How to render videos with List in react-admin? - reactjs

I have a question regarding react-admin. So I'm building this admin List which Hasura-graphQL. I am able to render Images with the ImageField component which I am using:
<ImageField label="Image" source="image" sortByOrder="DESC"/>
And which I have no problems rendering. But the issue comes when I need to render a video that comes in a URL from my graphQL schema. Something like this:
"video": "",
"id": 471
"video": null,
"id": 493
"video": "",
"id": 476
How can render videos in my react-admin list? Something where I can show the videos and I can click and reproduce?
React-admin has a way to render Images but I can see something similar for videos.
Any help would be appreciated a lot!
This is how I'm actually trying to make this work:
<TextField label="Post ID" source="id" sortByOrder="ASC" />
//I am using FileField for this, but it does not work
<FileField label="Content" source="video" rel="video" sortByOrder="ASC" />
<TextField label="Content Type" />
<UserSum source="id" />
<SimpleForm {...props} label="Flagged">
<ApproveData source="id" />
<DateField label="Posted On" source="createdAt" showTime />
<ShowButton label="Details" color="secondary" />
<EditButton label="Archive" color="secondary" />

Ok, I just figure out how to do this. Indeed react-admin does not have a way to render videos. So in this case you'll have to create your own component.
Step 1
Is to create the function:
const VideoField = (props) => {
const record = useRecordContext(props);
return <video src={`${}`} controls width="320" height="240"></video>;
In this case, you'll have to interpolate the video record inside the video tag. I added the controls and the width and height to add more view on the video
Step 2
You can add a default label into it like this:
VideoField.defaultProps = { label: 'Video' };
This is necessary since it will label your content on the top side of the list.
Step 3
Then add your function in to a component inside the datagrid and you'll be having something like this:
Add it like this on your datagrid
<TextField label="Post ID" source="id" sortByOrder="ASC" />
<VideoField source="video" />
<TextField label="Content Type" />


ReferenceManyInput in react-admin

In react-admin we have ReferenceManyField. It would be fantastic to have also a component called ReferenceManyInput, with a functionallity very similar to the ArrayInput component (add, remove buttons) but with reference to a resource.
¿Does any one know if they have intention to include it or is there any workaround to achieve this?
The use case is:
I have a form for creating/editing an entity where one of its properties is an array of other related entities. I would like to add and/or remove new elements to that array and when submitting the main entity, it creates/updates/remove the related entity and the main entity.
Maybe I am asking for too much...
Thanks in advance
You're in luck: <ReferenceManyInput> was just published as part of React-admin Enterprise Edition. It works just like ReferenceManyField:
import {
} from 'react-admin';
import { ReferenceManyInput } from '#react-admin/ra-relationships';
const ProductEdit = () => (
<Edit mutationMode="optimistic">
<TextInput source="name" />
<NumberInput source="price" />
<ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="categories" />
<ReferenceManyInput reference="variants" target="product_id">
<SimpleFormIterator inline>
<TextInput source="sku" />
<SelectInput source="size" choices={sizes} />
<SelectInput source="color" choices={colors} />
<NumberInput source="stock" defaultValue={0} />
The result looks like:
Check for details.

How can I render the contents of an array nested inside an object in React Admin's show/ArrayField component?

