OnMouseOut Fails to fire React - reactjs

<div data-layer="02537886-ed86-42d3-8636-2eb14be0f1d6" className="hiThereImEthanaspiringDeveloperAndStudentInSherwoodOregonFluentInC"><span className="hiThereImEthanaspiringDeveloperAndStudentInSherwoodOregonFluentInC-0">Hi there, I'm Ethan.<br /></span><span className="hiThereImEthanaspiringDeveloperAndStudentInSherwoodOregonFluentInC-21">Aspiring developer and student in Sherwood, Oregon. Fluent in C# and C++. Check out my latest classwork and projects.</span></div>
<div data-layer="7ada00ae-6dad-4f77-ade5-bf2f75c0d775" className="navbar">
<div data-layer="59cc0bc3-2bf9-4f79-be78-a1ca20e7795e" className="rectangle2"></div>
<div data-layer="09a61ec3-8712-441c-904c-fc3bbb3b6909" className="component34">
<div data-layer="4318e043-754b-448e-b68b-4ab40f134b0f" className="contact" onMouseOver={this.changeBackground} onMouseOut={this.resetBackround}>Contact</div>
<Link data-layer="3deeca70-3656-43d9-be1d-40e60e8c9302" className="classwork3bfce124" to='/Classwork'>
<div data-layer="4eddfb21-ca6f-44bd-9651-ca6034965f18" className="classwork" onMouseOver={this.changeBackground} onMouseOut={this.resetBackround}>Classwork</div>
<Link data-layer="a905b090-38a3-40ae-9b94-39cabb23994b" className="homeLink" to='/'>
<div data-layer="3959a03d-437c-4201-b91d-ca43e4d547b5" className="home" onMouseOver={this.changeBackground} onMouseOut={this.resetBackround}>Home</div>
Here is some code from a client's website that will not reset the text color after the mouse leaves the text!
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
changeBackground(e) {
e.target.style.color = 'red';
resetBackground(e) {
e.target.style.color = 'white';
handleClick(target) {
if (this.props.onClick) {
let name;
let id;
let index = -1;
if (target.search("::") > -1) {
const varCount = target.split("::").length;
if (varCount === 2) {
name = target.split("::")[0];
id = target.split("::")[1];
} else if (varCount === 3) {
name = target.split("::")[0];
index = parseInt(target.split("::")[1]);
id = target.split("::")[2];
} else {
name = target;
this.props.onClick({ type: 'button', name: name, index: index, id: id });
This image shows how it turns red when the mouse is over it but won't return to white after the mouse leaves. I am trying to make this website have some fancier hover animations. If there is a easier way to make a transition fade in and out then tell me! I just had read this was the easiest way. :( I don't know about that one!


