really need this to be random.
Now set the actual product category:
UPDATE dbo.Products
SET ProductCategoryID = 7 WHERE ProductID = 1
SELECT * FROM dbo.Products
and note that the product number updates.
Important to note that the real product id is actually just ProductID. The ProductCode column is just something to satisfy your requirements.

Creating a function using PL/SQL

I have the following table:
create table movie(
movie_id integer primary key,
title varchar(500) not null,
kind varchar(30),
year integer not null
I want to create a function:
addMovie(title, kind, year)
The function must insert a new row into the movie table with a unique movie_id, and then return the movie_id.
This is the first time I'm using PL/SQL, so I'm kind of lost at the moment - couldn't find any (good) examples so far.
Your function needs to do 3 things
Generate the unique movie id
Insert into the table
Return the generated id
Let's take it one step at a time
Generate the unique movie id
The best way to do it is to use a seqeuence which will generated a id for you. Look up on sequences
Insert into the table
This is done by a straightforward insert. Since the movie id is generated by the sequence, we use sequence_name.nextval in the insert statement. Thus the insert statement looks like
INSERT INTO movie(movie_id, title, kind, year) values (movie_id_seq.nextval, title, kind, year)
Return the generated id back
You can make use of the Returning clause in a DML to return the generated id back into a variable. And then use the RETURN statement to return the value back.
So this is how your function will look like
FUNCTION addmovie(p_title,
returning id
INTO v_id;
RETURN v_id;
Note that this is a fairly basic function, with no error checking, exception handling - I'll leave it up to you.
Note that max(movie_id)+1 isn't the best way forward, for purposes of the assignment. You'll need
SELECT max(movie_id)+1 into v_id from movies;
before the insert statement.
Also, because of the DML, you can't use this function as part of a query.

T-SQL: what COLUMNS have changed after an update?

OK. I'm doing an update on a single row in a table.
All fields will be overwritten with new data except for the primary key.
However, not all values will change b/c of the update.
For example, if my table is as follows:
TABLE (id int ident, foo varchar(50), bar varchar(50))
The initial value is:
id foo bar
1 hi there
I then execute UPDATE tbl SET foo = 'hi', bar = 'something else' WHERE id = 1
What I want to know is what column has had its value changed and what was its original value and what is its new value.
In the above example, I would want to see that the column "bar" was changed from "there" to "something else".
Possible without doing a column by column comparison? Is there some elegant SQL statement like EXCEPT that will be more fine-grained than just the row?
There is no special statement you can run that will tell you exactly which columns changed, but nevertheless the query is not difficult to write:
OldFoo varchar(50),
NewFoo varchar(50),
OldBar varchar(50),
NewBar varchar(50)
SET <some_columns> = <some_values>
OUTPUT,,, INTO #Updates
WHERE <some_conditions>
FROM #Updates
WHERE OldFoo != NewFoo
OR OldBar != NewBar
If you're trying to actually do something as a result of these changes, then best to write a trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER tr_FooBars_Update
ON FooBars
INSERT FooBarChanges (OldFoo, NewFoo, OldBar, NewBar)
FROM inserted i
INNER JOIN deleted d
ON =
OR <>
(Of course you'd probably want to do more than this in a trigger, but there's an example of a very simplistic action)
You can use COLUMNS_UPDATED instead of UPDATE but I find it to be pain, and it still won't tell you which columns actually changed, just which columns were included in the UPDATE statement. So for example you can write UPDATE MyTable SET Col1 = Col1 and it will still tell you that Col1 was updated even though not one single value actually changed. When writing a trigger you need to actually test the individual before-and-after values in order to ensure you're getting real changes (if that's what you want).
P.S. You can also UNPIVOT as Rob says, but you'll still need to explicitly specify the columns in the UNPIVOT clause, it's not magic.
Try unpivotting both inserted and deleted, and then you could join, looking for where the value has changed.
You could detect this in a Trigger, or utilise CDC in SQL Server 2008.
If you create a trigger FOR AFTER UPDATE then the inserted table will contain the rows with the new values, and the deleted table will contain the corresponding rows with the old values.
Alternative option to track data changes is to write data to another (possible temporary) table and then analyse difference with using XML. Changed data is being write to audit table together with column names. Only one thing is you need to know table fields to prepare temporary table.
You can find this solution here:
part 1
part 2
If you are using SQL Server 2008, you should probably take a look at at the new Change Data Capture feature. This will do what you want.
#Calvin I was just basing on the UPDATE example. I am not saying this is the full solution. I was giving a hint that you could do this somewhere in your code ;-)
Since I already got a -1 from the above answer, let me pitch this in:
If you don't really know which Column was updated, I'd say create a trigger and use COLUMNS_UPDATED() function in the body of that trigger (See this)
I have created in my blog a Bitmask Reference for use with this COLUMNS_UPDATED(). It will make your life easier if you decide to follow this path (Trigger + Columns_Updated())
If you're not familiar with Trigger, here's my example of basic Trigger

