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Chaining multiple greater than/less than operators
(6 answers)
if(x==y==z) works, if(x!=y!=z) does not
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Anyone can enlighten me on why -5<-2<-1 returns 0 in C when I would expect it to return 1(True)?
printf("%d", -5<-2<-1);
This expression
is equivalent to
( -5<-2 ) < -1
because the operator < evaluates left to right.
As -5 is less than -2 then the value of the sub-exoression
( -5 < -2 )
is integer value 1. So you have
1 < -1
and the result of this expression is 0 that is logical false.
From the C Standard (6.5.8 Relational operators)
6 Each of the operators < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than
or equal to), and >= (greater than or equal to) shall yield 1 if the
specified relation is true and 0 if it is false. The result has type
It seems you mean - 5 < -2 && -2 < -1
This question already has answers here:
Chaining multiple greater than/less than operators
(6 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I would like to know how i is evaluated in this code in C language ?
int x = 10, y = 20, z = 5, i;
i = x < y < z;
The result of a relational operator is either integer 1 if the condition is true or 0 otherwise. And relational operators evaluates from left to right.
So this statement
i = x < y < z;
is equivalent to
i = ( x < y ) < z;
and as x is less than y then it can be also rewritten like
i = 1 < z;
that initialize the variable i by 1 because 1 is less than 5.
From the C Standard (6.5.8 Relational operators)
6 Each of the operators < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than
or equal to), and >= (greater than or equal to) shall yield 1 if the
specified relation is true and 0 if it is false.107) The result has
type int.
If you will rewrite the statement like
i = x < y && y < z;
then the result of the expression will be equal to 0 because y is not less than z.
This question already has answers here:
How || and && works [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am having trouble understanding why the following code:
0 || -1
Evaluates to 1? More specifically, I am confused as to what the || and && operators mean when applied to integers.
Every expression value != 0 evaluates to 1, if value is not equal to zero. (see comment from #MiCo and #M.M.)
|| is an or operation with two operands. If the left or the right operand is not zero the or operation evaluates to 1.
Since -1 is not 0 it evaluates to 1,
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Comparing a variable to a range of values
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
why does the following if-statement return 1 (true)?
int main() {
short a = 1;
short b = 5;
short c = 4;
if (a<b<c)
printf("true \n");
printf("false \n");
return 0;
It is obviously not the same as
if(a<b && b<c)
because this returns false.
Thank you
The relational operators (<, <=, >, >=) are read from left to right (and have the same precedence) as you can see here: Operator precedence. Therefore
a < b
is evaluated first. The result of this evaluation (true or false then) will take part in the next evaluation
(1 or 0) < c
Essentially your code is the same as
if ((a<b)<c)
The < operator has left-to-right associativity. So your expression is parsed as follows:
So a<b is first evaluated. Since a is less that b it evaluates to true, i.e. 1. So now you have:
Since c is 4 this is also true, so the final result is 1.
The a<b statement is equal to true or 1. so we can say a<b or 1 is less than c.
printf(a<b); // result is 1
printf(1 < c) // result is true because 1 is less than 4
So this statement (a<b<c) is true
try online
This question already has answers here:
Evaluation of C expression
(8 answers)
Why isn't "k" incremented in the statement "m = ++i && ++j || ++k" when "++i&&++j" evaluates to true? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
can some one draw the precedence tree for the expression and please explain the side effects..values after the expression evaluation in C.
int i=-3, j=2, k=0, m;
m= ++i || ++j&&++k;
according to me output should be -2 3 1 1 but my gnu c compiler printing is -2 2 0 1?
i want to know how?
Because j won't be evaluated due to short circuit evaluation:
m= ++i || ++j && ++k;
At this stage, m is already evaluated to 1 regardless of the right side of the ||. Why?
Because 1 || anything is 1.
The && and || operators in C short-circuit. This means that if the value of their left hand side is enough to determine the overall value, the right hand side is never evaluated.
Your expression is parsed as (++i) || ((++j)&&(++k)). || short circuits, so after ++i has been evaluated, and its value has been found to be -2 (a true value), no more of the expression is evaluated.
This question already has answers here:
Is short-circuiting logical operators mandated? And evaluation order?
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a question concerning pre and post increments with logical operators
if I have this code
void main()
{int i = - 3 , j = 2 , k = 0 , m ;
printf("%d %d %d %d",i,j,k,m);}
knowing that the increment and the decrement operators have higher precedence than && and ||
So they'll be executed first Then the && is higher than
means -2||3&&1 which gives the values -2 3 1 1 for the printf
but the output I get when trying on VS2010 is -2 2 0 1
Does anyone have any explanation for that ?
This is what you get from short circuiting. ++i is -2, and the rest doesn't have to be evaluated (and isn't according to the standard). The left side of || is true because -2 is not 0, so the whole expression is true.