Stuck at summing two arrays using MMX instructions using NASM - arrays

I was given the following task:
Given two arrays with 16 elements: NIZA RESW 16 and NIZB RESW 16
store in the third array (NIZC RESW 16) the following values: NIZC[i]=NIZA[i]+NIZB[i] using MMX instructions and compiling it with NASM
This is what I got so far:
%include ""
%include ""
segment .data
unos1 db "Array A: ", 0
unos2 db "Array B: ", 0
ispisC db "Array C : ", 0
segment .bss
segment .text
global start
call init_console
mov esi,0
mov ecx, 16
mov eax, unos1
call print_string
call print_nl
call read_int
mov [NIZA+esi], eax
add esi, 2
loop unos_a
mov esi,0
mov ecx, 16
mov eax, unos2
call print_string
call print_nl
call read_int
mov [NIZB+esi], eax
add esi, 2
loop unos_b
movq mm0, qword [NIZA]
movq mm1, qword [NIZB]
paddq mm0, mm1
movq qword [NIZC], mm0
mov esi,NIZC
mov ecx,16
mov eax, ispisC
call print_string
call print_nl
mov ax, [esi]
movsx eax, ax
call print_int
call print_nl
add esi, 2
loop ispis_c
APICALL ExitProcess, 0
After compiling the given array, and testing it with the following two arrays, the third array only stores 4 elements out of 16. (given in the following picture)
Does anybody know why it only stores 4 elements out of 16? Any help is appreciated.
If you have any question for the functions print_string print_int print_nl are functions for printing out a string, new line and a integer by pushing it in the EAX register, and also note this is a 32-bit program.

Does anybody know why it only stores 4 elements out of 16?
Because you let your MMX instructions only operate on the first 4 array elements. You need a loop to process all 16 array elements.
Your task description doesn't say it, but I see you sign-extend the values from NIZC before printing, so you seem expecting signed results. I also see that you use PADDQ to operate on 4 word-sized inputs. This will then not always give correct results! eg. If NIZA[0]=-1 and NIZB[0]=5, then you will get NIZC[0]=4 but there will have happened a carry from the first word into the second word, leaving NIZC[1] wrong. This will not happen if you use the right version of the packed addition: PADDW.
You got lucky with the size errors on mov [NIZA+esi], eax and mov [NIZB+esi], eax. Because NIZA and NIZB follow each other in memory in the same order that you assign to them, no harm was done. If NIZB would have been placed before NIZA, then assigning NIZB[15] would have corrupted NIZA[0].
Below is a partial rewrite where I used an input subroutine in order to not have to repeat myself.
mov eax, unos1
mov ebx, NIZA
call MyInput
mov eax, unos2
mov ebx, NIZB
call MyInput
xor esi, esi
movq mm0, qword [NIZA + esi]
paddw mm0, qword [NIZB + esi]
movq qword [NIZC + esi], mm0
add esi, 8
cmp esi, 32
jb more
emms ; (*)
call print_string
call print_nl
xor esi, esi
call read_int ; -> EAX
mov [ebx + esi], ax
add esi, 2
cmp esi, 32 ; Repeat 16 times
jb .more
(*) For info about emms (Empty MMX State) see
Tip: You can write mov ax, [esi] movsx eax, ax in one instruction: movsx eax, word [esi].


Print array in Asembly x86

I have elements loaded in stack and I need to move them to array. My code looks like this:
%include ""
segment .data
array db 100 dup(0)
length db 0
segment .text
global _asm_main
extern getchar
enter 0, 0
call getchar
mov ebx,10
sub eax, '0'
mul ebx
mov ebx, eax
call getchar
sub eax, '0'
add eax, ebx
push eax
inc BYTE[length]
call getchar
cmp eax, 10
je fill_array
cmp eax, 13
je fill_array
cmp eax, 32
je skip_spaces
jmp char_loop
call getchar
cmp eax, 32
je skip_spaces
jmp char_loop
mov ecx, [length]
mov ebx, array
pop eax
mov [ebx], eax ; should be al instead of eax
inc ebx
call print_int
call print_nl
loop l1
mov ecx, [length]
mov ebx, array
mov eax, [ebx] ; should be al instead of eax
call print_int
call print_nl
inc ebx
loop l2
call print_nl
mov eax, 0
print_int in asm_io.asm is
enter 0,0
push eax
push dword int_format
call _printf
pop ecx
pop ecx
Where int_format is int_format db "%i",0
Length and values in stack are correct, I had them printed but when I try to print array only last value is correct. Other values are random numbers. I tried combinations of registers of different sizes but it did not work. I think that error has to do something with size of registers or size of array.
Answer here:
As #xiver77 said in comments I was writing into array 4 bytes instead 1 byte. One element in array has 1 byte and I tried to write 4 bytes. That creates overflow of bites and change other elements in array. Instead mov [ebx], eax should be mov [ebx], al and mov eax, [ebx] for printing should be mov al [ebx].

Assembly How should I increment the array if I want to switch values?

