Can't create Azure Active Directory - Domain Service - Code: RequestConfig - azure-active-directory

I was facing an issue when tried to create and deploy a new AAD DS instance.
I got the following error:
"code": "DeploymentFailed",
"message": "At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.",
"details": [
"code": "RequestConflict",
"message": "Cannot modify resource with id '/subscriptions/XXX/resourceGroups/ADDS-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/' because the resource entity provisioning state is not terminal. Please wait for the provisioning state to become terminal and then retry the request."
I tried to redo the process multiple times without any success. Does anyone know, what might be the root cause, and how to fix it?
I am wondering if my subscription plan is too basic for AAD-DS?

With Same error multiple issue has reported and it belongs to troubleshooting and fix by MS support team.
Please raise support ticket on azure portal by following this link:
Reference 1 : Resource group with Azure AD Domain Service is not getting deleted
Reference 2 : Error while updating secure LDAPS in Azure AD DS


Azure Cognitive Search - Unable to create Datasource for Azure SQL Indexer from within the Azure Portal

Looking for some help with my sanity please.
I have created an Azure Search Services instance (Cognitive Search) but when I attempt to create an Datasource for an Azure SQL Indexer I receive errors in the portal.
I have also tried to create the data source using the Azure SDK and whilst it "succeeds" it appears to be unusable for creating an Indexer (receive a 500 error).
I did this last week in another subscription and had no issues. I'm guessing this could be an intermittent Azure issue or I may have missed something simple. Any help to resolve this is greatly appreciated!
FYI. I've raised an Azure Feedback item here but I'm hoping someone has a workaround in the meantime:
Indeed it looks like there is an issue with the portal, but you can use the REST API to create it.
I just tested it, and it worked for me, had no issue while creating the index/indexer from that data source.
See example request below.
"name" : "asqldatasource2",
"description" : "a description",
"type" : "azuresql",
"credentials" : { "connectionString" : ",1433;Database=azdevtest;User ID=xxxxxx;Password=xxxxxx;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;" },
"container" : { "name" : "Categories" }
This was indeed a bug in the Portal. A fix has been deployed as of July 7, 2021.

Azure App Service Deployment Slot Deployment Center Deployment Failing

I am trying to deploy to a deployment slot of Azure App Service through the deployment center. I have a repo in Azure DevOps and using Kudu deployment. On the last step when I click on Finish the deployment set up through Azure Portal, I am getting the following error -
Repository 'UpdateSiteSourceControl' operation failed with Microsoft.Web.Hosting.WebHostingException: AADSTS700027: Client assertion contains an invalid signature. [Reason - The key was not found., Thumbprint of key used by client:
Now, it is stuck on
Fetching deployment data ...
How to fix this issue?
The error message clearly says that the key for authentication wasn't found by the system. Even if it does found the key for authentication it isn't correct. So that might be a reason because you might have added the wrong key path or wrong password. Please check it and double-check if that is correct or not.

"An internal error occurred while ensuring the default service account exists" while creating Google App Engine

I am trying to create Google App Engine using create application option but i am getting below error :
An internal error occurred while ensuring the default service account exists.
Can you please help me with the solution
Tried creating with different location getting same error
Make sure the default App Engine Service Account is not missing (due to an accidental deletion e.g) from the IAM & admin > Service accounts section of the Cloud Console. It is named after your project followed by "".
If you do not see it, you can recover it by doing for example a REST API call as documented here:
If the deletion was made more than 30 days ago, the only way left to fix the issue would be to create a new project and use its brand new default Service Account.

Pub Sub Topic not associated with Project error

I'm trying to subscribe to push notifications from Google Classroom using this link and getting the following error. I have created the project, the topic and subscription under the same project and added the service account permissions as noted in the docs.
Right now I'm working on this in the API Explorer on this page.
I can verify that the topic lives under the developer console project.
Are there any other issues that would cause the topic to not be visible in this project?
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "#TopicNotOwnedByProject The specified Cloud Pub/Sub topic does not belong to your Developer Console project.",
After a lot of frustration, I've realized that running the API Explorer will never result in a succesful API call because the API calls are not in my project scope but instead, whatever project the "API Explorer" runs in. This could be resolved if the API Explorer allowed you to select a project to run the sample requests in.
I went ahead and wrote out the code directly and it is working as expected.

Unable to create to obtain OpenId Configuration

I am using OpenIdConnect for Authentication with Azure AD. The application is hosted on IIS. I got below exception few days back:
IDX10803: Unable to create to obtain configuration from: ''.
Stack Trace is: at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.ConfigurationManager`1.d__3.MoveNext()
After 30 to 40 mins the application automatically started working normally. I just want to know the possible reasons for above exception. Is it a network issue or any specific reason. Thanks.
Well, as the error says it was unable to get the config from:
This is most likely a network issue, or a problem with Azure AD.
It could also happen if you used an invalid tenant id, but this is not the case here since you seem to have used "common" which is valid for multi-tenant apps.