Dynamically add component with data to azure map Angular 7

I am using Azure Maps and am trying to create a reusable library around their maps web sdk. I want to provide a way for a user to pass in their own popup, along with an array strongly typed objects, to add markers to the page. I have the map and the markers working, but am stuck on how to pass data to the popup. Currently I have:
<div class="map-wrapper">
<div id="az-map"></div>
<ng-template #defaultMarker>
<img alt="" src="https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/api-3/images/spotlight-poi2.png" />
<ng-template #defaultPopup>
<div style="display:none">
<div id="marker" #marker>
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="markerTemplate ? markerTemplate : defaultMarkerTemplate"></ng-container>
<div id="popup" #popup>
<ng-content select="[popupTemplate]"></ng-content>
selector: 'az-map',
templateUrl: './azure-map.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./azure-map.component.scss']
export class AzureMapComponent implements OnInit {
#Input() locations: Location[];
#Input() mapConfig: AzureMapConfig;
#Input() markerTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
#ViewChild('defaultMarker') defaultMarkerTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
#ViewChild("popup") popupElement: ElementRef;
#ViewChild("marker") marker: ElementRef;
/* These are the map components we can interact with */
public map: any;
public popup: atlas.Popup;
public symbolLayer: atlas.layer.SymbolLayer;
private dataSource: atlas.source.DataSource;
constructor(private configService: ConfigurationService) { }
ngOnInit() {
const centerPosition: any = this.mapConfig.center.length
? this.mapConfig.center
: ( this.locations && this.locations.length > 0 ? [this.locations[0].longitude, this.locations[0].latitude] : [-95, 38]);
this.map = new atlas.Map('az-map', {
center: centerPosition,
zoom: this.mapConfig.zoom,
authOptions: {
authType: atlas.AuthenticationType.subscriptionKey,
subscriptionKey: this.configService.get().azureMapKey
this.map.events.add('ready', () => {
this.dataSource = new atlas.source.DataSource();
this.symbolLayer = new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(this.dataSource, null)
if (this.mapConfig.showControls) {
this.map.controls.add(new atlas.control.ZoomControl(), {
position: "top-right"
this.popup = new atlas.Popup({
pixelOffset: [0, -18],
closeButton: false
const _this = this;
this.map.events.add('mouseover', this.symbolLayer, (e) => {
if (e.shapes && e.shapes.length > 0) {
var coordinate;
const popupHtml = _this.popupElement.nativeElement.innerHTML;
var props = e.shapes[0].getProperties();
coordinate = e.shapes[0].getCoordinates();
//Update the content of the popup.
content: popupHtml,
//Update the popup's position with the symbol's coordinate.
position: coordinate
//Open the popup.
this.map.events.add('mouseleave', this.symbolLayer, (e) => {
private addMarkers(): void {
const html = this.marker.nativeElement.innerHTML;
this.locations.forEach(l => {
const point = new atlas.Shape( new atlas.data.Point([l.longitude, l.latitude]));
and an example of it being used here:
<h1>Account Coverage</h1>
<div class="map-wrapper col-12">
<az-map [mapConfig]="mapConfig" [locations]="locations" class="col-12 h-50">
<coverage-popup popupTemplate></coverage-popup>
This works and shows the popup, but I need to find a way to pass data to the CoveragePopupComponent in the mouseover event in the az-maps.component.ts
One method we tried to use, which works well when you only have a single popup type that needs to be handled was to use the ComponentFactoryResolver like this:
const factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(PopupComponent);
const component = factory.create(this.injector);
component.instance.machine = shape.getProperties();
const popupContent = component.location.nativeElement;
center: shape.getCoordinates(),
type: 'ease',
position: shape.getCoordinates(),
content: popupContent,
pixelOffset: [0, -20]
but then you always have to use the PopupComponent type and couldn't use the ng-content stuff we have in the map template.

