Flutter: build_runner build command runs indefinitely - database

i have an old Flutter project. In it i have this error part 'Target of URI hasn't been generated: 'MoorDatabase.g.dart'.Try running the generator that will generate the file referenced by the URI.. So i used this command flutter pub run build_runner build. But it shows me this error Bad state: Unexpected diagnostics: C:\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\lib\internal\internal.dart:691:16 - This requires the 'non-nullable' language feature to be enabled.[SEVERE] floor_generator:floor_generator on test/bloc/report_bloc_test.dart:. How can i fix it?
What have i already done:
i used flutter pub upgrade command and it upgraded some of the dependencies. 88 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints. I tried to update all the dependencies manually, but most of them were incompatible with each other
tried to sync project in Android Studio and restart dart analytics
cleared cache and re-downloaded dependencies

Error was fixed by changing sdk version and manually updating all the dependencies, with fixing compatibility issues


How to compile the latest CN1 sources which require javax.media, org.cef etc?

I just downloaded the latest version of the CN1 sources to use for building locally.
However, I don't have all the javax.media.* and org.cef.* that are required to build the JavsSE port.
Any quick tips on how to get everything to successfully build?
Since I couldn't build with the sources, I also tried copying the jars over from a just created CN1 project, but using those I get this error message:
/Users/me/NetBeansProjects/CodenameOne/Ports/JavaSE/src/com/codename1/impl/javase/JavaJMFSEPort.java:41: error: class, interface, or enum expected
import javax.media.Time;i
I'm no Java expert so I'm probably missing something obvious.
We added new jars to the binaries repository: https://github.com/codenameone/cn1-binaries/
These should include both, see this commit: https://github.com/codenameone/cn1-binaries/commit/6aa7e9d76b3653598e12396d7defc50d624a4e63

visual studio settings for typescript intellisense and TS2307 (TS) Cannot find module Miscellaneous

The command npm run build successfully build the package and the app runs in browser just fine.
But the VS2019 keeps complaining with
Error TS2307 (TS) Cannot find module '...'. Miscellaneous.
Is there a setting in the IDE where some things should be changed to make the the VS as happy as the npm?
Restart of the IDE resolved one line but not the other
The answer is yes. There are settings in the project that might make the experience somewhat inconsistent.
VS uses project file (.csproj) and IDE default settings to configure typescript intellisence when the tsconfig.json file is not part of the project. The npm run build command (or similar CLI approach) on the other hand uses the tsconfig.json all the time. This may lead to mixed experience. Indeed VS will show false hints and errors if particular settings differ in .csproj and in tsconfig.json.
Make sure tsconfig.json relates to the build process as Content (rather than None) yet never copied to the output directory. This way you force the IDE to detect your settings and use them.

AngularJS throws Error: [ng:cpws] Can't copy! Making copies

I installed a project from work on my personal computer and only on my machine I get this runtime error. I personally think it has to do with the way the code is compiled.
My question is why the error appears on my machine only?
Error: [ng:cpws] Can't copy! Making copies of Window or Scope instances is not supported.
First thing I checked to see if the node and npm versions are the same and they are:
node: v8.11.3
npm: 5.6.0
OS: Windows 10
The piece of code that generates this error is using $scope.$watch(object, callback, true). After looking on the angular documentation I deleted the third parameter which seemed to be the trouble maker. After that, I encountered other problems so I asked myself why on my machine (which from an environment perspective is the same) the error appears and I stopped modifying the code and start looking on the building part.
I don't know if this will help you but the page that generates the error contains a form build using angular-formly.
Also, we are using laravel mix to compile the code.
I just updated the node and npm version. At first, I had some issues with the node-sass package but I solved it.
I still have the errors. :(
node: v11.10.0
npm: 6.8.0
Try to recheck if the correct version of angularjs is loaded for you. Many boilerplates declare the angular dependency using something like:
"angular": "^1.6.7",
When npm sees this it will load the latest MINOR version if the library is not in node_modules directory. If it is in the node_modules directory and it is greater or equal to 1.6 it will leave it as is. Having a package-lock file might save you from this issue if you actually commit it in the version control system that you use.
This is problematic because loading the 1.7 version might bring in backward incompatible changes (angularjs does not respect semver).

Umbraco Package (ImageProcessor) Crashing site

So I tried to install a package called 'Image Processor' to our Umbraco build which I later found was incompatible. How do I manually remove this package from the build? I've tried removing all mention of 'ImageProcessor' from the Web.config, packages.config etc still no cigar.
This is the error we're getting.
Check in the /bin/ folder for the Image Processor DLL file. If this file is present, I believe that the application is trying to load it. However, this file requires something from Umbraco.Core which isn't there, so it crashes.
If you find the DLL, try deleting it and reloading the application.
Also, I assume you installed this package through Umbraco. In the future I would recommend using NuGet to install packages, as it allows you to add, update and remove packages without running the application (so if you were to get an error like this again, you would be able to easily uninstall the package).

Angular 1.x duplicate identifier on TFS build

I have an Angular 1.4 application written using Typescript, making use of various typings e.g. angular-ui-bootstrap, angular-block-ui.
This application builds on my local machine.
However, when using a TFS build controller I receive numerous errors with messages along the lines of "Duplciate identifier 'angular'".
Now obviously each typings file will declare a namespace e.g. "angular.sanitize". The error will occur if the angular namespace has already been declared in another typings file.
I do not really understand why the errors do not occur on my development machine but do on the build server. I am using TFS 2010 for source control.
I have figured this out.
The build server had a different version of Typescript installed. Once I made this the same as my development machine all issues went away and my build worked.