I'm at a loss as to how to render an array of objects that are nested inside a record with react-admin. The data I get back from the API looks like this:
"data": {
"getPromotion": {
"id": "ckfxvfrvs00033h5sz4ucoi7e",
"reference": "Monday special",
"startDate": "2020-10-06T11:20:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2020-10-13T11:20:00.000Z",
"promotionItems": {
"items": [{
"id": "ckfxxrcyg00073h5v33a27pb8",
"productId": "4286857122685",
"promotionId": "ckfxvfrvs00033h5sz4ucoi7e",
"retailerId": "ckfxvcmjf00013h5sgi4x56rp",
"discountPrice": 0.5,
"startDate": "2020-10-06T11:20:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2020-10-13T11:20:00.000Z",
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T12:25:10.072Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-10-06T12:25:10.072Z",
"owner": ""
"nextToken": null
"createdAt": "2020-10-06T11:20:15.749Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-10-06T11:20:15.749Z",
"owner": ""
My main Show component looks like this:
export const PromotionShow = (props) => {
return (
<Show {...props}>
<TextField source="reference" label="Promotion Code" />
<DateField source="startDate" />
<DateField source="endDate" />
<PromotionItemsGrid />
The TextField and DateFields render fine, but the PromotionItemsGrid component just shows a blank grid with no records.
The PromotionItemsGrid component looks like this:
const PromotionItemsGrid = (props) => {
console.log("props from the show component", JSON.stringify(props));
return (
<List {...props}>
<ArrayField source="props.record.promotionItems.items">
<TextField source="id" />
<TextField source="productId" />
<TextField source="retailerId" />
<TextField source="discountPrice" />
The output of the console.log indicates the component is getting all the data it needs, I just can't figure out how to pass the array to the ArrayField for the Datagrid to render.
I've tried every combination of props.record.promotionItems.items I can think of in the "source" prop of the ArrayField component, but all I ever get is a blank datagrid with no rows (but the columns specified are there). I'm reasonably confident it's a silly thing I'm missing, but I can't for the life of me work it out.
Any help gratefully received!
For anyone who finds this, I figured it out. I merged the two components
export const PromotionShow = (props) => {
return (
<Show {...props}>
<TextField source="reference" />
<DateField source="startDate" />
<DateField source="endDate" />
<ArrayField source="promotionItems.items" label="Items in Promotion">
<ReferenceField source="productId" label="UPC" reference="products">
<TextField source="id" />
label="Product Name"
<TextField source="name" />
<ReferenceField source="retailerId" reference="retailers">
<TextField source="name" />
<DateField source="startDate" />
<DateField source="endDate" />

I want to see the detail of the purchase React Admin

I have a shopping list but I want to see the detail in the same list. With what element can I make the touch of the arrow to show me the detail.
<List {...props} >
<Datagrid rowClick="edit" expand={<ItemsProductos />}>
<TextField source="id" />
<TextField source="numero" label="Numero Comprobante" />
<DateField source="fecha" />
React-admin will pass the current record to the component used as expand prop, so you can write your <ItemProductos> component as follows:
const ItemProductos == ({ record }) => (
This is documented in the react-admin documentation:

React-Admin: Clicking MenuItemLink for 2nd time clears form inputs

I have a react-admin based site working nicely.
Though i have an issue with the sidebar menu. If i click one of the items twice it clears all the form inputs. This is a link to an edit form of the resource item (in this case the current user profile):
<MenuItemLink to={"/users/" +} primaryText="Profile" leftIcon={createElement(UserIcon)} onClick={onMenuTap}/>
with resource that looks like:
<Resource name="users" list={UserList} edit={UserEdit} create={UserCreate} icon={UserIcon} />
where UserEdit is
export const UserEdit = (props) => {
<Edit title={<UserEmail />} actions={<UserEditActions />} {...props}>
<SimpleForm validate={validateUserSave}>
<DisabledInput source="email"/>
<TextInput label="First Name" source="firstName" />
<TextInput label="Last Name" source="lastName" />
on first click all the inputs are populated from my REST api, but on 2nd tap (menu item selected) - all the form values are cleared...
Any ideas?
It is indeed a bug, I opened an issue on React Admin:
[#2291] Double-click on a Icon from the Menu reset the edition form
[#2322] Fix resetform when navigating to same page
A fix will be published with react-admin#2.3.2!
Thanks for reporting the issue.

Nesting form in admin-on-rest not working

I am new using admin-on-rest framework, I need to make nested form working.
I have two models show and can have multiple songs. I have show edit form it will work as expected.
I need to add a song form inside show edit form, so I can add multiple songs for each show.
I tried all ways but i am not able to get it done.
This is my code:
<Edit title="Edit Show" {...this.props}>
<TextInput source="name" style={{ display: 'inline-block' }} />
//here need to add song add form without reloading page
//this is songs grid
<ReferenceManyField reference="songs" target="show_id" label="Set List" perPage={5} >
<TextField source="song_name" />
<EditButton />
<DeleteButton />
//Here need to add song form, so i can add songs
How can I achieve this?
Not sure if that answers your question.. if songs pre-exist then you just need to do that:
<Edit title="Edit Show" {...this.props}>
<TextInput source="name" style={{ display: 'inline-block' }} />
<ReferenceArrayInput label="Songs" source="songs_property_on_show" reference="songs" allowEmpty>
<SelectArrayInput optionText="song_name" translate={false}/>
if you want to create them on the fly while you are creating the show or in other words have a form inside the other this needs to be done in a custom way (using redux-form) as commented under my question: how to create an entity inside another in the same form using admin-on-rest?
