Default Azure ADDS password policy maximum age set to 10 years - azure-active-directory

According to this document, the defaults for Azure AD user account passwords are as follows:
Account lockout duration: 30
Number of failed logon attempts allowed: 5
Reset failed logon attempts count after: 2 minutes
Maximum password age (lifetime): 90 days
The same document also details the steps to add a fine-grained policy. Checking the default policy that was created, it looks like this:
which shows that the Enforce maximum password age value is set to 36500.
Is the maximum password age actually 10 years? Or, is it just showing this value since it has not been set, and its actually 90 days, as per the Microsoft doc?

The default value of Maximum Password Age is 90 days as per Microsoft document but it is showing for you 36500 days because someone from member of the AAD DC Administrators group has created a custom password policy and it has applied to all users. That could be the reason you are seeing this as 36500 days.
Note: Password policies can only be applied to groups
Please refer the section of Create a custom password policy of the same document you were.


Microsoft Graph API to read phone number assigned to Teams user

Is there any MS Graph API to read phone number assigned to Teams user for Direct Routing?
Please go through Get a user. It returns a default set of properties businessPhones, displayName, givenName, id, mobilePhone, officeLocation etc.
Edit :
Please go through Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumber to retrieve telephone numbers from the Business Voice Directory. Similar question was asked in this Where to find the phone number assigned to a MS Teams user?

How to create a dynamic - calculated - field in Salesforce?

Every account has an agreement with my company. Once they have an agreement in place, they can start ordering products.
In the account record, I have a date field called "Agreement Approved On".
Ordered products are represented as "assets".
I want to create another field in the account record called "First Order Amount". This field should be populated dynamically, and should calculate the following:
Look for all of the account's assets created after the date field "Agreement Approved On".
Summarize the total of all assets ordered during the first order (within the same day).
Within the same day:
Let's assume the agreement was approved on January 1 2017. The
account started ordering on January 5 2017.
During January 5 2017, the account made 5 orders (8 different
assets), total is $1,000. This is the first order total - within the same
After January 5 2017, the account made more orders, but they don't
count towards "first order amount".
So my question is - how do I create this "First Order Amount" field?
You need to setup a oncreate trigger on Asset taht will update the first order total amount field on Account.
In the trigger check whether now() > agreement approve date. If yes, check if there are any other assets with dateCreated < TODAY.
These two conditions will check whether there are any existing account assets and if the date is > agreement date. If there are existing assets, it means this is not the first order.
You can then get all asset amounts and add them and write the final amount to the account field.
for trigger syntax
and for date functions and literals.

hMailServer sending limit per day

I want to set a max number of email sent a day for each mailbox on hmailserver to avoid spamming.
I am looking for an issue to do this in hmailserver administration and COM API.
I believe there's no such property in hMailServer. You must define a script on OnAcceptMessage event to implement this behaviour hMailserve doc | OnAcceptMessage.
For the number of emails sent per day you must create some kind of counter (a database table with username, date and count fields) and get the current number of messages in the body of the OnAcceptMessage function. If the count per current user and current day will be reached then reject the email with return code 1 or 2 and a meaningful message. If the count is less return 0 and the email will be sent.

Query Active Directory for all accounts with expiry date set

I'm trying to run a script in order to have a list of Users with the expiry date set, So where expiry date Doesn't equal "never" (from what i understand of AD)
I'm doing it for all disabled users with the following code
dsquery user -limit 0 -disabled
I understand there's some filters you can use with dsquery to get this?
edit: i know that i could look for all users. get the expire date attribute and filter after that. but i assume anything built into dsquery would be more efficient.
Thanks for any assistance.
Using LDIFDE.EXE yout can use :
ldifde -f c:\temp\expiry.ldf -d "OU=SomeOU,DC=Domain,DC=domainRoot" -r "(&(objectclass=user)(!(accountExpires=9223372036854775807)))" -l accountExpires
accountExpires is he date when the account expires. This value represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC). A value of 0 or 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (9223372036854775807) indicates that the account never expires.
You will find here a graphical tool that allow you to read te value.

Possibilities of AngularFire, sum of values entered by users, obtaining sum at main site with angular?

Suppose we want to develop a website. Key features:
home page (access for all) the main element on the page is the
sum of payments
registration and login page - mail address and password, account activation
the payment will be declared by the registered and logged in users through the form and a checkbox, when the checkbox is selected data should be uploaded to the server and saved if "pass verification" for example, do not exceed $ 10, each user in one day can only declare one payment
after possitive verification the sum from "number 1 above" is updated
additional features - user notification: when the last payment hasn't been made for more than six months, or if the total sum exceeds a certain level eg $ 1,000...
Is it possible that the whole solution would be based on angularfire? In particular:
the sum of payments - on main site the information about
the sum avaible for all visitors, so each time somebody visits the website
we will have to send request to Firebase to get all the records and
add the payments to finally show the sum on web site? With Angular we can do that?
Firebase enables queries/limits: e.g. last 20, but to get the whole amount you need to have knowledge of the previous value - in this case, increase in payments and visits will result in sending large amounts of data client side vs firebase - whether and how it can be optimized?
suppose that the activation of user account will require small payment
(paypal/transfer) is it possible to set account active when the
payment is done?