This is being compiled on Visual Studios 2015 with Kip Irvine.
The code is supposed to switch the 1st element with the 2nd element and the 3rd element with the 4th element and so on. It switches the values forward instead of just switching the two values. I added the index register with 2 to skip the 2nd element since it should not be switched. Is there something I am missing? Am I supposed to increment the array index differently or am I putting the wrong values in the wrong registers? Thanks in advance! Please don't just give me the answer.
The output is
Dump of offset 00AD6880
00020000 00050000 00090000 0000000A 0000000C
dwarray dword 0,2,5,9,10,12
main proc
mov ebx, OFFSET dwarray
mov ecx, LENGTHOF dwarray
L1: cmp ebx, ecx
mov eax, [ebx]
mov edx, [ebx+1]
mov [ebx+1], eax
mov [ebx], edx
add ebx, 2
loop L1
; The four instructions below are fixed, the only variable is the name of the array
mov esi,OFFSET dwarray
mov ecx,LENGTHOF dwarray
mov ebx,TYPE dwarray
call DumpMem
call WaitMsg
main ENDP
END main
Your array elements are dword, double word, that means 4 bytes. So, in order to point to the elements you need to increase your pointer by 4 :
dwarray dword 0,2,5,9,10,12
main proc
mov ebx, OFFSET dwarray
L1: ;cmp ebx, ecx ◄■■■ UNNECESSARY?
mov eax, [ebx]
mov edx, [ebx+4] ◄■■■ THE NEXT ELEMENT IS 4 BYTES AWAY.
mov [ebx+4], eax ◄■■■ AGAIN, THE NEXT ELEMENT IS 4 BYTES.
mov [ebx], edx
loop L1

How to move and display array values from one to another in Assembly Language?

I am trying to move the values in Array1 to Array2, and then display them. I have been working on this and could not figure it out at all. Would anyone please help me? Thanks
Array1 DWord 2,4,6,8,10
Array2 DWord 5 Dup(0)
main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET Array1
mov esi, OFFSET Array2
mov ecx, LENGTHOF Array1
mov eax, 0
Call Dumpregs
Call Dumpregs
mWrite "Hello"
Loop L1
Call Dumpregs
mov eax, [edx]
mov [esi], eax
add esi, 4
add edx, 4
Loop L2
main ENDP
END main
Your L2 loop cannot produce the desired result since the preceding code wiped ECX clean (You used loop L1). To copy the array you need to re-initialize ECX. Also it's best to setup the pointers EDX and ESI close to this L2 loop because perhaps there is a risk of them being modified by all those preceding (macro)calls!
mov edx, OFFSET Array1
mov esi, OFFSET Array2
mov ecx,5
mov eax,[edx]
mov [esi],eax
add esi, 4
add edx, 4
loop L2

I am dealing with a possible array in assembly, but I cannot figure out what the starter value is

Size contains the number 86.
var_10= dword ptr -10h
var_C= dword ptr -0Ch
size= dword ptr 8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 28h
mov eax, [ebp+size]
mov [esp], eax ; size
call _malloc
mov ds:x, eax
mov [ebp+var_C], 0
jmp short loc_804889E
loc_804889E: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mov eax, [ebp+size]
sub eax, 1
cmp eax, [ebp+var_C]
jg short loc_8048887
loc_8048887: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mov edx, ds:x
mov eax, [ebp+var_C]
add edx, eax
mov eax, [ebp+var_C]
add eax, 16h
mov [edx], al
add [ebp+var_C], 1
I am having difficulties reversing this portion of a project I am working on. There's a portion of the code where ds:x is moved into edx and is added with var_c and I am unsure where to go with that.
To me the program looks like it calls malloc and then moves that into ds:x and then moves 0 to var_c.
After that it simply subtracts 1 from the size of my pointer array and compares that number to 0, then jumps to a portion where it adds ds:x into edx so it can add eax to edx.
Am I dealing with some sort of array here? What is the first value that's going to go into edx in loc_8048887? Another way this could help would be to see a C equivalent of it... But that would be what I am trying to accomplish and would rather learn the solution through a different means.
Thank you!
In x86 assembly there's no strict distinction between a variable stored in memory and an array in memory. It only depends on how you access the memory region. All you have is code and data. Anyway, I'd say that ds:x is an array as because of this code here:
mov edx, ds:x ; edx = [x]
mov eax, [ebp+var_C] ; eax = something
add edx, eax ; edx = [x] + something
mov eax, [ebp+var_C] ; eax = something
add eax, 16h ; eax = something + 0x16
mov [edx], al ; [[x] + something ] = al . Yes, ds:x is an array!
What is the value of edx in loc_8048887? To find it out you only need some very basic debugging skills. I assume you have gdb at hand, if not, get it ASAP. Then compile the code with debug symbols and link it, then run gdb with the executable, set a code breakpoint at loc_8048887, run the program with r, and finally check the value of edx.
These are the commands you need:
gdb myexecutable
(gdb) b loc_8048887
(gdb) r
(gdb) info registers edx