Sql Server Column with Auto-Generated Data

I have a customer table, and my requirement is to add a new varchar column that automatically obtains a random unique value each time a new customer is created.
I thought of writing an SP that randomizes a string, then check and re-generate if the string already exists. But to integrate the SP into the customer record creation process would require transactional SQL stuff at code level, which I'd like to avoid.
Help please?
I should've emphasized, the varchar has to be 5 characters long with numeric values between 1000 and 99999, and if the number is less than 10000, pad 0 on the left.
if it has to be varchar, you can cast a uniqueidentifier to varchar.
to get a random uniqueidentifier do NewId()
here's how you cast it:
CAST(NewId() as varchar(36))
as per your comment to #Brannon:
are you saying you'll NEVER have over 99k records in the table? if so, just make your PK an identity column, seed it with 1000, and take care of "0" left padding in your business logic.
This question gives me the same feeling I get when users won't tell me what they want done, or why, they only want to tell me how to do it.
"Random" and "Unique" are conflicting requirements unless you create a serial list and then choose randomly from it, deleting the chosen value.
But what's the problem this is intended to solve?
With your edit/update, sounds like what you need is an auto-increment and some padding.
Below is an approach that uses a bogus table, then adds an IDENTITY column (assuming that you don't have one) which starts at 1000, and then which uses a Computed Column to give you some padding to make everything work out as you requested.
CREATE TABLE Customers (
CustomerName varchar(20) NOT NULL
SELECT 'Dave Winchel' UNION
SELECT 'Nancy Davolio' UNION
SELECT 'Saded Khan'
ADD CustomerId int IDENTITY(1000,1) NOT NULL
ADD SuperId AS right(replicate('0',5)+ CAST(CustomerId as varchar(5)),5)
SELECT * FROM Customers
DROP TABLE Customers
I think Michael's answer with the auto-increment should work well - your customer will get "01000" and then "01001" and then "01002" and so forth.
If you want to or have to make it more random, in this case, I'd suggest you create a table that contains all possible values, from "01000" through "99999". When you insert a new customer, use a technique (e.g. randomization) to pick one of the existing rows from that table (your pool of still available customer ID's), and use it, and remove it from the table.
Anything else will become really bad over time. Imagine you've used up 90% or 95% of your available customer ID's - trying to randomly find one of the few remaining possibility could lead to an almost endless retry of "is this one taken? Yes -> try a next one".
Does the random string data need to be a certain format? If not, why not use a uniqueidentifier?
insert into Customer ([Name], [UniqueValue]) values (#Name, NEWID())
Or use NEWID() as the default value of the column.
I agree with #rm, use a numeric value in your database, and handle the conversion to string (with padding, etc) in code.
Try this:
ALTER TABLE Customer ADD AVarcharColumn varchar(50)
CONSTRAINT DF_Customer_AVarcharColumn DEFAULT CONVERT(varchar(50), GETDATE(), 109)
It returns a date and time up to milliseconds, wich would be enough in most cases.
Do you really need an unique value?

globally unique integer based ID (sequential) for a given location

I need to create a unique ID for a given location, and the location's ID must be sequential. So its basically like a primary key, except that it is also tied to the locationID. So 3 different locations will all have ID's like 1,2,3,4,5,...,n
What is the best way to do this?
I also need a safe way of getting the nextID for a given location, I'm guessing I can just put a transaction on the stored procedure that gets the next ID?
One of the ways I've seen this done is by creating a table mapping the location to the next ID.
Location varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY,
NextID int DEFAULT(1)
Inside your stored procedure you can do an update and grab the current value while also incrementing the value:
UPDATE LocationID SET #nextID = NextID, NextID = NextID + 1 WHERE Location = #Location
The above may not be very portable and you may end up getting the incremented value instead of the current one. You can adjust the default for the column as desired.
Another thing to be cautious of is how often you'll be hitting this and if you're going to hit it from another stored procedure, or from application code. If it's from another stored procedure, then one at a time is probably fine. If you're going to hit it from application code, you might be better off grabbing a range of values and then doling them out to your application one by one and then grabbing another range. This could leave gaps in your sequence if the application goes down while it still has a half allocated block.
You'll want to wrap both the code to find the next ID and the code to save the row in the same transaction. You don't want (pseudocode):
transaction {
id = getId
... other processing
transaction {
Because another object with that id could be saved during "... other processing"
If this doesn't need to be persisted, you could always do this in your query versus storing it in the table itself.
,row_number() over (partition by locationID order by (select null)) as LocationPK