Calling a function to change css within render() in a React Component

I am returning a set of information from Spotify in a React Component and want to interrogate the JSON that is returned and highlight the original search term within the artist name. so for example, if you search 'bus' and one of the artists returned is Kate Bush, then this would be highlighted green in 'Kate BUSh'. At the moment I am calling a function from within render(). However, what I get rendered is:
Kate <span style="color:green">Bus</span>h
How do I get render() to read the HTML as HTML (so that Bus would just be green) rather than rendering as text? Relevant code from the React Component below:
// Called from within render() to wrap a span around a search term embedded in the artist, album or track name
underlineSearch(displayString) {
let searchTerm = this.props.searchTerm;
if (displayString.indexOf(searchTerm) !== -1) {
displayString = displayString.replace(searchTerm, '<span style="color:green">'+searchTerm+'</span>');
return displayString;
render() {
return (
<div className="Track" id="Track">
<div className="Track-information">
<p>{this.underlineSearch(this.props.artistName)} | {this.underlineSearch(this.props.albumName)}</p>
Your underlineSearch function needs to return React Elements, but right now it is returning a string. You could use a Fragment to make it work:
// Called from within render() to wrap a span around a search term embedded in the artist, album or track name
underlineSearch(displayString) {
const searchTerm = this.props.searchTerm;
const indexOfSearchTerm = displayString.indexOf(searchTerm);
let node;
if (indexOfSearchTerm === -1) {
node = displayString;
} else {
node = (
{displayString.substr(0, indexOfSearchTerm)}
<span style={{color: 'green'}}>
{displayString.substr(indexOfSearchTerm, searchTerm.length)}
{displayString.substr(indexOfSearchTerm + searchTerm.length)}
return node;
To make your solution even more reusable you can make underlineSearch and wrapper with your styles for highlighting into 2 separate components. Even more, you can search for multiple occurrences of your searchTerm with regex. Found a similar SO question here. I slightly adapted one of the answers there according to your needs, but all credit goes to this amazing and neat solution for highlighting matches of a string in longer texts. Here is the code:
const Match = ({ children }) => (
<span style={{'color':'green'}}>{children}</span>
const HighlightMatches = ({ text, searchTerm }) => {
let keyCount = 0;
let splits = text.split(new RegExp(`\\b${searchTerm}\\b`, 'ig'));
let matches = text.match(new RegExp(`\\b${searchTerm}\\b`, 'ig'));
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < splits.length; ++i) {
if (i < splits.length - 1) {
result.push(<Match key={++keyCount}>{matches[i]}</Match>);
return (
Then in your main component where you render everything you can do this:
render() {
<div className="Track" id="Track">
<div className="Track-information">
<HighlightMatches text={this.props.trackName} searchTerm={this.props.searchTerm}/>
<HighlightMatches text={this.props.artistName} searchTerm={this.props.searchTerm} /> |
<HighlightMatches text={this.props.albumName} searchTerm={this.props.searchTerm} />
To me this seems like the most react-like approach to solve the problem :)
While you can use dangerouslySetInnerHTML (), as the name suggests it is extremely dangerous, since it is prone to XSS attacks, for example:
{artist: "Kate Bush<script> giveMeAllYourCookies()</script>"}
You can split the displayString into an array and render it.
Please note that that my implementation of underlineSearch is buggy, and will not work if there are more than one match.
class Main extends React.Component {
underlineSearch(displayString) {
let searchTerm = this.props.searchTerm;
var index = 0;
var results = [];
var offset = 0;
while(true) {
const index = displayString.indexOf(searchTerm, offset);
if(index < 0) {
results.push(<span> {displayString.substr(offset, index)}</span>);
results.push(<strong style={{color: 'green'}}> {displayString.substr(index, searchTerm.length)}</strong>);
offset = index + searchTerm.length;
return results;
render() {
return <div>
<p>{this.underlineSearch(this.props.artistName)} | {this.underlineSearch(this.props.albumName)}</p>
trackName="Magic Buses"
artistName="Kate Bush"
albumName="Kate Bush Alubm"
/>, document.getElementById('main'))
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script>
<div id='main'></div>

Vue.js re-rendering sorted array

I have a basic sorting UI to sort comments based on some values:
Part of CommentsSection template:
<div v-if="numComments" class="tabs d-flex">
<span class="text-muted">Sort by:</span>
<div class="tab" :class="{active: tab === 0}" #click="sortComments(0)">Rating</div>
<div class="tab" :class="{active: tab === 1}" #click="sortComments(1)">Newest</div>
<div class="tab" :class="{active: tab === 2}" #click="sortComments(2)">Oldest</div>
<ul v-if="numComments" class="comments-list">
<li is="comment" #delete="numComments -= 1" v-for="comment in sortedComments" :data="comment"></li>
export default {
name: 'comments-section',
components: {
props: ['comments', 'submissionId'],
data() {
return {
tab: 0,
numComments: this.comments.length,
sortedComments: this.comments.slice()
created() {
methods: {
sortComments(type = 0) {
this.tab = type;
if (type === 0) {
this.sortedComments.sort((a, b) => b.rating - a.rating);
} else if (type === 1) {
this.sortedComments.sort((a, b) => moment(b.create_time).unix() - moment(a.create_time).unix());
} else {
this.sortedComments.sort((a, b) => moment(a.create_time).unix() - moment(b.create_time).unix());
CommentSingle (component being rendered in list):
export default {
name: 'comment-single',
props: ['data'],
data() {
return {
agree: this.data.rated === 1,
disagree: this.data.rated === -1
The CommentSingle template is not being re-rendered so agree and disagree don't update. But the actual list does render the proper sort when clicking each sorting tab, but each comment in the list has the wrong agree and disagree (the original sorted array's values). Any idea how to fix this?
Solved by binding a key to the rendered component:
<li is="comment" #delete="numComments -= 1" v-for="comment in sortedComments" :key="comment.id" :data="comment"></li>
Reference: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html#key