x86 NASM Assembly - Problems with Input

I am working to take input from a user twice, and compare the input. If they are the same, the program exits. If not, it reprints the input from the first time, and waits for the user to type something. If it is the same, the same thing as before occurs. If not, the same thing as before occurs.
Input and looping is not the problem. The main problem is the result I am getting from the program. My following is what I am doing codewise:
%include ""
section .data
greet: db 'Hello!', 0Ah, 'Please enter a word or character:', 0Ah
greetL: equ $-greet ;length of string
inform: db 'I will now repeat this until you type it back to me.', 0Ah
informL: equ $-inform
finish: db 'Good bye!', 0Ah
finishL: equ $-finish
newline: db 0Ah
newlineL: equ $-newline
section .bss
input: resb 40 ;first input buffer
check: resb 40 ;second input buffer
section .text
global _start
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, greet
mov edx, greetL %include ""
section .data
greet: db 'Hello!', 0Ah, 'Please enter a word or character:', 0Ah
greetL: equ $-greet ;length of string
inform: db 'I will now repeat this until you type it back to me.', 0Ah
informL: equ $-inform
finish: db 'Good bye!', 0Ah
finishL: equ $-finish
newline: db 0Ah
newlineL: db $-newline
section .bss
input: resb 40 ;first input buffer
check: resb 40 ;second input buffer
section .text
global _start
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, greet
mov edx, greetL
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, input
mov edx, 40
sub eax, 1 ;remove the newline
push eax ;store length for later
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, inform
mov edx, informL
pop edx ;pop length into edx
mov ecx, edx ;copy into ecx
push ecx ;store ecx again (needed multiple times)
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, input
mov eax, 4 ;print newline
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, newline
mov edx, newlineL
mov eax, 3 ;get the user's word
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, check
mov edx, 40
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, check
mov ecx, input
cmp ebx, ecx ;see if input was the same as before
jne loop ;if not the same go to input again
je done ;else go to the end
pop edx
mov ecx, edx
push ecx
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, check
sys.write ;repeat the word
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, newline
mov edx, newlineL
mov eax, 3 ;replace new input with old
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, check
mov edx, 40
jmp checker
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, input
mov edx, 40
My result is now: EDITED
Please enter a word or character:
I will now repeat this until you type it back to me.
(I input) Magerko
(I get) M
(I input)Nick
(I get)
(I input)Nick
(I get)
And this continues. My checks do not work as intended in the code above, and I eventually don't even get the program to print anything but a newline. Is there a reason for this?
Apart from what #Joshua is pointing out, you're not comparing your strings correctly.
mov ebx, check ; Moves the *address* of check into ebx
mov ecx, input ; Similarly for input
cmp ebx, ecx ; Checks if the addresses are the same (they never are)
Firstly, when you have e.g. label dd 1234 in your data segment mov eax, label will move the address of label to eax while mov eax, [label] will move the contents stored at label (in this case 1234) into eax.
Note that in the above example I deliberately used a 32-bit variable so that it would fit neatly into eax. If you're using byte sized variables (like ascii characters) e.g. mybyte db 0xfe you'll either have to use byte sized register (al, ah, dh etc.) or use the move with zero/sign extend opcodes: movzx eax, byte [mybyte] will set eax to 254, while movsx eax, byte [mybyte] will set eax to -2 (0xfffffffe).
You also need to do a character by character comparison of the strings. Assuming you save the read string length (you really should be checking for negative return values - meaning errors) in input_len and check_len it could look something like:
mov eax, [input_len]
cmp eax, [check_len]
jne loop ; Strings of different length, do loop again
mov ebx, check
mov ecx, input
mov dl, [ebx] ; Read a character from check
cmp dl, [ecx] ; Equal to the character from input?
jne loop ; Nope, jump to `loop`
inc ebx ; Move ebx to point at next character in check
inc ecx ; and ecx to next character in input
dec eax ; one less character to check
jnz .checkloop ; done?
; the strings are equal if we reach this point in the code
jmp done
If you're interested in another way of doing this in fewer instructions look up rep cmpsb.
There are a few other problems in the code immediately following your checker code. The pop edx instruction (and the code following, down to the loop label) will not be execute as you're always jumping either to loop or done.
jne loop ;if not the same go to input again
je done ;else go to the end
pop edx ; Will never be reached!
The reason you're getting funny characters is from newlineL: db $-newline This should be equ instead of db or you should replace mov edx, newlineL with movzx edx, byte [newlineL]. Since newlineL unlike the other *L names refers to a variable and not a constant equ mov edx, newlineL will use the address of the newlineL variable as the number of bytes to write, when you wanted it to be 1.
You are assuming returns the entire line. It is not required to do so. It may return after only one character, or even possibly after part of the second line.
You know, this kind of thing kind of ticks me off. This looks like a homework problem in writing in assembly, but the problem is not with the assembly, but with the assumptions in how the system calls work.
I really wish the instructors would provide an fgets library function for stuff like this.
Anyway, the stupid way to fix it is to read one byte at a time, looking for LF (byte 10) to end the loop.