ReactJS: create DOM on the fly

How to transform this:
{dataFormat: 'hello my [friend=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship]'}
to this:
hello my <a onClick={...} href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship">friend</a>
I need to somehow be able to scan a string and create links on the fly. Any idea?
The dataFormat can contain more than one link with unknown order between "regular" text and links.
Ended up using regex which did the job.
JSBin: https://jsbin.com/yogepa/edit?js,output
renderSpan(content) {
return <span>
renderLink(content) {
const parts = content
.replace(/\[|\]/g, '')
return <a style={ styles.link } onClick={ alert }>
renderFormat() {
let { dataFormat } = this.state;
const regex = /(\[[^\]]+])*([^\[]+)(\[[^\]]+])*(\[[^\]]+])*([^\[]+)(\[[^\]]+])*(\[[^\]]+])*([^\[]+)(\[[^\]]+])*/;
const matches = regex.exec(dataFormat);
return matches.reduce((output, match, index) => {
if (match && index >= 2) {
output.push(match.indexOf('[') >= 0 ?
this.renderLink(match) :
return output;
}, []);
I probably can improve the Regex expression though.

i want hide only specific list element

i am new to angularjs. i have created list using ng-repeat. just i want to hide the selected list element from list:
html code which i prefered:
<li ng-repeat="profile in profileMenu">
<div class="hederMenu" ng-hide="configureDisplay" ng-click="setProfile(profile.name)">
<a class="anchor" style="width:100%" >{{profile.name}}</a>
here is controller code
$scope.profileMenu = [{
name : "My Profile"
}, {
name : "Configure"
}, {
name : "Logout"
$scope.profile = "";
$scope.setProfile = function (test) {
$scope.profileSelected = test;
if ($scope.profileSelected == "Configure") {
$location.path("/home/configure"); // if user click configure then this element will hide
$scope.configureDisplay = true;
if ($scope.profileSelected == "My Profile") {
$scope.configureDisplay = false;
if ($scope.profileSelected == "Logout") {
return $scope.profileSelected = test;
You have to set the configureDisplay property on the actual "Configure" profile item. Not sure what you're doing with the selection list, but I assume you would want the "Configure" item visible again when selecting another item. Therefore you'll also have to reset the "Configure" item back to false when selecting another item.
I modified your example a bit. Notice instead of passing the profile.name on setProfile, i'm passing the profile object. This just simplifies the interaction.
<li ng-repeat="profile in profileMenu">
<div class="hederMenu" ng-hide="profile.configureDisplay" ng-click="setProfile(profile)">
<a class="anchor" style="width:100%" >{{profile.name}}</a>
$scope.setProfile = function (selectedProfile) {
//reset the items
for (var i in $scope.profileMenu) {
$scope.profileMenu[i].configureDisplay = false;
if (selectedProfile.name == "Configure") {
$location.path("/home/configure"); // if user click configure then this element will hide
selectedProfile.configureDisplay = true;
if (selectedProfile.name == "My Profile") {
if (selectedProfile.name == "Logout") {
return true;
you need to do few changes ,
<li ng-repeat="profile in profileMenu">
<div class="hederMenu" ng-hide="profile.configureDisplay" ng-click="setProfile(profile)">
<a class="anchor" style="width:100%" >{{profile.name}}</a>
And in controler,
$scope.setProfile = function (test) {
$scope.profileSelected = test.name;
if ($scope.profileSelected == "Configure") {
test.configureDisplay = true;
if ($scope.profileSelected == "My Profile") {
test.configureDisplay = false;
if ($scope.profileSelected == "Logout") {
return test;
